White Girls Love Black Men!!! vol. Swag, Skinny Jeans, and Snapbacks LOL

Lurkin is nice but he doesn't even have any hair...if they all look like they Utah is knocked out in the first round...

More than likely the best looking black men are on the east coast somewhere...and ATL

NY/DMV/Philly from what i saw once when I was like 13

the NY transplants that end up in VA...maaan so dark and beautiful
Funny thing is alot of Black dudes think this same way about white women.  You can search youtube and see many young Uncle Rukus' in the making.

These girls are young though.  After they get trains ran on them in college they will go back to white guys if a simp black dude doesnt wife them up.
Originally Posted by DaBottom305

Originally Posted by Levar Burton

Originally Posted by DaBottom305

But its their preference. Why so hurt?
How am I hurt? It's my opinion, they're trolling and if they're trolling about something as delicate as race it leads me to believe that in their community of Utah (population 86 and 4 cows) they're superficial enough to believe that they somehow feel black men should be "HONORED" they're getting some type of dedication from them. She says it in the video "..oh she's OFF LIMITS black guys, she has high standards"  as opposed to what? Your low ones for black men whom you claim to be in love with?  Like who is she to even have the audacity to make such a precedent? I guess in Utah this is acceptable and its nothing else to do but make stupid troll videos. If I was black I'd be offended.

There's really black guys who aren't culturally exposed enough to tell if a girl doesn't like him, think about the effects this video can have when she says things like  "even if we're pretending not to look at, we are". Think about the future Kobe's and the effect their video can have on them. She wasn't with him shooting at the gym.
There's a bigger issue here. I don't quite know what it is but when you're ready to discuss it we're here.
Btw for you to go out of your way and look up her criminal history shows how not upset you are. 
I looked up her criminal history because just knew she had one, not only that her "her standard are WAY up there"  and "we don't like you ghetto" comment. Like you dirty little Utah skank bag who said I'd even invite you out somewhere with ME. Go listen to "Mumford And Sons - Little Lion Man" on your way to your hair salon job inside Walmart and stop vlogging.
Originally Posted by Levar Burton

Originally Posted by DaBottom305

Originally Posted by Levar Burton

How am I hurt? It's my opinion, they're trolling and if they're trolling about something as delicate as race it leads me to believe that in their community of Utah (population 86 and 4 cows) they're superficial enough to believe that they somehow feel black men should be "HONORED" they're getting some type of dedication from them. She says it in the video "..oh she's OFF LIMITS black guys, she has high standards"  as opposed to what? Your low ones for black men whom you claim to be in love with?  Like who is she to even have the audacity to make such a precedent? I guess in Utah this is acceptable and its nothing else to do but make stupid troll videos. If I was black I'd be offended.

There's really black guys who aren't culturally exposed enough to tell if a girl doesn't like him, think about the effects this video can have when she says things like  "even if we're pretending not to look at, we are". Think about the future Kobe's and the effect their video can have on them. She wasn't with him shooting at the gym.
There's a bigger issue here. I don't quite know what it is but when you're ready to discuss it we're here.
Btw for you to go out of your way and look up her criminal history shows how not upset you are. 
I looked up her criminal history because just knew she had one, not only that her "her standard are WAY up there"  and "we don't like you ghetto" comment. Like you dirty little Utah skank bag who said I'd even invite you out somewhere with ME. Go listen to "Mumford And Sons - Little Lion Man" on your way to your hair salon job inside Walmart and stop vlogging.
Originally Posted by DaBottom305

Originally Posted by Levar Burton

Originally Posted by DaBottom305

There's a bigger issue here. I don't quite know what it is but when you're ready to discuss it we're here.
Btw for you to go out of your way and look up her criminal history shows how not upset you are. 
I looked up her criminal history because just knew she had one, not only that her "her standard are WAY up there"  and "we don't like you ghetto" comment. Like you dirty little Utah skank bag who said I'd even invite you out somewhere with ME. Go listen to "Mumford And Sons - Little Lion Man" on your way to your hair salon job inside Walmart and stop vlogging.
 You got me bro, I'm totally bent out of shape over her liking black men, whats'sad is that in real life as snanky as she is you couldn't even have her. How about I post a pic of my girlfriend and you post a pic of yours so we can put things in perspective for everyone?
i think alot of white women secretly feel this way

the way these chicks react to us at my job is insane

problem is they let us hit then they go back and marry a white man
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i feel where you coming from Levar...i really do

This guy is insane, it's like the 2008 election all over again. He doesn't even see he's effected by her trolling. 
Chick on the right would get the mean pipe game 
. info on her?  So if they're "mud sharks," does that make black guys "storm troopers" ? 
Levar Burton wrote:

 You got me bro, I'm totally bent out of shape over her liking black men, whats'sad is that in real life as snanky as she is you couldn't even have her. How about I post a pic of my girlfriend and you post a pic of yours so we can put things in perspective for everyone?

I like how you try to change the subject. lol at me not being able to have her. You should never count the next man out. 

And my girl is decent, not sure what that has to do with you being mad, lol
Originally Posted by Levar Burton

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i feel where you coming from Levar...i really do

This guy is insane, it's like the 2008 election all over again. He doesn't even see he's effected by her trolling. 
I'm not affected. It doesn't bother me as much as it appears to have bothered you. I just made an observation and you started rambling.
Originally Posted by PatentBoy23

Chick on the right would get the mean pipe game 
. info on her?  So if they're "mud sharks," does that make black guys "storm troopers" ? 

Originally Posted by Put em up

In most white men eyes

When a white women dates black men she's automatically deemed trashy.
They only say that cause they're jealous they those girls don't want to be with them. Heck I'm mad when a pretty girl is with anyone but me haha
Originally Posted by DaG311

Originally Posted by Put em up

In most white men eyes

When a white women dates black men she's automatically deemed trashy.
They only say that cause they're jealous they those girls don't want to be with them. Heck I'm mad when a pretty girl is with anyone but me haha

not all the pretty white girls are with black dudes. I'm just saying. If a white girl got a big romp I've noticed white dudes don't want that ****.
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