White Student Beaten On School Bus; CROWD CHEERS...

Jun 11, 2009
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A student on a Belleville West High School bus was beaten for his choice of seat, not because he was white, according to a witness and police.

"The incident appears now to be more about a couple of bullies on a bus dictating where people sit," said Belleville Police Capt. Don Sax, who originally said Monday's attack may have been racially motivated.

D'Vante Lott, 16, said he was on the bus and witnessed the attack by the two black students.

The victim walked onto the bus, looking for an open seat, but students kept turning him down, as D'Vante said happened often with this student.

But Monday, the victim apparently tired of asking for a seat, D'Vante said, moved one student's book-bag off a seat, and just sat down.

The student next to him then started hitting the victim for moving his bag, D'Vante said.

But the second assailant was just trying to act tough, D'Vante said. "The second guy hit him because he wanted to hit him," he said.

D'Vante didn't think the attacks were racially motivated.

"Nobody even knows the kid," D'Vante said. "He's a quiet dude."

"They usually let him sit down," he continued.

Meanwhile, D'Vante said, the bus driver did little. "He kept driving. All he said was 'Sit Down.'"

Later, D'Vante said, the victim tried to take a picture of his face with a phone, but he couldn't get a good picture, so he asked someone else to do it for him.

The school suspended the two attackers for 10 days today, pending an expulsion hearing, and suspended three bystanders for five days for laughing at the incident, D'Vante and his mother said the principal told them.

D'Vante's mother, Shenico Greer, was very upset outside Belleville West this afternoon, as she picked up her son.

"He was not in the fight!" Greer said.

"Everybody on that bus, mostly, was laughing and standing up," she said.

She said her son even helped the victim after the attacks, picking up his glasses and asking him if he was OK.

Greer also didn't think the attack was racially motivated.

"There are other white children who sit with black children," she said.

Meanwhile, school and police officials met Tuesday afternoon. Police spokesman Sax said he did not know what came of the meeting.

Police had not this afternoon presented charges for prosecution to the state's attorney's office, Sax said.

Still, several white parents and students said Tuesday afternoon that they felt the incident had to have been racially motivated, and that the school has been struggling with racial tension.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Black people aren't getting good press lately[/color]
The victim walked onto the bus, looking for an open seat, but students kept turning him down, as D'Vante said happened often with this student.
But Monday, the victim apparently tired of asking for a seat, D'Vante said, moved one student's book-bag off a seat, and just sat down

Jeez, from the sounds of it this student could of easily became one of those kids that come in and shoot up the school
Saw this video earlier and found it pretty sad. This kind of thing happens often yet no one wants to even touch the subject because any mention of the racialaspect to it would tag those who speak out against it as "racist," which is a totally bizarro thing imo.
This actually could go two ways. I don't wanna think that it was racial. Which I dont think it was. But then agn, had it been a black kid, would he havegotten a seat? Only they know.
how do you suspend kids for laughing at a fight?

thats ridiculous...

i think in the district i went to school in if you got 10 day suspension you were automatically expelled...
Originally Posted by TheWindScar31

The victim walked onto the bus, looking for an open seat, but students kept turning him down, as D'Vante said happened often with this student.
But Monday, the victim apparently tired of asking for a seat, D'Vante said, moved one student's book-bag off a seat, and just sat down

Jeez, from the sounds of it this student could of easily became one of those kids that come in and shoot up the school

Kids are stupid as hell. Damn animals.

Kinda O/T but when I was in school (college...senior level major classes) there were some folks that used to constantly @%++ with this one guy. Laugh at himwhen he spoke and just...mess with the kid. Luckily he never showed up and murdered us but I can't understand what would possess GROWN people to do thisafter all that's happened in schools. I don't get how anyone over the age of 10 can get off on disrespecting someone for no good reason, personallybut %+%% is crazy.
lmao ... this isnt big time news, its black kids beating up a white dude, cant be racist ... ... ... ...
Originally Posted by 40 5

just imagine if this was the other way around
Media would be all over that story. So sad. Dude just wants to sit and go to school. Im actually glad he stood up for him self. By standing up forhimself I meant by throwing the book bag on the floor. I hope those kids do get expelled.
Originally Posted by RetroJTino

But then agn, had it been a black kid, would he have gotten a seat? Only they know.
If he was cool w/ them, yes.

If he was a lame, he woulda got the same treatment.

So you can't laugh at someone getting their #++ beat no more?

If that was the case, then I would have been suspended from school every year from 3rd-12th grade
This wouldnt of been good if it had been a black teenager trying to find a seat it would bring back all kinds of memories of the situation involving RosaParks, and spur racial tensions that for some reason I feel are already on edge. I hate it. I know it is cliche but damn cant we all just get along. Seems likeeverything said today that involves people of different races has to have racial undertones.
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