Whitney Houston died Vol. 48

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

TMZ reporting that prescription drugs were found in her hotel. She was found in the bathtub. Possible drowning.


What a way to go.

I was in love with this woman back in the day.. She truly lived the hell out of her life tho, other than the crack addiction, I ain't mad at her. RIP

This was earlier this week though...

Ya'll gotta stop sticking up for people with addiction like that mess is cool.

I personally knew someone who had a problem and I gave them that STRAIGHT tough love and held no punches and I know it helped, but not every person is the same. Its all these damn "yes men" around these artists. Addiction is hard...but so is Calculus. Ain't nothing to it, but to do it. Brain chemistry rewiring be DAMNED. Get. Over. It. 

Thats why I can't even hate on artists like beyonce and them that have good support systems....at least she appears to be happy and loves her personal life. You'll never hear about any controversy from her. 


[h1]Houston we have a problem... again! Whitney emerges from a nightclub looking extremely worse for wear
By J J Anisiobi

Last updated at 3:09 PM on 10th February 2012

According to Guinness World Records she is the most awarded female act of all time.

But having had a career that was once full of success at every turn Whitney Houston appears to be battling her demons once more.

The 48-year-old was spotted looking worse for wear last night in Hollywood, California after enjoying a party with friends.


Troubled: Whitney Houston looked worse for wear as she left Tru Hollywood nightclub last night

The superstar singer had been a guest at the Kelly Price & Friends Unplugged: For The Love Of R&B Grammy Party at Tru Hollywood and had even performed during the night.

Dressed all in black, the How Will I Know singer appeared angry and agitated as she left the venue and looked like she had partied a little hard.

Wearing a short black dress the star emerged with her hair messed up and gestured aggressively to the waiting photographers.


A bodyguard: Whitney needed some assistance when leaving the venue last night



Stand by me: The singer was in dire need of some serious aid from her entourage


The queen: Whitney is the most awarded female artist of all time

Whitney had what is believed to be blood dripping down her leg and scratches on her wrist and she had to be escorted from the club to her car by a few people.

Her entourage guided her into the back of a large vehicle as the singer signed some autographs before being driven off.

The Bodyguard actress started off the night well and was cheered when she performed a duet with Kelly Price.


Hanging out: The Grammy winning singer seemed a little out of shape compared to how she used to look



Bad hair day: Whitney seemed to have partied too hard and her weave was a little messed up


Waving away: The superstar singer was surrounded by her fans as she left the club and she acknowledged them

According to recent reports the highly decorated Houston has squandered her fortune and is on the brink of bankruptcy as well as facing mortgage foreclosure.

The Morris County Sheriff's Office recently authorized the mortgage foreclosure sale of her 10-acre New Jersey mansion for over $1million in overdue mortgage payments and taxes.

According to the Daily Record of Parsippany, the $6million estate may be seized and sold as part of proceedings.



Leave on a high: Whitney looked like she had partied too hard at the event and was annoyed when leaving


Star quality: The singer was surrounded by fans and her bodyguards had to rally round her



Goodnight and good luck: Whitney kissed goodbye to her supporters as she jumped into her car

However, Whitney's publicist has claimed that the star's home is not in any danger of mortgage foreclosure and she is up to date with all payments.

Houston, who has overcome crack cocaine addiction, has allegedly spent all of her fortune, including a reported $100million record deal.

She is being financially supported by her record label Arista, which has given her an advance payment on her next album, according to reports.


Easy rider: Miss Houston is reportedly on the brink of bankruptcy but her agent denies the claims


The end of a long night: Whitney looked worse for wear as she sat in the backseat of the car

‘Whitney's fortune is gone. Music industry heavy hitters are supporting her and her label is fronting her cash against her next album, but no one knows when that will be released’ a source told Radaronline.com.

‘She might be homeless if not for people saving her. She is broke as a joke.’

Whitney - whose ex-husband is Bobby Brown - is believed to be in such a dire financial position she has even had to resort to contacting friends for small loans.


In the beginning: Whitney took to the stage with Kelly Price for the Grammy party

The source added: ‘She called someone to ask for $100. It is so sad. She should have Mariah Carey money, and she's flat broke.’

A spokesperson for the singer strongly denied the claims when contacted by MailOnline and said: 'That is ridiculous and not true! She stars in SPARKLE out in August which she also Exec produced. She just wrapped the film.'

In August 2001, Whitney signed the biggest record deal in music history at the time with Arista/BMG, renewing her contract with the label for $100million to deliver six new albums.

She released her last LP I Look to You in August 2009.


Dance with somebody: The songstress enjoyed herself at the party before emerging later looking disheveled
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

TMZ reporting that prescription drugs were found in her hotel. She was found in the bathtub. Possible drowning.


Granted although she was an addict, EVERYTHING is maximized when you are under the watchful eye 24/7 and that's what's sad...to me it lookked like any 50 year old woman, not in bad shape for her age, having a great time drunk as hell after a club nigh, I've looked worst coming out of a club before
that scene is being completely blown out of proportion...she was human like any of us and had every right to get twisted like everyone of us do when we go out....don't you guys think?
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Granted although she was an addict, EVERYTHING is maximized when you are under the watchful eye 24/7 and that's what's sad...to me it lookked like any 50 year old woman, not in bad shape for her age, having a great time drunk as hell after a club nigh, I've looked worst coming out of a club before
that scene is being completely blown out of proportion...she was human like any of us and had every right to get twisted like everyone of us do when we go out....don't you guys think?


We'd all be a alcoholics, weed heads, sex addicts, and suffer from chronic masturbation if the media wanted to portray us as such...especially while flashing pics of us while we're sweaty and leaving a party. C'mon...

Her gut at 50 > damn near anorexic when she was heavy on drugs
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Granted although she was an addict, EVERYTHING is maximized when you are under the watchful eye 24/7 and that's what's sad...to me it lookked like any 50 year old woman, not in bad shape for her age, having a great time drunk as hell after a club nigh, I've looked worst coming out of a club before
that scene is being completely blown out of proportion...she was human like any of us and had every right to get twisted like everyone of us do when we go out....don't you guys think?


Yah, then she probably went home and did tons of blow next to ray-j...because we saw how amped he was during the money team situation. That dude was high as hell 

Greeeeeat time!

But at least she lived it to the fullest! While piercing amphetamine sized gaps in her synapses. 

Opinions like yours are why these celebrities have crappy friends. No offense. 

Its never "bad enough" to step in. They're "always in control" etc. 

Cause as much as you joke about it, you stumbling out a club pissy drunk is just as bad. You have a toxin in your system and its slowly breaking you down over time. Laugh that off if you want to. 

This reminds me of this Joe Rogan interview where they interviewed Joey Diaz. Diaz said he used to just watch her and bobby go through MOUNTAINS of snow. Just ungodly amounts of powder. 

crazy i was cleaning up i forgot i have her first demo record album and cover with her autograph..... i wonder what it will fetch for?
I still can't believe that all of my favorite 80s-early 90s singers are gone. Luther, MJ, and now Whitney. Much too early. I am heartbroken. At least I still have Prince and Babyface.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by Joe Cool23

I have it

Growing up around nothing but women, I didnt have much choice
My childhood is vanishing

   i was way too young to see that movie and played the hell out that cd at like 7
I remember when my mom, aunt and sisters went to see it.. and she dragged me along but gave me like $15 worth of quarters to play games instead

Ran out of money and sneaked in for the end
the moment I fell in love with Lela Rochon
Silly I'm not denying the woman had a lifelong problem wth addition...we all kind of knew that would be the end of her, like it always is with every lifelong addict, but let's be serious here.....being under the public watch definitely magnifies things, that the average person does without noticing...I mean open up a People's mag and you'll find a section where there are actually pictures of celebs walking their dog captioned "they also walk their dog!" taddddaaa!..

Any type of addiction is bad, wether you are a world known celeb or just Rob from down the block and is no joking matter, but those specific shots which is what I was referring and not what she was going to do after, is just shots of a drunk woman coming out of a club, something weve all done countless times, something that if i go out this weekend ill see dozens of random women do...but since is Whitney is portrayed as this crazy addict blown out of her mind or "look is the druggie superstar at it again" sons even emphasized her gut...you serious?...those picture were taken and posted with one intent only, to further tarnish her image and keep her addiction under the magnifying glass, why?...well because it sells, just like dirty addict LiLo is more interesting to the public than a clean LiLo....Ib4 my post is dissected to a molecular level....really not trying to get into a condescending back and forth with you, I see your point and I'm not nessesarily disagreeing with you, more like Im viewing it from a different more sympathetic POV.
I just got off work a little after 3 from working another Grammy party and I drove to the Beverly Hilton to see if people were still around. There was a little crowd gathered and a little vigil has been started. I took a couple of pics, and I imagine this will be bigger in a few hours when everyone starts to wake up. 


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