Whitney Houston died Vol. 48

Mind blown @ that asian kid


Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Mind blown @ that asian kid



I don't wanna believe thats his voice


Put him on a diet and give him a record deal...how is this kid not making millions with that voice is mind blowing.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Mind blown @ that asian kid



I don't wanna believe thats his voice


Put him on a diet and give him a record deal...how is this kid not making millions with that voice is mind blowing.
+ a new hair cut. 
Man, JHud's tribute last night moved me to my core. To me, she was singing not only about Whitney, but also the other great musicians we've lost in the past year, including Amy and Etta.
[h1]Whitney Houston killed by prescription drugs and alcohol, not drowning, say coroner officials[/h1]by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor 

(NaturalNews) Yesterday NaturalNews reported that Whitney Houston was likely the latest victim of the pharmaceutical industry and its deadly, toxic prescription drugs. Her body was found near her medications, which included Lorazepam, Valium, Xanax, and a sleeping medication (http://www.naturalnews.com/034944_Whitney_Houston_prescription_drugs_...).

It has now been revealed by TMZ that L.A. County Coroner's officials told Houston's family that she died from a toxic combination of prescription drugs and alcohol. Importantly, there was not enough water in her lungs to have drowned her, meaning she died from the drugs and then sank into the tub.

"The singer did not die from drowning, but rather from what appears to be a combination of Xanax and other prescription drugs mixed with alcohol ... this according to family sources," reports TMZ (http://www.tmz.com/2012/02/13/whitney-houston-cause-of-death-prescrip...).

The family was also told that Whitney died "before her head became submerged."

[h1]Yet another victim of the pharmaceutical industry and its deadly medications[/h1]The evidence now conclusively points to the fact that Whitney Houston has been killed by the pharmaceutical industry. She had no death wish, no suicidal behavior, and no intent to kill herself. There was no evidence of foul play. She thought she was merely taking "anti-anxiety drugs" that would help her relax, but instead she was killed by an FDA-approved product, prescribed by state-licensed doctors and dispensed by licensed pharmacies.

She was killed, in other words, by "western medicine" (sometimes called "conventional medicine").

FDA-approved pharmaceuticals kill more Americans every year than died in the entire Vietnam War (http://www.ourcivilisation.com/medicine/usamed.htm). Pharmaceutical drug deaths dwarf acts of terrorism (http://www.naturalnews.com/009278.html) and automobile accidents. There is no greater scourge of death and destruction on our modern civilization than the drug companies and their deadly, toxic products.

[h1]Elvis and Marilyn Monroe were also killed by the drug industry's medications[/h1]Whitney Houston is not the only celebrity killed by Big Pharma's drugs. The industry's toxic chemicals also killed Elvis, Heath Ledger, and Marilyn Monroe (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Marilyn_Monroe). And hundreds of thousands of people are killed every year who aren't famous -- they just die quietly in their beds as yet more victims of the greed-driven pharmaceutical industry whose products are more deadly than terrorism.

No other industry is granted so much latitude and government approval to sell deadly products which kill those who consume them. Only the pharmaceutical industry, with its deadly vaccines that kill teen girls (http://www.naturalnews.com/030991_Gardasil_vaccine.html) and its toxic chemotherapy (http://www.naturalnews.com/027141_chemotherapy_death_pharmacist.html) is given near total immunity by the government to keep on killing innocent people like Whitney Houston.

And those who aren't outright killed by their drugs are routinely harmed by those drugs or made into prescription drug addicts. Big Pharma is an industry of death that will continue to kill our beloved singers, artists and fellow citizens and family members unless we demand an end to the drug culture marketing of prescription pills and a return to medical sanity. The FDA legalized pharmaceutical advertising on television in 1997, and since then, drug use (and drug deaths) have skyrocketed across America.

Whitney Houston's death must serve as an urgent reminder that pills are not the answer, and that those who seek to alter their moods, physiology or biochemistry through Big Pharma's deadly drugs are only playing Russian roulette with their lives.

Share this story to help spread this warning: Prescription pills are NEVER the answer! If you want to be healthy, turn to nutrition, dietary improvements, exercise, sunlight and time with nature. Eat organic, non-GMO foods. Take high-end superfood supplements. Get regular exercise and consider starting a home garden. You cannot "chemicalize" your way to good health. The body and mind need Mother Nature, not synthetic chemicals made in a pharmaceutical factory.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

[h1]Yet another victim of the pharmaceutical industry and its deadly medications[/h1]The evidence now conclusively points to the fact that Whitney Houston has been killed by the pharmaceutical industry. She had no death wish, no suicidal behavior, and no intent to kill herself. There was no evidence of foul play. She thought she was merely taking "anti-anxiety drugs" that would help her relax, but instead she was killed by an FDA-approved product, prescribed by state-licensed doctors and dispensed by licensed pharmacies.

She was killed, in other words, by "western medicine" (sometimes called "conventional medicine").

FDA-approved pharmaceuticals kill more Americans every year than died in the entire Vietnam War (http://www.ourcivilisation.com/medicine/usamed.htm). Pharmaceutical drug deaths dwarf acts of terrorism (http://www.naturalnews.com/009278.html) and automobile accidents. There is no greater scourge of death and destruction on our modern civilization than the drug companies and their deadly, toxic products.
Guns don't kill people, people kill people.
Adding alcohol to the mix is what killed her. IT'S A KNOWN FACT YOU ARENT SUPPOSE TO DRINK ON MEDICATIONS LIKE THAT.
So she had no death wish, but we'll ignore the fact that the 20+ years of abusing her body wasn't taking a toll on her as well. RIP to her, but was anyone HONESTLY surprised by her passing?
Originally Posted by Iamjusayn


Hold on! So Ray J and Whitney were still seeing one another? 

Just saw that boy in his white range by the J's. Wonder if he be foolin with those direct purchases...
ive seen this pic so many times before & after she died
but this is the first time im noticing ray j in the background 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

[h1]Whitney Houston killed by prescription drugs and alcohol, not drowning, say coroner officials[/h1]by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor 

^  This article is rubbish.  People have a longer life expectancy than in the past, when most people didn't live to collect SS, primarily due to modern medicine.  I'm not saying that modern medicine is perfect, however it is extremely short sighted to "throw out the baby with the bathwater".
Originally Posted by whyte1der05five

U can not be serious.

Channel 5 is showing the airplane carrying her body landing at Teterboro airport right now.

I literally came in here to ask why on earth is her body arriving in NJ breaking news
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