Who can say N...the "N" word? vol. all you closet racist NTers contribute to the convo

Nobody . It should be legit stopped. Its a slur thats treated like slang. its worse when kids mimic it.
I think the bad part is that we allow them to do it and give so called passes, because someone is cool. People see how much they can get away with. What do we get a pass with? How is it reciprocated? What are we receiving in exchange? Are race relations getting better? Our society changed? They stand up when Jordan Edwards is killed? They're not the ones marching.

It used to be a word that we didn't say around them, but then with rap music that changed and even allowed them to say it. I think the past two generations have failed the younger generation. It's not just a word, because you're not the one getting disrespected. They have no self awareness, knowledge of self or pride.

We went from kings and Gods to N's.

Reading your stance makes me understand why non blacks shouldn't say it.

I'm married to a black woman and my son is half black so I'm on top of black issues.

I marched and protested in St. Louis for Mike brown. I go hard in these threads about race cause it's real out here.
:lol: @ The amount of, "I grew up in Black Circles, so I had an unofficial pass" posts in here. Got damn.
I just find it odd that the, "Free Pass" dudes didn't get their jaws broken by ONE black person growing up. Just find it odd that anyone outside of the race has the heart to say it in a circle of black folks. No matter HOW cool you thought you were to them.

I just find it odd man.

Not saying you still do it but clearly you (and others) felt comfortable enough doing it. I blame those that "allowed" you to do it in that situation. Somebody should have put a stop to it once you got that comfortable.
Out of curiosity, what race are you? If it made you uncomfortable, you should have said something OR checked your brother when you had a chance in private.

Im black. And it was on social media literally this morning, so me interjecting on that platform I dont think would have been appropriate. their conversation was on my timeline and I seen it and didnt think nothing of it, until I clicked his friends profile and seen he is white. So Curiosity ensued and I scour this guys profile and he's using it freely with who ever.

Like I said I didnt like it. And I know I wouldnt tolerate my white friends calling me that. And this is my older brother. We arent close and dont talk much. But to see him let that slide kinda made me feel some type of way....Im sure when I see him or next time we talk on the phone, Ima bring it up just to see his stance. But if he is fine with anyone using it thats his choice. I may not agree or respect it, but at the end of the day I cant dictate what ppl feel offended too or allow.
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Stop referring to colored people as minorities. Nothing minor about being 85 percent of the world's population.
My dad is almost 50 years old and continues to say it, and he's Puerto Rican (white skin tone) and no ones ever tried him. Then again he grew up in the south Bronx :lol: But I've grown up with it being said all around by my family, friends, even coworkers at other jobs. I'm Hispanic and if you saw me you'd probably think I'm white. No one has ever said anything to me for saying it. The closest thing was my boy said it in high school at lunch once (he's Cuban with tan skin) and this girl got all mad and said "You can't say that word, you're not black. What if I called you a *insert word that rhymes with pick*" my boy and me just looked at each other, laughed, and said we don't care :lol:
[h1]sophie turner says the n word[/h1]

celebs ok? 

edit: in fairness it could be the m word
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I've stated my opinion on the topic numerous times but essentially, I say it too much to be able to police the word. I'm black, I grew up in a rough area and grew up and was able to surround myself with people who are able to articulate themselves properly but the hood in me won't let me 100% leave the word alone. I know better but the word is too engrained in my vernacular. I can admit I'm part of the problem.
thats because we took that context and flipped it to our BENEFIT

now ppl want to join in the spoils
Calling each other the n word is a benefit??
A privilege so to speak?
no its a benefit that we took a term of derogation and made it a term of endearment

if turning negatives into positives are privileges now then i hate to think of what else will be called a "privilege" in the future
I get what you saying to a point but most of the the black ppl that you include in the "we" have made the term less endearing
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