WHO declares Monkeypox outbreak a global emergency

Anti gay people couldn't have found a better ally than you guys.

Let's emiserate gay people to cater to bigots.

Very smart and wise public health strategy.
What? Lol.

It's like you're not even trying to read and understand what is being said.

Based on everything we know about monkey pox (not just studies of transmission in western countries), it is not right to assume that the disease will stay confined to the population of gay men, even though it is mostly spreading among them right now.

Are we gonna call the flu an STI next, since you can transmit it during sex?
it is not right to assume that the disease will stay confined to the population of gay men, even though it is mostly spreading among them right now.

point me to where I said the disease will stay forever confined to the population of gay men.

Are we gonna call the flu an STI next, since you can transmit it during sex?

call it whatever you want. if a viruses is transmitting mostly during sex within a specific population
I think you should make sure that population is aware of their risk.
and you should also prioritize that population for vaccination.

and if an activity has a low risk of contracting a virus, you should be honest that it has a low risk.
instead of pretending like it isn't to assuage some vague fear of "stigmatization"

first bumping, going to the gym, going to nyc, are just not high risk activities.
that's what started this. I said they weren't and they are not.

if don't believe me here is a lgbt activist


this assumption that pointing out the reality of the current state of monkey automatically stigmatizes
quite frankly I think it's unbelievably stupid.
There exists a wide array of viewpoints in the COVID-19 thread, and most NikeTalk discussions overall, but it’s worth noting that not every issue has two and only two sides, much less two equally valid sides.

We need not abide “opposing viewpoints” on whether or not the Holocaust happened, for example, or if COVID-19 represents a real, ongoing pandemic as opposed to a “fake plandemic.”

These should not be political issues.

That members of one political party are more likely to believe the fictitious conspiracy theory that COVID-19 vaccines contain “5G tracking chips” does not require us to willfully platform dangerous misinformation for the sake of “fairness.”

I was referring to opposing viewpoints, rather than wild conspiracy theories. It is unethical and can be dangerous to allow people to promote wild conspiracy theories.

In my opinion, I feel that the site has gone to an extreme in which only one side of a viewpoint is allowed and considered valid on an issue. Users with other views have their posts deleted and are banned from the site.
I was referring to opposing viewpoints, rather than wild conspiracy theories. It is unethical and can be dangerous to allow people to promote wild conspiracy theories.

In my opinion, I feel that the site has gone to an extreme in which only one side of a viewpoint is allowed and considered valid on an issue. Users with other views have their posts deleted and are banned from the site.
Can you share an example?
What's midwit mean?


basically the idea is that people of average to above average intelligence
are smart enough to understand complex concepts, but apply incorrectly leading to stupid conclusions.

you have enough intelligence to absorb a concept like "stigmatization"
or you know enough about the history of HIV/AIDS to know about being it being called GRID in the early 80's

but the midwit ends up applying these concepts in counterproductive ways.

Should we clearly tell people with a high risk of catching monkey pox, that they have a high risk of catching monkey pox?

Uhhhh here's what we received on eligibility for the monkey pox vaccine.
To put it lightly, you have to be a bit promiscuous :lol:

it's crazy right, it's almost like public health authorities seem to think that sex is the primary driver of transmission?

somebody tell them it's stigmatizing to people who like to have lots of sex.
Osh still wilding out for the third day in a row

And the dude that is still upset about his hot takes being challenged in the Covid thread acting like NT is suppressing innocuous arguments

This thread is in a great place right now.
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Osh still wilding out for the third day in a row

The dude that is still upset about his hot takes being challenged in the Covid thread acting like NT is suppressing innocuous arguments

This thread is in a great place right now.

it's a hot take to say fist bumping your friend is not likely to give you monkey pox?

maybe my temperature gauge is totally off
but it seems like a pretty cold take to me.
it's a hot take to say fist bumping your friend is not likely to give you monkey pox?

maybe my temperature gauge is totally off
but it seems like a pretty cold take to me.
I was referring to B Betonblck with the hot take comment

I think you are doing a horrible job of getting your point across and doing a bunch of other things that is making any productive discussion nearly impossible

But I was calling what you were saying a hot take
I think you should make sure that population is aware of their risk.
and you should also prioritize that population for vaccination.

and if an activity has a low risk of contracting a virus, you should be honest that it has a low risk.
When has any of this not been done?

Check out the CDC website, and you'll see how their information page does everything on your list.

They have an entire page dedicated to sexual behavior as it relates to monkey pox transmission.

jape jape literally posted the eligibility criteria for vaccination.

Your hangup is that they are not calling it something that would suggest that it's a gay STD. When people asked questions about non-sexual contact, your responses were essentially "you won't catch it if you're not going to gay orgies."

You're calling everyone stupid, but you're unable to understand why the CDC is not using a certain type of language.

somebody tell them it's stigmatizing to people who like to have lots of sex.
Funny how it went from "gays" who have a lot of sex to "people" who have a lot of sex. Bet the distinction will fly over your head though.
actually a sample of 5000 people for a virus that had under probably under 15k cases in europe and US at the time that study was done.
is really good a robust sample size.

it's clearly good enough for anthony fauci to feel confident enough to tell people that it's primarily spreading in the gay community.

so don't trust me, trust him.

A robust sample size based on what? Let's hear about your expertise in epidemiology and biostatistics.
Uhhhh here's what we received on eligibility for the monkey pox vaccine.
To put it lightly, you have to be a bit promiscuous :lol:

Skin to skin can mean a lot of things

Wrestlers, young people dancing in the club, anything involving large crowds, a simple kiss, dudes on the corner dapping each other up, kids in day care are very touchy Feely.

I don't think you have to be "promiscuous" per se.
When has any of this not been done?

Check out the CDC website, and you'll see how their information page does everything on your list.

They have an entire page dedicated to sexual behavior as it relates to monkey pox transmission.

jape jape literally posted the eligibility criteria for vaccination.

i didn't say they weren't
this argument started because people were criticizing my advice that going to NYC, fist bumping your friends, and going to the gym were low risk activities.
and I criticized another dude for calling monkeypox "airborne"

but I do think the CDC I do think could stand to be clearer if you're asking my opinion.

Your hangup is that they are not calling it something that would suggest that it's a gay STD. When people asked questions about non-sexual contact,

don't make up a hangups and ascribe it to me.
I said I think it's fine to fist bump your friends, go to NYC, and go to the gym, given everything we know those are low risk activities.

I didn't say it was a gay STD, or we should call it a gay disease.
I said the what is true, it spreads via prolonged skin to skin contact, ect but that vast majority of transmission is occurring with men having sex with men.

it's the same thing anthony fauci is saying.

Funny how it went from "gays" who have a lot of sex to "people" who have a lot of sex. Bet the distinction will fly over your head though.

it's a joke buddy, if you're asking my opinion, that harris county should be explicit and clear about who is most at risk.
I think it's far clearer to say gay men, then to essentially list a bunch of activities that gay men disproportionally engage in.
Search dudes posts in the Covid thread

Mans is just whining because he got pushback in there to his takes
Why is it all it takes are questions to sink someone who considers themselves an opposing opinion? Shouldn't you welcome the opportunity to clarify your position?

basically the idea is that people of average to above average intelligence
are smart enough to understand complex concepts, but apply incorrectly leading to stupid conclusions.

you have enough intelligence to absorb a concept like "stigmatization"
or you know enough about the history of HIV/AIDS to know about being it being called GRID in the early 80's

but the midwit ends up applying these concepts in counterproductive ways.

Should we clearly tell people with a high risk of catching monkey pox, that they have a high risk of catching monkey pox?


I see

Are you the guy in the cloak?
Skin to skin can mean a lot of things

Wrestlers, young people dancing in the club, anything involving large crowds, a simple kiss, dudes on the corner dapping each other up, kids in day care are very touchy Feely.

I don't think you have to be "promiscuous" per se.
it was tongue in cheek comment regarding the "sex parties" and whatnot criteria
point me to where I said the disease will stay forever confined to the population of gay men.

call it whatever you want. if a viruses is transmitting mostly during sex within a specific population
I think you should make sure that population is aware of their risk.
and you should also prioritize that population for vaccination.

and if an activity has a low risk of contracting a virus, you should be honest that it has a low risk.
instead of pretending like it isn't to assuage some vague fear of "stigmatization"

first bumping, going to the gym, going to nyc, are just not high risk activities.
that's what started this. I said they weren't and they are not.

if don't believe me here is a lgbt activist


this assumption that pointing out the reality of the current state of monkey automatically stigmatizes
quite frankly I think it's unbelievably stupid.

I'll be brief, because this doesn't deserve more time:

1. You're harping on a point that everyone has already made and not one person here contests: that, based on current testing data in the United States in the early stages of the outbreak, the virus has largely (but by no means exclusively) affected gay men, who may wish to be especially vigilant.
2. You're insulting people over a position that absolutely no one here has taken, which is that you can't make the aforementioned point and should instead censor demographic infection data from the general public to avoid stigmatization. You're literally the only person here who's thus far invoked the word "stigmatization."
3. You're suggesting that anyone who is not a sexually active gay man is effectively in the clear, which is analogous to telling someone worried about going to their local gym in March 2020, "well, unless you're lifting weights in a Chinese wet market, I'd say you have nothing to worry about."

If it was your intention to blow everyone's minds by revealing that monkeypox is disproportionately spreading among gay men, you're too late. That's perhaps the only thing that many people have heard about monkeypox - arguably to the public's detriment. If, as anyone who's become familiar with your antics likely suspects, your dogged interest in this thread stems less from a sincere concern for public health than a desire to station yourself on another front in the culture war, kindly take your geriatric grousing about political correctness elsewhere.

You've contributed nothing but vitriol and immaturity to a discussion of critical importance to our community.

Someone of a average intelligence that holds supposedly mainstream, and is full of himself and overestimates their intelligence.

It was an insult that was popular on 4Chan. Dudes on NeoGaf used to use it too.

As an insult it kinda functions the same way as calling some a "sheep"

There might be some other meaning I don't know about. But in online discussion spaces it is mostly just an internet ******* buzzword. Seems like that was the context Osh was using it in.
This, sadly, makes total sense. It looks like the mask finally fell off.


basically the idea is that people of average to above average intelligence
are smart enough to understand complex concepts, but apply incorrectly leading to stupid conclusions.

you have enough intelligence to absorb a concept like "stigmatization"
or you know enough about the history of HIV/AIDS to know about being it being called GRID in the early 80's

but the midwit ends up applying these concepts in counterproductive ways.

Should we clearly tell people with a high risk of catching monkey pox, that they have a high risk of catching monkey pox?

Thanks for confirming your use of a petty insult from the bowels of the Internet. I wish I could say I'm surprised.
As you know, insults and name calling are against our community rules.

Can you share an example?
Don't bother. I looked it up and he was banned from the COVID-19 thread by another moderator back in May after telling users who were promoting the continued use of public masking that "The pandemic has been over."

That's what this is about.

While some have suggested that we've moved from the "pandemic phase" to the "endemic phase" (as if this were somehow an inevitable outcome, as opposed to an avoidable one), and people disagree about how to balance mitigation strategies against popular desire for a return to normalcy, it is irresponsible to imply that COVID-19 no longer poses a threat to public health.

Hospitals are no longer required to issue daily reports of COVID-19 deaths, and many states have ceased their daily reporting, yet, despite these limitations, we know that the are have been at least 100,000 new cases and nearly 400 deaths each day in recent days.

Osh still wilding out for the third day in a row

And the dude that is still upset about his hot takes being challenged in the Covid thread acting like NT is suppressing innocuous arguments

This thread is in a great place right now.

The streak ends here. Osh can channel the spirit of Bill Maher, post his "dank memes" from 4chan, and misapply the concept of "elite capture" in a less consequential venue.

Though no one is or should be satisfied with the current state of the thread, I will say that it has thus far fared much better than the COVID-19 thread, which came in hot with racism and Sinophobia and was generating in excess of one permanent ban per page.

Some misinformation can be safely excised, in the hopes of reducing its spread and impact. Some misinformation is so pervasive that it must be confronted.

The notion that only sexually active gay men need exercise vigilance regarding monkeypox is in the latter category.

Hopefully we've gotten it out of the way now, and can focus on facts about the virus and its transmission.
See now I feel lied to, posting "pandemic been over" in the Covid thread isn't a rational opposing viewpoint.

I haven't read every exchange in this back and forth but glad i'm not alone confused who Osh is arguing with. It's like his argument started on Twitter and he decided to finish it here.
Osh gonna make everyone pay for this in another thread

Let there be a thread about young progressives be a little too mean, or a toxic white dude catch too much flak, and he gonna get revenge on all the "elite" midwits that wrong him today.
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