Who else is afraid to unDS their kicks

all my kicks are still ds. i stay barefoot
I wouldn't say that I am afraid the rock them, but interestingly enough most of my shoes remain deadstock for 10+ years. I usually try to double or triple up on the ones that I like, thinking that I would rock a pair. However, this strategy never fully worked because at some point my daily rotation grew so large that I never get a chance to wear the new additions.

To people who think it's dumb not to wear J's, here's a bit of perspective from a collector's point of view. As a child growing up who couldn't afford to spend $100+ on a pair of shoes, I always envied those who could. So when I became financially capable, I started collecting, as a way of capturing a missing piece of my childhood. I don't buy J's to rock the latest or the greatest, I buy them to, for a lack of better words, "look at". People collect a variety of stuff, from baseball cards to coins, from spoons to hubcaps, so why not shoes?

So, if you intend to on buying the latest J's to rock, great, but don't discount the collectors who appreciate these shoes for their design, history, and innovation through the years.
I totally understand and agree with what you said there. 
X2. I have bought them in sizes that don't fit just to have them. With that being said, I love to wear them. Hind site I would have rather paid more to get my size. I would of at least had the option. I guess I could trade mine for the correct sizes but then I'd have to worry about getting real shoes.. Life was so much easier when they were just us enthuistuest. Pertaining to : counterfeits not being around..
I have more of a anxiety issue when it comes to trying to pick what to un-ds next or wear next. You all know this feeling, does my head in everytime never gets easier! lol. I un-ds anything when i feel like wearing em cos il always cop something new so theres always gonna be a DS pair of 5 in my collect. I see most ppl keep there kicks DS for non obvious bragging rights or something. I own the same shoes, they dont wear them, mine look ds theres are ds. I win i see it, i get to enjoy wearing em, i guess they win too cos they dont get headaches when it comes to choosing whats next to rock hahaha
im scared to unds my grails but thats why i buy 2
1 to rock for now and 1 to rock for years later :lol:

ill prob pass that 2nd pair on to my kids too :pimp: :lol:
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Recently, I started unds'ing last years releases going out for a night of black-out drinking at clubs/bars.

Only one casualty though (CG12s which I ended up throwing up on
) which I'm not too broken up since it cleaned up well.
i try to special occasion mine

i dont go out as much as i used to so i have lots that need to be unds
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Recently, I started unds'ing last years releases going out for a night of black-out drinking at clubs/bars.
Only one casualty though (CG12s which I ended up throwing up on:rofl: ) which I'm not too broken up since it cleaned up well.
probably made those ugly 12s look better anyways lol i love 12s but some of the colorways they threw together are just hideous, oh and none of my shoes are DS and on the weekends i try to wear as many pairs as possible lol
I've heard of 4 occasions where guys wore they J's and were denied entry into some bars here in Dallas, so I usually can't even wear mine when I go out. Of course a few people attributed that to racism more than the shoes, but I digress.
I've heard of 4 occasions where guys wore they J's and were denied entry into some bars here in Dallas, so I usually can't even wear mine when I go out. Of course a few people attributed that to racism more than the shoes, but I digress.
I just saw a thread about this topic. I think it's to prevent violence.
They are meant to be worn,, I know of some collectors who hardly ever rock they're heat,, they'll have 'em set up as a monument or the likes of..

Thats cool to have them as a museum piece if thats your twist,, but ultimately they was made to wear..

I myself have plenty of DS Js, but usually the kicks that are ds ,I have doubles of, and I probably busted the cherry on 1 out of the 2...

You know the Gospel ,1 to Rock,1 to Stock..
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It's not that I'm scared to UnDS them. It's just I have to pick the right time to wear em, be it a special occasion or not.
who here has unds'd a pair of corks? curious to see how they hold up

seriously considering wearing them soon
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When I was in high school I used to unds my kicks out of school it was just a ease of mind that they had been scuffed before something stupid happened them in school like somebody stepping on em or downpours
Afraid? That's absurd. Sneakers are meant to be worn. I unds as soon as I get home. I re-do my laces walk around my house with em. If its a nice day, I take em out and walk to my aunts house. She be like baby you got new shoes?

Y'all slay me. Afraid to wear your sneakers. Why are you buying em anyway? To take instragram pics? Sad.
I dont care at all about un-dsing any of my kicks...........apart from 5's. They scare me, i know as soon as i wear em i cant go back and the yellowing will begin, anything else u can always make look DS after you wear em. I really wanna un-ds my metallics but not sure how theyl hold up on the sole. Ill be honest, I really needa grow some balls for my 5's!
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