Who else puts salt on their meal before tasting it?

Originally Posted by verynecessary

salt and strawberries is pretty good. apparently, salt and oranges too

Wow i thought I was the only one who did the salt/strawberries combo. Everyone around my way looks at me funny because they eat their strawberries with sugar.As already mentioned mangos,avocados, strawberries, any kind of potatoes are mandatory with salt.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by HypeBeast McStreetwear

Salt on Avocado

Why would you put salt on before you taste your food? I very rarely use salt, but it doesn't even make sense to salt it before you try it.
Sugar and avocados are better
i used to do this all the time when my ex cooked. she got pissed *kanye shrug*
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by HypeBeast McStreetwear

Salt on Avocado

Why would you put salt on before you taste your food? I very rarely use salt, but it doesn't even make sense to salt it before you try it.
Co-sign on both statements.

And I have never witnessed the latter but I already can tell it would really grind my gears.
Taste the food first. Weirdo.
I rarley eat with salt anymore. Mom stopped cooking with salt. Only thing i usually add it on is if im putting dry rub on a steak (i use a little sea salt)..other than that i only add it to potatoes and spinach.

Once you stop using it you taste it soo much more now. One of my friends mom still uses it and when I'm eating with them sundays for football some stuffjust doesnt taste right to me.
Originally Posted by milbert

This bothers me to no end. You haven't tasted it why are you gona throw salt on it from the get go?? I've read that it signifies impulsive tendencies.

It bothers you that other people don't eat their food the same way as you? Fall back.
Originally Posted by Physicx

Originally Posted by AIRJORDAN JB23

Not salt... but usually pepper.
i always complain that noone puts pepper in anything anymore,
so i add pepper without tasting. but salt? negative
you cant see/smell the salt before tasting so i like to sample and add accordingly
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