Who is the fattest NTer vol turn a bad thing into a good thing... and eat it

Wait hold on....y'all stay talking about some fat chicks in all these women appreciation posts like some of y'all aint huge 

Seriously how do you let yourself get that big though? Even when I was a little chubby back in 7th grade, I put myself on a crash diet (seriously) and have been slim since.

I'm 6'1, 165 btw
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Wait hold on....y'all stay talking about some fat chicks in all these women appreciation posts like some of y'all aint huge 

Seriously how do you let yourself get that big though? Even when I was a little chubby back in 7th grade, I put myself on a crash diet (seriously) and have been slim since.

I'm 6'1, 165 btw
You ever taste food before bruh? I'm not even making excuses, I love to eat.

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Wait hold on....y'all stay talking about some fat chicks in all these women appreciation posts like some of y'all aint huge 

Seriously how do you let yourself get that big though? Even when I was a little chubby back in 7th grade, I put myself on a crash diet (seriously) and have been slim since.

I'm 6'1, 165 btw

Ive always been big. Even when I would wake up at 11am and skate till 10pm then do it all over again the next day. I plan to get down to 190 but I know after 210 its going to get harder.
was like 270 lbs 5'6 2008
dropped to 146 lbs last year

went up to 180 lbs right now lol
going to be 140s again by summer

hittin that gym!
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

"Big-boned" and "small-boned" (in terms of frame size) people DO exist. I'm 5'8 162 but people think I weigh at most 140 because of my extremely skinny wrists/ankles and narrow torso. My dad on the other hand is 6'2 175 (yea I know, he clowns me about the height difference too 
) and looks like he's 200+
Same here. I once had a girl tell me "Damn, I'd kill to have a waist like yours." My reaction was a mix of 
 and *alonzomourning gif*
And my dad is 6'6" 280. Back in high school some of my friends would F with me saying stuff like "Damn man, what happened to you?". I

would normally just point out that my mom is 5'1".
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Wait hold on....y'all stay talking about some fat chicks in all these women appreciation posts like some of y'all aint huge 

Seriously how do you let yourself get that big though? Even when I was a little chubby back in 7th grade, I put myself on a crash diet (seriously) and have been slim since.

I'm 6'1, 165 btw
The irony 
Originally Posted by BRaTZ DoS

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Wait hold on....y'all stay talking about some fat chicks in all these women appreciation posts like some of y'all aint huge 

Seriously how do you let yourself get that big though? Even when I was a little chubby back in 7th grade, I put myself on a crash diet (seriously) and have been slim since.

I'm 6'1, 165 btw
You ever taste food before bruh? I'm not even making excuses, I love to eat.

I love to eat to man, but I know my limits. And I know when eat too much of the wrong stuff I feel sluggish as hell, I couldn't imagine feeling like that all the time.
I was never a chubby kid growing up until I was like 9 or 10, then started packing on the pounds...

Sophomore year of High School:
- 6' 240 lbs.

Became a vegetarian and by Senior year:
- 6'1 230-235 lbs.

Started a workout regiment a couple weeks before I graduated high school, now I'm a Junior in college:
- 6'2 189 lbs.

I remember when I first started working out I just wanted to get down to 210. I was down to that within 2-3 months.
man congrats to many NTers seem like you guys were very chubby before but are starting to lose weight again so thats good

im 162 the max but im trying to bulk up more and get bigger muscle, im kinda toned but i still look skinny!! so im trying to be 175 the max but i dont like the feeling of having a belly!!! i hate that feeling when im sitting down and see my belly

I'm working on it. Chicks seem to love a clean big dude though. Just wait until I reach my goal. The summer is mine
Originally Posted by bjamez20

How the hell are so many of you so damn fat

many moons ago someone answered that here with

"cuz I can afford steak and lobster every night"
Originally Posted by M4rioL

Originally Posted by bjamez20

How the hell are so many of you so damn fat

many moons ago someone answered that here with

"cuz I can afford steak and lobster every night"

  That right there is my problem.  I eat like I dont give a damn... cause I kinda dont.  If it tastes good, I'm eating it.  I also love booze too much, and I have terribly slow metabolism.

I got that fatboy slowburn cardio goin though.  Some of my skinnier and unhealthier friends are surprised that I can "jog" 6-10 miles @ 10 min mile pace.  When it comes to sprints or burst of speed though, I am the last one across the finish line and I am huffing and puffing like your stereotypical fat kid. 
6'0 in august of 2009 I weighed 325 (could of been more but I didn't really weigh myself at all)
currently 205

trying to get to a solid 175 - 180
Originally Posted by letsgetit22

6'0 in august of 2009 I weighed 325 (could of been more but I didn't really weigh myself at all)
currently 205

trying to get to a solid 175 - 180

Howd you lose the weight?
i use to weigh 180-200 in 98-00, then blew up to around 250+ in 2002, then i dropped to 180-190 in 2005-2006, then blew back up to 260+ in 2008..

now im coming back down, im at 228.
btw im 5'10

when i get back to 200, i can say ive been there..... came back.. then been there again... then came back again.. lol
Been eating 3-4 Krispy Kreme doughnuts for breakfast and McDonalds/BK/Zaxby's for dinner for the last 6 years.

I have a serious problem. I need help.
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