Who is the fattest NTer vol turn a bad thing into a good thing... and eat it

I was at 245 this time last year. Highest was 265 two winters ago. :X

Down to 185 shooting for an athletic 175 by mid summer.
5'10" btw
Originally Posted by ohboydanny

Originally Posted by slickp42189

6'2 209-225, this morning i was 211, right now im 228

Your scale is broken.
i use multiple scales, two at home, one at the gym, ive resolved that the scale is not my friend, the mirror is, idc how much i weigh, i care about how my clothes fit and how i look with them off
Im 235. I dieted went to the gym lifted weights did lots of cardio and gained 2 lbs. Not giving up but its depressing.
I heard frailproduct gained like 230 lbs
Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Not to say duck tales those body fat numbers are crazy.  Are you sure?  Especially now...I'm in above average shape but I think I'm still around 10-12% body fat.  5% is marathon runner or body builder territory.
I took a similar class  long time ago where I did the calorie count and body fat.  I was surprised when I was 14%, I thought I was gonna be single digits
Well in peak shape I was at that time doing all of that, I was 135 (5'8"). So it definitely was legit.
dang, what sport were you involved in? that sucks, i thought i was skinny at 170 but i havent been 135 since the 7th grade
10+ years plus of track and CC. Honestly I only look skinny from far away
Originally Posted by bay1591

I think we should help each other out...instead of just laughing at each others weight...

its more funny to laugh at your guys' weight though.
On a serious note, how can some overweight people look at themselves in the mirror after a shower and not feel like running 10 miles everyday!??...I remember when I hit 209lbs....fans I swore I would drop weight and NEVER ever again let me get to that weight and I did...now I actually enjoy eatin healthier and jumping on a treadmill, it's not easy bros and you should t think I it as a goal, because once you reach your goal, means you are finished, it should be a lifestyle, a healthier way of living everyday of your lives....being overweight is not a good look, no matter what.
I'm 6'0" and I gained mad weight last year, was hitting around 245ish. I'm 168 right now almost down to my regular weight of 165. #FeelsGoodMan
Originally Posted by NooEra

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

LuckyLuciano should be at least 280. He always look constipated in them used XL Polo Cardigans.


how did I miss this thread? Y'all stay wildin but when Lucky posted that pic of his foot stuffed and strangled in them loafers I died.
I'm 6'0 ft was 175 at my heaviest, down to 160 now, but still living too unhealthy. It isn't all about wait, I mean you dudes that's 300 clearly your priorities is out of order, but as slim as i look and as little as I'm weighing in feeling sluggish and unhealthy isn't whats up. Can't wait until I graduate college
Originally Posted by jhova718

Im 235. I dieted went to the gym lifted weights did lots of cardio and gained 2 lbs. Not giving up but its depressing.
Muscle weighs more than fat, it's not uncommon.

5'9 from 200 --> 175. Lightest was 167. Relatively maintained my weight for the last 2 years.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

On a serious note, how can some overweight people look at themselves in the mirror after a shower and not feel like running 10 miles everyday!??...I remember when I hit 209lbs....fans I swore I would drop weight and NEVER ever again let me get to that weight and I did...now I actually enjoy eatin healthier and jumping on a treadmill, it's not easy bros and you should t think I it as a goal, because once you reach your goal, means you are finished, it should be a lifestyle, a healthier way of living everyday of your lives....being overweight is not a good look, no matter what.

probably the same way grown %#+ dudes can put on capri paints and tiger print slip ons and think they doin it
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