Who is the greatest power foward of all time?

Tim Duncan is a center, really.

The only reason he is considered a power forward is because the term "Greatest power forward ever" sounds a lot nicer than "the 5th or 6thgreatest center ever".

Well, that might not be the only reason. The real reason is probably because he started his career next to David Robinson. They were both in the startinglineup and one of them had to be considered a PF. Naturally it wasn't going to be David Robinson, because he was already known as a pure center almost adecade before Timmy came into the league. Plus he was a couple of inches taller than Timmy. So the name power forward stuck to him for the rest of his career.But he really is a center everywhere but on paper. And had he started his career anywhere but San Antonio, Houston, New York, Los Angeles (Lakers), Miami andmaybe Atlanta he would've been known as a center.

At his peak I say Barkley was the GOAT PF. However Karl Malone had a better career.
smh at people not having Timmy as 1.

and at the lakers fan 2 posts above me thats saying pau is top 3 right now.. Dirk, kg, timmy>>>
Tim Duncan is alright but he wouldn't have won his 4th ring without this man...


Check out the lockdown defense (no one in the L is as versatile a defender as Bonner is)






And Matt Bonner's wife > Timmy's wife. Peep the tattoo...she looks kinda freaky

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Tim Duncan is alright but he wouldn't have won his 4th ring without this man...


Check out the lockdown defense (no one in the L is as versatile a defender as Bonner is)






And Matt Bonner's wife > Timmy's wife. Peep the tattoo...she looks kinda freaky

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Hey at least they went to the Finals without having someone else be the big piece to the championship.

Pierce lead them to the chip, not KG.

^ say whaaaaaaaat? KG's whole body language and enthusiam is WHY they had the confidence to succeed in the playoffs.

the C's had the biggest season turn-around in NBA history. All because of KG my man. Pierce was not doing that the year before KG & Jesus came.

What were KG and Ray Ray doing before they teamed up with Pierce? Diddly squat that's what.

KG was huge, but Ray Allen was huge too, but more important was their defensive mentality. That's not just all KG either, that was the ENTIRE team.

But there was one man who got the Finals MVP, and if you don't remember who it was, I'll leave that upto you to look up.

And Pau Gasol?

No chance he touches top 10 without getting around two-three more rings.

Karl, Charles, Tim, KG, Dirk, McHale, Webber, Jerry Lucas, Elvin Hayes, and Bob Pettit, with honorable mentions of Dennis Rodman and Dave DeBusschere.
JA, cmon man.
KG with the wolves? is that nothing to you? look at that team. look at where they're at right now.
Dirk might get that #5 spot from me, but im not too sure.
gasol might get recognized as part of the best top 10-15 PFs but its still a bit too early to tell. if he can add a few more rings...
KG never made it to the Finals by himself, there are other guys who have. He didn't get his ring until he had a great team around him.

I'm not saying he's bad, he's still good, he's top 5 or so, but I CANNOT put him above Barkley/Malone, and you're fooling yourself if youput him above them.

Also that's not even mentioning Kevin McHale.
im not saying whether or not hes good, nor if i should put KG above them, but you said he wasnt a winner until he was the C's.
its not easy to get into the finals, and especially with a squad like that?
i just dont want to downplay what he has done.
Just saying, what was he doing when he was in Minnesota as far as post-season goes?

How many Conference titles did he have before going to the Celtics?

How many times did they get bounced out of the first round? Many people forget dude got bounced seven straight years in a row, then his 8th year in theplayoffs they went pretty far, WCF, but then fell apart.

Then the next three years he failed to make the Playoffs.

KG is a great player, he's very talented, but dude just wasn't very good come post-season time until he had Pierce and Allen to lean on.

Then you compare him to other dudes like Barkley, Malone, McHale, hell even Dirk if you want to, look at their post-season resume.

Regular season is VERY important to your career, but it's not like all the guys mentioned above weren't bad regular season players, and then they allstepped it up in the post-season when it matters. One championship with a great cast around you is nice, but it's hard to ignore those years in Minnesota.
tim duncan or karl malone. Although duncan is great I do think that Malone deserves a lot more props. His team besides Stockton wasn't good and if itwasn't for MJ he would have two rings.
Most Versatile=KG
Most Skilled=TD
Best Rebounder/Defense=The Worm
Overall Game Assist/Def/Shooting=Barkley

Best Overall=TD
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Just saying, what was he doing when he was in Minnesota as far as post-season goes?

How many Conference titles did he have before going to the Celtics?

How many times did they get bounced out of the first round? Many people forget dude got bounced seven straight years in a row, then his 8th year in the playoffs they went pretty far, WCF, but then fell apart.

Then the next three years he failed to make the Playoffs.

KG is a great player, he's very talented, but dude just wasn't very good come post-season time until he had Pierce and Allen to lean on.

Then you compare him to other dudes like Barkley, Malone, McHale, hell even Dirk if you want to, look at their post-season resume.

Regular season is VERY important to your career, but it's not like all the guys mentioned above weren't bad regular season players, and then they all stepped it up in the post-season when it matters. One championship with a great cast around you is nice, but it's hard to ignore those years in Minnesota.
When judging a player's greatness, it has to start and end with the individual player himself. Since KG has won a ring and Malone and Barkleyhaven't, we should not change the criteria of winning to boost the latter two players' greatness. Their individual stats should be able to speak forthemselves. And yes, they should be top 2-5...

You bring up a good point about KG's TWolves legacy and how he never got out of the first round until he got some help in Cassell and Sprewell. Then aftermissing the playoffs and being stuck in Minny, he gets traded to the Celtics and teams up with Pierce and Allen to win a ring. Now take a look at Barkley.Dominant on the 76ers and Suns. Went to the Finals with Suns, but lost to the Bulls. Then went to the Rockets and never enjoyed much playoff success withHakeem, Clyde, and then Pippen. Losing in the first round two years in a row and then not making the playoffs the following year. What about Malone. Arguablythe best PF in the L before Duncan became so great. He too enjoyed Finals experience, but never won the ring. After that the Jazz pretty much lost in the firstround three years in a row before he signed with the Lakers. Got injured and never could help the Lakers as they lost to the Pistons in the Finals. So all inall, all three players have enjoyed playoff success and playoff failures too. And with success and failure, all three have played well individually for themost part. I cannot say who is should be behind Duncan at #2, but I do believe KG, if not today, will in the future be up there on that list.

And no, please don't bring in Dirk. Bad match-up with the Warriors still hurts. Stephen Jackson defense FTW!
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