Who is the laziest person you know? Vol. GET A DAMN JOB!

Originally Posted by Boomatic206

Any more stories?

This makes me feel better about myself lol.

... Well my son i sone of the laziest dudes I have ever met ...This dude got laid off more than a year ago .. He has been home everyday collectin unemployment for the past year .. He doesnt even wake up til 4 p.m. .. Sonis so lazy he called himself stacking up , by not collectin unemployment for the past 2 months , so that he can claim fo rit all at once he hopes, and had thenerve to give me the
face when he told me . I was like
good lord but in the mean time you cant do anything .. Then 2 days ago hereceived a letter saying that there is a possibilty that his job could cover him with unemployment for another 2 years .. he showed me the letter and gave methe
face .. I was like well jesus , you so lazy you gonna likely dieoff OD-ing on raviolli and dinner from 7 eleven ...
Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

This dude I work with

-He is 26 years old
-Lives with his parents & his jobless 39 year old brother
-He plays WoW all day
-When he "goes out" it's to a friends to play D&D

thats not lazy
dude even works and goes out to play he just needssome friends...
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