Who Will You Be Voting For This November

90% Obama, 10% Romney (if there is truly a compelling reason for me to choose otherwise). At least Romney isn't as big a nut as Gingrich or Santorum- I'm willing to study more on his views on things, which I'll do when election time draws closer
Quoted from the investing thread for the pro- cut taxes people

Originally Posted by E3LAL

article on how Apple avoids taxes

Great for us, but sucks to be California.

Last year, for example, Apple's global cash tax rate was only 9.8%. It paid $3.3 billion of cash taxes on profits of $34 billion. (Cash taxes are the taxes Apple actually paid, as opposed to the "tax" line that appears on the income statement.)  This compares to a tax rate of 24% for Walmart, which, according to Duhigg, is about average for a major global corporation.
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/how-apple-dodges-billions-in-taxes-2012-4#ixzz1tTsZBvut
Originally Posted by PLVN

Originally Posted by GG23

People died so we can live in a country that has this freedom.  Personally, I think its naive to not vote, when they're people dying everyday for this right in other countries.  But fine, you can choose not vote, just don't be one of the people who complains how the government does you wrong when you know you have an opportunity to influence it.

You're being hypocritical.

People died for my right to choose.

To me it's naive to think that if you're given an OPTION between 2 choices you should only choose one.

Yes, you do have a right to choose not to vote, but I think its naive to pass up that opportunity when a majority of the world doesn't have that same opportunity.  Our ability to be a participating democracy is what made us a great country.  But do you.  I'm just saying, if you don't want to vote, don't complain when the government does you wrong... not that you can't choose to not vote.
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