Why am I bothered by this? Vol. Who cares if Obama is black?

Oct 31, 2005
I'm probably bludgeoning an equine carcass, but...a friend's (African-American) Facebook status says:

" Just two more days until our president is BLACK!

I don't know why this is bothering me.
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

I'm probably bludgeoning an equine carcass, but...a friend's (African-American) Facebook status says:

" Just two more days until our president is BLACK!

I don't know why this is bothering me.
I know technically he/she is incorrect, but dont let it get to you. Just let them be, ignorance is bliss.
He's a moron on two accounts because IF and highly unlikely he does get elected, He wouldn't officially become POTUS until Jan 20th 2009
Originally Posted by BWS FOOT SOLDIER

He's a moron on two accounts because IF and highly unlikely he does get elected, He wouldn't officially become POTUS until Jan 20th 2009

You people must not be black.

Us, black people, are excited to have a black president. Why wouldn't we be? For the first time, a president that shares some common ground.
Originally Posted by BWS FOOT SOLDIER

He's a moron on two accounts because IF and highly unlikely he does get elected, He wouldn't officially become POTUS until Jan 20th 2009
why is it highly unlikely if he's up in just about every poll and most people who have a clue of what's going on, regardless of partybelieve the polls are correct and obama does in fact have a lead
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

Originally Posted by BWS FOOT SOLDIER

He's a moron on two accounts because IF and highly unlikely he does get elected, He wouldn't officially become POTUS until Jan 20th 2009
why is it highly unlikely if he's up in just about every poll and most people who have a clue of what's going on, regardless of party believe the polls are correct and obama does in fact have a lead
Because he doesn't like black people.

Despite the fact that his SN would point to him being a Black Wall Street flunkie...Which is in fact, Lead by a black dude...
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

Originally Posted by BWS FOOT SOLDIER

He's a moron on two accounts because IF and highly unlikely he does get elected, He wouldn't officially become POTUS until Jan 20th 2009
why is it highly unlikely if he's up in just about every poll and most people who have a clue of what's going on, regardless of party believe the polls are correct and obama does in fact have a lead
Lord knows polls have never been wrong before:

Originally Posted by mdresident

You people must not be black.

Us, black people, are excited to have a black president. Why wouldn't we be? For the first time, a president that shares some common ground.
Try Again My brotha.
Originally Posted by litlbibby

Originally Posted by mdresident

You people must not be black.

Us, black people, are excited to have a black president. Why wouldn't we be? For the first time, a president that shares some common ground.
Try Again My brotha.

You are not excited to have a black president? Your a liar.
i just saw a comment on fb saying, "2 more days until we paint the white house black"

1) people forget that obama is 1/2 black, 1/2 white -- but most of these ignorant fools just ignore that and claim him as completely black.

2) if you want racism to end, you can't make those types of comments and expect it to not be brought up again. if you want to take the victories of"being black", then don't fuss when you take the L's as well.
Originally Posted by minah86

i just saw a comment on fb saying, "2 more days until we paint the white house black"

1) people forget that obama is 1/2 black, 1/2 white -- but most of these ignorant fools just ignore that and claim him as completely black.

2) if you want racism to end, you can't make those types of comments and expect it to not be brought up again. if you want to take the victories of "being black", then don't fuss when you take the L's as well.

you know there was a time when if you were found to be an eighth black (not sure of th exact number) you were still black.
Originally Posted by litlbibby

Being a leader is not about race.

^^ be open minded nobody knows who won yet.

if people thought like this then the election wouldn't be as close as it is......it's sad....people can make all these excuses when it comes to votingfor McCain/Palin.....but deep inside they know why

Originally Posted by minah86

i just saw a comment on fb saying, "2 more days until we paint the white house black"

1) people forget that obama is 1/2 black, 1/2 white -- but most of these ignorant fools just ignore that and claim him as completely black.

2) if you want racism to end, you can't make those types of comments and expect it to not be brought up again. if you want to take the victories of "being black", then don't fuss when you take the L's as well.
rednecks don't claim people who are 1/2 black 1/2 white.....if they did then you wouldnt have all the "monkey" comments thrown atObama
Originally Posted by WinstonDon

Originally Posted by litlbibby

Being a leader is not about race.

^^ be open minded nobody knows who won yet.

if people thought like this then the election wouldn't be as close as it is......it's sad....people can make all these excuses when it comes to voting for McCain/Palin.....but deep inside they know why

Originally Posted by minah86

i just saw a comment on fb saying, "2 more days until we paint the white house black"

1) people forget that obama is 1/2 black, 1/2 white -- but most of these ignorant fools just ignore that and claim him as completely black.

2) if you want racism to end, you can't make those types of comments and expect it to not be brought up again. if you want to take the victories of "being black", then don't fuss when you take the L's as well.
rednecks don't claim people who are 1/2 black 1/2 white.....if they did then you wouldnt have all the "monkey" comments thrown at Obama

My man.
If that bothers you, there's more to be bothered by if he gets elected. Not to say black people will boast about it, but they'll sure rejoice. I mean,why not?
I know why it is bothering me!!! Its because there are droves of people only voting for him because he is black.....they could have put any half qualifiedblack man up there (which is the case now) and achieved the same results....
honestly i would rejoice if any minority became President....it's a big thing....

Originally Posted by DublBagn

I know why it is bothering me!!! Its because there are droves of people only voting for him because he is black.....they could have put any half qualified black man up there (which is the case now) and achieved the same results....
shut up....last election Al Sharpton "tried" running and didnt get anywhere.....i'm getting tired of white & asian members onthis site trying to come at black people like we can't make rational decisions....Blacks historically vote DEMOCRAT....that arguement is so %@*#@#$stupid....if its a black man running for republican and blacks was voting for him like hell then you would have an arguement but all you got now is proof thatyou're dumb as hell
Originally Posted by DublBagn

I know why it is bothering me!!! Its because there are droves of people only voting for him because he is black.....they could have put any half qualified black man up there (which is the case now) and achieved the same results....

You idiot, there are tons of people NOT voting for him just because he is black, and tons of people voting for Mccain because he is white.
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