Why am I bothered by this? Vol. Who cares if Obama is black?

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious


-public perception of the Republican party was just as bad 4 years ago

-public perception of the Republican party is just as bad as it was 4 years ago
highly debatable.

Yeah, thats what i was trying to point out.
Originally Posted by pastellove88

Originally Posted by justhotkicks

I'm probably bludgeoning an equine carcass, but...a friend's (African-American) Facebook status says:

" Just two more days until our president is BLACK!

I don't know why this is bothering me.

he is just quoting jeezy.
i just saw a comment on fb saying, "2 more days until we paint the white house black"

I know that is a lil wayne line. but lightin up why is this even the topic of discussion.
Isnt it an MC Breed line from "No Future In Your Frontin'"? "Leave it up to me and I'd paint the White House BLACK"

Originally Posted by mdresident

^when have black's ever voted for republicans, idiot?
From enfranchisement up until Roosevelt ran for President in '32.
Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious


-public perception of the Republican party was just as bad 4 years ago

-public perception of the Republican party is just as bad as it was 4 years ago
highly debatable.

Yeah, thats what i was trying to point out.
no you weren't
........way to jump on the eternally infallible dirtys argument to try and saveface.....what a herb..
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

worldbeefree - warned
WinstonDon - warned

don't rely on the profanity filter
wait a second....you warned me over one filtered out word....come on....i could see if it was laced with filtered words....itsfunny how me and worldbeefree have the same stance.....


Originally Posted by DublBagn

Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious


-public perception of the Republican party was just as bad 4 years ago

-public perception of the Republican party is just as bad as it was 4 years ago
highly debatable.

Yeah, thats what i was trying to point out.
no you weren't
........way to jump on the eternally infallible dirtys argument to try and save face.....what a herb..

save face? your corny son, u haven't brought up any valid points so fall back. And that was what i was pointing out when i mentioned his dissaproval rate. Your an idiot.
Not really bothered. What's wrong with a black person celebrating the FIRST (possible
) black president. Positive example for the kids in the hood
Why does everyone have to be so damn cynical? It's sickening.

Why can't some people just accept the fact that there are people out there who agree with where Barack Obama stands on the issues. It's like anyone whochose to vote democratic is just riding the Obama wave, or only interested in the color of his skin. I'm sick of it, man. Sure there are people out therewho vote for Obama based on race, but that's not the whole story.

Some people would just rather have someone who's pro-choice, who doesn't want to rely on "trickle-down" economics or who is just tired ofwhat a republican administration has done to this country. People always lean on the idea that people are only jumping on the bandwagon because he's black.As outrageous as it sounds, rational people can actually come to the conclusion of voting for Obama.
It really irks me to see racism still coming out sublimely from so many people. Not just on this board but in real life. I hear all kinds of Mcainsupporters, just bashing Obama because of his race. To me it seems they don't want mcain in office as much as they just don't want to seeblack/minorities rejoice in what will be history for our cultures. We need new ideas for the world we live in today and change is the best thing we couldrecieve now considering all the turmoil we are involved in recently. This election should have nothing to do with each mans race, but should be about Americanfinally being ready to take steps forward towards a better future. With that said, Obama 08'!!!!!!
Originally Posted by WinstonDon

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

worldbeefree - warned
WinstonDon - warned

don't rely on the profanity filter
wait a second....you warned me over one filtered out word....come on....i could see if it was laced with filtered words....its funny how me and worldbeefree have the same stance.....
it's still cursing.
and obviously you have the same stance since you quoted him.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Why does everyone have to be so damn cynical? It's sickening.

Why can't some people just accept the fact that there are people out there who agree with where Barack Obama stands on the issues. It's like anyone who chose to vote democratic is just riding the Obama wave, or only interested in the color of his skin. I'm sick of it, man. Sure there are people out there who vote for Obama based on race, but that's not the whole story.

Some people would just rather have someone who's pro-choice, who doesn't want to rely on "trickle-down" economics or who is just tired of what a republican administration has done to this country. People always lean on the idea that people are only jumping on the bandwagon because he's black. As outrageous as it sounds, rational people can actually come to the conclusion of voting for Obama.
I agree entirely.

There are many people voting based on the issues. I'm not denying Barack's legitimacy, and in no way was he using race as a means to boost hiscampaign. But when there are people out there openly admitting their reasons for supporting Barack, it just tells me that there are people out there votingagainst Barack for the same reason.

Again, i'm voting for Barack, and i'm not black, if that matters.
here's the thing....

people are complaining about voting for Obama b/c he is black...and I completely understand their point of view...
but the political process has been in place for hundreds of years... for many people, it's just assumed that the POTUS would be white.....Why wouldn'tsomeone be excited to finally see a minority almost there?

but I think the rhetoric and stupid slogans from each side are definitely off putting.
Originally Posted by psohn923

wonder if hes going to paint the house

That's obviously a joke. No joke here - in an interview with Stuart Scott on ESPN about three months ago, Obama said he is going to build a basketballcourt in the White House if he wins. I think that's actually kind of cool - even though the games would probably be Obama vs. half the Senate, consideringthat it's rumored Obama could ball.
I find the idea that a minority could be elected president exciting. I can only imagine how excited I would be if I was a minority. Wouldn't you be kind ofexcited to see a Korean president?

I went to Kom Tang saturday night for awesome cheap sushi. I guess you weren't there.
justhotkicks, I know what you're saying, and my comment wasn't directed at you. It's just a tone that I've noticed throughout this wholeprocess on and off NT. Hell, even my father said to me "because he's black?" when I told him I was voting for Barack Obama. I'm just sick ofpeople with a different opinion thinking that their decision is the only rational one, and everone else is delusional.
People just looking for excuses. someone would tell me "You are just voting for Obama because he is black" i simply responded with "Im votingfor Obama because hes a democrat" like, dude could be barachi obami, the Chinese democratic candidate, im still voting or him
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

I'm probably bludgeoning an equine carcass, but...a friend's (African-American) Facebook status says:

" Just two more days until our president is BLACK!

I don't know why this is bothering me.
Because the Presidential Race this year has brought out everyone's closet racism, both Black and White.

You know what bothers me.

Saturday night, I'm out with some friends (they're both black, FYI) and we're in IHOP late night and some white chick is on her phone yelling atwhat I would assume is her boyfriend. Well they're arguing and she tells him, "well f... you, n......" and both of my boys head turn. So longstory short, they approach her, a discussion ensues, and she justifies what she's saying because she can call her boyfriend whatever she wants, that shewasn't addressing them, and that if they can say it, so can she.

Now, I do not condone anything this ignorant young woman had to say, but then they justified her by screaming in the IHOP "Obama 08! Obama 08!" ather.

What does Obama have to do with this?

You see that's my problem. Not all, but a lot of my Black friends (some of them being really intelligent/educated) screaming Obama 08 anytime they'vebeen approached with anykind of 'anti-Obama because he's black' propaganda.

Because someone else is being ignorant, does that really justify you throwing the fact that your Presidential candidate's race is 50% African-American inanyone's face. No. To me, that just shows the #1 reason why you're voting for the man, and in all honesty, everyone who is voting McCain/Obama due tolack of race is the reason this country is in the shape it is now.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Why does everyone have to be so damn cynical? It's sickening.

Why can't some people just accept the fact that there are people out there who agree with where Barack Obama stands on the issues. It's like anyone who chose to vote democratic is just riding the Obama wave, or only interested in the color of his skin. I'm sick of it, man. Sure there are people out there who vote for Obama based on race, but that's not the whole story.

Some people would just rather have someone who's pro-choice, who doesn't want to rely on "trickle-down" economics or who is just tired of what a republican administration has done to this country. People always lean on the idea that people are only jumping on the bandwagon because he's black. As outrageous as it sounds, rational people can actually come to the conclusion of voting for Obama.
Listen race is not an issue here but I dont see how anyone with common sense would Vote for Mccain/Palin it just seems very ridiculous to do so.
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