Why am I bothered by this? Vol. Who cares if Obama is black?

Originally Posted by ady2glude707

Its sad when you see black people voting for Obama just because hes black and when you see white people voting for McCain just becauses hes white. Learn what they stand for instead of what their color is!
the average American is not going to do that. It's NEVER about what you stand for.

The day American voters vote for candidates based off what they stand for, is the day we have an utopian society.
i am excited to have a black president

if he wins
Niketalk really needs an acceptance test. There are far too many people on here that are a hair above ******ed.
Originally Posted by Mw2889

Niketalk really needs an acceptance test. There are far too many people on here that are a hair above ******ed.
Yeah, it seems like some people are supporting him solely for being black.

As far as I'm concerned, he's the man. Him being black is just a little cool thing on the side.
Well, Obama is the son of an immigrant and has a white mother, just like me. So it's about time we have the son of an immigrant and white woman in theWhite House. I'm so excited. On top of that, he went to the nation's top school in his field. I am an elitist by education, just like him. Share myexcitement, fellow graduates of Ivy League and similar schools. Yay.
Originally Posted by The Wizard

I'm a liberal American that tends to lean Democrat. I just happen to be black.
I respect Obama's ideas and what he is trying to do with his administration
I hope he pulls it out. I really do.
I may cry on Tuesday if he loses.
Originally Posted by WinstonDon

honestly i would rejoice if any minority became President....it's a big thing....

Originally Posted by DublBagn

I know why it is bothering me!!! Its because there are droves of people only voting for him because he is black.....they could have put any half qualified black man up there (which is the case now) and achieved the same results....
shut up....last election [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Al Sharpton[/color] "tried" running and didnt get anywhere.....i'm getting tired of white & asian members on this site trying to come at black people like we can't make rational decisions....Blacks historically vote DEMOCRAT....that arguement is so %@*#@#$ stupid....if its a black man running for republican and blacks was voting for him like hell then you would have an arguement but all you got now is proof that you're dumb as hell
I said a half way qualified black man......and if you cant see people basically "hypebeasting" over Obama right now you are blind. Ithilarious for me to see you jump to the conclusions of me saying "black people cannot make rational decisions", no one said that. I am pointing outthat with this being the first time a black man may get elected into the presidency, most black people look at it as their duty to get out and vote for him.

It not like the public view of Bush was any better 4 years ago, but where was the Black vote then????
^^^ again you need to read.....

4 years ago, everyone Hated Bush and the subsequent republican party, but it was John Kerry that was running and the blacks did not get out and for for him(hence my point of, where was the black vote to prevent bush from winning 4 years ago....??)

is that a well enough explanation for you???
umm..because John Kerry did not win, does not mean black ppl did not vote for him. Seriously, what is your deal?
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

I'm probably bludgeoning an equine carcass, but...a friend's (African-American) Facebook status says:

" Just two more days until our president is BLACK!

I don't know why this is bothering me.

he is just quoting jeezy.
i just saw a comment on fb saying, "2 more days until we paint the white house black"

I know that is a lil wayne line. but lightin up why is this even the topic of discussion.
Originally Posted by mdresident

umm..because John Kerry did not win, does not mean black ppl did not vote for him. Seriously, what is your deal?

you are missing my point, but it does not surprise me.....I am pointing out the glaring fact that Kerry DID NOT WIN!!!!!

-Public perception of the Republican party was just as bad 4 years ago
- 4 years ago the American people had (another) viable Democratic Candidate
- The minority and young vote was near its historical average

hence Bush wins and Kerry take the L

-public perception of the Republican party is just as bad as it was 4 years ago
- there is a viable Democratic candidate
- the minority and young vote is predicted to be the highest ever

why do you think this is.....???? The situations are both almost identical, the only difference is that Obama is viewed as black, so black people are movingin droves to vote for him. My OG point was saying, where was the black and young vote 4 years ago??? Obama has done a great job becoming a "rockstar" to these people, great marketing but we will have to see how he does in office...

do I have to explain this any more????
I get what you're saying, but it doesn't make sense to me...becuase BARACK OBAMA DID NOT WIN YET NEITHER!!! And there are wayyy more white people thanblack ppl. every black person could vote for a canidate, but if white people do not vote for that canidate, he will not win, so my question to you is, why arewhite people voting for barack obama?

People can't just accept that he has a good message? Change is, in fact, what we need.

and Bush's dissaproval didn't hit a record low until 2005 btw.
whats funny to me is all the black people who accuse mccain voters for being racist, when there are just as many black people who are only voting for obama bches black.

howard stern interviewed people in harlem and asked them why they are voting for obama, and stern cited "are you voting for obama bc obama wants to keepour troops in iraq to finish the war, or bc obama is against abortion?"

and every single black person said bc of both things.

Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

Originally Posted by BWS FOOT SOLDIER

He's a moron on two accounts because IF and highly unlikely he does get elected, He wouldn't officially become POTUS until Jan 20th 2009
why is it highly unlikely if he's up in just about every poll and most people who have a clue of what's going on, regardless of party believe the polls are correct and obama does in fact have a lead

Yes indeed Obama is up in every single poll but there is this thing called "Silent Racism" in which people say one thing but when they get to thebooth they know they won't vote for a black person. Out in public people are not going to show their inner racism because they want to be perceived as nota racist. I just hope ppl are telling the truth because McCain and Palin are just horrible.
I'm not excited that Obama is going to be the next President, and I'm black. I just can't believe you guys are believing all those promiseshe's feeding you. Just prepare yourself for massive disappointment.
Originally Posted by mdresident

I get what you're saying, but it doesn't make sense to me...becuase BARACK OBAMA DID NOT WIN YET NEITHER!!! And there are wayyy more white people than black ppl. every black person could vote for a canidate, but if white people do not vote for that canidate, he will not win, so my question to you is, why are white people voting for barack obama?

People can't just accept that he has a good message? Change is, in fact, what we need.

and Bush's dissaproval didn't hit a record low until 2005 btw.
I am saying that the historically low Black and youth vote, will put Obama over the top, I never said no white people where voting for him.
you like to not read and assume a lot....

and nice google save on the disapproval rating (which you spelled incorrectly, you should have used cut and paste...), I apologize I was off by a fewmonths....

-public perception of the Republican party was just as bad 4 years ago

-public perception of the Republican party is just as bad as it was 4 years ago
highly debatable.
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