Why am I bothered by this? Vol. Who cares if Obama is black?

Originally Posted by NYelectric

I find the idea that a minority could be elected president exciting. I can only imagine how excited I would be if I was a minority. Wouldn't you be kind of excited to see a Korean president?
Of course i'd be excited to see a Korean president. But I wouldn't vote for him just for that reason.

I went to Kom Tang saturday night for awesome cheap sushi. I guess you weren't there.

I WAS at Kom Tang
. Upstairs, by the windows. First time there in quitesome time, actually. But for awesome, cheap sushi, you should go to Sushi Park right off St. Marks. Can't go wrong with 50% off all sashimi/sushi platters.
Originally Posted by DublBagn

Originally Posted by mdresident

I get what you're saying, but it doesn't make sense to me...becuase BARACK OBAMA DID NOT WIN YET NEITHER!!! And there are wayyy more white people than black ppl. every black person could vote for a canidate, but if white people do not vote for that canidate, he will not win, so my question to you is, why are white people voting for barack obama?

People can't just accept that he has a good message? Change is, in fact, what we need.

and Bush's dissaproval didn't hit a record low until 2005 btw.
I am saying that the historically low Black and youth vote, will put Obama over the top, I never said no white people where voting for him.
you like to not read and assume a lot....

and nice google save on the disapproval rating (which you spelled incorrectly, you should have used cut and paste...), I apologize I was off by a few months....

this is besides the point, but do not correct my spelling, when you're obviously not a spelling champ, and no comma is needed after the word,"vote." Prick.
Originally Posted by BWS FOOT SOLDIER

You may have had a valid argument if 93% of blacks weren't voting Obama

I don't dislike the fact that he's black, I dislike him because he's Muslim...among many other reasons

And when are people going to stop believing the "polls". The polls are fabricated nonsense. They cannot accurately see what %'age of people are voting for which candidate until the actual election takes place. Stop believing the media.

Section 1 - General Conduct

1. Derogatory comments regarding race, ethnic background, language, gender, sexual orientation orreligion are strictly prohibited. The use of slurs and/or hate speech will result in immediate and permanent banishment from thecommunity without warning.

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]BWS needs to be banned.[/color]
Originally Posted by HUUUD

Originally Posted by BWS FOOT SOLDIER

You may have had a valid argument if 93% of blacks weren't voting Obama

I don't dislike the fact that he's black, I dislike him because he's Muslim...among many other reasons

And when are people going to stop believing the "polls". The polls are fabricated nonsense. They cannot accurately see what %'age of people are voting for which candidate until the actual election takes place. Stop believing the media.

Section 1 - General Conduct

1. Derogatory comments regarding race, ethnic background, language, gender, sexual orientation or religion are strictly prohibited. The use of slurs and/or hate speech will result in immediate and permanent banishment from the community without warning.

BWS needs to be banned.

co-sign. We do not support hate.
Originally Posted by HUUUD

Originally Posted by BWS FOOT SOLDIER

You may have had a valid argument if 93% of blacks weren't voting Obama

I don't dislike the fact that he's black, I dislike him because he's Muslim...among many other reasons

And when are people going to stop believing the "polls". The polls are fabricated nonsense. They cannot accurately see what %'age of people are voting for which candidate until the actual election takes place. Stop believing the media.
Is this a serious comment? You say you dislike him becasue he is Muslim and in the same post say don't believe the media. If you actuallypaid attention to credible media then I'd maybe take your opinion to heart but the fact that you STILL think he's Muslim is a mirror to your ignorance.

I won't get into the argument about why disliing a person based on their beliefs is stupid but I wanted to point out the hypocrisy in your very ownthinking.

Good Day.
Originally Posted by Fanatic15

Originally Posted by HUUUD

Originally Posted by BWS FOOT SOLDIER

You may have had a valid argument if 93% of blacks weren't voting Obama

I don't dislike the fact that he's black, I dislike him because he's Muslim...among many other reasons

And when are people going to stop believing the "polls". The polls are fabricated nonsense. They cannot accurately see what %'age of people are voting for which candidate until the actual election takes place. Stop believing the media.
Is this a serious comment? You say you dislike him becasue he is Muslim and in the same post say don't believe the media. If you actually paid attention to credible media then I'd maybe take your opinion to heart but the fact that you STILL think he's Muslim is a mirror to your ignorance.

I won't get into the argument about why disliing a person based on their beliefs is stupid but I wanted to point out the hypocrisy in your very own thinking.

Good Day.
...tell me how saying you dont like someone because of their religion does not violate the ROC though? BWS should bebanned.
Originally Posted by 99cy45

whats funny to me is all the black people who accuse mccain voters for being racist, when there are just as many black people who are only voting for obama bc hes black.

howard stern interviewed people in harlem and asked them why they are voting for obama, and stern cited "are you voting for obama bc obama wants to keep our troops in iraq to finish the war, or bc obama is against abortion?"

and every single black person said bc of both things.

But Blacks voting for Obama BECAUSE he's black is not racist . But it IS racist for Whites to vote for McCain because Obama IS Black .

Most Blacks aren't voting for Obama JUST because McCain is white ...
Get real ;your argument is flawed .
Blacks are voting for Obama because hes a Democrat. Him being black is just the icing on the cake
this subject never ends well....

So what do u call it if someone votes 4 him b/c he is black and they are also informed with the issues he supports?? It kills me when some of yall make stupidcomments especially if ur college educated.ur suppose to have a higher level and rationality of thinking. Thats goes for any race.
But ehhh OBAMA 08'...yes I am black as well as informed!
Originally Posted by HUUUD

Originally Posted by Fanatic15

Originally Posted by HUUUD

Originally Posted by BWS FOOT SOLDIER

You may have had a valid argument if 93% of blacks weren't voting Obama

I don't dislike the fact that he's black, I dislike him because he's Muslim...among many other reasons

And when are people going to stop believing the "polls". The polls are fabricated nonsense. They cannot accurately see what %'age of people are voting for which candidate until the actual election takes place. Stop believing the media.
Is this a serious comment? You say you dislike him becasue he is Muslim and in the same post say don't believe the media. If you actually paid attention to credible media then I'd maybe take your opinion to heart but the fact that you STILL think he's Muslim is a mirror to your ignorance.

I won't get into the argument about why disliing a person based on their beliefs is stupid but I wanted to point out the hypocrisy in your very own thinking.

Good Day.
...tell me how saying you dont like someone because of their religion does not violate the ROC though? BWS should be banned.
Please report the incident. I am not an administrator so I cannot ban him but I can bring it to the attention of the staff. You will be doingyour part by reporting it, and I'll do mine. Thanks for pointing it out
Originally Posted by PaidNHalf

Originally Posted by Black Milk

Blacks are voting for Obama because hes a Democrat. Him being black is just the icing on the cake

Somebody gets it
^co-sign. MOST black people aren't voting for obama because he is black. don't get me wrong, i am beyond proud that a black man (1/2) isalmost about to win, but the fact that he is black has absolutely nothing to do with it. if that's the case, black people would have supported al sharpton4 years ago when he tried to run. he's blacker than obama but no one takes him seriously because he is full of it. so for obama to be black has nothing todo with it. at least for the majority of us.
Originally Posted by Fanatic15

Originally Posted by HUUUD

Originally Posted by Fanatic15

Originally Posted by HUUUD

Originally Posted by BWS FOOT SOLDIER

You may have had a valid argument if 93% of blacks weren't voting Obama

I don't dislike the fact that he's black, I dislike him because he's Muslim...among many other reasons

And when are people going to stop believing the "polls". The polls are fabricated nonsense. They cannot accurately see what %'age of people are voting for which candidate until the actual election takes place. Stop believing the media.
Is this a serious comment? You say you dislike him becasue he is Muslim and in the same post say don't believe the media. If you actually paid attention to credible media then I'd maybe take your opinion to heart but the fact that you STILL think he's Muslim is a mirror to your ignorance.

I won't get into the argument about why disliing a person based on their beliefs is stupid but I wanted to point out the hypocrisy in your very own thinking.

Good Day.
...tell me how saying you dont like someone because of their religion does not violate the ROC though? BWS should be banned.
Please report the incident. I am not an administrator so I cannot ban him but I can bring it to the attention of the staff. You will be doing your part by reporting it, and I'll do mine. Thanks for pointing it out

thanks, i reported it.
Originally Posted by Black Milk

People just looking for excuses. someone would tell me "You are just voting for Obama because he is black" i simply responded with "Im voting for Obama because hes a democrat" like, dude could be barachi obami, the Chinese democratic candidate, im still voting or him
new facebook status oh snap..black milk.....i need some beats son..
It's crazy how people always try to claim that black people are only voting for Obama because he is black. It's because he's democratic, and weshare his views on various issues. He just happens to be black, and for that we are proud (and everybody black or white should be) because just the idea that ablack man could even make it this far shows how much progress our nation has made. Now their may be a few exceptions to this, but I'm sure their are anequal amount of people voting for McCain because he's not black.
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