Why am I persecuted for NOT accepting homosexuality..

Originally Posted by ninjahood

i see someone wants to made a example of....

I think you took that for something else. I was referencing what you said to Anton while i was responding to assassin11,
as in somebody coming after him like you coming after Anton. That is pretty funny though.
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Where are you reading about incest being common? Serious.



http://en.allexperts.com/q/Deal-Sex-Problems-861/2010/2/Sibling-incest-normal-behaviour.htmwith all this material, where do you think all this inspiration comes from?

also back in roman, greek times especially within royalty where nepotism was rampant most of those cats were marrying their sisters or cousins...


so if you're cosigning homosexuality, then every single thing can apply to a incestuous relationship.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Where did I say you were racist? Unless you took that rebel flag thing as me saying you did that exact thing, I don't see where at all I said that.
And i can't point out exactly what you posted cause I haven't noticed your SN/avy on here in awhile, and I don't feel the need to try to dig and
search for any of those threads. I must have struck a nerve with your profanity though
. Just know that I have noticed you posting things that
would probably make other people THINK you're a racist or a hatemonger. You should honestly be thanking me for plainly and logically
pointing that out for you, before you make that mistake in real life and somebody comes after you like ninjahood and doesn't give you the
chance to correct yourself.
man if you said any of this to me in person i would have popped u in the mouth. want to jump to conclusions and than back out when you can't come up with facts. In real life i have friends of all ethnicity's that read this message board and see what i post and no one's come after me


**can't think of any relevant counter argument**

***makes random threats***
Threats? Really where is the threat
Counter Argument? what did you say that required a counter argument?
and yeah you did strike a nerve if you could read you would have read that. but obviously you can't read which makes sense why you are jumping to conclusions about me
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

man if you said any of this to me in person i would have popped u in the mouth. want to jump to conclusions and than back out when you can't come up with facts. In real life i have friends of all ethnicity's that read this message board and see what i post and no one's come after me


**can't think of any relevant counter argument**

***makes random threats***
Threats? Really where is the threat
Counter Argument? what did you say that required a counter argument?
and yeah you did strike a nerve if you could read you would have read that. but obviously you can't read which makes sense why you are jumping to conclusions about me

Yea...i don't think that's me not being able to read. That's a problem with your short-term memory. So once again:

Peep Game wrote:

**can't think of any relevant counter argument**

***makes random threats***

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Where are you reading about incest being common? Serious.



http://en.allexperts.com/q/Deal-Sex-Problems-861/2010/2/Sibling-incest-normal-behaviour.htmwith all this material, where do you think all this inspiration comes from?

also back in roman, greek times especially within royalty where nepotism was rampant most of those cats were marrying their sisters or cousins...


so if you're cosigning homosexuality, then every single thing can apply to a incestuous relationship.

Hold up. You're telling me that because incest is a topic that comes up in works of writing (mostly fiction) and movies over the years... that THAT is the proof upon which you lay your claim that incest is common?

I'm not saying incest doesn't happen or didn't happen but I'm saying it's rare. In history, we know that incest happened often in royal families (trying to keep the bloodline "pure") but with what we know now about the consequences of incestuous sex, there is no way it's still common. If your best sources for it being common happen to be wiki links to "Incest in pop culture" and "Incest in folklore"...
Once again you enter a thread that rightfully defends rights of homosexuals and find people of color who do their best to show why the Civil Rights movement taught them nothing about life, having equal rights and acceptance in general..

What a failed society filled with irony.. If people would only get out and learn about others..

A hypothetical for all Christians...

Would Jesus ban gays from being married or look down on their lifestyle? based on what you know about him did he seem like he was about that life.. If I can recall your books say that Jesus walked with less fortunate and those persecuted.. did he not?

One day people will realize the diff between being christlike and being christian is night and day...


Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by Peep Game


**can't think of any relevant counter argument**

***makes random threats***
Threats? Really where is the threat
Counter Argument? what did you say that required a counter argument?
and yeah you did strike a nerve if you could read you would have read that. but obviously you can't read which makes sense why you are jumping to conclusions about me

Yea...i don't think that's me not being able to read. That's a problem with your short-term memory. So once again:

Peep Game wrote:

**can't think of any relevant counter argument**

***makes random threats***

thats not a threat. saying i will pop you in the mouth is a threat. saying i would have is not a threat
if ya'll still find something fundamentally wrong with homosexuality then i literally hate you. i think you're a bad person and you probably don't deserve to live. and i am being dead serious.
I love threads like this, you really get to see how ignorant some people you are forced to share this Earth with are. I hope some gay dudes get married right infront of yall houses just for lulz
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

this will not end wel.

i very very loosely agree.

homosexuality is a deviation from the norm and I'm not welcoming with open arms, but I'm not shoving it away either.

they live their life i live mine
Strong post to sig ratio. I like your style, son
Racists : SMH, now that interracial marriage is legal should we allow people to marry chimpanzees.

Where do we draw the line?
inb4 yahoo answers, craigslist, and urbandictionary citations from ninjahood

dude says incest is more common today than one would think

then cites two irrelevant wikipedia articles saying how it often comes up in FICTION and FOLKLORE


here's some nice gay stuff for yall though.


couple of nice gifs too

don't click if you don't like gays though.

Spoiler [+]




Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Where are you reading about incest being common? Serious.



http://en.allexperts.com/q/Deal-Sex-Problems-861/2010/2/Sibling-incest-normal-behaviour.htmwith all this material, where do you think all this inspiration comes from?

also back in roman, greek times especially within royalty where nepotism was rampant most of those cats were marrying their sisters or cousins...


so if you're cosigning homosexuality, then every single thing can apply to a incestuous relationship.

Hold up. You're telling me that because incest is a topic that comes up in works of writing (mostly fiction) and movies over the years... that THAT is the proof upon which you lay your claim that incest is common?

I'm not saying incest doesn't happen or didn't happen but I'm saying it's rare. In history, we know that incest happened often in royal families (trying to keep the bloodline "pure") but with what we know now about the consequences of incestuous sex, there is no way it's still common. If your best sources for it being common happen to be wiki links to "Incest in pop culture" and "Incest in folklore"...

There arent any consequences to incestuous sex. There are however consequences to procreation from incestuous sex. Whose to say that everyone wants kids. So really whats the difference in homosexual relationships and incest relationships? Are ppl saying that a 21 y/o man and a 21 y/o girl who happen to be cousins arent of competency to consent to loving one another and engaging in sex. 

Its quite ironic actually the same arguements that ppl who are against homosexual relationships is being used by ppl who are for homosexual relationships against ppl who arent against incestuous relationships.

And if t is all about procreation answer this. What if a male cousin and uncle or a grandson and grandfather have a relationship. How is it any different then any other same sex relationship? Your whole procreation messed up kids arguement is out of the window now.

End of the day ppl think incest is wrong because they see it as nasty, gross, un ethical, immoral etc... Same way some view homosexuality. Its pretty hypocritical to defend one form of what society sees as abnormal relationships and be against another.
I wish people would STOP comparing the civil rights movement to the homosexuality movement, no comparison.
Damn, i've never been a supporter of comparing the black struggle to the gay stuggle, but reading the op i couldn't help but read it as how a racist back in the day would think they are being logical, like you just sold me that argument. Wants no part of this though.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

I wish people would STOP comparing the civil rights movement to the homosexuality movement, no comparison.

i bet you think the women's movements werent comparable too huh?
Because it's not you or anyone else's job to accept or deny another person's way of life.

You don't have to accept it for yourself. The problem arises when you think so highly of your beliefs and morals that you shun others for it.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Because it's not you or anyone else's job to accept or deny another person's way of life.

You don't have to accept it for yourself. The problem arises when you think so highly of your beliefs and morals that you shun others for it.

True but or society is based solely on that principle. Right down to the pledge of legions, to the courtrooms and swearing on the bible, to the having kids out of wedlock means mother should auto have kids, to the its ok to defend yourself as a man unless its a woman, so on and so forth. Our entire governing system and laws are fundamentally based on a set of individuals personal beliefs and opinions.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

I wish people would STOP comparing the civil rights movement to the homosexuality movement, no comparison.

Seeking equal protection from and accessibility to the law makes it the SAME effort. 
I'm utterly disgusted with the almost caveman-like thinking of NinjaHood and others who feel the need to flex e-muscle without actually making a point. "Oh, you disagree with me? How about I slap you?" ...like stop it you barbarian. Grow up. This is a mature conversation that doesn't need to come to blows. If you can't state your opinion without threatening others, then you're not worthy of participating in the conversation by virtue of your LACK of relevancy. 

You guys are arguing on the BOTTOM of the pyramid. 


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