Why am I persecuted for NOT accepting homosexuality..

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by cartune

I mean I can clown a fat person I find fat people kissing gross. But if I say a man kissing another man is gross here comes the cavalry saying Im homophobic or a closet #%%#
This is why its hard to take some of you serious 
un true.

i promise most of you cant even read.

nobody said you were wrong for finding it gross....

its not hurting you tho

so nobody cares that you find it gross

coming to the realization that noone cares what yall think about them being gay must hurt


noone cares that it grosses you out

stop being so soft

pull your skirt up

men kiss everyday, b

live in YOUR life

where men arent kissing men....

instead of living in theirs....where men obviously kiss other men.

my whole point is, as a straight man, WHY DO YOU GIVE A %##@ EITHER WAY?


im gay because my stance is i dont give a %##@ what gay people do....


im defending gay people's honor by not caring about them...

only way i could care less about gay people is if they were animals

as in a dog or cat, which i REALLY dont give a %##@ about.


Dudes writing scrolls of nonsense Shut up 
Originally Posted by sillyputty


two girls kissing is
two dudes kissing is
thats how i feel. but i won't go out of my way to hate on or resent a gay man for it. don't really care, won't lose sleep over it . HOWEVER it IS kind of annoying when dudes wear feminine clothing...borderline booty shorts, uggs, women's jeans, etc. i really don't see the need for that. i already hate when ignorant Ns sag their pants low where the brand of boxer is clearly visible to the world, and then you see them struggle to keep it up every 30sec. so dudes wearing women's clothing isn't really any better
don't see the need to be all victoria's secret about it n +$++.

regardless, preaching hate especially when its that of ignorance and no valid reason is wrong, and so is implementing institutionalized limitations on the freedoms of those targeted by such hate.

state of economy, improving quality of education, stuff that matters > anti gay agenda
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