Why are African-American females "jealous" of interracial relationships?

Originally Posted by Me4u2Night

Because as african-american women get older, the pickings of AA men get smaller.
Alot of times, successful AA men are with white women.
AA women are left with the "leftovers."

This is not the exact quotes, but this is more or less what an AA women told me some time ago.
EDIT: And let's not forget, racism still exist. 
I agree
Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Originally Posted by SdotRusherz

I'm not talking about ALL Black girls.... it just seems like over 70% of them HIGHLY dislike seeing a black dude with a white chick.  everything

The breakdown of every 10 black females in NYC:

- 3 of them just hate everything. "Angry black females"

- 3 of them are stuck up beyond belief, due to massive simping or the gassing up of themselves from their friends

- 2 are below most peoples' standards.

- 2 are actually dating material
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]As I'm on the phone talking to my boy, I mentioned this to him and both of us agreed on this post [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] [/color]
as a young black woman, i feel appalled that i would get labeled as "jealous". maybe i should show you guys my pics?
Ahhhhhh...this ship is never late...and it looks the regulars, minus a few (Anton, BlackM..., DC...etc) are all here as well...

*takes a seat*

you're going off of your opinion and personal experiences only.. as you already stated haha
Lol NT seems to have this obsession with pointing out one particular race, but its not just black women who don't like seeing interracial or even just women for that matter..
Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

as a young black woman, i feel appalled that i would get labeled as "jealous". maybe i should show you guys my pics?
Pics!!!! Otherwise you're just another jealous black women 
The real funny thing is the narrow-mindedness of said black chicks is exactly what drives said black men to venture out into other races.

Just because the first **insert race** treated one way does not mean this pertains to every single **insert race**.

After all, skin color says nothing of the person's personality, characteristics, and most important how they will treat you.
Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

as a young black woman, i feel appalled that i would get labeled as "jealous". maybe i should show you guys my pics?

Dudes are just going to post all the nasty sexual things they would do with you, probably say you have DSL's, and post all kinds of emoticons and gifs but they still would not consider dating you; just sex. That's all y'all are good for. But do it anyways

[quotwe]The real funny thing is the narrow-mindedness of said black chicks is exactly what drives said black men to venture out into other races.

Just because the first **insert race** treated one way does not mean this pertains to every single **insert race**.

After all, skin color says nothing of the person's personality, characteristics, and most important how they will treat you.[/quote]??? Isn't that what this entire thread is though? Double standard much?
Originally Posted by jordanpheen

Lol NT seems to have this obsession with pointing out one particular race, but its not just black women who don't like seeing interracial or even just women for that matter..
I already know it's just not black women who hate...
I just decided to point them out.
Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

as a young black woman, i feel appalled that i would get labeled as "jealous". maybe i should show you guys my pics?

that IS being jealous. if a black dude is dating a white girl, what does that have to do with you? you dont even know the guy and probably wouldnt date him anyways yet youre mad?
I talked to my cousin (black woman) about this a couple years ago. I just got the impression that most black chicks would like to stay within their race and have a family, but alot of dudes either are with other women based on preference, locked up, or have nothing going for themselves and don't want to either...

Having said that, I guess most black females feel they have to overcompensate to keep a black dude from messin with another female from another race. *Kanye shrug*
Basically, black women feel that there is a shortage of "Good Black Men" to choose from. Therefore, when they see one dating outside of their race, they are saying to themselves,"So what, WE aren't good enough for you?!" hence the lip smacking, side eyes and whispering to each other lol. I see it allll the time.
I just think that it's crazy how we're in the year 2010, and me and my GF can't even walk around the mall without gettin nasty looks.

It's not a big problem though, it use to bother her.... now we just laugh it off.
And you stay right girl, cause when he get on, he gone leave yo *** for a white girl..........Go head ma, go head get down
Love how any black dude who is able to pull a white female is assumed a "good black man." As if getting a white woman is the last step in validating yourself as a dude who has "made it."
Well, a number of us are dead, in jail, taken by white/spanish women, homosexual, or just dirtbags so the chances of finding a good "match" for them is slim...but that goes both ways
So unfortunate that there are people that are worried & over concerned about interracial dating. You'd think in 2010 it wouldn't be an issue, but it is.. Reminds me of Anti-Miscegenation laws that use to be in the books in the US. Almost as if people (most) are conditioned to look down on interracial dating out of ignorance and fear.
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