Why are African-American females "jealous" of interracial relationships?

It's cuz they insecure but all girls are jealous of each other. Deep down inside they know when a girl looks better than them and you just have to have that better chick around for them to show that ugly side. Especially if they feeling the guy.

Plus there's this whole relationships with ppl the same color as you mindset that just perpetuates the insecurity, jealousy, and they feel like something that's "theirs" is being "stolen" from them, individually and as a whole.


You got a white girl Spot? or an Asian?
Originally Posted by ChineyRoyal

Originally Posted by AJChick23

I'm glad I'm in the 30% that just doesn't care.

Agreed. Although I would love to date a white boy
black dudes are worse

lookin like they wana kill me when they see me with a black girl

Originally Posted by Crispy Cream

So unfortunate that there are people that are worried & over concerned about interracial dating. You'd think in 2010 it wouldn't be an issue, but it is.. Reminds me of Anti-Miscegenation laws that use to be in the books in the US. Almost as if people (most) are conditioned to look down on interracial dating out of ignorance and fear.

American isn't the worst. Some girl in Ireland was murdered for dating a Protestant
i thought you were above these kinda lame @@% topics

and i personally don't get mad when i see people in interracial relationships. 80% of the time the white dude looks like this

and the black girl looks like a lame anyway or is light skinned. I almost never see a attractive black girl dating a white guy
Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

Hmmmm I'm African American and Caucasian mainly African American and I've never been jealous of interracial relationships.

Maybe cause you're the child of an interracial relationship.
Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Originally Posted by SdotRusherz

I'm not talking about ALL Black girls.... it just seems like over 70% of them HIGHLY dislike seeing a black dude with a white chick.  everything

The breakdown of every 10 black females in NYC:

- 3 of them just hate everything. "Angry black females"

- 3 of them are stuck up beyond belief, due to massive simping or the gassing up of themselves from their friends

- 2 are below most peoples' standards.

- 2 are actually dating material

And it hurts me to say this 

Then why in every Cali post does someone put NYC>Cali ?
yeah cause black women are the only ones who get mad when they see interracial couples...
 you have women from every race who get mad... Y'all just love to hate black women on nt.
Originally Posted by Me4u2Night

Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

Hmmmm I'm African American and Caucasian mainly African American and I've never been jealous of interracial relationships.

Maybe cause you're the child of an interracial relationship.

That or my parents taught me no such thing as black, white, blue, purple blah blah blah
Same for me and my girl. My chick is El Salvadorian x Italian and where ever we go, we get evil looks
, mostly it's my girl that gets it, not me. Usually shorty will smile at me and than mad dog the hell out of my girl
. My girl is always like "babe, you see that, @%%? What did I do to her"? Last night we went to BJ's Pizza & Brewery Restaurant, sisters were eying my girl and she was a bit nervous. I just told her to chill, do you, don't let them get at you, you're stronger than that.
Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

Originally Posted by Me4u2Night

Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

Hmmmm I'm African American and Caucasian mainly African American and I've never been jealous of interracial relationships.

Maybe cause you're the child of an interracial relationship.

That or my parents taught me no such thing as black, white, blue, purple blah blah blah
Originally Posted by letsgetit22

yeah cause black women are the only ones who get mad when they see interracial couples...
 you have women from every race who get mad... Y'all just love to hate black women on nt.

I came back in here to post this

No matter what when someone mentions a black woman NT finds a way to turn it into a negative like all women don't have flaws
Originally Posted by letsgetit22

yeah cause black women are the only ones who get mad when they see interracial couples...
 you have women from every race who get mad... Y'all just love to hate black women on nt.
Pretty much. SMH. It's really, really sad.
Where the hell do you guys live that you have chicks mugging you and your girl? I mean I definitely see the % that OP is talking about, but they usually just gossip..
People on here act as if black women are the only group of people on earth to ever deal with injustices.

Yeah, NT hates them and everyone is trying to take the black woman down.
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