Why are conservatives always angry?

Yea, not about to entertain this.

Is that because you have no idea what you're talking about?

Or are you agreeing that the Drone Commander in Chief is a war criminal?

Or is the drone program one of the half dozen or so programs this lawless president has no idea is going on?
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Is that because you have no idea what you're talking about?

Or are you agreeing that the Drone Commander in Chief is a war criminal?

Or is the drone program one of the half dozen or so programs this lawless president has no idea is going on?
Take a guess...
The base is getting smaller and smaller. Plus feeling isolated do to all the social changes going on it's created alot of bitterness. Most of the hate towards Obama is due to the fact that he's black and got re elected. Remember how angry these fools were last year? Their anger diluted them into thinking the Polls were wrong and Obama was going to loose :lol: :smh:. It's not even about policy anymore with them the GOP's engine is hate and bitterness.
The base is getting smaller and smaller. Plus feeling isolated do to all the social changes going on it's created alot of bitterness. Most of the hate towards Obama is due to the fact that he's black and got re elected. Remember how angry these fools were last year? Their anger diluted them into thinking the Polls were wrong and Obama was going to loose
. It's not even about policy anymore with them the GOP's engine is hate and bitterness.
Just look at the clown above calling Obama a war criminal acting like he has any more blood on his hands than any other leader in our nations history. Only an angry conservative racist who's really just truly enraged by the fact that Obama is black would honestly believe and broadcast that nonsense. 
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Just look at the clown above calling Obama a war criminal acting like he has any more blood on his hands than any other leader in our nations history. Only an angry conservative racist who's really just truly enraged by the fact that Obama is black would honestly believe and broadcast that nonsense. 
Dat ether...

Take my rep
Lol that's why I can't be a conservative, sheer stupidity. Dudes out there really acting like Obama is any different from the 100 other genocidal white presidents that preceded him?
Old, white men constitute a large chunk of the Conservative base. Old, white men have been those in charge of most institutions in our American society.

As we've progressed as a society and started moving away from the way they've done things, they've become more vocal in their disdain for all who oppose their view of how America should be.

Basically things are changing and they have no way to completely stop it. I'd probably be angry too.

Best answer here. Just look at history.. fought tooth and nail to try and stop minorities from voting, or drinking from the same fountain. Now they are fighting ridiculously hard to stop gays from marrying. They want things to remain the same... but thankfully it's coming to a point now where it's 'out with the old, in with the new' as Deuce mentioned. I personally can't wait till our generation (70's babies and up) takes over. They are still going to fight hard though through Political and Religious manipulation, especially since they know they have media outlets that can still crank out that propaganda with great success.
I can't even put the blame solely on "old white men" - you all are greatly underestimating the influence of women...

...you know, the "Maude Flanders" types - how do you think we got Palin?
And another problem we have in this country is its citizens voting on personal beliefs and not what's best for public policy...

...that happens on both sides of our political spectrum.
I can't even put the blame solely on "old white men" - you all are greatly underestimating the influence of women...

...you know, the "Maude Flanders" types - how do you think we got Palin?

old white men?

and it doesn't matter who is in offense. drones gonna drone.
Just look at the clown above calling Obama a war criminal acting like he has any more blood on his hands than any other leader in our nations history. Only an angry conservative racist who's really just truly enraged by the fact that Obama is black would honestly believe and broadcast that nonsense. 

comical. I think you're the racist. hundreds of Arab civilians are sent to their graves by Barry and itsjust par for the course. Interesting.

obama does objectively have more blood on his hands than many presidents. hell, even Bush used the program far less. I guess the only innocents you care about are named trayvon
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I don't even entertain the thought of engaging in discussion with clowns like you. 
comical. I think you're the racist. hundreds of Arab civilians are sent to their graves by Barry and itsjust par for the course. Interesting.

obama does objectively have more blood on his hands than many presidents. hell, even Bush used the program far less. I guess the only innocents you care about are named trayvon
This guy.
comical. I think you're the racist. hundreds of Arab civilians are sent to their graves by Barry and itsjust par for the course. Interesting.

obama does objectively have more blood on his hands than many presidents. hell, even Bush used the program far less. I guess the only innocents you care about are named trayvon
This guy.

Outside of the last Trayvon comment that was irrelevant and uncalled for, he's not spewing total nonsense...

...people have died on Obama's watch...

...but people will die on anyone's watch - you won't care until it hits home.
comical. I think you're the racist. hundreds of Arab civilians are sent to their graves by Barry and itsjust par for the course. Interesting.

obama does objectively have more blood on his hands than many presidents. hell, even Bush used the program far less. I guess the only innocents you care about are named trayvon

Son said objectively. The people Obama has killed pales in comparison to the number of people killed directly or indirectly by Bush"s war. Obama is not the most evil president this country ha ever had. I'd pick him over McCain any day.
comical. I think you're the racist. hundreds of Arab civilians are sent to their graves by Barry and itsjust par for the course. Interesting.

obama does objectively have more blood on his hands than many presidents. hell, even Bush used the program far less. I guess the only innocents you care about are named trayvon
This guy.
Outside of the last Trayvon comment that was irrelevant and uncalled for, he's not spewing total nonsense...

...people have died on Obama's watch...

...but people will die on anyone's watch - you won't care until it hits home.
He is spewing total nonsense. He called the President a war criminal, dudes like him would never even dream of viewing one of our past white presidents in that same light.
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The most successful documented genocide in human history was against native Americans sanctioned by our founding fathers. Obama is a saint by comparison.
Most of them are war criminals, are you kidding me?

The laws are only for the poor.
Anyone of our past Commanders In Chief can be called war criminals if we really want to split hairs and atoms...

...if we look at it solely from a "loss of life" perspective, that shoe is "one size fits all."
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