Why are conservatives always angry?

He is spewing total nonsense. He called the President a war criminal, dudes like him would never even dream of viewing one of our past white presidents in that same light.

View media item 638034
Hope and change! Hope and change!

Na, Bush is a war criminal too. Clinton, Reagan, Truman, FDR, Wilson. Barry's in great company!

BTW, I see you yapping in the Israel thread. How exactly have Obama's policies toward Israel differed from Bush?

Anyone of our past Commanders In Chief can be called war criminals if we really want to split hairs and atoms...

...if we look at it solely from a "loss of life" perspective, that shoe is "one size fits all."

Care to remind me who Jimmy Carter bombed?
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My work comp is trolling me with this double post **** all week. :smh:
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This thread got killed on page 1 and damn near got all of my reps for the day. I applaud my NT brethren. :nthat:
Most of them are war criminals, are you kidding me?

The laws are only for the poor.


A lot of these dudes are charged with war crimes. But they our country doesn't participate in the courts that have the charges against them. Good luck catching them.
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View media item 638034
Hope and change! Hope and change!

Na, Bush is a war criminal too. Clinton, Reagan, Truman, FDR, Wilson. Barry's in great company!

^ Damn...

Not sure why anyone would disagree that Obama is a war criminal by definition. For example.. First Prez to kill US citizens abroad without trial. Killing Osama by violating another Nation's sovereignty. Regardless though, the US = the Police of the World so which Nation in their right mind is willing to go up against us? The US can kill whomever for whatever reason and just use National Security risk as the reason.
Also, what kind of precedent will be set if we start actually prosecuting administrations for war crimes. Would be very interesting and probably cut down on a lot of this crap.
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I can't believe some of you actually believe if you don't like Obama your a racist.

you really can't believe that? I got called a klansmen on here :lol: :lol:

loooool @ Obama not being a war criminal though. Cornel West and the people of Pakistan disagree.
I can't believe some of you actually believe if you don't like Obama your a racist.

you really can't believe that? I got called a klansmen on here :lol: :lol:

loooool @ Obama not being a war criminal though. Cornel West and the people of Pakistan disagree.

IDK how he is any worse than any other president we have. I did lose some respect for him after he kept promising to bring home all our troops, and proceeds to send them other places.
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honestly I just hate the drone program. that **** should be outright criminalized and never used again unless the circumstances REALLY call for it. and they should be manned.
I can't believe some of you actually believe if you don't like Obama your a racist.
I don't think everyone who doen't like him is a racist, I do think he gets a lot of heat because he's black. Every black man in a position of power goes through the same thing, he isn't immune to it. A white president would've gotten away with a lot more, dude is the most scrutinized president in American history.

I could honestly care less either way, I only voted for him cause McCain and Palin were terrifying. I'm a fiscal moderate conservative and a social liberal.
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you really can't believe that? I got called a klansmen on here

loooool @ Obama not being a war criminal though. Cornel West and the people of Pakistan disagree.
Most leaders who have lead during wartime are all technically war criminals. Most people who suffer in wars are the innocent, real talk. Obama is no different.
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First president I ever heard being called a 'lair' out loud during a speech.
First president I ever heard the 'other' side say they won't work with him and their # 1 goal was to make him a one term president right after an election.
First president I ever heard asking for a spy drone back.
First president I ever saw get confronted at the airport.
First president I ever heard of being accused of not being an 'American' and questioning his birth certificate.

I have legit complaints about Obama and I agree that it doesn't make you a racist because you don't like him or agree. However, just some of this stuff is very questionable and very sideways.
First president I ever heard being called a 'lair' out loud during a speech.
First president I ever heard the 'other' side say they won't work with him and their # 1 goal was to make him a one term president right after an election.
First president I ever heard asking for a spy drone back.
First president I ever saw get confronted at the airport.
First president I ever heard of being accused of not being an 'American' and questioning his birth certificate.

I have legit complaints about Obama and I agree that it doesn't make you a racist because you don't like him or agree. However, just some of this stuff is very questionable and very sideways.
First black person to do ANYTHING is never a good story...word to Dave Chapelle. I'm not comfortable with taking race out of this equation cause I just don't think that highly of human beings in general. Is he the first because he's horrible or is he the first because of perceptions. Cause i look back in history and America has had a lot of monsters as leaders. Somehow this guy is a "first".
you really can't believe that? I got called a klansmen on here :lol: :lol:

loooool @ Obama not being a war criminal though. Cornel West and the people of Pakistan disagree.

Most leaders who have lead during wartime are all technically war criminals. Most people who suffer in wars are the innocent, real talk. Obama is no different.

Oh trust me, I know. That's why people getting offended about him being called one is funny to me. The fact that he continued GW's programs sealed it for me.

They're all the same.
And another problem we have in this country is its citizens voting on personal beliefs and not what's best for public policy...

...that happens on both sides of our political spectrum.

and personal interests at the expense of everyone else. hate the collective with a passion
As a black liberal I don't think make anti Obama statements make you a racist. If he was white conservatives would still do there best to destroy him.
However I do think questioning his citizenship and saying he is secretly a Muslim terrorist are racially motivated. The tea party has been known to protest outside the White House with racially offensive images. The worst part is even though the GOP knew he is an American they didn't do anything to correct their base because they knew it would be bad for his presidency.
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