Why are conservatives always angry?

i understand why we went to war. now i dont AGREE with it but it makes sense.

we had to maintain the petro dollar or else we will lose our reserve currency status and that would be disastrous to our standard of living. this is why we went to war in iraq and libya.

if we cut military spending, look what it will do to unemployment numbers. this will be the fault of the president currently in office. so the MIC stays the way it is no matter whos in office. this also applies to the crooked justice system and the PIC. if we let non violent offenders off the hook, it will also raise and reveal the truth about unemployment numbers.

Not saying to cut it 100% but there's A LOT of bloat and 'black budgeting'. They rather balance a budget on the backs of the poor and elderly before even thinking about touching defense. Meanwhile, here at home things are falling apart or stay stagnate
i understand why we went to war. now i dont AGREE with it but it makes sense.

we had to maintain the petro dollar or else we will lose our reserve currency status and that would be disastrous to our standard of living. this is why we went to war in iraq and libya.

if we cut military spending, look what it will do to unemployment numbers. this will be the fault of the president currently in office. so the MIC stays the way it is no matter whos in office. this also applies to the crooked justice system and the PIC. if we let non violent offenders off the hook, it will also raise and reveal the truth about unemployment numbers.

Not saying to cut it 100% but there's A LOT of bloat and 'black budgeting'. They rather balance a budget on the backs of the poor and elderly before even thinking about touching defense. Meanwhile, here at home things are falling apart or stay stagnate

cutting it at any percent would get the people in the MIC to oppose the politician that wants it cut. now the MIC has alot of people backing them and i doubt the ones receiving a paycheck no matter how small or big it is will want to have to deal with being laid off cause of it. its just not rational to support a politician thats gonna hurt their chance to collect another paycheck.
cutting it at any percent would get the people in the MIC to oppose the politician that wants it cut. now the MIC has alot of people backing them and i doubt the ones receiving a paycheck no matter how small or big it is will want to have to deal with being laid off cause of it. its just not rational to support a politician thats gonna hurt their chance to collect another paycheck.

Of course, the same could be said about SS and medicare. Doesn't stop them from always bringing it up, however you rarely even hear about cutting defense. Hell, you don't even hear them talking about ending these wars, because you know, that's 'unamerican' or 'unpatriotic'

And you'll be surprised how you get people to vote against their own interest just by word play. People who receive and depend SS and medicare want to cut 'entitlements'.
Only thing I'm going to say is this...y'all don't know anything about "drones".

No idea where this outrage came from. UAVs have been in use for years before Obama even announced he was running for the presidency.

again its not about just Obama. its about unmanned drones killing innocent people.

has there not been an increase in usage in the past 12 years? we all know they existed prior to Obama. but us learning more about them and how they're used has led to increased outrage in populations other than the ones getting bombed every day.

Its hard to care about something when you have no idea its happening.
again its not about just Obama. its about unmanned drones killing innocent people.

has there not been an increase in usage in the past 12 years? we all know they existed prior to Obama. but us learning more about them and how they're used has led to increased outrage in populations other than the ones getting bombed every day.

Its hard to care about something when you have no idea its happening.

The deaths of civilians is definitely tragic, no matter if it's with UAVs or anything; sadly that's what happens with war though.
But UAVs are an important aspect of our military. I worked on the part of the positioning systems back when I was studying to become an engineer and working for the DOD; mainly the unarmed surveillance ones
cutting it at any percent would get the people in the MIC to oppose the politician that wants it cut. now the MIC has alot of people backing them and i doubt the ones receiving a paycheck no matter how small or big it is will want to have to deal with being laid off cause of it. its just not rational to support a politician thats gonna hurt their chance to collect another paycheck.

Of course, the same could be said about SS and medicare. Doesn't stop them from always bringing it up, however you rarely even hear about cutting defense. Hell, you don't even hear them talking about ending these wars, because you know, that's 'unamerican' or 'unpatriotic'

And you'll be surprised how you get people to vote against their own interest just by word play. People who receive and depend SS and medicare want to cut 'entitlements'.

yea, its sad that people cant see how much theyve been played by the whole system. from the MIC to the welfare to the rich/poor. but the thing that gets me the most is the ones that choose sides in this whole left/right paradigm thinking they are holier than thou over the other group. gubmint has become a pseudo religion with people believing that their side is the righteous side of operating for the benefit of all.
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