why are some dudes so extra? vol. facebook comments

God has truly blessed her beauty in all his magnificence. May she find the right street cat to ATM while he types out dedications.
Are 3 are 4's and below from what I can see. Far right got potential but those crusty lips gotta go.

Picture aint eem had nothing to do with that lol.​
Her eyes are too feminine and she has a giraffe neck. Easy pass

No thanks jeff/10
I always :smh: when dudes post thirsty *** comments on IG or FB knowing the ***** won't even say "thank you".
I've seen much worse in that thirsty dudes on IG thread.

I don't know why. I've just accepted some dudes don't mind being that lame. They just grew up that way.
I would never tell a girl who is not a dear friend or family member 'I hope someone will appreciate you.' Id never say it to a girl that isn't giving me the time of day. Have some damn self respect, be a got damn man. I guess man...that's what IG means to me, 'I Guess.'
I recently made a IG but on the real that site has NO substance at all. If your an admirer then yeah but if your looking to get anything else then hell no... I've seen females I know I could have flaunting their stuff, but in reality there is no real connection to those people. I can make a slick comment but ain't no females gonna give you any play when they have 300 other dudes trying to do the same. No matter who you are.

IG is to relate to people you know and admire what they have going on that they choose to show you. Nothing more nothing less...

Dudes hit up UG with their hormones on the forefront but that site is for pipe dreams if that's your intentions. Take it with a grain of salt.
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