Why are we so quick to judge?

Jun 28, 2008
One of the greatest and hardest challenges in life is being free from the burden of judgement. The burden is not only heavy when you are receiving it but when you are giving it as well. We live in a society so enamored with appearance and the way that things "seem" to look on the surface that people always make up there mind of who you are based on their limited perception. Think about how incredibly erroneous that is. "Oh he lives over there so he is such and such". "She dresses like this so she most be that." "He didn't do good in school so he is going to be a failure in life." Blah blah blah. Everyone has an opinion and none of them matter. Truth is nobody on this earth knows you completely enough to put a label on your life. The only person that see's, hears,feels and experiences what you do is YOU! Nobody can belittle YOUR experience and neither can you theirs. Think about how even within your own family you probably only spend a few hours a day,week or month with them. You have no clue what your cousin,friend or associate is doing or going through at this very moment. **** the chatter and define your life, for you. You will never be good enough in the eyes of most people and honestly most of them only project their own insecurities on you anyway. I had to do project research today for work and in doing so I had to study online profiles. I don't social network so I didn't realize how many dudes take pictures in the mirror with their shirts off and I felt that it was a feminine act and pretty lame. Then I self reflected and corrected myself realizing I was wrong. Why do we allow our delusional standards of what's ok cloud our ability to see with clarity and non judgement?
People would rather act like they are better for whatever reason than get to know them. Nt is king of this. Look at how many threads we have on the next mans tattoo or can I trust a bartender not tosuck the next man off.
Beucase im too busy pretending I don't care what other do when I actually do...

tsk tsk do yo homie!

*lurks profile for hate worthy material*
I can't say that I'm "quick to judge"...

...but I definitely size people up within our first encounter.

More often than not, I'm right...

...it's a survival instinct.
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simply put. because some people are douche bags. we have a few on niketalk who refuse to ever be wrong. i just think they are either crazy or insecure about things.
people are insecure (most don't even realize it) and the easiest way to feel better about yourself is to point out what other people are doing wrong. we'll never fully prosper as a society until we put all that stupid crap behind us and just enjoy all the beautiful positive things that life has to offer, instead of obsessing over the inane ******** that drags us lower and lower.
Its natural.

The phrases "do you" and "why you worried ..." gets thrown around a lot on here...

But lettuce be cereal. The majority of people keep one on what other people are doing, and care what other people think.

If yhr went thru life not caring what others thought, you woulda had a loooong hard life IN MOST CASES.
people are insecure (most don't even realize it) and the easiest way to feel better about yourself is to point out what other people are doing wrong.

Do I judge? Yes.

But do I let that be the final assessment of someone's character? No.

If you understand how dynamic people can be, then its more about your ability to adapt to that rather than working off of a cemented notion of someone. 

Its the refusal to be introspective and the resistance to growth/evolution that holds many back. 
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Is this a serious post? Let someone post a pic of someone wearing a fake pair of Jordan's in here, then watch all of I don't judge people stuff, fly right out the window.
these haters they gone hate on you like anyway, so im gone put some rims on my **** anyway
Perception is reality, but if you live life judging and pre-determining folks before you even get to know them......man, all I can say is you are missing out. There are some great people out there that are truly dynamic people. Only the shallow fixate on outward appearance and use that as the sole factor in perceiving someone's true character/worth.
well...it's natural imo. like when your parents say "use your best judgement" that goes for people too. you use what you know from life experiences and use your best judgement to assess people who you don't have a chance to get to know. that's not a bad thing at all really. if you use that judgement to shape how you think they truly are as a person then that's bad. no one can escape judgement or judging. when you walk in class and your professor starts talking you begin judging them and the people in your class. so when someone asks "do you think you're professor is cool?" they're asking you to judge them from what you've seen up to that point. just don't allow it to shape how a person is completely and don't be an a-hole and you'll be fine.
me & my patnas was just talkin bout this. how people judge people automatically & decide how they feel about em without ever givin themselves a chance to understand y a person is the way they are. like folks look at me & see a black ***** wit dreads that smoke weed & hang in the streets so they automatically label me a "thug" or prolly think i think im hard. & then when they get to know me, especially females, they see im a real intelligent & kind hearted person & they just be so shocked. i feel like people miss out on alotta good just by doin **** like that
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^ I completely disagree media and television HAS NOTHING to do with judgemental people. People have been judgemental for centuries. So my next question is when do you believe judgement crept into the human psyche? Clearly it was used as a survival mechanism for most of our evolution considering judging when to fight or flight was so critical for survival, but I find it hard to believe that men were looking at each others furs and gear as cave men and clowning each other for having a wack fox fur on. Did judgement kind of become a bastardized artificial thing with the rise of civilization and intellectualism?
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