why are you fat?

Originally Posted by BgL2687

Because I can afford steak and lobster every night for dinner.

Originally Posted by WarMachine

Originally Posted by THE FAME

WarMachine wrote:
Originally Posted by THE FAME

91mph Style wrote:
Originally Posted by THE FAME

With all Jokes aside...
If OP would have posted "Why are you gay?"
This thread would have went in a totally new direction.
When basically the some of the same arguments can be made about the topic.
At least one of them is a choice.

And which one would that be?

Fat folks obviously
Would you like to post anything to back up your claim
that not only is being obese is a choice but also that being homosexual isn't?

Well I saw you trying to bait someone into an argument regarding homosexuality and rather than explain in detail, I gave a short response to prevent someone from doing so. Cheers.

I'll take that as a NO.

Next time don't try and be the hero.
If you have no basis just keep it moving.
i really dont understand how anyone could let themselves go like that. Is it really that hard to jog or do some kind of physical activity.
Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by WarMachine

Originally Posted by THE FAME

WarMachine wrote:
Originally Posted by THE FAME

91mph Style wrote:
Originally Posted by THE FAME

With all Jokes aside...
If OP would have posted "Why are you gay?"
This thread would have went in a totally new direction.
When basically the some of the same arguments can be made about the topic.
At least one of them is a choice.

And which one would that be?

Fat folks obviously
Would you like to post anything to back up your claim
that not only is being obese is a choice but also that being homosexual isn't?

Well I saw you trying to bait someone into an argument regarding homosexuality and rather than explain in detail, I gave a short response to prevent someone from doing so. Cheers.

I'll take that as a NO.

Next time don't try and be the hero.
If you have no basis just keep it moving.

Well if you consider it heroic sparing people from your pointless debates then alright.
Originally Posted by McFlyyy

people see you before they hear what you have to say. being fat is the equivalent to wearing dirty clothes imo.. i just can't take you seriously if i see you looking all sloppy with butter rolls on your neck. why?


Funny thing is Im a big dude and people take me serious, i stay getting girls and putting them on their back... So Idk what your talking about, but I am goingto be honest I am trying to shed some pounds off.
I think what benefits me is that Im not HUGE, Im chubby and my fatness evens out fine my belly doesnt hang.
WarMachine wrote:
Originally Posted by THE FAME

WarMachine wrote:
Originally Posted by THE FAME

WarMachine wrote:
Originally Posted by THE FAME

91mph Style wrote:
Originally Posted by THE FAME

With all Jokes aside...
If OP would have posted "Why are you gay?"
This thread would have went in a totally new direction.
When basically the some of the same arguments can be made about the topic.
At least one of them is a choice.

And which one would that be?

Fat folks obviously
Would you like to post anything to back up your claim
that not only is being obese is a choice but also that being homosexual isn't?

Well I saw you trying to bait someone into an argument regarding homosexuality and rather than explain in detail, I gave a short response to prevent someone from doing so. Cheers.

I'll take that as a NO.

Next time don't try and be the hero.
If you have no basis just keep it moving.

Well if you consider it heroic sparing people from your pointless debates then alright.

Yeah it's pointless.
Its pointless that people are quick to judgeand throw insults at those who are overweight.
But yet If I were to say some of the things that people in here that is said about those who are obese towards
homosexuals some of you would be ready to hang me.

Keep it moving guy.
You Obviously have nothing but a ignorant opinion that isn't backed
by anything factual except for the comforbility of your ego.

And exactly who are you sparing?

I almost didn't even notice your post until Ninjahood quoted it.
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by McFlyyy

there's no excuse to be out of shape. you don't need a gym membership. you don't need to live next door to an organic market. people in here sound complacent and depressed.

thats true, but theres a reason why people with low income tend to be overweight..

Your'e on to something.
AirAnt23 wrote:
LDJ wrote:
To people who say its like being on drugs lol hats the stupidiest thing i ever heard. Your body and mind develop a codependancy for drugs and cannot function properly if u are a true drug addict or alcoholic. If u just up and quit the body could go into shock and u could possible die do to the sudden and rapid chemical imbalance.

No way in hell u gonna convince me if u just stop drowning ur french fries with ketchup, or soaking ur subway sandwhich with oil and mayo

So... you have compassion for someone who chooses to take a drug knowing the risk of addiction; yet you don't see how food can be an addiction? Especially, considering one has to eat in order to live whereas a drug/alcohol addict (in most cases) does not NEED to have ever tried drugs/alcohol to begin with.

You people are funny.


Ok ill say this again if u are a drug addict ur body has a chemical dependancy to the drug of choice, meaning your body must have it in order for you tosustain life. Thus is why people detox or slowly wheemed offa drugs, or givin drugs in less dosage. There is no scientific evidence that a person have achemical/physical dependancy to eating poorly over eating. Thats why it is a disease. Fat is NOT a disease. Thats why if ur an alcoholic whether u drink 1drink or no dinks or never drink in life u still are a alcoholic.

So if u r asking y i have sympathy for some1 who has a uncurable disease vs some1 who has mental/emotional issues or who is mentally weak or outright sorry andlazy, thats a pretty dumb question to ask.
Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by AirAnt23

Originally Posted by the north west

but do you need to drink soda with every meal?

do you need to get fast food whenever you are outside of your house and hungry?

do you need to constantly eat deep fried food and sweets?

I don't believe any of that is necessary. In fact, I rarely drink sodas. And for all my self-targeted fat jokes on this board, I don't eat all that much fast food. I'm personally guilty of sweets.

But the point I was making is that dude was quick to dispell the addiction one could have to food. He criticizes American society's willingness to consider these behaviors as "disease", however his text gives some merit to drug addiction and alcoholism as disease. I just wonder - why not over eating? If I'm a recovering heroin addict... the temptation is always there. It's either I look for a dealer or I don't. There's no commercial running "$5 baggie on the block."

But what if I've gone to counseling for over eating? I'm home alone and I get hungry... ? I gotta eat. Doing what has not been routine for you (i.e. eating fresh fruit, vegetables, smaller portions) isn't easy when there are advertisments every couple of minutes. Or say for instance, you don't live alone and everyone else is ordering take-out.

Those aren't excuses. I'm just trying to figure how ANYONE can say "it's easy" to lose weight without it ever being a personal issue for them. I'm not running through Betty Ford screaming "I'm clean, #%%$#!%!"


Actually, thats exactly what they are.

You pretty much just admitted that you have no willpower and you're weak-minded when it comes to things like this.


all through my childhood and teens i was very overweight.

one day i was just tired of being fat, so i made a mix CD (back when these were still around
) and just decided to go jog one night.

jogging led to a gym membership, which led to weight training, which led to a fascination with health and fitness and the like.

it was tough at first but looking back, im glad i was able to stay so disciplined.

For those of you trying to lose weight and turn things around: Kudos. Keep it up, i really mean that.
They're not excuses. Ant has lost a tremendous amount of weight so excuse and ant should never be in the same sentence.

The world is built on money and it trickles down to eating habits IMO...Working class parents don't have time to cook meals and a family would rather spend $10 to feed their family than to spend $100s on groceries they may never get a chance to use.

People all over the world have that morning where they're tired of being x, y or z but the reality is that not everyone is afforded the same outlets. There's genetics which discourage people because when they start to lose weight they plateau and lose motivation because the scale keeps reading xxx pounds despite all the hard work.

Instead of calling people "fat" the OP should have said "why are you unhealthy"... There are far worse things than being fat. Like "skinny" with man boobs.

Working class parents don't have time to cook meals and a family would rather spend $10 to feed their family than to spend $100s on groceries theymay never get a chance to

thats not true,actually eating healthy IS cheaper. example water juice is cheaper then soda. a box of nuts raisin a bannana etc is cheaper then a box of chipohoy cookies. And you do have the time, if people can spend all this time on the internet,myspace facebook,twitter. That time could be used to make a healthymeal. The reason people dont is its too much like gettin offa ur $%% and doing something. Its the same reason ppl play wii exercise instead of actually goingout and exercise. Its alot easier to get off the couch and stand infront of the tv, then get up go out and run around the block.

Same as it is easier 2 stop and get some kfc, then it is 2 take 15 minutes out of the day and bake chicken and steam some rice and veggies. Plus u just alsolove the taste and convience of it all. Its simple the most physically challenging thing is 2 hand the money out the window and grab the food.

Also again like i say we are the richest country in the world, we are also the most overweight and laziest country in the world. We as a nation have becomesorry and lazy. We gotten 2 the point where ppl are 2 lazy 2 get out the car 2 get the mail. Ive seen folks say f*&k that and will drive up on their curveand reach out the window just to get the mail. People will throw in dirty dishes in the dishwasher witth clean ones just cause they are to lazy to run waterand wash the 2 or 3 dishes they have.

There's genetics which discourage people because when they start to lose weight they plateau and lose motivation because the scale keeps reading xxxpounds despite all the hard work.

True most african americans have high cholestorol genetically. That doesnt mean u have a mental physical codependancy to excess amounts of fattyfoods or pouring tons of salt on ur meals. It just means that if u do these things ur more incline to develop high cholestorol. Same goes with having genetictraits of overweight obesity. Just cause ur momma/dady fat doesnt mean u are born with a fixation to eating a box of snickers ice cream bars.

when they start to lose weight they plateau and lose motivation because the scale keeps reading xxx pounds despite all the hard work.

Exactly my point. It is all mental weakness. and not having willpower and just having a frail mindstate. perfect example minorities have all types ofadversities going against them, that doesnt mean they cant help but fail, not amount 2 s*&t, just cause they have 2 work 2 or 3 times harder then every1else just to get the same results.
I don't feel like reading all these pages but if you feel the need to look a certain way or fit a certain build, then how comfortable are you really withyourself? Not every ones main focus is there looks, for some working out and staying in shape is time they might not have or would rather spend on somethingelse. I'm actually a lot smaller then I should be weight wise but that's simply how I was made to be. I don't have much time now to exercise if Iwanted to so I can imagine people with familys really have to go out of there way if they don't have a naturally slim build. I know some enjoy working outand staying in shape, but for those who don't should they really have to just cause some of you guys don't enjoy looking at them? Do you really feelthat makes you better as a person to the point you can't take them seriously?
Its funny.

Today's food is basically medication/drugs considering all the ingredients.
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

Originally Posted by proper english

Why are all the fat dudes upset? OP asked a serious question..

I actually took this as a joke until I went back and read the other pages.

What I find funny is that "skinny" people huddle together and talk with this authoritative tone about how their lifestyles are so much better than that of "fat" people. Quality of life? Possibly. I'm not denying the health concerns related to being overweight, but I'm looking at a screen of a few certified lames (
) speaking as if they hot cause their cupboards were bare as youths.

The gay analogy ain't all that out of the box considering some of you can't relate at all to being overweight, however you've chosen to type out nonsense about how miserable "my" life must be. I can count maybe 3 times when I have allowed my weight to keep me on the sidelines or play the background. I'm sure most of you can think of more occasions than that in which you've allowed your own insecurities to have the same influence. Me depressed? I'm good. I wobble through club spots and pull cute %@%##+*. Due to my size, I shower more often just so shorties don't have to gasp prior to performing.

How'd I get fat? Practice. Why am I still fat? 'Cause macaroni & cheese is damn good.

Fat people and their rationalizations
Originally Posted by HyphySole

i really dont understand how anyone could let themselves go like that. Is it really that hard to jog or do some kind of physical activity.

being in shape really is not that simple.

Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by McFlyyy

there's no excuse to be out of shape. you don't need a gym membership. you don't need to live next door to an organic market. people in here sound complacent and depressed.

thats true, but theres a reason why people with low income tend to be overweight..

yes this is very true..... most healthy foods are more expensive and some people just cant afford that
NoSlickRemarks wrote:
HyphySole wrote:
i really dont understand how anyone could let themselves go like that. Is it really that hard to jog or do some kind of physical activity.

being in shape really is not that simple.

It really isn't. It's funny how you guys target fat people though. Half of you are are just as unhealthy and the other half should knowbetter. I'm by no means fat, but I know I can't be healthy. I go to the doctor and all they tell me is "you need to gain a little weight" butI have fat friends who eat a lot less then me (I don't eat a lot, but eat fast food just about everyday). I, like these fat people you guys are disgustedby, and don't respect, know I could be healthier, but I simply don't care (not saying they don't). Am I lazy? Yeah. I am busy a lot of the time,and that is a reason not to exercise even if you all think it is an excuse, but for me it isn't. I simply don't want to. I would rather spend my sparetime with my friends, or practicing on the guitar. So if I suddenly gain weight, I'm suppose to change my life around? Change my likes and dislikes, notlike myself, force myself to do things I never saw as necessary before? You guys are talking about their all simply lazy, when maybe they're simply justhappy with themselves. Just cause you have a certain perception of them doesn't mean that's how they all view themselves.
Originally Posted by Wade187

NoSlickRemarks wrote:
HyphySole wrote:
i really dont understand how anyone could let themselves go like that. Is it really that hard to jog or do some kind of physical activity.

being in shape really is not that simple.

It really isn't. It's funny how you guys target fat people though. Half of you are are just as unhealthy and the other half should know better. I'm by no means fat, but I know I can't be healthy. I go to the doctor and all they tell me is "you need to gain a little weight" but I have fat friends who eat a lot less then me (I don't eat a lot, but eat fast food just about everyday). I, like these fat people you guys are disgusted by, and don't respect, know I could be healthier, but I simply don't care (not saying they don't). Am I lazy? Yeah. I am busy a lot of the time, and that is a reason not to exercise even if you all think it is an excuse, but for me it isn't. I simply don't want to. I would rather spend my spare time with my friends, or practicing on the guitar. So if I suddenly gain weight, I'm suppose to change my life around? Change my likes and dislikes, not like myself, force myself to do things I never saw as necessary before? You guys are talking about their all simply lazy, when maybe they're simply just happy with themselves. Just cause you have a certain perception of them doesn't mean that's how they all view themselves.

we aint talkin bout the ppl who r huge n happy, we talkin bout the ppl that wanna lose weight n making a ton
pun intended... excuses about why they fat y the eat how they eat and how hard iti 2 exercise. Its all mental they just dont have the will power 2 change do what they need 2 do and/or lazy period. And again like i said eating unhealthy isnot cheaper then healthy. How is baked potatoes more expensie then a baked potato with butter bacon sour cream chives and cheese. How is going 2 a restuarantand ordering a salad with lite vinigerette more expensive then lobster tails and a ny strip steak, a bag of apples isnt more expensive then a carton of icecream. Like i said its excuses period.
Originally Posted by THE FAME

Yeah it's pointless.
Its pointless that people are quick to judge and throw insults at those who are overweight.
But yet If I were to say some of the things that people in here that is said about those who are obese towards
homosexuals some of you would be ready to hang me.

Keep it moving guy.
You Obviously have nothing but a ignorant opinion that isn't backed
by anything factual except for the comforbility of your ego.

Originally Posted by LDJ

Ok ill say this again if u are a drug addict ur body has a chemical dependancy to the drug of choice, meaning your body must have it in order for you to sustain life. Thus is why people detox or slowly wheemed offa drugs, or givin drugs in less dosage. There is no scientific evidence that a person have a chemical/physical dependancy to eating poorly over eating. Thats why it is a disease. Fat is NOT a disease. Thats why if ur an alcoholic whether u drink 1 drink or no dinks or never drink in life u still are a alcoholic.

So you're an alcoholic if you've never drank alcohol? I'm not clear on your logic.
Originally Posted by Flaming Hot Cheetos

Fat people and their rationalizations

You guys are so tough.

Originally Posted by jhova718

its not easy when you work and go to school full time. plus no time to go home and eat right, gotta eat quick stuff on the street. and the little time i have off i am way too tired to hit the gym the way i should. its a dilema but i hate being fat, i hate other fat people.

you have the most valid/believable story here...you're excused
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by Wade187

NoSlickRemarks wrote:
HyphySole wrote:
i really dont understand how anyone could let themselves go like that. Is it really that hard to jog or do some kind of physical activity.

being in shape really is not that simple.
It really isn't. It's funny how you guys target fat people though. Half of you are are just as unhealthy and the other half should know better. I'm by no means fat, but I know I can't be healthy. I go to the doctor and all they tell me is "you need to gain a little weight" but I have fat friends who eat a lot less then me (I don't eat a lot, but eat fast food just about everyday). I, like these fat people you guys are disgusted by, and don't respect, know I could be healthier, but I simply don't care (not saying they don't). Am I lazy? Yeah. I am busy a lot of the time, and that is a reason not to exercise even if you all think it is an excuse, but for me it isn't. I simply don't want to. I would rather spend my spare time with my friends, or practicing on the guitar. So if I suddenly gain weight, I'm suppose to change my life around? Change my likes and dislikes, not like myself, force myself to do things I never saw as necessary before? You guys are talking about their all simply lazy, when maybe they're simply just happy with themselves. Just cause you have a certain perception of them doesn't mean that's how they all view themselves.

we aint talkin bout the ppl who r huge n happy, we talkin bout the ppl that wanna lose weight n making a ton
pun intended... excuses about why they fat y the eat how they eat and how hard it i 2 exercise. Its all mental they just dont have the will power 2 change do what they need 2 do and/or lazy period. And again like i said eating unhealthy is not cheaper then healthy. How is baked potatoes more expensie then a baked potato with butter bacon sour cream chives and cheese. How is going 2 a restuarant and ordering a salad with lite vinigerette more expensive then lobster tails and a ny strip steak, a bag of apples isnt more expensive then a carton of ice cream. Like i said its excuses period.

Agreed. Tombout "oh I have a disease" %@*@$
I love burgers and fries too fatty.
I have no excuse...

I have been pretty much fat my whole life but the fact that I'm kinda tall kinda balances things out...I've never been depressed about it I just madethe best of it

There was a time in HS tho when I was lean casue of football...but with two jobs and school its gonna be hard for me to actually get to gym but I will make avalid effort soon
but why? if you're eating Eggs, Tuna, and skinless chicken for breakfast lunch and dinner.. How can you be fat? It isn't rocket science. High proteinlow calorie diet will trim fat. Ie a slice of turkey lunch meat is 30 calories and 5g of protein. 4-5 slices on wheat bread = snack.
Man, why do so many people in here have a hatred for overweight people?

Extremely obese people do kind of get on my nerves, the type you see in Walmart crusing in their electric chairs because they are too big/lazy to walk BUT ifyour talking about your everyday overwight American I cant see what the big deal is. Who are you to judge someone else just because they are overweight? Thatslike me saying I hate all gingers or people with acne...stop judging other people and keep it movin.
Originally Posted by Baybully650

Man, why do so many people in here have a hatred for overweight people?

Extremely obese people do kind of get on my nerves, the type you see in Walmart crusing in their electric chairs because they are too big/lazy to walk BUT if your talking about your everyday overwight American I cant see what the big deal is. Who are you to judge someone else just because they are overweight? Thats like me saying I hate all gingers or people with acne...stop judging other people and keep it movin.
A fat guy fondled their girl
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