why are you fat?

Originally Posted by AF1 Beast

I'm sorry if this insults anybody, but fat people and old people disgust me.

Would you be offended if someone told you to kill yourself? you shouldn't, then you wouldn't make it to old age. There must be a dumb *#+ sun out todayor something, you guys are on a roll.
Originally Posted by LDJ

To people who say its like being on drugs lol hats the stupidiest thing i ever heard. Your body and mind develop a codependancy for drugs and cannot function properly if u are a true drug addict or alcoholic. If u just up and quit the body could go into shock and u could possible die do to the sudden and rapid chemical imbalance.

No way in hell u gonna convince me if u just stop drowning ur french fries with ketchup, or soaking ur subway sandwhich with oil and mayo

So... you have compassion for someone who chooses to take a drug knowing the risk of addiction; yet you don't see how food can be an addiction? Especially,considering one has to eat in order to live whereas a drug/alcohol addict (in most cases) does not NEED to have ever tried drugs/alcohol tobegin with.

You people are funny.

Originally Posted by AirAnt23

Originally Posted by LDJ

To people who say its like being on drugs lol hats the stupidiest thing i ever heard. Your body and mind develop a codependancy for drugs and cannot function properly if u are a true drug addict or alcoholic. If u just up and quit the body could go into shock and u could possible die do to the sudden and rapid chemical imbalance.

No way in hell u gonna convince me if u just stop drowning ur french fries with ketchup, or soaking ur subway sandwhich with oil and mayo

So... you have compassion for someone who chooses to take a drug knowing the risk of addiction; yet you don't see how food can be an addiction? Especially, considering one has to eat in order to live whereas a drug/alcohol addict (in most cases) does not NEED to have ever tried drugs/alcohol to begin with.

You people are funny.

but do you need to drink soda with every meal?

do you need to get fast food whenever you are outside of your house and hungry?

do you need to constantly eat deep fried food and sweets?
Originally Posted by the north west

Originally Posted by AirAnt23

Originally Posted by LDJ

To people who say its like being on drugs lol hats the stupidiest thing i ever heard. Your body and mind develop a codependancy for drugs and cannot function properly if u are a true drug addict or alcoholic. If u just up and quit the body could go into shock and u could possible die do to the sudden and rapid chemical imbalance.

No way in hell u gonna convince me if u just stop drowning ur french fries with ketchup, or soaking ur subway sandwhich with oil and mayo

So... you have compassion for someone who chooses to take a drug knowing the risk of addiction; yet you don't see how food can be an addiction? Especially, considering one has to eat in order to live whereas a drug/alcohol addict (in most cases) does not NEED to have ever tried drugs/alcohol to begin with.

You people are funny.

but do you need to drink soda with every meal?

do you need to get fast food whenever you are outside of your house and hungry?

do you need to constantly eat deep fried food and sweets?

do you need to buy that carton of ciggaretes? Do you need to drink an excess amount of alcohol? Do you need to constantly keep buying illegal drugs?...its thesame concept
Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

I'm at 18% BF right now and I consider myself to be FAT.

I wanna get down to at least 11% before my vacation in December...it aint happenin unless I cut fighter style
I gotta fix my diet really hard.
I'm at 16, but 11% would be nice.

Kudos to those of you who have lost a substantialamount of weight.
Somethimes it could be just genetics or laziness. They probably binge eat and lack an active lifestyle.
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by the north west

Originally Posted by AirAnt23

Originally Posted by LDJ

To people who say its like being on drugs lol hats the stupidiest thing i ever heard. Your body and mind develop a codependancy for drugs and cannot function properly if u are a true drug addict or alcoholic. If u just up and quit the body could go into shock and u could possible die do to the sudden and rapid chemical imbalance.

No way in hell u gonna convince me if u just stop drowning ur french fries with ketchup, or soaking ur subway sandwhich with oil and mayo

So... you have compassion for someone who chooses to take a drug knowing the risk of addiction; yet you don't see how food can be an addiction? Especially, considering one has to eat in order to live whereas a drug/alcohol addict (in most cases) does not NEED to have ever tried drugs/alcohol to begin with.

You people are funny.

but do you need to drink soda with every meal?

do you need to get fast food whenever you are outside of your house and hungry?

do you need to constantly eat deep fried food and sweets?

do you need to buy that carton of ciggaretes? Do you need to drink an excess amount of alcohol? Do you need to constantly keep buying illegal drugs?...its the same concept

and who said they didnt need help? they need help just as much as a fat person does...
Originally Posted by the north west

but do you need to drink soda with every meal?

do you need to get fast food whenever you are outside of your house and hungry?

do you need to constantly eat deep fried food and sweets?

I don't believe any of that is necessary. In fact, I rarely drink sodas. And for all my self-targeted fat jokes on this board, I don't eat all thatmuch fast food. I'm personally guilty of sweets.

But the point I was making is that dude was quick to dispell the addiction one could have to food. He criticizes American society's willingness to considerthese behaviors as "disease", however his text gives some merit to drug addiction and alcoholism as disease. I just wonder - why not over eating? IfI'm a recovering heroin addict... the temptation is always there. It's either I look for a dealer or I don't. There's no commercial running"$5 baggie on the block."

But what if I've gone to counseling for over eating? I'm home alone and I get hungry... ? I gotta eat. Doing what has not been routine for you(i.e. eating fresh fruit, vegetables, smaller portions) isn't easy when there are advertisments every couple of minutes. Or say for instance, you don'tlive alone and everyone else is ordering take-out.

Those aren't excuses. I'm just trying to figure how ANYONE can say "it's easy" to lose weight without it ever being a personal issue forthem. I'm not running through Betty Ford screaming "I'm clean, #%%$#!%!"

Originally Posted by AirAnt23

Originally Posted by the north west

but do you need to drink soda with every meal?

do you need to get fast food whenever you are outside of your house and hungry?

do you need to constantly eat deep fried food and sweets?

I don't believe any of that is necessary. In fact, I rarely drink sodas. And for all my self-targeted fat jokes on this board, I don't eat all that much fast food. I'm personally guilty of sweets.

But the point I was making is that dude was quick to dispell the addiction one could have to food. He criticizes American society's willingness to consider these behaviors as "disease", however his text gives some merit to drug addiction and alcoholism as disease. I just wonder - why not over eating? If I'm a recovering heroin addict... the temptation is always there. It's either I look for a dealer or I don't. There's no commercial running "$5 baggie on the block."

But what if I've gone to counseling for over eating? I'm home alone and I get hungry... ? I gotta eat. Doing what has not been routine for you (i.e. eating fresh fruit, vegetables, smaller portions) isn't easy when there are advertisments every couple of minutes. Or say for instance, you don't live alone and everyone else is ordering take-out.

Those aren't excuses. I'm just trying to figure how ANYONE can say "it's easy" to lose weight without it ever being a personal issue for them. I'm not running through Betty Ford screaming "I'm clean, #%%$#!%!"


Actually, thats exactly what they are.

You pretty much just admitted that you have no willpower and you're weak-minded when it comes to things like this.


all through my childhood and teens i was very overweight.

one day i was just tired of being fat, so i made a mix CD (back when these were still around
) and just decided to go jog one night.

jogging led to a gym membership, which led to weight training, which led to a fascination with health and fitness and the like.

it was tough at first but looking back, im glad i was able to stay so disciplined.

For those of you trying to lose weight and turn things around: Kudos. Keep it up, i really mean that.
Originally Posted by Club29

Actually, thats exactly what they are.

You pretty much just admitted that you have no willpower and you're weak-minded when it comes to things like this.

Who said I was talking about me?

Originally Posted by Club29

it was tough at first

There's my point.

It isn't easy. I'm on both the right track and right train. But, again, jigs talking like each & everyone possess the power to wake up and at thatvery moment decided to completely and forever change his or her lifestyle. That's a ridiculous notion.


the funny thing is so many people are talking about binge eating and what not. this is also sometimes a BIG misconception. ive been heavy all my life and i gotthat way doing the exact opposite.

i would never eat three meals a day just have like something at the end of the day when moms got home. now it was usually fast food cause my mom was a singleparent and didnt want me to

have to wait another 30 mins for dinner when she got home from work at like 6 so shed bring me something. now my brother and some of my friends would eatconstantly and not healthy either.

brother would eat grits with butter and cheese and sardines or hotdogs with cheese or mad candy. but him and my friends just stayed skinny. you guys are alwaysmaking fun of frail dudes and

some of them have the same problem as me but in reverse. they just cant gain weight and i gain it way too easy. my best friend since like 14 is 24 and weighslike 140 soaking wet, this kid eats

a whole pizza at a time drinks nothing but soda, eats candy and use to sit right there on the couch all day after work just like me. we even worked the samejob and played basketball together

and pretty much did everything the same except how we ate. i would eat healthy he would eat junk but i was still big and he was still skinny. nothing is cutand dry. im fat i know this but im def

not unhealthy i regularly spend 45 mins straight 3-4 times a week on an eliptical and eat right with one cheat day and all that does is just maintain myweight. no doctor has said anything to me

except i was over weight, no you have high blood pressure or cholestoral or at risk of diabetes just "you are overweight" i wish i had the time to bea gym rat and even then i wouldnt want to

be skinny just have way more muscle than i do fat, but i got 1000 dif things that need to get done in the week before i can dedicate 2-3 hours a day to workingout.
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

Originally Posted by Club29

Actually, thats exactly what they are.

You pretty much just admitted that you have no willpower and you're weak-minded when it comes to things like this.

Who said I was talking about me?

Originally Posted by Club29

it was tough at first

There's my point.

It isn't easy. I'm on both the right track and right train. But, again, jigs talking like each & everyone possess the power to wake up and at that very moment decided to completely and forever change his or her lifestyle. That's a ridiculous notion.



fair enough, but you know whether you're guilty of such or not

and hey, all i did was change what i talked about changing for so long.

Nas: Why shoot the breeze about it, when you can be about it?

be skinny just have way more muscle than i do fat, but i got 1000 dif things that need to get done in the week before i can dedicate 2-3 hours a day to working out.
no one said you had to have a pro athlete-like workout regime but a good half hour-40 mins of weight training would do wonders
be skinny just have way more muscle than i do fat, but i got 1000 dif things that need to get done in the week before i can dedicate 2-3 hours a day to working out.
no one said you had to have a pro athlete-like workout regime but a good half hour-40 mins of weight training would do wonders

oh i def know. but thats the problem its a %$#@@ just for me to find the time to do cardio let alone weight training. im trying to work somethingout though cause i may be fine now but i do worry about the future. but perfect example is that ive been on my couch all day. not watching football butoutlining for my finals for law school. but i try with other stuff like eating a lot of small meals and only drinking water and snacks like apples and whatnot. the food part isnt hard at all cause i actually love veggies and have literaly made myself disgusted with fast food. the problem is how easy i gain weightthat all the stuff i do just MAINTAINS my weight instead of dropping it down. i feel like i would need that pro athlete regimen to actually lose weight.
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by AirAnt23

Originally Posted by the north west

but do you need to drink soda with every meal?

do you need to get fast food whenever you are outside of your house and hungry?

do you need to constantly eat deep fried food and sweets?

I don't believe any of that is necessary. In fact, I rarely drink sodas. And for all my self-targeted fat jokes on this board, I don't eat all that much fast food. I'm personally guilty of sweets.

But the point I was making is that dude was quick to dispell the addiction one could have to food. He criticizes American society's willingness to consider these behaviors as "disease", however his text gives some merit to drug addiction and alcoholism as disease. I just wonder - why not over eating? If I'm a recovering heroin addict... the temptation is always there. It's either I look for a dealer or I don't. There's no commercial running "$5 baggie on the block."

But what if I've gone to counseling for over eating? I'm home alone and I get hungry... ? I gotta eat. Doing what has not been routine for you (i.e. eating fresh fruit, vegetables, smaller portions) isn't easy when there are advertisments every couple of minutes. Or say for instance, you don't live alone and everyone else is ordering take-out.

Those aren't excuses. I'm just trying to figure how ANYONE can say "it's easy" to lose weight without it ever being a personal issue for them. I'm not running through Betty Ford screaming "I'm clean, #%%$#!%!"


Actually, thats exactly what they are.

You pretty much just admitted that you have no willpower and you're weak-minded when it comes to things like this.


all through my childhood and teens i was very overweight.

one day i was just tired of being fat, so i made a mix CD (back when these were still around
) and just decided to go jog one night.

jogging led to a gym membership, which led to weight training, which led to a fascination with health and fitness and the like.

it was tough at first but looking back, im glad i was able to stay so disciplined.

For those of you trying to lose weight and turn things around: Kudos. Keep it up, i really mean that.
They're not excuses. Ant has lost a tremendous amount of weight so excuse and ant should never be in the same sentence.

The world is built on money and it trickles down to eating habits IMO...Working class parents don't have time to cook meals and a family would rather spend$10 to feed their family than to spend $100s on groceries they may never get a chance to use.

People all over the world have that morning where they're tired of being x, y or z but the reality is that not everyone is afforded the same outlets.There's genetics which discourage people because when they start to lose weight they plateau and lose motivation because the scale keeps reading xxx poundsdespite all the hard work.

Instead of calling people "fat" the OP should have said "why are you unhealthy"... There are far worse things than being fat. Like"skinny" with man boobs.
Completely off-topic, but i'm 5'11" 185lbs at around 15% BF.

My brother is is 6'0" 280+lbs and God knows how much BF.

He blames his metabolism and says "he didn't get the good genes."


That's just my personal reason I don't listen to fat people's excuses.
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by QueensFinest101

alright my story, i was 140.. slim been taken MA pretty much my whole life, spent a year in the hospital and a year under recovery a couple of bad turns in life, i hit 305. Right when i was cleared to workout i started working out intensely picked up football and MA again. worked out 6 times a week and shot down to 175 within a year then i started BB'ing on top of football and martial arts shot up to 200 with a 12 percent BFP.

Pic, the second one is some random snap from my old whack cam lol

i helped 3 of my friends lost weight, one is a girl and she looks
now ( sorry no pics)

just get motivated, a lot of these over weight people would actually love working out, if they actually tried it.

Damn.. congrats bro

thanks man, trying to cut down to 9 percent at 185 by the end of the year very possible, last time i checked i was 12 % i am probably 10-11 now. been doingexcessive amounts of cardio.
It's amazing what anyone overweight can do with a healthy diet, proper cardio and proper weight training and have the mental willpower to overcomelaziness.

Whenever I need some proof of that and inspiration, I go here:


I means it's not impossible to do it, you just gotta have the mental strength to overcome it. It's not easy but it can be done and there is proof ofthis.

I hate when someone says to me: "damn bro, you got fatter?" or hear someone call you a fatass. I hate when I have to look in the mirror and not lovehow my body looks and how soft and chunky it is.
As a young kid growing up I suffered from childhood obesity.
Mainly because I was longed eyed and I had a mother (who's not even obese)
who really didn't step in that much to monitor what I was eating or
how much I ate.
Unless I was hanging out with a couple of friends, psychical activity was not much of
my life. Its was pretty much a school, TV, video game formula.

Around my teenage years I started to really take heed of my appearance,
not only my appearance but my health.
So I made a little few corrections about what I ate, but this really didn't make a change because
overall I was still consuming junk. Just the healthy looking 'junk' and garbage in moderation
to console my ego.
When I hit high school that's when everything changed.
I decided one day to go and workout with a friend of mines at a mandatory football workout.
I've probably been in the gym ever since.
Football made a huge change in my life. After I became interested and wanted to make this a goal of mines,
I was forced to change the way I ate (because I would literally puke out he crap I was consuming)
Dropping just 'soda' alone I remember taking a huge impact upon my weight.
I went from a non-active life to an working out almost 365 days out the year lifestyle.
Around my Sophomore year of high school my obesity days were and are still long gone.
But this is not all of it..
As I got more into the anatomy of the human body and how man was meant to eat,
I keep adjusting my diet for the better.
No meats, sugary beverages, white foods, and mostly anything chemically en-doused.
I've have been able to maintain my weight , appearance, and the overall health of my body
ever since.
Best decision I've ever made in my life.

Side Note: Also let this be known just as much as eating is a factor in obesity, so is STRESS and of course
the most important of them all SLEEP.

Another Side Note: I seeing this metabolism excuse a little too much, little do you know just because
you are not over weight DOES NOT mean that you could not be dying in the inside...
and I bet most of you are. Since you have the eating habits of someone who is overweight
but refuse to adjust your diet because you see no effects in apperance.
Im a big dude myself..around 315 lbs..I work out, and dont look my weight however....i wear xl in ralph lauren, and most people estimate me at 230 lbs..my lastbodyfat test i tested in at 16%. Im trying to lose but its harder on me i guess...If i had to guess now i would estimate that im at around 15 percent as i havelost about 7 lbs.

its just harder on big people to lose weight..idk..especially when smaller folks can eat the EXACT same thing and not ever gain a pound..it boggles my mindsometimes..
Originally Posted by 23kidd

Originally Posted by AF1 Beast

I'm sorry if this insults anybody, but fat people and old people disgust me.
So when you get old...you should kill yourself.
Why would I kill myself if I was already old?
Wouldn't I kill myself before I got old?
I knew that would probably offend people but I just feel that a lot of old people are shady.
Originally Posted by 360wavesandxbox

Im a big dude myself..around 315 lbs..I work out, and dont look my weight however....i wear xl in ralph lauren, and most people estimate me at 230 lbs..my last bodyfat test i tested in at 16%. Im trying to lose but its harder on me i guess...If i had to guess now i would estimate that im at around 15 percent as i have lost about 7 lbs.

its just harder on big people to lose weight..idk..especially when smaller folks can eat the EXACT same thing and not ever gain a pound..it boggles my mind sometimes..
How tall are you? If you're anywhere near the normal height for an average male American..even at 16% body fat, you have to have a grip ofmuscles.

BTW from 11-30% body fat...that's where normal people range at. Anything under 10% is considered athletic and is very hard to achieve for most.
Most bodyfat calculators are inaccurate. But
@ being 315 with 16% bf..imma need to see a pic of you fam. You're a beast
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