why are you fat?

Originally Posted by THE FAME

With all Jokes aside...
If OP would have posted "Why are you gay?"
This thread would have went in a totally new direction.
When basically the some of the same arguments can be made about the topic.
Genetics, disorders, free will, etc....
but I guess NT aint ready to hear all that.
How is being fat like being gay? lol

its a a manner of living that reflects the person's values and attitudes
Originally Posted by AirCommanderMarsFiend

How is being fat like being gay? lol
The same way someone can come on here and say "its in my genes to be big-boned"...
another person can make the exact same argument that they were born gay.
Some people say that fat people choose to be fat due to their free will and
wrongful decision making about what they eat. Well that same exact thing can be said about men
who choose to have sex with the same sex.
Another example is how people like to say that obesity is somewhat a disorder..
well I have heard the same-thing go for homosexuals as well.

For some weird reason today's society finds it ok to harass and poke fun at obese people.
But yet with this new found love and acceptance upon homosexuals most NT'ers
would be coming to their rescue if OP would have asked "Why are you gay?"

[Typical NT'er] Why does it matter? Let them do them. [Typcial NT'er]

Well why not let fat people just be fat?

I'm technically obese with a 6 pack. Yeah right.
18key wrote:
GTEK wrote:
Well why not let fat people just be fat?

Health concerns.

C'mon fam, no offense but did you even think before you posted that?
Lets take in fact a little something called a HIV.
Reportedly Gay men and men who have sex with men (MSM)
have aids at a rate more than 50 times
women and non gay/ bi-men.

MSM account for nearly half of the more than one million people living with HIV in the U.S. (48%, or an estimated 532,000 total persons).

[font=Scala,Scala][font=Scala,Scala] [/font][/font]
MSM account for more than half of all new HIV infections in the U.S. each year (53%, or an estimated 28,700 infections).
[font=Scala,Scala][font=Scala,Scala] [/font][/font]
MSM is the only risk group in the U.S. in which new HIV infections are increasing. While new infections have declined among both heterosexuals and injection drug users, the annual number of new HIV infections among MSM has been steadily increasing since the early 1990s.


Anal Sex doesn't hold health concerns?
Originally Posted by Lazy B

There should be a tax on being fat. You cost insurance companies and the medical industry billions of dollars per year because of your inability to take care of yourself. Get on a strict diet and workout regiment.

well then, you'll be making major money from NFL Lineman
This was originally a much longer post, but I know most NTers have the attention spans of meth-addled gnats so I cut it down to hit the important points.

Diet vs. Exercise
From the comments, it sounds as though many people believe that exercise is the key to physical fitness. And as much as exercise is good for you, it isvirtually impossible to out-exercise a poor diet. Do the math yourself. Use whatever calculation you like, but nobody orders a Extra Value Meal so they canspend the next 2 hours jogging to burn it off. Exercise increases baseline metabolism, decreases rates of depression, and increases strength andcardiovascular fitness, but Charles Barkley was fat when he was playing in the NBA - and it wasn't because he didn't get exercise.

Calories = Pounds
Taking in 2500-3500 unused calories (depends on the individual) will result in a gain of one pound of adipose tissue. A Value Meal from McDonald'sis ~1400 calories. A large cheese pizza from Domino's is ~2000 calories. Are you burning those calories? Because if not, they're not going anywhere. (And if you don't need them, then why are you eating them?)

Life Span & Quality of Life
When I used to see more patients and we would discuss the health implications of being overweight/obese, particularly at young ages (20's and 30's),many people seemed to accept the fact that they would die early. However, as morbid as that was, very few had any idea of how their physical conditions wouldimpact the years before their early demises. When I needed to make the point crystal clear I would ask them to close their eyes and imagine something. Imagine that you're 65 years old. You have diabetes. You have heart disease. It takes you a few minutes to climb a flight of stairs. You do not sleepwell. Your joints hurt. You are constantly tired. You are not able to do a number of activities with your family and friends. A good portion of your incomegoes to pay for medication. Your life will probably be shorter than most of your peers. And the final years of life will probably become increasinglyuncomfortable. Sound like fun?

Now guess what. If you are overweight in your teens and twenties, this is probably where you will end up unless you make some permanent changes. Iused to see it every day and you probably know someone in this situation. Cutting out fast food for two weeks is not a permanent change. Playing some balltomorrow is not a permanent change. Permanent means forever. Just because you have school or a job doesn't mean your body stops digesting everything youput into it. Just because you're really busy doesn't mean that McDonald's suddenly becomes good for you. These are unfortunate realities in oursociety today. And like many things in life, just because it's difficult or you don't like to hear it it doesn't mean it's not true. The goodnews is that you aren't 65. You are not helpless. You do not have to eat everything you have access to. You can improve your situation for today and forthe rest of your life.
Shutup! I got a thyroid condition! *chomp* I got asthma *#%@+! *slurp* I'm not fat, I just got big bones. Ay pass the mayo. I just got bad genetics *sleep*
Its not even tough to stay in shape. Just get outside and do something. Run, pull ups, lift weights, play sports, work labor, etc. It's a shame that thiscountry is in such horrible shape.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Seriously, what's so hard about staying in shape?
Dedication, time, and motivation. And as you get older, metabolism and testosterone slow down.

Some people out there can eat up a storm of junk food and be fit early in their lives...try that when they're in their 30s+ and you will get that Sir Charles belly.
I wouldn't consider someone who consistently eats junk food to be fit. They may be slim, but definitely not fit. But usually it's thosepeople who complain about not gaining any weight too.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

There should be a tax on being fat. You cost insurance companies and the medical industry billions of dollars per year because of your inability to take care of yourself. Get on a strict diet and workout regiment.
I'm down. I wish there was some sort of discount for being healthy
Originally Posted by Boilermaker X

This was originally a much longer post, but I know most NTers have the attention spans of meth-addled gnats so I cut it down to hit the important points.

Diet vs. Exercise
From the comments, it sounds as though many people believe that exercise is the key to physical fitness. And as much as exercise is good for you, it is virtually impossible to out-exercise a poor diet. Do the math yourself. Use whatever calculation you like, but nobody orders a Extra Value Meal so they can spend the next 2 hours jogging to burn it off. Exercise increases baseline metabolism, decreases rates of depression, and increases strength and cardiovascular fitness, but Charles Barkley was fat when he was playing in the NBA - and it wasn't because he didn't get exercise.

Calories = Pounds
Taking in 2500-3500 unused calories (depends on the individual) will result in a gain of one pound of adipose tissue. A Value Meal from McDonald's is ~1400 calories. A large cheese pizza from Domino's is ~2000 calories. Are you burning those calories? Because if not, they're not going anywhere. (And if you don't need them, then why are you eating them?)

Life Span & Quality of Life
When I used to see more patients and we would discuss the health implications of being overweight/obese, particularly at young ages (20's and 30's), many people seemed to accept the fact that they would die early. However, as morbid as that was, very few had any idea of how their physical conditions would impact the years before their early demises. When I needed to make the point crystal clear I would ask them to close their eyes and imagine something. Imagine that you're 65 years old. You have diabetes. You have heart disease. It takes you a few minutes to climb a flight of stairs. You do not sleep well. Your joints hurt. You are constantly tired. You are not able to do a number of activities with your family and friends. A good portion of your income goes to pay for medication. Your life will probably be shorter than most of your peers. And the final years of life will probably become increasingly uncomfortable. Sound like fun?

Now guess what. If you are overweight in your teens and twenties, this is probably where you will end up unless you make some permanent changes. I used to see it every day and you probably know someone in this situation. Cutting out fast food for two weeks is not a permanent change. Playing some ball tomorrow is not a permanent change. Permanent means forever. Just because you have school or a job doesn't mean your body stops digesting everything you put into it. Just because you're really busy doesn't mean that McDonald's suddenly becomes good for you. These are unfortunate realities in our society today. And like many things in life, just because it's difficult or you don't like to hear it it doesn't mean it's not true. The good news is that you aren't 65. You are not helpless. You do not have to eat everything you have access to. You can improve your situation for today and for the rest of your life.
Yo durden...your routine helped me out but can you post a good permanent diet. I really dont mess with fast food but my weaknessis being mexican and my love for the food lol. We dont use spoons or forks...we use tortillas. I'm not huge...237, 5'11 but I do want to kick thefatness and become a lil less overweight.
Originally Posted by proper english

Why are all the fat dudes upset? OP asked a serious question..

I actually took this as a joke until I went back and read the other pages.

What I find funny is that "skinny" people huddle together and talk with this authoritative tone about how their lifestyles are so much better thanthat of "fat" people. Quality of life? Possibly. I'm not denying the health concerns related to being overweight, but I'm looking at a screenof a few certified lames (
) speaking as if they hot cause their cupboards were bare as youths.

The gay analogy ain't all that out of the box considering some of you can't relate at all to being overweight, however you've chosen to type outnonsense about how miserable "my" life must be. I can count maybe 3 times when I have allowed my weight to keep me on the sidelines or play thebackground. I'm sure most of you can think of more occasions than that in which you've allowed your own insecurities to have the same influence. Medepressed? I'm good. I wobble through club spots and pull cute %@%##+*. Due to my size, I shower more often just so shorties don't have to gasp priorto performing.

How'd I get fat? Practice. Why am I still fat? 'Cause macaroni & cheese is damn good.

I can relate to being overweight, and its definately hard to change to a healthy diet in America.
But its possible. Just imagine if half the people you saw were skinny, and the other half with nearly perfect bodies

Almost every girl would be
. Almost..
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

Originally Posted by proper english

Why are all the fat dudes upset? OP asked a serious question..

I actually took this as a joke until I went back and read the other pages.

What I find funny is that "skinny" people huddle together and talk with this authoritative tone about how their lifestyles are so much better than that of "fat" people. Quality of life? Possibly. I'm not denying the health concerns related to being overweight, but I'm looking at a screen of a few certified lames (
) speaking as if they hot cause their cupboards were bare as youths.

The gay analogy ain't all that out of the box considering some of you can't relate at all to being overweight, however you've chosen to type out nonsense about how miserable "my" life must be. I can count maybe 3 times when I have allowed my weight to keep me on the sidelines or play the background. I'm sure most of you can think of more occasions than that in which you've allowed your own insecurities to have the same influence. Me depressed? I'm good. I wobble through club spots and pull cute %@%##+*. Due to my size, I shower more often just so shorties don't have to gasp prior to performing.

How'd I get fat? Practice. Why am I still fat? 'Cause macaroni & cheese is damn good.

No, you're fat because you refuse to do anything about it. Wait until you have something happen to you due to your weight and watch thatattitude change.
There's a direct correlation between weight and post count on niketalk. For the most part.
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

They both like sausage.


Originally Posted by Lazy B

No, you're fat because you refuse to do anything about it. Wait until you have something happen to you due to your weight and watch that attitude change.


Curious... what's the heaviest you've ever been?

Just thinking about it, i've seen fat folk get worse treatment than gay people. On nt alot too, i've seen the same person go to depths to defend folkagainst any prejudice, then let the insults fly when it comes to fat people, not health concerns, but some real all of you look "dirty, disgusting"type stuff, and i'm thinking, these are people too man.
People on this board have to have the smallest penis' ever in the history of the world. There are respectful comments like durden and some of the teamfitness members but I swear you people are so judgmental. If you're an OG then you'd know that ANT been pushing 300+ then dropped to about 230-250 yetyou call him lazy?

Whats the difference between fat and being skinny but smoking...both are unhealthy...Its about time the finger gets pointed at yourself and stop worrying aboutthe next mans weight, car he drives or where he lives.

If it aint where ninjahood lives, its someones weight...grow the hell up.
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