why are you fat?

Originally Posted by sonunox34

I gained 40 pounds on this onie medicaton

btw im drunk as a mthfuker

im sorr yNT

dasmn let me go get some watre

Yeah me too, (hbp)but i just subscribed to the fact that i gotta work twice as hard to stay in shape. I was so mad when i changed my whole diet, whichwasn't bad to begin with, and @%*+ just got worse, slammed the doctors door and everything. Hopefully it gets to a point that i won't need them meds,but i think genetics may say otherwise.
Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

Whats the difference between fat and being skinny but smoking...both are unhealthy

Damn. I was going to bring that up later...

I expect a flood of "I don't smoke either" replies. But the point of my "soliloquy" was that if you've never been a fat person, howon earth would you know the strength/discipline it would take someone overweight to muster in order to shed pounds? If you're being encouraging,fine. But making blanketed statements that suggest all fat people are lazy? Ridiculous.

And I'll take it a step further; how many of you have ever had to make any lifestyle change comparable to what is necessary for someonewho's been overweight the majority his or her life?

I got into an "argument" with a friend of mine because she made a statement that, to me, suggested that all fat people are sloppy & poordressers; with few exceptions. (And I just happened to be an exception) It's risible that anyone could speak on a matter in which they have absolutely nopersonal experience to relate.

Originally Posted by Smashing

Originally Posted by sonunox34

I gained 40 pounds on this onie medicaton

btw im drunk as a mthfuker

im sorr yNT

dasmn let me go get some watre

Yeah me too, (hbp)but i just subscribed to the fact that i gotta work twice as hard to stay in shape. I was so mad when i changed my whole diet, which wasn't bad to begin with, and @%*+ just got worse, slammed the doctors door and everything. Hopefully it gets to a point that i won't need them meds, but i think genetics may say otherwise.
@ the name
@ fat folks getting all defensive and sticking together. I did a term paper on obesity last year and the majority of it (imo) is fact they think in termsof 'short term' gratification.
Laziness and lack of knowledge of exercise and nutrition. I used to be fat when I was a kid. Hated being fat and started working out in high school. I'llnever be fat again.
at this thread. Chubby dudes like myself and fat ppl should use the ******ed ignorant comments in this thread as motivation.
I don't get it myself. I was slightly overweight in HS at 6'2 230 lbs. I was in basketball shape as I was on the team and such. Played in multipleleagues ect. In college, first year, I jumped to 260. Became obese, realized it. Started dieting and working out and was down to as low as 210. I'm at 220now and I feel great. IMO it's not hard to lose weight. Just have to set goals, stay determined, and follow through.
Oh and btw. Theres a guy in this thread whos mad because hes skinny but still cant get girls because hes ugly. You sound as if fat ppl make you mad son.
I'm 27, 5'8" 180lbs @ 16% Body Fat

- I know I'm fat.

I've been trying to lose weight for about a year now and it's just not working. Lifestyle change FTL.
I think my metabolism is done.

- I go to the gym almost everyday - I have a routine. lift weights and cardio @ 5 times a week.
- I've been limiting my carb intake everyday.
- Alcohol - I barely drink now. When I go out, i would probably have a beer or 2. and that's it.
- Fast food - I havent had any for months.

I can run a mile in about 5 minutes...So I can probably out run most of the skinny dudes out there.

my goal to get to 160lbs just feels like its miles and miles away. Typing this got me all depressed

I need to go to the gym.
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Oh and btw. Theres a guy in this thread whos mad because hes skinny but still cant get girls because hes ugly. You sound as if fat ppl make you mad son.

Just one?


Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

at this thread. Chubby dudes like myself and fat ppl should use the ******ed ignorant comments in this thread as motivation.

You should but you won't, tubby.

Originally Posted by marath0n

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

at this thread. Chubby dudes like myself and fat ppl should use the ******ed ignorant comments in this thread as motivation.

You should but you won't, tubby.

Just one?
could be more. But 1 ****** sticks out..only because i seen that ugly lame's pic before and realized why he sounds so mad. On some "howshe chose that fat +*#% over me?" ++$ dude. Its cause you ugly son..
ok heres my contribution to this thread:

all my years I was hella skinny...19-20 I got fatttttt! I was hella chunky, had a gut and what not....I wasnt pullin chicks, I had lost all my self confidence,I hate what I saw in the mirror, and I got tired of people telling me how I got fat....I pretty much did myself in tho, and had no one to blame but myself. Ididnt realize my metabolism would slow down, that drinkin 2 fortys a night/hella liquor, soda all day long, and fastfood/greasy was super unhealthy. <---all that was my undoing.

So I signed up for a membership at the Y....For my first 4 months I wasnt dedicated, still eating unhealthy, and drinkin at an alcoholic rate....I finallyreached the point where I became serious. I started only drinking bottled water, no more soda. Traded my fast food in for salads and eggs, and other healthierfoods such as apples and oranges for snacks. I did more grocery shopping instead of going out to eat, and cooking my meals.

So it wasn't easy at all, the first couple times I hopped on the treadmill it felt like death! But overtime it became easier and easier...I also had towork on the flabby chest I had developed which I never thought I would. I kinda became obsessed with my progress once I saw some progress, I wanted more! Mychest became solid! It also helped that I loved basketball, so besides working out, I worked on my game a lot(i didnt play much since HS). So the time I spentat the gym wasnt solely spent running and lifting, half of what I do there is basketball, which is a great form of excerise, especially when running games forhours, also just gets me moving someway and takes my mind away from my regular everyday problems. Once I got backdown to looking respectable, I am now in theprocess of building my arms, chest, shoulders, and flattening my stomach....Now I feel weird if I go more then 2 days without hitting the gym, it's justpart of my routine now! I swear i'll never let myself go like that again.

sidenote: even tho I have changed my habits a lot, I do have a cheat day once or twice a week where I'm craving fastfood or soda....it wont hurt you, plusit just satisfy you mentally...just dont do it too much.

http://niketalk.com/topic/202086?page=1 (similar thread in S&T I started)....
^ J Dilla....

I have muscle mass...I just dont want to look brolic. I want to look leaner, so I've actually tried to cut muscle mass as well as fat.

I've been doing more and more cardio and I've been avoiding to lift heavy weights and when I do lift - i will be light weights with more reps and burnouts.

My main problem is I cant lose the fat in my belly area....no matter how much cardio, dieting and sit ups.

Edit...It didnt make a whole lot of sense so i had to edit.

I'm hella sleepy (it's 2:24 AM where I'm and I can't sleep) - it sucks when you're hella tired and can't sleep.
Originally Posted by i just got lucky

^ J Dilla....

I have muscle mass...I just dont want to look brolic. I want to look more lean, So I've actually tried to cut muscle as well as fat. I've been doing more and more cardio and I've avoiding to lift heavy weights. When I do lift - i tried light weights with more reps and burn outs.

My main problem is I cant lose the fat in my belly area....no matter how much cardio, dieting and sit ups.

damn. I never heard of a dude who wants to lose muscle mass
. I suggest you look into HIIT training. Its when you run at diff speeds in diff intervalsuntil you burn out. Running/jogging at a slow pace helps with fat loss while sprinting helps with muscle loss, especially when you dont eat before you do it.You will be in what they call a catabolic state where they are eating away at your muscle and fat while u run because you havent nourished yourself before thatexercise
Alot of it has 2 do with lack of motivation, laziness both physically and mentally. Also people ignorance to food and nutition. Another huge factor is peoplelifestyles. If ou think about it there is 24hrs in a day if you work a sit on ur a*% job. Lets see 8 or 9 hrs ur doing nuttin after eating a few unhealthymeals. The time it takes u driving to and from work. Thats another hr or so of doing nuttin. The 3 or 4 hrs u watch tv,play video games on the cpu, ur doinnuttin. The time u take to get clothes 2gether shower etc. And then the 7 or 8 hrs u sleep. Its not rocket science that if 20-22 hrs of a day u spend doingabsolutely nuttin and eating unhealthy and improper u will be fat. What kills me is ppl think after doing nuttin 20 hrs or so a daay every day u can make it upwith avid,casual exercise or a 2 or 3 hrs a few times a week at a gym.
Slow metabolism FTL. I have been fat my whole life. My grandma would feed me McDonalds like everyday. Luckily I have played multiple sports throughout my lifeas well, so it didn't get too out of hand. In highshool I had 2 knee surgeries. After that, I blew up. I ate what I wanted and cold do nothing but sit onthe couch. When I got to college, I was lifting and playing basketball, but I ate whatever I wanted. As a result I got up to about 20 at 5'10.5".

One day I looked at my huge #@* clothes and my huge #@* belly, and just decided to change it. That summer I got down to 173 pounds. The drastic change was mydiet. I was able to increase my metabolism by eating 6 times a day and drinking nothing but water. After that summer, my roomates came back and it was REALhard to keep up with a strict diet like that. That, coupled with more injuries got me back to about 205 last summer.

Now, I am a senior, I have a partially torn acl in one knee, a torn meniscus in the other, a job, full-time student, slow metabolism, grew upoverweight....every excuse in the book. But I am at a steady 180, in the gym, eating right (well decent enough being a broke college student).

The things I try to keep in mind is portion control. I will give myself one meal every 10 days to "cheat" as well. But after taht meal, I feel so$$%$#% I don't even want to do it again (until the next 10 days lol, cravings FTL). For me, running really hurts, I am rehabbing my knees, so its tough.But i jump rope, stairmaster, bike, and light job. I also switch up my workouts about every month.

Its amazing how good you feel after you change your life around. A lot easier said then done of course. But ultimately, I feel if a person is happy andconfident with themselves, tahts all that matters. If you are overweight, but truly happy, then so be it. I am not here to judge anyone but myself.
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