Why are you voting for Barack Obama? ...from a Republican

for those that actually posted something meaningful, thanks a lot. For the rest that like to waste others time, whatever. Karma sucks.
Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by JStar25

Funny to me how less than 5% of Americans will be affected by Barack's tax plan but every Republican is complaining like they are going to suffer...

Stop saying your Republican just to sound like your rich...you are not.

No, wait...


I watched Sean Hannity's ten reasons Obama shouldn't be president and it was dead on, the media created Obama's hype.
I make less than 250,000, therefore I'll get a tax cut. I also don't want to have a President who at one point in the last four years said that oureconomy had a strong base, because it hasn't. Nor do I want a VP with roughly two years of experience in high office. I also want to be able to keep myhealthcare, or choose from federal healthcare rather than just get a quick 5000 for the whole fam, when the average health insurance costs 12000. I don'twant another President I can drink a beer with at a cookout, I want a President who can easily outsmart me in a conversation regarding the government andpolitics.

But that's just my take
My accounting prof is a registered Republican (since he was 18) and he is voting for Obama. He's a former business owner, and a consultant....and he justthinks the Republicans are doing too much. I guess in terms of putting religion into how this country is run, the fact that we are spending too much on a war na country that has an 80 billion dollar surplus, and some other things he mentioned. I say this to say this to say that their are middle aged, whiteRepublicans voting for Obama. But to sum my reason in few words. I agree with his policies
Because basically" Are you and the country better off than it was 8 Years ago?" McCain isnt the answer he voted with the George W.Bush 92% of the time.

Word. I mean just look at these pictures. How this old man going to say he is a Maverick when he's been on Bush's grill for the past 8 years?



Best part was last week when McCain finally decided to break up withBush by ripping Bush a new $!*%@+*
"Spending, the conduct of the war in Iraq for years, growth in the size of government, larger than any time since the Great Society, laying a $10 trillion debt on future generations of America, owing $500 billion to China, obviously, failure to both enforce and modernize the [financial] regulatory agencies that were designed for the 1930s and certainly not for the 21st century, failure to address the issue of climate change seriously,"
These are the REPUBLICANS in a nutshell! What happen to this party?

and they told me to vote.. so i voted for the black man..

MCCAIN is to old.. sorry..

i dont like his nurse, sarah palin.

and word to chris rock! i want him to be up there just so i can tell my daughter or son... or the lil black kid.. that they could REALLY do anything if theyput there mind to it!!
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Why am I voting for Obama -

Taxes - Decrease in personal income taxes for millions of middle class workers. I am a tax preparer in public accountant and I have no doubts that Obama's tax plan will save a good chunk of change for a majority of my clients including myself. Also what I like about it is that it will be funded by taxing the upper 5% of taxpayers who have gotten out of paying their fair share due to Bush's tax cuts the past 8 years.

Iraq war - I have a wife in the Navy and several friends and extended family in the military. Obama wants to start bringing em home while McCain pledges another 4 years in Iraq. I easily favor Obama's plan.

Economy - Obama, Harvard degree, top of the class. McCain, 894th out of 899, bottom of the class at the Naval Academy. Nuff said

Also Obama favors Civil Rights, Clean energy solutions, and protrays himself with grace and calmness. Very Presidential.

Lastly my gripe with McCain is how fake his slogan is all about:

1. "Country First" yet his wife writes an article in Newsweek about helping other countries and not once mention how she will help American families.

2. McCain copied Obama's "CHANGE" slogan.

3. Copy cat Hillary Clinton's appeal to women by choosing a less that qualified candidate in Sarah Palin.

4. McCain was first against torture for Guantanamo bay detainees then backs Bush's veto to outlaw waterboarding.

5. Wants to enact a SPENDING FREEZE on all Federal programs such as "children's programs, social services, employment programs, alternative energy, food and drug safety, environmental protection, law enforcement" yet doesn't mind spending 10 Billion dollars a week for IRAQ.

6. McCain's attack ads are sickening. Pals around with a terrorist? The ONE? Negative advertising. Instead of focusing on McCain's issues, he wants to discredit Obama. I mean if it is factual then I don't mind but most are inaccurate such as McCain continuing to attack Obama on his tax plan. The Tax Policy Center even concluded that Obama's tax plan is better.


Full Text including the conclusion I posted below

Overall, the Obama plan would lower effective marginal tax rates for the majority of households. In 2009, only about 1 in 7 households would see an increase in their marginal rate. Only at the top of the income distribution-households making at least $500,000 a year-would a majority of taxpayers face higher rates. Obama's plan would leave the average marginal rate on wages and salaries for the economy as a whole unchanged at 24 percent in 2009. In that same year, close to 80 percent of the population would see no change in their marginal rates under Senator McCain's plan and most other tax units would face lower rates; only about 1 percent of households would experience a marginal rate increase under the fully phased in McCain plan. Overall, Senator McCain's plan would reduce the average marginal tax rate on wages and salaries by about 1 percentage point, to 23 percent in 2009.

I see what youre saying but i was just wondering, when they joined the navy/army, weren't they planning on going to war?
voting for Obama because Palin doesn't belong in the white house let alone the government period.
Originally Posted by theyhatinonme

Energy: Mccain provides nothing but an ilusion. "drill baby drill" We can't drill our way out we only have 3% of the oil supply and we need %25.

Health care: Mccain provides another illusion. He will give a $5000 tax credit while taxing benefits for the first time and cutting medicare by about $1trillion.

Campain credibility: mccain has run a dishonest campain from the getgo. Claiming he is for change. Claiming Obama supports sex ed for kindergarteners. Claiming Obama is a terrorist or at least "palling around with terrorists".

Vice president selection: Mccain chose palin. She is nowhere near ready to run the country.

To all these issues Obama presents real solutions they may not be quick fixes but Obama knows what needs to happen in the long term to save this country.
see that's the thing...too many people are tied up on what McCain is doing instead of Obama...when i ask someone to give Obamas positives alli get are McCains negatives...

with that being said i'm voting Obama...why THE %!%% are billions being spent overseas and i have to work my broke +!% off to pay the bills and scrape bywhile worrying about wildfires which can't be putout because the local government doesn't have enough money to send helicopters out at night...

secondly, what the %!%% is up with this college %!*%!@#$...i'm gonna be uninsured on friday because i had to start working and dropout because my parentsdivorced and i need to support my mother who also works fulltime...all of this because to be insured you need to be a full time student %!%% THAT
I see what youre saying but i was just wondering, when they joined the navy/army, weren't they planning on going to war?
The folks I know were already serving and were committed PRIOR to the war. I can't say for sure but there were no wars back when theyenlisted. So I think the answer to that question is No their first intentions for serving was probably not to just go to war.

Hell how many 5+ YEAR WARS has the US committed to in the past ??? 30 Years? Vietnam ended in 1975. That was the last war that US was in for longer than acouple years. Persian Gulf and Bosnia were only a couple of years if that. We're living in history here, considering this is the first war the US hascommitted 5+ years to in 30+ years.

So is it Iraq War 2003-2009 if Obama wins or will it be Iraq War 2003-2012 and beyond with a McCain Administration? In one week we shall soon find out.
Originally Posted by Kickmatic23

i was kinda undecided... but then McCain picked Palin.. that completely turned me off.. i know Obama has as little experience as she does but she just seems like a small town ditz who made in big in Alaska. Whenever i say this people say, well shes not running as President.. but just WHAT IF... oh.. and McCain would be the new Bush. 8 years of you Repubs ruining America was enough for me
agreed....when republicans are in office the country goes to crap.
I get that, how ever raising the taxes of those that make $250,000 or more and relieving us can help the economy out. Specially considering their taxes will not be any higher than they were in the Clinton days. Which the economy was doing very well
This is not the 90's anymore. That argument and those policies are outdated.

I also don't want to have a President who at one point in the last four years said that our economy had a strong base, because it hasn't
Accctuuallllyy....our economy did in the last four years, have a strong base.
Whenever Obama says something it is exactly what I want to hear coming from an independent low income latino college student. I cannot see what kind ofchange McCain would do to help me or my community out. I really hope Obama is effective and it's history in the making as well.
I'm picking Obama because I agree with his economic plan. I don't even understand why people are scared of this "redistribution of wealth"?Obama has clearly stated that he will be taxing people with 250k+ income. If you ain't making that much what are people afraid of? That has nothing to dowith me and if I was making that much, I would be feeling blessed and wouldn't even trip about getting taxed a little more. My family had help from thegovernment when I was growing up.

I also look at Obama's calm and cool demeanor not as a weakness but a strength. Even with every word that comes out of his mouth, for me, it seems like heputs thoughts into his words to not make people feel alienated no matter what stance they take on an issue. His intellect, demeanor, along with the expertsthat he surrounds himself with, will get us through these two wars and this terrible economic slump.

Even though I support Obama, I'd be really surprised if he can come through with his plan for health care. That's gonna be a tough one with the way thesystem already is. But you can always have hope. Obama said" Hope is what got our parents and grandparents through the Great Depression and World War2." I wholeheartedly agree, because Hope is what got my parents to jump on a refugee boat and travel for 4 days to reach a refugee camp, only to besponsored over to the USA and hope for a better life for their children and for them. Hope in times like these can be the only thing we have.
Two big reasons that I am voting for Obama are:

-His stance on the war.
-Running mates: If something were to happen to are elected president I would much rather have the country put into Biden's hands than Palin. I don'tthink she would be a good president at all, I would be worried.
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