Why are you voting for Barack Obama? ...from a Republican


First off you may have dropped out because Chicago is not a state. Besides that Illinois is not on the high end of drop outs either...

State wise Illinois is about 24th with both Arizona and Alaska behind it in graduation rates...

City wise you may want to look at Detroit, Cleveland, Indianapolis, Miami, Milwaukee, Fort Worth, New York City, Houston, Los Angeles and a few others beforeyou come at Chicago with your "Worst" statement.

"I put on for my city, I put on for my city"
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

I'm picking Obama because I agree with his economic plan. I don't even understand why people are scared of this "redistribution of wealth"? Obama has clearly stated that he will be taxing people with 250k+ income. If you ain't making that much what are people afraid of? That has nothing to do with me and if I was making that much, I would be feeling blessed and wouldn't even trip about getting taxed a little more. My family had help from the government when I was growing up.
I voted Obama, but I don't like his economic plan. I think your thought process stops on one dimension of his tax cuts/hikes, depending on how you look at it. Don't forget that a huge chunk of people who make 250k and above own a small business (that number is also gross income not net income). There is a thing called double taxation. Not only will these people have to pay high taxes from their personal income, but will have to pay higher taxes on their business, which hinders the growth of those wanting to expand their business to enter an upper echelon of income, in turn hurting jobs, and ultimately cash flow.

Let's also not forget that a lot of these proposed policies still have to be passed by congress. A lot of these promises are a form of political jockeying to get a vote. "All politicians lie" is not a cliche for no reason.
You're right, there are people who make over 250k that own small businesses. But it's actually not a "huge chunk" at all. The actual affected group breaks down to less than 700,000 small business owners (out of 20+ million, so like 2-3%)


And yes, there is double taxation. But the tax code is already very friendly to small businesses. There are PLENTY of ways to avoid double taxation, if you know what you're doing. Incorporation, withdrawing salaries, loans, etc. The small businesses owners that get hit hard with taxes are the ones that try to take all their business profits out into their personal income so they can live the good life. If you keep the money in your business, like a shrewd owner would do, you will be fine. Most small business owners already know ways around the tax code.

Secondly, cash flows from the bottom up, not the top down. If the low-and-middle classes have more disposable income, they will more readily invest and spend, providing more business to small businesses, and making everyone successful. Jobs are hurt when owners don't have enough business, not because they are paying too much in taxes. Because even if you cut the taxes for higher-earning small businesses... if a business only needs 4 employees to run effectively, and the owner pulls in enough profits to pay 10 employees, he's not necessarily gonna go out and hire 6 more people. He will pocket the money, or use it to beef up his office. That money doesn't go back to the middle-class.

I agree completely with your last statement, though.

Well said. I stand corrected on most of what you said. Although, that 2-3% affected are the big earning small businesses. When they get taxed more they have tocut back on hiring employees, and all that good stuff, which means they have to find a way to make up for the lost money going to taxes. A lot of the smallbusinesses that won't be affected still rely on those bigger businesses for contracts. If that 2-3% has to pay more in taxes, they probably won't wantto renew or continue those contracts. It's a trickle down affect. Obama will punish the most successful small businesses taking more money away that theycouldve been invested back into their business (which compared to the 98% or so others, is exponentially greater and has a much bigger impact on themarketplace).

There is a thing called double taxation. Not only will these people have to pay high taxes from their personal income, but will have to pay higher taxes on their business, which hinders the growth of those wanting to expand their business to enter an upper echelon of income, in turn hurting jobs, and ultimately cash flow.
I disagree with your explanation of double taxation. Double taxation means paying taxes on the same income which is usually only on dividends paid from a corporation to its shareholders. The corporation cannot take a tax deduction on paid dividends therefore it is taxed and also taxed at the individual level because the shareholders receiving that dividend has to report this income.

As far as salaries are concern, it is a deductible expense for businesses, therefore it reduces income.

I'll take the L on that. Misunderstood the concept.
Why are you voting for Barack Obama?
Cause I agree with his plans for the future of America moreso than I do McCain, and if nothing else McCain and Palin are FRAUDS.
Originally Posted by nastnatikid23

barack is garbage, people are voting for him because he is black plain and simple
I don't like him either but all that's gonna do is make people mad. That's probably the weakest argument you could have
Obama seems to be more in command of what needs to be done, while mccain does seem irratic. just watching the debates obama always stuck with the issues athand while mccain seem to takes things personally and had a lot of personal attacks on obama. obama had a legitimate and coherent response for every critiquemccain made on obama's policies. mainly obamas campaign focuses on helping middle and lower class, because they got hit the hardest during this recession(iknow technically were not in a recession), which resulted from decisions and fraudulant actions made by the affluent class. the only negative thing i wouldregret if obama got elected would be tina fey would no longer be doing impressions of sarah palin on snl.
"We should stop choosing party lines and start being Americans and voting for the best canidate no matter the party. "

Best line out of all this drible posted on here, if you are voting for obama becuase he is black your lame, if your voting for Mcain becuase he's whiteyour just as lame and if you dont support this country first regardless of color or party line your just bitter and wack. Funny how 90% of democrats cryed whenBush won and were dying for this country to fail under him and I am sure that their will be manny rednecks with the same viewes if Obama wins. I am voting onthe 4rth but one thing is for sure even if my canditate does not win I will support the winner and hope that he keeps to his promises and make this countrybetter for all of us. Plus Obama is half white so if he wins your getting a white and black in the office for all you racists.
because republicans aren't what they say they are. they ARE special interest. they have the nascar nation fooled into thinking they give an wink about thestuggles of the middle/lower class. plus O is a smart fellow who the rest of the world might change their thoughts of us for
if you are voting for obama becuase he is black your lame
you know...I hear(read) this a lot and I disagree with it...somewhat

I don't think that voting for someone who, as a minority has experienced similar things such as discrimination and racism, as I have. Sure...that's notreally voting b/c he is black..but being black has something to do with it.

Minorities have different experiences than whites in the US...That's undeniable...to want someone who can truly identify with issues that minorities faceand experience is far from "lame."
Dirty , all these months , how are you still undecided ? How do you NOT know who you're voting for yet ? What are you waiting on ?
Originally Posted by Kneesh

Dirty , all these months , how are you still undecided ? How do you NOT know who you're voting for yet ? What are you waiting on ?
...The moment before I hit the switch.

doesn't matter though... I'm in NJ...it's going Blue no matter what
True . But I thought you would at least have an idea .

But that's the same thing I be thinking about when there is that 1 heavy Republican in one of my classes .

I try to tell him , "dude , this is Illinois , Obama's state . It won't matter if you vote or not , he won this state already ."

"oh...I do have a way I'm leaning....

but I'm still internally debating the weight of each of the issues "

Right their, you are weighting the issues, even if you are black and vote for Obama it is not just becuase he is black and if you are white you are not justvoting for Mcain for the same reason, you are voting in your best intrest and that is excatly what your suppose to do. So I respect that but the person whoknows nothing of the issues and votes just becuase of color white or black to me is lame and a sellout to this country. Thats just my 2 pennies.
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