Why are you voting for Barack Obama? ...from a Republican

Originally Posted by btdpu

First off let me say that I am not trying to start a heated debate. I am simply asking a question. As a proud supporter of John McCain, I would like to know what is the reasoning behind your cast of ballot for Barack Obama? I will not reply with reasons why I think you're wrong, because lets be honest, does it really matter? I'm not going to change your view and you wont change mine. If your reasons are, "because Oprah supports him" or "because he's black" then fine. I just want to know. If you aren't voting or aren't 18, please dont add your 2 cents. I want views from people that are actually impacting this most important election. Thanks everyone.
what i'd rather hear is why you are voting for McCain/Palin? real question, no sarcasm
Truth is, BOTH candidates are going to drive us further into debt. Obama a little more so than McCain. Seeing how Obama is going to win, I hope all of hissocialist rhetoric is just to win the election and that he becomes yet another lame-duck President. Until we get a President that actually wants to fix thiscountry, we are in deep dog doo.
You should vote for Obama if you want higher taxes and a larger budget defecit because that is all you will get. His tax relief started at 250,000, then it was200,000, then Biden stated earlier this week that it was 150,000. Who knows what that number will be if he gets elected.

You should also vote for Obama if you like sharing your money with others rather than keeping if for yourself, because that is also what is going to happen.

You should also vote for Obama if you want to pay more for everyday goods. If he raises the taxes on the larger corporations, they are going to pass thatexpense on to the consumers. They arent going to sit back and let it cut into their profit margin.

Be Smart... Vote McCain!
Originally Posted by Jz4Dayz72

You should vote for Obama if you want higher taxes and a larger budget defecit because that is all you will get. His tax relief started at 250,000, then it was 200,000, then Biden stated earlier this week that it was 150,000. Who knows what that number will be if he gets elected.

You should also vote for Obama if you like sharing your money with others rather than keeping if for yourself, because that is also what is going to happen.

You should also vote for Obama if you want to pay more for everyday goods. If he raises the taxes on the larger corporations, they are going to pass that expense on to the consumers. They arent going to sit back and let it cut into their profit margin.

Be Smart... Vote McCain!
Basically you should vote for Obama if you want death to America

my main reason is because just because obama is black you've got white people across the country flippin out and posting videos about they don't want ablack man running the country and obama is a monkey and its truly saddening to hear that somebody's skin color would affect their stance on a topic. itmakes no sense at all. like because somebody is black that means he is automatically wrong on all topics? to think that a poor white man in alabama wouldrather vote for a rich republican with 7 houses who gives less than a you know what about him and his family, than a black man who came from the same financialincome bracket as him with common goals really makes me just want to move to canada.
Originally Posted by viintage

Originally Posted by Jz4Dayz72

You should vote for Obama if you want higher taxes and a larger budget defecit because that is all you will get. His tax relief started at 250,000, then it was 200,000, then Biden stated earlier this week that it was 150,000. Who knows what that number will be if he gets elected.

You should also vote for Obama if you like sharing your money with others rather than keeping if for yourself, because that is also what is going to happen.

You should also vote for Obama if you want to pay more for everyday goods. If he raises the taxes on the larger corporations, they are going to pass that expense on to the consumers. They arent going to sit back and let it cut into their profit margin.

Be Smart... Vote McCain!
Basically you should vote for Obama if you want death to America


Originally Posted by Jz4Dayz72

You should vote for Obama if you want higher taxes and a larger budget defecit because that is all you will get. His tax relief started at 250,000, then it was 200,000, then Biden stated earlier this week that it was 150,000. Who knows what that number will be if he gets elected.

You should also vote for Obama if you like sharing your money with others rather than keeping if for yourself, because that is also what is going to happen.

You should also vote for Obama if you want to pay more for everyday goods. If he raises the taxes on the larger corporations, they are going to pass that expense on to the consumers. They arent going to sit back and let it cut into their profit margin.

Be Smart... Vote McCain!
McCain is going to lower taxes and its not going to be funded at all. Look at this chart. Did McCain tell us how he will fund his 269,364average in tax cuts for people making over 2.87 Million annual? You're talking about deficits? McCain will bankrupt America.

Yes Folks if you like sharing your hard earned money, well McCain is the way to go. He will redistribute wealth from the middle class to the upper class withhis tax cuts. Just look at this chart, isn't it OBVIOUS?

Again the facts of Obama's plan is people making less than $250,000 will not see their taxes increase, and people making less than $200,000 will receivesome type of tax cut. Way to go to twist everything around.

Be smart Vote Obama
I'm a few days too young to vote, but here are some reasons:
1. McCain can't do math. Reviewing what he plans to do (you can say one thing and do another), he stands for a huge increase in governmentspending(military especially), while also wanting to cut taxes/government income. It's sort of like getting downgraded to burger flipper at Burger King andthen buying a new Cadillac.
2. I don't agree with any of his policies. Damn, I guess I'm not a good American.
3. McCain is the same as Bush, or at least supports all the same things.
4. Sarah Palin. She can see Russia from her house.
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