Why do black lives matter activists hate Bernie Sanders?

I will say that Hillary really has taken the lead in terms of explicitly addressing the problem of racial inequality compared to the rest of the candidates,she get's some props.

She's a politician and knows what the people want to hear. Bernie definitely has to show that he cares about racial injustice in 2015 just as much as he did back in the 1960's and so on. Most of the people now don't care about history, they want to see things done in the present and future.

The BLM movement could be much more but feel like it's not as unified as it should be. If anything, they need to find a candidate who's views align w/ theirs and support them.

We also have to accept the fact that no time soon will we have such a polarizing figure to lead a movement like there was in Dr. King or Brother Malcolm. To me it looks like there's no focus on what the group really wants. It's just "We're mad about this and want that!" then the media pushes some agenda then it's "Oh yea, we're upset about that too!"

  • [h4]We will seek justice for Brown’s family by petitioning for the immediate arrest of officer Darren Wilson and the dismissal of county prosecutor Robert McCullough. Groups that are part of the local Hands Up Don’t Shoot Coalition have already called for Wilson’s swift arrest, and some BLM riders also canvassed McCullough’s neighborhood as a way of raising the public’s awareness of the case.[/h4]

  • [h4]We will help develop a network of organizations and advocates to form a national policy specifically aimed at redressing the systemic pattern of anti-black law enforcement violence in the US. The Justice Department’s new investigation into St Louis-area police departments is a good start, but it’s not enough. Our ride was endorsed by a few dozen local, regional and national organizations across the country – like the National Organization for Women (Now) and Race Forward: The Center for Racial Justice Innovation – who, while maintaining different missions, have demonstrated unprecedented solidarity in response to anti-black police violence. We hope to encourage more organizations to endorse and participate in a network with a renewed purpose of conceptualizing policy recommendations.[/h4]

  • [h4]We will also demand, through the network, that the federal government discontinue its supply of military weaponry and equipment to local law enforcement. And though Congress seems to finally be considering measures in this regard, it remains essential to monitor the demilitarization processes and the corporate sectors that financially benefit from the sale of military tools to police.[/h4]

  • [h4]We will call on the office of US attorney general Eric Holder to release the names of all officers involved in killing black people within the last five years, both while on patrol and in custody, so they can be brought to justice – if they haven’t already.[/h4]

  • [h4]And we will advocate for a decrease in law-enforcement spending at the local, state and federal levels and a reinvestment of that budgeted money into the black communities most devastated by poverty in order to create jobs, housing and schools. This money should be redirected to those federal departments charged with providing employment, housing and educational services.[/h4]

These are their demands.

However there is not further action on their part.
Where is this policy network they speak of?
Where is the BLM Party?
Where is the BLM SuperPAC?

This is the same problem the Occupy movement had.
There was no further structuring or organization.

I agree with their platform but without any further concrete organization I can't lend anymore support than "keep up the good fight"

That's my point, if they are lining up their ducks then I would digress but the movement has to be more than what they are doing currently. The local chapter here hasn't had anything going on since May of this year. That's why I said finding a candidate who's goals and views align w/ yours and supporting them would be a progressive move, especially if they don't know how to carry out and get the things they want done.

Money talks and is powerful, they need to raise that in order to make headway. Hold forums/discussions, be seen in the community, etc. That's one way to get the community and city/state on your side and hearing your voice. Politics are a way of life and u have to play the game in order to win.

The frustration from the two women and the group at the Sanders rally is warranted, however, without a solid platform and foundation behind them, we have conversations like this which question their actions. Though it could be seen as a good thing since it has people talking.
You'll really think Clinton paid a bunch of Tea Partyers to "declare war of the democratic party" and go after Bernie Sanders :lol:

That's a Watergate level unnecessary tactic
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You'll really think Clinton paid a bunch of Tea Partyers to "declare war of the democratic party" and go after Bernie Sanders :lol:

That's a Watergate level unnecessary tactic
He's the biggest opponent against Clinton

Politics is a dirty game I tell you
Huffington Post had a great article about BLM and why they target Bernie. I understand what their doing if the article is true. According to the article, Bernie is more of a target of opportunity more than anything else with his lack of security. Clinton would have the goons stomp BLM folks out before they hit the stage to disrupt one of her events.

You'll really think Clinton paid a bunch of Tea Partyers to "declare war of the democratic party" and go after Bernie Sanders :lol:

That's a Watergate level unnecessary tactic
He's the biggest opponent against Clinton

Politics is a dirty game I tell you

She is way ahead in the polls, and way more popular among black voters

She could have easily brought this up during a debate if she wanted to corner.

Nah b. Clinton too smart for that
You'll really think Clinton paid a bunch of Tea Partyers to "declare war of the democratic party" and go after Bernie Sanders

That's a Watergate level unnecessary tactic
I don't think that happened but it would be hilarious if it did 

On topic: I'm glad Bernie responded the way he did adding this was good https://berniesanders.com/issues/racial-justice/ and speaking on it in that video Rusty posted. It shows he's willing to listen to criticism of how he has run his campaign so far in a reasonable way.

Yes he as spoke about these topics in the past and it's part of the reason i'm strongly considering voting for him and respect the guy but like someone said in here earlier (Rusty I believe) he wasn't running for president then but he is now.

Its important to reiterate to crowds now because lets face it a lot of people don't research a candidates history on issues so saying it again now especially in front of these progressive yet racial tone deaf crowds (this is IMO based on some of the responses i've read from people who call themselves "progressive" mostly white)  because it shows that he really takes these issues seriously and that everyone voting and considering voting for him should as well.
She is way ahead in the polls, and way more popular among black voters

She could have easily brought this up during a debate if she wanted to corner.

Nah b. Clinton too smart for that
Plausible. Those activists seem to be like pawns for someone's campaign. They wouldn't be randomly protesting a candidate who does not fit the average white male. You would think they would appear at a Donald Trump rally :lol:
You'll really think Clinton paid a bunch of Tea Partyers to "declare war of the democratic party" and go after Bernie Sanders :lol:

That's a Watergate level unnecessary tactic

You come off ao naive when it comes to Hillary. Nobody thinks Hillary Clinton met up with some BLM people and gave them money in exchange for a protest against Bernie. Doesn't mean her people can't influence useful idiots
You'll really think Clinton paid a bunch of Tea Partyers to "declare war of the democratic party" and go after Bernie Sanders :lol:

That's a Watergate level unnecessary tactic

You come off ao naive when it comes to Hillary. Nobody thinks Hillary Clinton met up with some BLM people and gave them money in exchange for a protest against Bernie. Doesn't mean her people can't influence useful idiots

Yes, I'm naive because I refuse to believe a conspiracy theory, with zero evidence. Not even circumstantial

It's cool. I'll be that
Soros funding both sides is factual. *shrugs*

BLM should've stormed her rally. I mean Clinton is the sole reason black men started catching them OD drug sentences
don't forget third party candidates as well...Jill Stein of the Green Party and Gary Johnson of the Libertine Party, are running again....
don't forget third party candidates as well...Jill Stein of the Green Party and Gary Johnson of the Libertine Party, are running again....

Yeah, but they dont have the knowledge or charisma the others do. That's why they would never be mainstream. Jill Stein and Gary Johnson are bright people, but they dont have a way with words. Sanders, Paul, and Nader are able to communicate simple answers to complex questions.
What's the best to respond when someone says that Bernie being president will just result in paying more of your paycheck to TAXES (in a negative tone)? I swear I always hear this argument about dem socialism/socialism.
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The same happens with Republicans, only cats who receive a tax break are the rich/wealthy. They just have a bunch of poor idiots who believe that their break is coming soon, which it never does; it's been this way for a century.

Both parties tax crazily, only one disguises it, or even takes actions that would force other entities to raise prices because we know they will
Man i gotta stay off of facebook, comment sections, and reddit and stuff 

I like Bernie Sanders and am considering voting for him but some of Sanders supporters are condescending and racial tone deaf, some of these white "progressives" are just as racist as what a old white conservative can be 
Man i gotta stay off of facebook, comment sections, and reddit and stuff :smh:  

I like Bernie Sanders and am considering voting for him but some of Sanders supporters are condescending and racial tone deaf, some of these white "progressives" are just as racist as what a old white conservative can be :smh:

Anything dealing with Black people will have a negative comment section, it comes w/ the territory; don't know any other race this resilient. What makes it worse is the ignorant Black people who think that some media outlets want to share their story to raise awareness, it's just a ploy to paint another negative picture to hang in the museum.
Man i gotta stay off of facebook, comment sections, and reddit and stuff :smh:  

I like Bernie Sanders and am considering voting for him but some of Sanders supporters are condescending and racial tone deaf, some of these white "progressives" are just as racist as what a old white conservative can be :smh:

Yep, a lot of Bernie Sanders supporters doing are him a disservice and making things look worst.
Anything dealing with Black people will have a negative comment section, it comes w/ the territory; don't know any other race this resilient. What makes it worse is the ignorant Black people who think that some media outlets want to share their story to raise awareness, it's just a ploy to paint another negative picture to hang in the museum.
The most annoying thing is think they what they say cant be considered racist because they consider themselves "progressive".  But based off of what they say they only care about certain progressive issues mostly economics, (which I actually agree with Sanders on) but whenever it comes to racial issues they always talk about it like its disrupting their day or their rally and it bothers them, and they then link me the article to Sanders racial justice page on his website (that was added a few days ago) like I haven't read it and then link the article where he hired Symone Sanders and its always the most condescending thing ever like "LOOK HE HIRED A BLACK GIRL CAN WE STOP TALKING ABOUT RACIAL INEQUALITY NOW AND KEEP TALKING ABOUT ECONOMICS?!"
 Next time i'm just gonna respond by saying "I'm sorry some people talking about racial inequality ruined your afternoon...if only it didn't ruin some peoples lives" 

I'm gonna end my rant now 
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One more mini rant about something thats been bothering me with this people

I don't care that Sanders got a 100% approval rating form the NAACP, the NAACP also gave awards to Kid Rock and Donald Sterling 

Like do they really think because some black people said "Yeah this guys cool" Im supposed to just fall in line and accept that  FOHWTBS, I can come to my on conclusion on who I want to vote.

For some of these people to think that my reasoning for voting for Sanders should be because some black people are cool with him (which i don't have a problem with because like i've said i like they guy) and the NAACP said he's cool just screams that they have the idea that all black people think alike and I should be happy with the fact that he's acknowledged black peoples issues before and now again...even though they themselves probably never have

I really needed to get that off my chest 
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