Why do black lives matter activists hate Bernie Sanders?

O'Malley was in a different situation where as the former Governor of Maryland,he had to have some sort of response to what was going down in Baltimore 
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I understand the anger these two young ladies had because it seems everyday black people are being killed by the hands of people who are sworn to serve and protect.
They just went about it the wrong way.
This here in lies the problem I have with#Blacklivesmatter.
As young African American males/females(directly talking to this segment of posters on NT) this could be our grassroots movement similar to the NAACP( which I'm full aware of that historical backing).
But this could be our voice and movement to start having leadership amongst us. The thing is we as a people are so splinterd and not willing to hear each other out which with me causes frustration because you want to see things change but some are just happy with the status quo and bread crumbs. I would like to see this at every political party rally. I don't care if you are Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, Socialist, whatever, I want to see this rage at every event but we have to channel it so people want to hear our voices but to speak with a forked tongue, if we have to get on the Ra-Ra ****, I'm not opposed to it either. I think this a truly defining moment for people of color to come together(specifically my brothas and sistas, others are welcomed but don't try to co opt or silence our voices of frustration to appease the masses) and actually make this a grass root movement in each of our states.
As young people(no matter your opinion) we have to start making moves out here. Our very own lives and children depend on us at this moment. I'm truly at the point of not reading stories anymore because my rage level is on tilt and I'm trying to figure out ways and having conversations with others on how to get the ball rolling.
Even though the context of this saying is not interpreted the way intended.
"I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired"
I understand the outrage. Things in this country have reached such a fever pitch, and there are very little signs of improvement. But this outrage can be focused elsewhere. I don't see how interrupting a Bernie Sanders convention with a crowd of white people in Seattle will bring about any sort of change. Especially when you're damn near acting like an animal. My issue with the outrage of my people is that there is hardly any direction. Often times it seems like groups operate chaotically. What is their end goal? What do they plan on doing to achieve said goal? Who are their leaders? Do they have people willing to die for the cause? I don't see much being accomplished from acting in such a way. I commend them for taking to the streets, but for god's sake, do it with some guidance, and don't come across as imbecilic when you do.
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Shouldn't have taken hecklers to do that. Especially in this climate & being the civil rights champion that y'all claim him to be
If hecklers can get him to change his behavior so quickly i wonder what would happen if Putin flexed on him. He's coming off like it's way too easy to push him around. But he's basically in a lose lose situation.
He's been talking about that stuff for years, but I guess it just wasnt organized into one page as on the website before yesterday.
Putin's been flexing on everyone regardless of country and it won't change anytime soon unless someone is willing to raise him in his dangerous game of brinksmanship 
. He's been put in a lose lose situation as you said. Damned if hedoesn't,damned if he does. He looks bad if he ignores the calls to action and he's also considered reactionary if he addresses the issue 
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Putin does flex on everyone but his country is in trouble financially due to Western sanctions and low oil prices. Throwing out all of the western food they received in protest was Despicable.
Exactly,he keeps making external boogiemen to distract the public from their deep seated economic troubles as a result of Putin's recklessness. I'm just waiting for the public dissent to eventually boil over because you just know it's coming with their economy in shambles and with it looking to stay that way for the near future. That's when things will really start to get interesting...
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Putin's been flexing on everyone regardless of country and it won't change anytime soon unless someone is willing to raise him in his dangerous game of brinksmanship :lol: . He's been put in a lose lose situation as you said. Damned if hedoesn't,damned if he does. He looks bad if he ignores the calls to action and he's also considered reactionary if he addresses the issue :lol: :smh:  

His approval rating is at 86%. :smh: :lol:

The Russian public will quicker to blame the West and what they view as "western" influences in the country than the OG Vlad
Putin's been flexing on everyone regardless of country and it won't change anytime soon unless someone is willing to raise him in his dangerous game of brinksmanship 
. He's been put in a lose lose situation as you said. Damned if he doesn't,damned if he does. He looks bad if he ignores the calls to action and he's also considered reactionary if he addresses the issue 
His approval rating is at 86%.

The Russian public will quicker to blame the West and what they view as "western" influences in the country than the OG Vlad
Don't know how much I trust opinion polls from there tbh 
. There were some pretty large scale Russian demonstrations against Vlad before the last "elections" and one of the leading opposition voices was assassinated right next to the Kremlin earlier this year leading me to suspect that he might be getting a little anxious...
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Just peeped how much he raised vs how much Hilary raised :smh: not even a chance :lol:
Are you surprised though? Her husband is who he is and she's been around for a good while. Same with Jeb Bush raising copious amounts

Nah, I'm more disgusted at how there is no cap for campaign contributions. It's practically the same on the local level. You can be the best candidate for the job but if your money aint long, you have next to no chance.
Putin's been flexing on everyone regardless of country and it won't change anytime soon unless someone is willing to raise him in his dangerous game of brinksmanship :lol: . He's been put in a lose lose situation as you said. Damned if he doesn't,damned if he does. He looks bad if he ignores the calls to action and he's also considered reactionary if he addresses the issue :lol: :smh:  

His approval rating is at 86%. :smh: :lol:

The Russian public will quicker to blame the West and what they view as "western" influences in the country than the OG Vlad
Don't know how much I trust opinion polls from there tbh :lol: . There were some pretty large scale Russian demonstrations against Vlad before the last "elections" and one of the leading opposition voices was assassinated right next to the Kremlin earlier this year leading me to suspect that he might be getting a little anxious...

Brah Vlad been offing folk :lol:
True but he's always lowkey about,he's never been this blatant. He's used to having them mysteriously falling ill with cancer or some other terminal illness not taken out in public in front of the freaking Kremlin 
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Just peeped how much he raised vs how much Hilary raised
not even a chance
Are you surprised though? Her husband is who he is and she's been around for a good while. Same with Jeb Bush raising copious amounts
Nah, I'm more disgusted at how there is no cap for campaign contributions. It's practically the same on the local level. You can be the best candidate for the job but if your money aint long, you have next to no chance.
Agreed,that Citizens United SC decision opened up the pockets of Billionaires everywhere to be able to buy their own politician the legal way 
. Guess who the only major candidates speaking on this have been so far? Bernie yes but also....
Donald effing Trump 
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A couple quick points:

1) "Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection."

There's an intense and mounting frustration with liberal/progressive politicians taking support for granted simply because they don't utilize racial animus to mobilize their base, like a "law & order" candidate or, say, a Donald Trump.  

Saying, in effect, "I'm the lesser of two evils" doesn't count for much in practice.  If a politician is too timid to even say "Black lives matter" for fear of invoking the "all lives matter" White backlash (because part of that privilege is the assumption of TOTAL inclusion), what do you suppose they'll actually do to promote racial equality once in office?  

These are issues that deserve full-throated support, not calculated side-stepping and equivocation.  

If you're hoping for a candidate like Sanders to pull the centrists to the left, your support cannot be a fait accompli.   It's about moving the middle.  

2) "I'll listen to you if and only if you wait your turn and be polite" exemplifies majority privilege.  

This is quite literally a life and death issue.  If your child is dying and you need to borrow a stranger's phone to call 911, how many people would sit quietly and patiently until that person has finished a frivolous, gossipy conversation while their loved one bleeds to death?

To focus on the "rudeness" is missing the point.  We should never have reached this stage.  The urgency and righteousness of this cause should have been self-evident, and it should be at the forefront along with climate change and environmental issues.  

How many times do you have to hear "just wait your turn and we'll get to your 'special interest' issue eventually" before you stop believing it?  

The frustration factor here should be easy to appreciate.  Instead, we're getting a bunch of stereotyping about how "boorish sub-humans are ruining their own cause" and "they're not smart enough to do this on their own, they must be dupes.  There has to be a mastermind pulling the strings."  

It's funny, in a bitter sort of way, to see just how little it takes before the facade crumbles away for some of these "allies."  
True but he's always lowkey about,he's never been this blatant. He's used to having them mysteriously falling ill with cancer or some other terminal illness not taken out in public in front of the freaking Kremlin :lol:  

I would disagree



Both of these were major stories, especially in Europe, especially Alexander Litvinenko

I Putin did this vibe was heavy in those cases too
A couple quick points:

1) "Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection."

There's an intense and mounting frustration with liberal/progressive politicians taking support for granted simply because they don't utilize racial animus to mobilize their base, like a "law & order" candidate or, say, a Donald Trump.  

Saying, in effect, "I'm the lesser of two evils" doesn't count for much in practice.  If a politician is too timid to even say "Black lives matter" for fear of invoking the "all lives matter" White backlash (because part of that privilege is the assumption of TOTAL inclusion), what do you suppose they'll actually do to promote racial equality once in office?  

These are issues that deserve full-throated support, not calculated side-stepping and equivocation.  

If you're hoping for a candidate like Sanders to pull the centrists to the left, your support cannot be a fait accompli.   It's about moving the middle.  

2) "I'll listen to you if and only if you wait your turn and be polite" exemplifies majority privilege.  

This is quite literally a life and death issue.  If your child is dying and you need to borrow a stranger's phone to call 911, how many people would sit quietly and patiently until that person has finished a frivolous, gossipy conversation while their loved one bleeds to death?

To focus on the "rudeness" is missing the point.  We should never have reached this stage.  The urgency and righteousness of this cause should have been self-evident, and it should be at the forefront along with climate change and environmental issues.  

How many times do you have to hear "just wait your turn and we'll get to your 'special interest' issue eventually" before you stop believing it?  

The frustration factor here should be easy to appreciate.  Instead, we're getting a bunch of stereotyping about how "boorish sub-humans are ruining their own cause" and "they're not smart enough to do this on their own, they must be dupes.  There has to be a mastermind pulling the strings."  

It's funny, in a bitter sort of way, to see just how little it takes before the facade crumbles away for some of these "allies."  
All this is nice and makes sense from an objective perspective....

But we are dealing with the reality of politics in 2015 America.... WE have to play to win.

We all know how Martin skipped over that pregnant woman in order to make Rosa Parks the posterchild for the bus law....

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All this is nice and makes sense from an objective perspective....
But we are dealing with the reality of politics in 2015 America.... You have to play to win.
The people who buy elections in 2015 do so because it gets them results.  You have to demand the same as a voter.  

If you're an organizer, if you're an advocate, YOU have to play to win, too.  

If your votes, your endorsements, have any currency, any leverage, then you don't just give it away.  If nothing else, you want to see the candidate's platform used to vocalize the issues that matter to you.  "I've got them in the bag, let me work on the moderates" is unlikely to yield any meaningful results. 

Related:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/bernie-sanders-press-secretary_55c77941e4b0f1cbf1e54fec
Meth is 100% right

The way Bernie has been handling it is stupid. Even from a political standpoint

He needs the black vote to beat Clinton, not wanting to address their major concern is going to be a red flag for black folk.

If Hillary Clinton the supposed centrist can speak more honestly about the conditions facing the black community, Sanders should have a problem doing so either.

I mean who is scared of alienating by doing so, "white progressives", I thought those people claimed to be allies of the black community. So why would they have a problem hearing the truth

-Edit: Also Bernie has said his main motivating reason for running is to get his idea out there and shift the public discussion. So his supporters can't cry fowl when someone does it to him.
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True but he's always lowkey about,he's never been this blatant. He's used to having them mysteriously falling ill with cancer or some other terminal illness not taken out in public in front of the freaking Kremlin 
I would disagree



Both of these were major stories, especially in Europe, especially Alexander Litvinenko

I Putin did this vibe was heavy in those cases too
The falling with a "mysterious illness" I mentioned was in direct reference to your 2nd example. There have been high profile assasinations before but never of such a well known public opposition figure and to have it done right in front of the Kremlin sends another message.'
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