Why do black lives matter activists hate Bernie Sanders?

Ole boy died of radiation poising. There was no mysterious illness brah

I would argue that Litvineko's killing was of a higher profile than the recent one.

UK news were on that non-stop
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Nemtsov was the former deputy PM and a longtime politician who became one of Putins most vocal critics. The Litvineko death might have brought more international attention with all his whistleblowing but Nemtsov is probably the highest profile target yet. At the end of the day,he's getting bolder every year...
I will say that Hillary really has taken the lead in terms of explicitly addressing the problem of racial inequality compared to the rest of the candidates,she get's some props.
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Nemtsov was the former deputy PM and a longtime politician who became one of Putins most vocal critics. The Litvineko death might have brought more international attention with all his whistleblowing but Nemtsov is probably the highest profile target yet. At the end of the day,he's getting bolder every year...

If they making struggle trap rap bout you, wouldn't you feel like you were untouchable too :lol:

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Nemtsov was the former deputy PM and a longtime politician who became one of Putins most vocal critics. The Litvineko death might have brought more international attention with all his whistleblowing but Nemtsov is probably the highest profile target yet. At the end of the day,he's getting bolder every year...
If they making struggle trap rap bout you, won't feel like you were untouchable too

I remember this 
. The beat banged
. An emboldened strongman with a huge army can become a very dangerous thing though as we've slowly seen over the last year and a half.
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I would've probably gone about it in a different (maybe less effective) way personally but hey if they're getting results then I can't be mad at all :lol: :smokin.

Glad to hear Bernie finally speaking up loud and proud :pimp:
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Yea, people keep ignoring that C-SPAN video. I don't understand why other than the fact that he's a an older white guy and if you're black(I'm white) it's completely unfathomable to imagine an older white guy not being a threat to your safety, if you're black. I assume that might not be a very unreasonable fear.

It is bizarre that he's received so much unwarranted criticism for "dismissing" the BLM movement at that rally in Texas. It seems like everyone responded to his comments as "HE'S DISMISSING BLACK PEOPLE!!" when really it sounded like he just wasn't aware of what the social movement was and didn't know that the slogan was meant to be ironic.

Again. It's bizarre that people are holding this against him to this extent.

Think it's fair to say that Bernie is old enough to have come from a time where he could have had very direct relatives suffer from the same kinds of conditions that blacks have now. 
Too bad 1991 is way earlier than 2015

Was he running for president in 1991?

The point of all of this is that he is running for president now and was hesitant to talk about problems affecting the black community

Ask and of the Sanders supporters on NT, I've probably annoyed them with the amount of time I brought up Bernie's mishandling of racial issues in his campaign. I said in multiple threads by now that for a dude that was a civil right leader, endorsed Jesse Jackson ,whose base is white progressives, who touched on it brief here and here during the campaign already, and talked about racism openly in the past, that I found it weird he was hesitant about talking about racial issues more openly during his campaign.

I've never once doubted Bernie cares about issues affecting the black community and have said that the policies he endorsed would do be the most beneficial to the community. But his record and policies still don't excuse him from openly addressing them now. Especially since he is running for President

To make things worst, Clinton had been already doing so, and he needs the black voter to beat her. So what's the hold up?

Most of these young black kids that are in BLM probably weren't even born or were child when Bernie made that speech. And yes citizens should fact/history/policy check the candidates, but the onus is on the candidates to make their positions on all matters of importance known.

If Sanders and his supporters want to criticize Hillary for doing that on stuff like the trade deal, then it is fair game for it to happen to Bernie here now.

And truth be told, I'm more miffed by the reaction of Sander's supporters than Bernie himself
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I just want BLM to be consistent in what they're doing. If the goal is to get noticed and to raise awareness, why not go at Clinton who will likely be matched up against the Republicans? She has way more political clout and a higher profile than Bernie. Has the BLM movement shut down Clinton's gatherings? If not, I really question their motives and what they gain going at Bernie. I understand the anger against some White progressives but let's not act like Hilary gives more than token acknowledgement to Black issues.
How has he actually mishandled racial issues? Other than the Texas rally where he came off as offensive when really he was unaware of a social media movement(crazy right? that a guy his age would be unaware of something of that sort) you and the private Jesus moderator just casually evoke this supposedly significant, belittling opinion of him without any facts. You don't elaborate.

I enjoyed the cherry-picked 9 min video you posted where it's clear that he's "weird" about racial issues because he didn't aggressively lunge at the interviewer, put him in a choke-hold and DEMAND that he said "hashtag BLM"!

He speaks extensively about wealth discrepancy, reforming the police system, and ENDING THE DRUG WAR.


I will repeat this:

Sanders was born 4 years before 1945.

You really think he has no legitimate consideration of oppression and the effects it can have on a society?
How has he actually mishandled racial issues? Other than the Texas rally where he came off as offensive when really he was unaware of a social media movement(crazy right? that a guy his age would be unaware of something of that sort) you and the private Jesus moderator just casually evoke this supposedly significant, belittling opinion of him without any facts. You don't elaborate.

I enjoyed the cherry-picked 9 min video you posted where it's clear that he's "weird" about racial issues because he didn't aggressively lunge at the interviewer, put him in a choke-hold and DEMAND that he said "hashtag BLM"!

He speaks extensively about wealth discrepancy, reforming the police system, and ENDING THE DRUG WAR.




What cherry picked 9min video?

How I'm I acting like the BLM folk or demanding he say anything.

I'm not ATTACKING HIM PERSONALLY OR HIS POLICIES. I'm criticizing his political strategy. I've said a couple time in a perfect world I would want him to be president, with a cooperative Congress

The race issue been ouchea for a minute, Hillary been addressed it, BLM went after O'Malley and he handled with situation better. While Bernie has been hesitating like a dude bout to do some double dutch

I said this before he had any of the confrontations with BLM.

Don't believe me ask

Maybe look at post on the front page when Sanders made the comments about apologizing for slavery. And I defended dude. Bringing up his civil rights record and saying of all the candidates, his policies would get the community the most. Or you could not


Or ask Sander supporters like Coromanti Coromanti , rolaholic rolaholic , zapatohead408 zapatohead408 or even @Chopper that I have said I like/love Bernie countless times but his hesitation on talking about racism more openly is not a good look for him. I've probably annoyed all three of them by the amount of times I've said it. Before this even went down. Or you could not

Or you could shut down, not listen to a word I'm saying, and go back at me just cause I'm criticizing the candidate your supporting. Or you could not

Your choice
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Ok ok, I think we're starting to get on the same page here. TBH I read this forum more than I post and you're one of my favorite posters, so I think I saw something you said that I perhaps irrationally vehemently disagreed with, and got a little too upset because I almost always agree with you.

My initial issue is you saying that Bernie is "weird with race", and the backlash from his thing with BLM in Texas seems to have created the thing in Seattle, and that upsets me. 

Sorry for the caps..
No prob brah

My bad for not articulating myself better. I didn't mean his views or policies are weird. Just the political strategy

Like Bern, it is right there for you, you're record is outstanding on the issue. Why you not swagging out?
Well we might have different definitions of swagging out. From from what I'm aware of he's gaining momentum and I would be surprised, but I don't think it's unfeasible to think that he could be our next president. I would be unsure of betting on it, but it's uplifting to think that he really might be a strong candidate.

I think my main point, and what I think he's aware of, is that theres always room to grow, and it seems like he knows hes learning, and his intent is to to adapt to a broader audience.
Word Rusty has said it multiple times. It just angers me that he feels Bernie is the man but he won't back him over Hillary. Although after reading his post a few pages back about how Hillary would be beneficial in many ways, I understand where he's coming from and I also agree now. With that being said, I'm still gonna side with Bernie through the Primaries and then will see how that goes.

As Rusty said, we just can't allow a Republican into office. No lie, I feel if a democrat isn't elected this boom we're having won't last long.
Don't give a care about Hilary nor Bernie. They're both products of imperialiasm and have advantages, due to their skin tone. Whomever gives me my reparations, in order to eliminate these student loans, as well as the other funds owed to my people, then I may support the causes. These politicians ain't saying much of nothing. Reparations or repercussions of them continually being ridiculed.
The one topic conservatives and liberals can both agree on, is that racial inequality is a NON issue.

I vote and will continue to do so, but honestly your local elections are far more important. Elect mayors, senators and judges, who will appoint just police chiefs, and implement just laws. That is our greatest hope.

As far as the video is concerned, how uncouth and disrespectful can people be. Those people were there to see a politician run for office, I am sure Bernie would have let her speak if they had asked prior too. OR better yet, why not stage their own rally. Bernie seems to have genuine passion for equality, and in light of how the Republican nominees dodged race questions like Mayweather on Thursday, that is where the outrage should be.
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Well we might have different definitions of swagging out. From from what I'm aware of he's gaining momentum and I would be surprised, but I don't think it's unfeasible to think that he could be our next president. I would be unsure of betting on it, but it's uplifting to think that he really might be a strong candidate.

I think my main point, and what I think he's aware of, is that theres always room to grow, and it seems like he knows hes learning, and his intent is to to adapt to a broader audience.

Poor articulation again :lol:

By swaggin out I just mean have the advantage over Clinton on that issue.
I don't understand why youre so pro-clinton. And why are you attacking how articulate I should be from a writing standpoint?

He does. He's gaining. Most ultra-left progressives think he has an actual shot. I agree.
I'm referring to my own articulation brah.

Not yours

I didn't explain what I meant by "swagging out"
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As a Californian, I know the Dems have California in the bag automatically. Voted for Gary Johnson instead of Obama in 2012 and will probably vote Jill Stein in 2016 if Bernie doesnt get the nomination.
I will say that Hillary really has taken the lead in terms of explicitly addressing the problem of racial inequality compared to the rest of the candidates,she get's some props.

She's a politician and knows what the people want to hear. Bernie definitely has to show that he cares about racial injustice in 2015 just as much as he did back in the 1960's and so on. Most of the people now don't care about history, they want to see things done in the present and future.

The BLM movement could be much more but feel like it's not as unified as it should be. If anything, they need to find a candidate who's views align w/ theirs and support them.

We also have to accept the fact that no time soon will we have such a polarizing figure to lead a movement like there was in Dr. King or Brother Malcolm. To me it looks like there's no focus on what the group really wants. It's just "We're mad about this and want that!" then the media pushes some agenda then it's "Oh yea, we're upset about that too!"
I will say that Hillary really has taken the lead in terms of explicitly addressing the problem of racial inequality compared to the rest of the candidates,she get's some props.
She's a politician and knows what the people want to hear. Bernie definitely has to show that he cares about racial injustice in 2015 just as much as he did back in the 1960's and so on. Most of the people now don't care about history, they want to see things done in the present and future.

The BLM movement could be much more but feel like it's not as unified as it should be. If anything, they need to find a candidate who's views align w/ theirs and support them.

We also have to accept the fact that no time soon will we have such a polarizing figure to lead a movement like there was in Dr. King or Brother Malcolm. To me it looks like there's no focus on what the group really wants. It's just "We're mad about this and want that!" then the media pushes some agenda then it's "Oh yea, we're upset about that too!"
  • [h4]We will seek justice for Brown’s family by petitioning for the immediate arrest of officer Darren Wilson and the dismissal of county prosecutor Robert McCullough. Groups that are part of the local Hands Up Don’t Shoot Coalition have already called for Wilson’s swift arrest, and some BLM riders also canvassed McCullough’s neighborhood as a way of raising the public’s awareness of the case.[/h4]
  • [h4]We will help develop a network of organizations and advocates to form a national policy specifically aimed at redressing the systemic pattern of anti-black law enforcement violence in the US. The Justice Department’s new investigation into St Louis-area police departments is a good start, but it’s not enough. Our ride was endorsed by a few dozen local, regional and national organizations across the country – like the National Organization for Women (Now) and Race Forward: The Center for Racial Justice Innovation – who, while maintaining different missions, have demonstrated unprecedented solidarity in response to anti-black police violence. We hope to encourage more organizations to endorse and participate in a network with a renewed purpose of conceptualizing policy recommendations.[/h4]
  • [h4]We will also demand, through the network, that the federal government discontinue its supply of military weaponry and equipment to local law enforcement. And though Congress seems to finally be considering measures in this regard, it remains essential to monitor the demilitarization processes and the corporate sectors that financially benefit from the sale of military tools to police.[/h4]
  • [h4]We will call on the office of US attorney general Eric Holder to release the names of all officers involved in killing black people within the last five years, both while on patrol and in custody, so they can be brought to justice – if they haven’t already.[/h4]
  • [h4]And we will advocate for a decrease in law-enforcement spending at the local, state and federal levels and a reinvestment of that budgeted money into the black communities most devastated by poverty in order to create jobs, housing and schools. This money should be redirected to those federal departments charged with providing employment, housing and educational services.[/h4]
These are their demands.

However there is not further action on their part.

Where is this policy network they speak of?

Where is the BLM Party?

Where is the BLM SuperPAC?

This is the same problem the Occupy movement had.

There was no further structuring or organization.

I agree with their platform but without any further concrete organization I can't lend anymore support than "keep up the good fight"
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