Why do Clipper fans exist?

there are very few Clippers fans in LA. Just cheap Lakers fans who like to come to the home game and experience lower seat level for 1/3 of what it cost to gosee Lakers home game. LoL
Tickets are affordable and we try to support them because if Lakers suck then Clippers better do good cause they got that Los Angeles in their name so theyplaying for our city..To me their like the minor league Lakers..
idk why the exist, but they are tough for being able to stick with a losing team
2 winning seasons in the past 30?

it must suck to be a clippers fan...considering that the other L.A. team just won the championship
If they moved the team to somewhere else in California I'm sure they'd have a bigger fan base.
Originally Posted by NoneOfYours25

Better question is why does that franchise still exist

Exactlu, let's get down to the fundamental issue. Clippers games are a waste of AC and power generation cost (unless they are playing the Lakers).
Originally Posted by Im Not You

If they moved the team to somewhere else in California I'm sure they'd have a bigger fan base.

Like where though? San Deigo fans would be way less supportive than whatever the Clippers have in LA.
Originally Posted by bbllplaya23

Originally Posted by de PHX Jose

There's people who like the underdogs, or dislike the bandwagoners :?
Although there are probably ton of true Lakers fans, I would bet the large contingent are bandwagon douchebags/celebs.
Originally Posted by moe200069

Originally Posted by deveroesshopper

Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

some people are just natural born losers

says the raider fan

says the warriors fan have fun next year playin a 10 guard rotation
all his bay area teams suck

False. They are the most disappointing team in organized sports year after year.
I think the Yankees and Mets are different. I may be wrong but a lot of my elders like the mets because of the Brooklyn Dodgers, and they just hate theyankees.

My grandfather born and raised in DC and has had season tickets to the ******** for 30+ years. He hates the ********, growing up they didnt have any blackplayers on the team so he would just go to games to cheer on other teams like the Eagles.

I think clipper fans exist because maybe a parent passed down liking the clippers and not the lakers. I really applaud true loyal clipper fans because that isTOUGH
I've been a Clippers fan since the days of:
not long, but that was a damn fun team to watch.
and I'll admit I cheered for the "Showtime" Lakers and the Shaq led championship teams.
but Kobe is Kobe and as long as he's on the team, they will get no applause from me.
and let's be honest, it's no problem getting Clippers tickets

Like the previous posted reasons, some choose to support the Clippers because they are an alternative to the Lakers. Some see the Clippers as a better valueand more down home then the "Hollywood" Lakers. The Clippers have good package deals for tickets and good group tickets prices. Why some wouldactually buy season tickets to team that shows no interest in getting better I dont know. I guess some would put up with it just to be the anti-glitz &glamour that Lakers seem to try and embrace.

And Clipper Darrell had Mark Cuban trying to lure him to Dallas and he refused. Dude is really committed to his Clippers and might be one of the highlights ofan actual Clipper game...besides the Clipper Spirit dancers.
I know Clipper fans in San Diego that hate everything about LA.

Conversation with my homie:

"They're from San Diego."

"They're the LA Clippers."

"I don't care, they're from SD. !@#$ LA! GO CLIPPERS!"

"Fool, you didn't even know they were from SD until I told you."


On a side note, having a tri-fecta of losing teams in San Diego would not be a good look.
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