Why do people fall off so hard?

May 30, 2008
it seems like after HS most people completely fall off

this summer i saw an old friend for the first time in years and if i saw him in the street i wouldnt recognize dude. i know people are gonna change a little but i still pictured him as the same
just caught me off guard like

i seent this chick i had a crush on in HS and she got
this girl was a total cutie before

its weird now cuz people my age just look so much older than me and feel old ....i dont know how to explain it

when youre in your 20s you shouldnt look middle age. seems like females stop being cute after 18-22.

i dont know, i refuse to let myself fall off ever. as horrible as this may sound, seeing these people kind of makes me feel a lot better about not being where i think i should be in life at this point. i realize that maybe im just a late bloomer and my time is meant for now. id rather peak at 30 than 18.
Can't tell if you're talking looks or status/what they're doing w/ their lives.

Seems like you sprinkled in a little of both in there.
When I'm in my 20s my body, money and connections will be infinitely better than they are now.
Well you can't judge someone by their looks sometimes...In high school I use to wear all Iceberg, Moschino, Versace, etc (those were popping in the early 2000s for those who weren't born yet)..But I downgraded my style and shifted my focus on my career and more important things in life..Right now I'm in the best shape I've ever been in my life, I am working on my doctorate and I'm wearing LRG and Old navy...If you judge me by how I looked in high school to now, you would think I fell off but really I'm doing one million times better than I was back then. I know dudes who look great, rocking all the expensive brands but living in a one bed room shack with a roommate in the hood..
Originally Posted by scshift

When I'm in my 20s my body, money and connections will be infinitely better than they are now.
That's what every high schooler, just like you, says to themselves until Life's good friend Reality comes a knockin'.
I hope it does work out for you.
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Originally Posted by scshift

When I'm in my 20s my body, money and connections will be infinitely better than they are now.
That's what every high schooler, just like you, says to themselves until Life's good friend Reality comes a knockin'.
I hope it does work out for you.



life is rough


Some people become lazy and settle..others fall on hard times.
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Originally Posted by scshift

When I'm in my 20s my body, money and connections will be infinitely better than they are now.
That's what every high schooler, just like you, says to themselves until Life's good friend Reality comes a knockin'.
I hope it does work out for you.
I'm going to use this post right here to promise myself that I will not let myself go. Maybe things don't work out in my fortune, but I'm not going to fall off because of myself.

Besides, words are cheap. You're right, everyone around me says they want to be rich, have a cut physique and know a lot of people. But the gym is always empty, extra money is always being spent on food and drugs and the only networking is partying... I have a plan and hopefully I can develop my habits now at a younger age.
Originally Posted by shoediniDC

life is rough.
Came in to say this. Not everyone responds to life's rough transition's positively. One road block can make or break you.
I dunno but I feel I've improved in every aspect of my life the older I get...maybe because I don't consider High School to be the highlight of my life, I think some people's High School life was sooo great that they have a hard time moving on or even out doing themselves, I know thatsthe case with one of friends...
Originally Posted by ksteezy

I dunno but I feel I've improved in every aspect of my life the older I get...maybe because I don't consider High School to be the highlight of my life, I think some people's High School life was sooo great that they have a hard time moving on or even out doing themselves
Man sometimes life throws things at you, that not in your wildest dreams or nightmares you could've ever thought of. Think about graduating college when the recession hit and still not being able to find a job in your field or even worse becoming homeless after using up all your savings because your job was downsized. Hell just think about working out hard for two years straight to build that greek god physique, only to see it wiped away with a month of illness. Sometimes all you could do is ride that wave and survive, the only thing is to never become complacent. Which is a lot easier said than done with a world filled of naysayers and easy comforts
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by ksteezy

I dunno but I feel I've improved in every aspect of my life the older I get...maybe because I don't consider High School to be the highlight of my life, I think some people's High School life was sooo great that they have a hard time moving on or even out doing themselves

Next time, walk up to the boy and be like, "Damn homie, in high school you was the man homie. The #$%& happened to you?"
People can't decide what to do wit their lives and end up doin nothin. Or get a basic retail job somewhere and end up bein there forever
It's pretty simple, many people lived their life in high school and many didn't. After high school their lives ended and the others began.
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