Why do people fall off so hard?

Originally Posted by Kramer

People can't decide what to do wit their lives and end up doin nothin. Or get a basic retail job somewhere and end up bein there forever

that's what I don't want to happen. I'm going to try my best to get a good job that I'm happy working at until I graduate.

I see so many folks working retail and they just look like life has defeated them.

School is very important, it might not have to be college, even if it's a trade, you have to get into school. Working a retail job for 15 plus years is not what I want to do. Being 35 still doing retail is nothing I would want.
Im 21 lookin the best ever in my life and doing something in life...i def know wat ir talkn about tho...ppl from hs have kids and some just get lost in life
Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

Man sometimes life throws things at you, that not in your wildest dreams or nightmares you could've ever thought of. Think about graduating college when the recession hit and still not being able to find a job in your field or even worse becoming homeless after using up all your savings because your job was downsized. Hell just think about working out hard for two years straight to build that greek god physique, only to see it wiped away with a month of illness. Sometimes all you could do is ride that wave and survive, the only thing is to never become complacent. Which is a lot easier said than done with a world filled of naysayers and easy comforts
Damn that's some real spit
Originally Posted by Retro23J

Originally Posted by shoediniDC

life is rough.
Came in to say this. Not everyone responds to life's rough transition's positively. One road block can make or break you.
Pretty much.

A girl I went to high school with that was definitely in the top tier of girls at my school (very cute, not hot) hit me up on Facebook about a year ago. I lived nearby, I barely knew her, but she wanted to hang out, so I was like "couldn't hurt." Turns out she got married when she was 21 (at this point it was six years prior), dude beat the crap out of her, she moved a little ways away for her safety, and turned into an alcoholic in the aftermath. She was a shell of her smiling, cheerful former self. It was depressing.
so many of the "cool", "popular" kids in highschool were/are just morons, i see guys from my school on facebook just getting fat, and hardly making any dough. on the other hand you can be lucky, for me highschool was awesome i had friends, lot of parties, and girls, but unlike many others i was smart enough to continue onto being successful in the real world, i now have a wonderful, attractive wife, im in the best shape of my life, and i make $125.50/hr for doing a really pathetic amount of work. lifes good

basically only advice is stay committed figure out what you want from life, and make it your number one priority to do anything in your power to help you achieve this goal
Originally Posted by ksteezy

I don't consider High School to be the highlight of my life.I think some people's High School life was sooo great that they have a hard time moving on.

Real $!*#.
"Life passes most people by when there making grand plans for it" ---- just have to keep motivated be ocd about handling your buisness dont be a lazy money spending fast food eating american get you some morals brains n buisness and youll be good.
Originally Posted by UptownsDotNetStacky

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by ksteezy

I dunno but I feel I've improved in every aspect of my life the older I get...maybe because I don't consider High School to be the highlight of my life, I think some people's High School life was sooo great that they have a hard time moving on or even out doing themselves

Look at that dude at the local gym thinkin he still the high school allstar on the court takin every shot. Yea we all know dudes like that. 

Shrug it off, get a sick internship/job, work-out, and study hard. It all pays off.
Originally Posted by ethan1710

so many of the "cool", "popular" kids in highschool were/are just morons, i see guys from my school on facebook just getting fat, and hardly making any dough. on the other hand you can be lucky, for me highschool was awesome i had friends, lot of parties, and girls, but unlike many others i was smart enough to continue onto being successful in the real world, i now have a wonderful, attractive wife, im in the best shape of my life, and i make $125.50/hr for doing a really pathetic amount of work. lifes good

basically only advice is stay committed figure out what you want from life, and make it your number one priority to do anything in your power to help you achieve this goal
$125/hr?  What kind of work do you do and what did you have to do to get there?  Sounds nice...
Lets be real here, most of those people that fall off do because of laziness. I'm talking the next several years out of high school.
Originally Posted by 0cks

Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

Man sometimes life throws things at you, that not in your wildest dreams or nightmares you could've ever thought of. Think about graduating college when the recession hit and still not being able to find a job in your field or even worse becoming homeless after using up all your savings because your job was downsized. Hell just think about working out hard for two years straight to build that greek god physique, only to see it wiped away with a month of illness. Sometimes all you could do is ride that wave and survive, the only thing is to never become complacent. Which is a lot easier said than done with a world filled of naysayers and easy comforts
Damn that's some real spit
Yup, and OP is clearly making up false assumptions from afar about others to make himself feel better/stroke his ego.
Originally Posted by ethan1710

so many of the "cool", "popular" kids in highschool were/are just morons, i see guys from my school on facebook just getting fat, and hardly making any dough. on the other hand you can be lucky, for me highschool was awesome i had friends, lot of parties, and girls, but unlike many others i was smart enough to continue onto being successful in the real world, i now have a wonderful, attractive wife, im in the best shape of my life, and i make $125.50/hr for doing a really pathetic amount of work. lifes good

basically only advice is stay committed figure out what you want from life, and make it your number one priority to do anything in your power to help you achieve this goal
Where you work?
i'm new/don't come here often so i haven't figured out how to quote, but to answer all questions i went to penn st. as for what i do, it is kind of difficult to explain i work as a physical therapist at a nursing home, which is good money on it's own, but i also got a business degree so im the head therapist, and have to manage things like what supplies to buy, who to take in for treatment, and deal with state regulations, and other BS (sorry that this explanation is probably more confusing than anything else)
Originally Posted by ethan1710

^it's from a 50 cent song, not exactly sure which, possibly many men
Nah I think it was "Wanksta"

damn i remember hearing that song everywhere back in 8th grade lol...

But yeah a lot of people I know in high school got fatter after graduating. Some got buffer though.

All that partying, clubbing, alcohol, late night eating from 18 years old to 20+

your metabolism is eventually gonna go down as you get older and if you got those same eating habits as you did when you were a teenager your gonna wake up fat one of these days.
Wait, people don't know that 50 line is from Wanksta? Ironically, that song takes me back to senior year of high school. That line rings so true in various ways.
honestly i think im the only persont that acted the same in highschool as i do now, most people put up a front in highschool to look popular, then when they leave, they lose all their "friends"

i still have my same circle, although were all growing up so fast we still talk and go out together a few times a year
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