Why do women care so much about being pretty?

Originally Posted by Bastitch

Imagine having Mandingo commercials about penis size  commercials every 15 minutes from the day you were born.

You would never think your penis is big enough for any woman.

It's just like that for women but for every single thing about their body (weight, boobies, skin, etc.)

Damn good way of putting that. But I always said I feel sorry for women because they are bred to never be satisfied.

But I have always wondered if women walk around and measure thenselves up against other women and feel less than a woman if their ******* or butt isn't phat enough.

Not to go racial, but considering the difference in butt plumpness of black vs. white women, do white women secretly envy black girls because of it. I know nobody will outright admit to it but I just always wondered it.
Originally Posted by Bastitch

Imagine having Mandingo commercials about penis size  commercials every 15 minutes from the day you were born.

You would never think your penis is big enough for any woman.

It's just like that for women but for every single thing about their body (weight, boobies, skin, etc.)

Damn good way of putting that. But I always said I feel sorry for women because they are bred to never be satisfied.

But I have always wondered if women walk around and measure thenselves up against other women and feel less than a woman if their ******* or butt isn't phat enough.

Not to go racial, but considering the difference in butt plumpness of black vs. white women, do white women secretly envy black girls because of it. I know nobody will outright admit to it but I just always wondered it.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Damn good way of putting that. But I always said I feel sorry for women because they are bred to never be satisfied.

But I have always wondered if women walk around and measure thenselves up against other women and feel less than a woman if their ******* or butt isn't phat enough.

Not to go racial, but considering the difference in butt plumpness of black vs. white women, do white women secretly envy black girls because of it. I know nobody will outright admit to it but I just always wondered it.

I doubt most white women envy black women for their figures, I'm sure there are some that wish they had a curvier shape but a lot of men like slim women, just like a lot of men like curvier women. But I mean there are white females with full shapes and black women with slim shapes.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Damn good way of putting that. But I always said I feel sorry for women because they are bred to never be satisfied.

But I have always wondered if women walk around and measure thenselves up against other women and feel less than a woman if their ******* or butt isn't phat enough.

Not to go racial, but considering the difference in butt plumpness of black vs. white women, do white women secretly envy black girls because of it. I know nobody will outright admit to it but I just always wondered it.

I doubt most white women envy black women for their figures, I'm sure there are some that wish they had a curvier shape but a lot of men like slim women, just like a lot of men like curvier women. But I mean there are white females with full shapes and black women with slim shapes.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Damn good way of putting that. But I always said I feel sorry for women because they are bred to never be satisfied.

But I have always wondered if women walk around and measure thenselves up against other women and feel less than a woman if their ******* or butt isn't phat enough.

Not to go racial, but considering the difference in butt plumpness of black vs. white women, do white women secretly envy black girls because of it. I know nobody will outright admit to it but I just always wondered it.

I doubt most white women envy black women for their figures, I'm sure there are some that wish they had a curvier shape but a lot of men like slim women, just like a lot of men like curvier women. But I mean there are white females with full shapes and black women with slim shapes.

I was bout to say, through the eyes of someone who likes curvy women you would assume white women want the shape of black women but that isn't the case. The pressure amongst the white community seems to be to stay thin and fit especially amongst the wealthy, while the black community wants as much mass as possible. These are generalizations of course.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Damn good way of putting that. But I always said I feel sorry for women because they are bred to never be satisfied.

But I have always wondered if women walk around and measure thenselves up against other women and feel less than a woman if their ******* or butt isn't phat enough.

Not to go racial, but considering the difference in butt plumpness of black vs. white women, do white women secretly envy black girls because of it. I know nobody will outright admit to it but I just always wondered it.

I doubt most white women envy black women for their figures, I'm sure there are some that wish they had a curvier shape but a lot of men like slim women, just like a lot of men like curvier women. But I mean there are white females with full shapes and black women with slim shapes.

I was bout to say, through the eyes of someone who likes curvy women you would assume white women want the shape of black women but that isn't the case. The pressure amongst the white community seems to be to stay thin and fit especially amongst the wealthy, while the black community wants as much mass as possible. These are generalizations of course.
mass just seems to look better on black women... they seem to carry it much better for whatever reason
mass just seems to look better on black women... they seem to carry it much better for whatever reason
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

It's all about attention. It's pretty simple. Ugly women don't get attention and whenever they do, it's from guys trying to just beat it and then be done. Girls often complain about guys constantly hitting on them or checking them out, but in reality they all love it.

there's nothing worse then being a ugly girl....most be a lonely life
If you're an ugly dude, you can supplement with:

charm/ personality




fake having cash

fake your personality

If you're an ugly girl the only thing you can supplement with is a nice body and that body better be bangin. Dudes don't really care off the bat about your personality or your money or your intelligence. As sad as that is, that's the truth. A girl can have a high IQ and have a great personality but if she's ugly and doesn't have a bangin body then most dudes won't even give her a look. 

This is very true
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

It's all about attention. It's pretty simple. Ugly women don't get attention and whenever they do, it's from guys trying to just beat it and then be done. Girls often complain about guys constantly hitting on them or checking them out, but in reality they all love it.

there's nothing worse then being a ugly girl....most be a lonely life
If you're an ugly dude, you can supplement with:

charm/ personality




fake having cash

fake your personality

If you're an ugly girl the only thing you can supplement with is a nice body and that body better be bangin. Dudes don't really care off the bat about your personality or your money or your intelligence. As sad as that is, that's the truth. A girl can have a high IQ and have a great personality but if she's ugly and doesn't have a bangin body then most dudes won't even give her a look. 

This is very true
I am simply speaking of the plumpness of the butt, not the actual SIZE of it. All women want a plump bump to a certain degree. The hips and all, I am sure most white women wouldn't want.
I am simply speaking of the plumpness of the butt, not the actual SIZE of it. All women want a plump bump to a certain degree. The hips and all, I am sure most white women wouldn't want.
Originally Posted by FlacoBey

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by ninjahood


there's nothing worse then being a ugly girl....most be a lonely life
If you're an ugly dude, you can supplement with:

charm/ personality




fake having cash

fake your personality

If you're an ugly girl the only thing you can supplement with is a nice body and that body better be bangin. Dudes don't really care off the bat about your personality or your money or your intelligence. As sad as that is, that's the truth. A girl can have a high IQ and have a great personality but if she's ugly and doesn't have a bangin body then most dudes won't even give her a look. 

This is very true
The fact that there's so much agreement with this without the acknowledgement that the problem has NOTHING to do with women outlines why women are at such a disadvantage in our society.

These are standards not set by women, but by men. The problem isn't so much the insecurity of women, but the continual objectification of women BY MEN.
Originally Posted by FlacoBey

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by ninjahood


there's nothing worse then being a ugly girl....most be a lonely life
If you're an ugly dude, you can supplement with:

charm/ personality




fake having cash

fake your personality

If you're an ugly girl the only thing you can supplement with is a nice body and that body better be bangin. Dudes don't really care off the bat about your personality or your money or your intelligence. As sad as that is, that's the truth. A girl can have a high IQ and have a great personality but if she's ugly and doesn't have a bangin body then most dudes won't even give her a look. 

This is very true
The fact that there's so much agreement with this without the acknowledgement that the problem has NOTHING to do with women outlines why women are at such a disadvantage in our society.

These are standards not set by women, but by men. The problem isn't so much the insecurity of women, but the continual objectification of women BY MEN.
Originally Posted by Bastitch

The fact that there's so much agreement with this without the acknowledgement that the problem has NOTHING to do with women outlines why women are at such a disadvantage in our society.

These are standards not set by women, but by men. The problem isn't so much the insecurity of women, but the continual objectification of women BY MEN.

I see what you mean. You said you had a daughter, how would you raise a girl up in society today to counteract said objectification?

Is there only a certain amount people can do? Because frankly, there are actually a lot of females who are actually attractive but feel inferior when in reality they're not... since you personally have a daughter, what do you plan to do when she is old enough to understand societal roles?
Originally Posted by Bastitch

The fact that there's so much agreement with this without the acknowledgement that the problem has NOTHING to do with women outlines why women are at such a disadvantage in our society.

These are standards not set by women, but by men. The problem isn't so much the insecurity of women, but the continual objectification of women BY MEN.

I see what you mean. You said you had a daughter, how would you raise a girl up in society today to counteract said objectification?

Is there only a certain amount people can do? Because frankly, there are actually a lot of females who are actually attractive but feel inferior when in reality they're not... since you personally have a daughter, what do you plan to do when she is old enough to understand societal roles?
Some have already provided good answers to this question.

Women care about their appearance in order to achieve a comfortable level of success and self-sufficiency due to the fact that attractiveness factors into many aspects of their lives. Women also are enslaved by society's beauty standards. There is more pressure on women to look good because that is what they have to do in order to attract a mate, and men are mostly visual creatures that look for physical appearance first most in another woman. By making the most of their appearance, women can feel more confident, and this tends to be useful in social situations (ie. getting a job and obtaining promotion far easier, finding a male companion,etc.). This is not true for all situations, but it does help a great deal.
Some have already provided good answers to this question.

Women care about their appearance in order to achieve a comfortable level of success and self-sufficiency due to the fact that attractiveness factors into many aspects of their lives. Women also are enslaved by society's beauty standards. There is more pressure on women to look good because that is what they have to do in order to attract a mate, and men are mostly visual creatures that look for physical appearance first most in another woman. By making the most of their appearance, women can feel more confident, and this tends to be useful in social situations (ie. getting a job and obtaining promotion far easier, finding a male companion,etc.). This is not true for all situations, but it does help a great deal.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I am simply speaking of the plumpness of the butt, not the actual SIZE of it. All women want a plump bump to a certain degree. The hips and all, I am sure most white women wouldn't want.

From what I gather, most will not care about that unless maybe they are dating a man who is attracted to that. I find that it is Latina or Black women that will really care about that factor in their appearance because it is a beauty standard in their culture to be more physically appealing to men if they have more plumpness or phatness to their butts. 
White girls...Most of the time it is the boobs. Most of the white men I have come across are boob or leg men or even both. 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I am simply speaking of the plumpness of the butt, not the actual SIZE of it. All women want a plump bump to a certain degree. The hips and all, I am sure most white women wouldn't want.

From what I gather, most will not care about that unless maybe they are dating a man who is attracted to that. I find that it is Latina or Black women that will really care about that factor in their appearance because it is a beauty standard in their culture to be more physically appealing to men if they have more plumpness or phatness to their butts. 
White girls...Most of the time it is the boobs. Most of the white men I have come across are boob or leg men or even both. 
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Bastitch

The fact that there's so much agreement with this without the acknowledgement that the problem has NOTHING to do with women outlines why women are at such a disadvantage in our society.

These are standards not set by women, but by men. The problem isn't so much the insecurity of women, but the continual objectification of women BY MEN.

I see what you mean. You said you had a daughter, how would you raise a girl up in society today to counteract said objectification?

Is there only a certain amount people can do? Because frankly, there are actually a lot of females who are actually attractive but feel inferior when in reality they're not... since you personally have a daughter, what do you plan to do when she is old enough to understand societal roles?
Self-esteem is such a fragile thing, but is also the ultimate defense against external factors. If you can help people feel good about just being themselves and their talents, skills, and personal successes, then you have a chance.

Nothing is more impressive than a woman that is confident about herself and understands her self-worth.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Bastitch

The fact that there's so much agreement with this without the acknowledgement that the problem has NOTHING to do with women outlines why women are at such a disadvantage in our society.

These are standards not set by women, but by men. The problem isn't so much the insecurity of women, but the continual objectification of women BY MEN.

I see what you mean. You said you had a daughter, how would you raise a girl up in society today to counteract said objectification?

Is there only a certain amount people can do? Because frankly, there are actually a lot of females who are actually attractive but feel inferior when in reality they're not... since you personally have a daughter, what do you plan to do when she is old enough to understand societal roles?
Self-esteem is such a fragile thing, but is also the ultimate defense against external factors. If you can help people feel good about just being themselves and their talents, skills, and personal successes, then you have a chance.

Nothing is more impressive than a woman that is confident about herself and understands her self-worth.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I am simply speaking of the plumpness of the butt, not the actual SIZE of it. All women want a plump bump to a certain degree. The hips and all, I am sure most white women wouldn't want.

From what I gather, most will not care about that unless maybe they are dating a man who is attracted to that. I find that it is Latina or Black women that will really care about that factor in their appearance because it is a beauty standard in their culture to be more physically appealing to men if they have more plumpness or phatness to their butts. 
White girls...Most of the time it is the boobs. Most of the white men I have come across are boob or leg men or even both. 

Interesting. It is safe to say black/latino are more attracted to the lower halves of women because that is what our women usually have. And white men are attracted to ******* because that is what their women usually have. I know you basically said that but you never really just sit and think about it.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I am simply speaking of the plumpness of the butt, not the actual SIZE of it. All women want a plump bump to a certain degree. The hips and all, I am sure most white women wouldn't want.

From what I gather, most will not care about that unless maybe they are dating a man who is attracted to that. I find that it is Latina or Black women that will really care about that factor in their appearance because it is a beauty standard in their culture to be more physically appealing to men if they have more plumpness or phatness to their butts. 
White girls...Most of the time it is the boobs. Most of the white men I have come across are boob or leg men or even both. 

Interesting. It is safe to say black/latino are more attracted to the lower halves of women because that is what our women usually have. And white men are attracted to ******* because that is what their women usually have. I know you basically said that but you never really just sit and think about it.
DCAllAmerican wrote: Interesting. It is safe to say black/latino are more attracted to the lower halves of women because that is what our women usually have. And white men are attracted to ******* because that is what their women usually have. I know you basically said that but you never really just sit and think about it. 
That is basically it. Even though I tend to think that for white women, I will give them legs rather than boobs. I find boobs tend to be other ethnicities that have that on lock (in general, or on average,  ie. Middle Eastern). If you look at the plastic surgeries for body parts for different ethnicities, most white women will get breast augmentation, black and latina women get the butt injections.
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