Why do women care so much about being pretty?

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

because no one wants an ugly wife/gf
ugly people are looked down upon in society
ugly people are less likely to get certain jobs

But theoretically no one wants a poor/out of shape husband/man, but like I said above, there are many men content with not having a lot of money or being physically appealing, they are comfortable and even like their lifestyle.
by being pretty they know that they'll be able to get almost any man they want/they like the attention they get from being pretty?
idk, women are strange creatures
Originally Posted by Club 27

I dont know about that one.

i feel the only ones who legitimately dont care are the ones who know will never be pretty.

every woman wants to feel beautiful and desirable.
That last part is exactly what I don't understand. I agree with you, I feel every woman wants to feel pretty, but why?

It doesn't work the same way for men, not every man wants to feel like that, it goes every possible way for men. But all women seem to want that one thing.
Originally Posted by Club 27

I dont know about that one.

i feel the only ones who legitimately dont care are the ones who know will never be pretty.

every woman wants to feel beautiful and desirable.
That last part is exactly what I don't understand. I agree with you, I feel every woman wants to feel pretty, but why?

It doesn't work the same way for men, not every man wants to feel like that, it goes every possible way for men. But all women seem to want that one thing.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Club 27

I dont know about that one.

i feel the only ones who legitimately dont care are the ones who know will never be pretty.

every woman wants to feel beautiful and desirable.
That last part is exactly what I don't understand. I agree with you, I feel every woman wants to feel pretty, but why?
Its simple, being wanted is comforting. Women are emotional and need attention and that feeling of being wanted/needed
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Club 27

I dont know about that one.

i feel the only ones who legitimately dont care are the ones who know will never be pretty.

every woman wants to feel beautiful and desirable.
That last part is exactly what I don't understand. I agree with you, I feel every woman wants to feel pretty, but why?
Its simple, being wanted is comforting. Women are emotional and need attention and that feeling of being wanted/needed
SOME of them look at it as a ticket to not having to do a damn thing in the future if they find "mr.right" that has no problem spoiling them rotten b/c this said dude is probably a simple man when it comes to his wants in life and doesn't care for money near as much as he rather have quality, consistent box that he fantasized about growing up.
SOME of them look at it as a ticket to not having to do a damn thing in the future if they find "mr.right" that has no problem spoiling them rotten b/c this said dude is probably a simple man when it comes to his wants in life and doesn't care for money near as much as he rather have quality, consistent box that he fantasized about growing up.
As a father of a 5 year old daughter, I've become very aware of all the pressures females are subjected to their entire lives as it pertains to their appearance.

Toys, cartoons, magazines, grandparents, hell, pretty  much everything have subtle and not so subtle suggestions that if you aren't aesthetically appealing you don't have anything worthwhile.

It starts off with telling babies and toddlers "oh, you're so cute." or "she's beautiful" and all the positive re-enforcement they get as kids over how they look. Then they grow up and the role models that they have a Barbies and Disney princesses, people that don't  have acne and have perfect figures and attract attention from men because of their appearance

As men, we don't get it because it was never about that for us growing up. There are more pressures to be athletic, and smart, and to be a lady-killer.  The difference is staggering.

You repeat this cycle over hundreds of years, and guess what happens. You have a large amount of women concerned about their appearance and a bunch of ignorant men wondering why.
As a father of a 5 year old daughter, I've become very aware of all the pressures females are subjected to their entire lives as it pertains to their appearance.

Toys, cartoons, magazines, grandparents, hell, pretty  much everything have subtle and not so subtle suggestions that if you aren't aesthetically appealing you don't have anything worthwhile.

It starts off with telling babies and toddlers "oh, you're so cute." or "she's beautiful" and all the positive re-enforcement they get as kids over how they look. Then they grow up and the role models that they have a Barbies and Disney princesses, people that don't  have acne and have perfect figures and attract attention from men because of their appearance

As men, we don't get it because it was never about that for us growing up. There are more pressures to be athletic, and smart, and to be a lady-killer.  The difference is staggering.

You repeat this cycle over hundreds of years, and guess what happens. You have a large amount of women concerned about their appearance and a bunch of ignorant men wondering why.
for some women they feel like that's the only thing that makes them relevant in the world. Having someone constantly lust over them they feel should be the norm. Once looks fade, they know they have nothing else to offer afterwards so they do what they can while they can. They know it's working and earning like everybody else once looks fade.
for some women they feel like that's the only thing that makes them relevant in the world. Having someone constantly lust over them they feel should be the norm. Once looks fade, they know they have nothing else to offer afterwards so they do what they can while they can. They know it's working and earning like everybody else once looks fade.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Club 27

society pressures them to be.
Yeah, but why do they give in just cause society tells them to?

Society says men should be rich, but a good chuck of men don't care for it, same with men being muscular, etc.
we live in a world where waka flocka can be relatively successful and charlie sheen is seen by playboy bunnies as desirable though. imagine how the public would react to their female counterparts. society is willing to overlook or even reward unattractiveness, unproductiveness, and immaturity, along with a host of other generally undesirable qualities in men, women are held to a higher standard. sux but such is life.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Club 27

society pressures them to be.
Yeah, but why do they give in just cause society tells them to?

Society says men should be rich, but a good chuck of men don't care for it, same with men being muscular, etc.
we live in a world where waka flocka can be relatively successful and charlie sheen is seen by playboy bunnies as desirable though. imagine how the public would react to their female counterparts. society is willing to overlook or even reward unattractiveness, unproductiveness, and immaturity, along with a host of other generally undesirable qualities in men, women are held to a higher standard. sux but such is life.
Because looks are very important to people. Even straight men treat decent looking men better than ugly ones.
Because looks are very important to people. Even straight men treat decent looking men better than ugly ones.
It's all about attention. It's pretty simple. Ugly women don't get attention and whenever they do, it's from guys trying to just beat it and then be done. Pretty girls get much more attention from guys, are constantly being hit on/flirted with, and when a guy does get a chance to hook up with a pretty girl, she either becomes his girlfriend or decides she's done with the guy which usually results in him chasing her to get with her again.Walk up to any girl that you know that is very attractive and ask her how often she gets hit on when she goes to the mall. It'll be at least 3-5 times, if not more if there are extra thirsty dudes that day. And that's on top of the 50 guys that stare at them like they're made out of gold. Girls often complain about guys constantly hitting on them or checking them out, but in reality they all love it. This is coming from a guy that has 2 older sisters and has been in a few long term relationships.
It's all about attention. It's pretty simple. Ugly women don't get attention and whenever they do, it's from guys trying to just beat it and then be done. Pretty girls get much more attention from guys, are constantly being hit on/flirted with, and when a guy does get a chance to hook up with a pretty girl, she either becomes his girlfriend or decides she's done with the guy which usually results in him chasing her to get with her again.Walk up to any girl that you know that is very attractive and ask her how often she gets hit on when she goes to the mall. It'll be at least 3-5 times, if not more if there are extra thirsty dudes that day. And that's on top of the 50 guys that stare at them like they're made out of gold. Girls often complain about guys constantly hitting on them or checking them out, but in reality they all love it. This is coming from a guy that has 2 older sisters and has been in a few long term relationships.
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