Why do women love to cuddle after sex?

Originally Posted by Gmills23

Originally Posted by lu cash

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

The minute my seed escapes me I'm filled with an overwhelming sense of disgust.
Word, have scientist done research about this?
I swear those split seconds after the deed is done, my mind is on some other @!%.
If a girl wants to know how a dude really feels about her, ask during this moment.

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

It has to do with the release of particular chemicals in the brain after sex which in turn cause the woman to generally be "clingy" after sex and men generally the opposite. I want to say dopamine and/or serotonin but I cant remember.
No lie, one broad sent me a message tombout "So Kyle how do you feel about cuddling?"

I didn't respond.
I might be the only one on this, but cuddling with the right individual is a good feeling.
i've only cuddled once, at it was with was a very special girl...too bad she is not around
Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

I might be the only one on this, but cuddling with the right individual is a good feeling.
real talk. holding your while she going to sleep is a nice feeling. or when they rest their head on my chest, i kind of lowkey melt inside
If I like shorty, I dont mind cuddling, it always leads to more
.. Butotherwise
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

I don't cuddle
The minute my seed escapes me I'm filled with an overwhelming sense of disgust.
Meaningless sex FTL
G, I be toooooooo angry when I get that nut off, it seem like afterwards everything she does is the most annoying %!%@.Just be thinking like Icoulda jacked off and got the same results
Originally Posted by Thousandaire

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

I don't cuddle
The minute my seed escapes me I'm filled with an overwhelming sense of disgust.
Meaningless sex FTL
G, I be toooooooo angry when I get that nut off, it seem like afterwards everything she does is the most annoying %!%@.Just be thinking like I coulda jacked off and got the same results
Originally Posted by ptrakarn23

Originally Posted by Thousandaire

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

I don't cuddle
The minute my seed escapes me I'm filled with an overwhelming sense of disgust.
Meaningless sex FTL
G, I be toooooooo angry when I get that nut off, it seem like afterwards everything she does is the most annoying %!%@.Just be thinking like I coulda jacked off and got the same results
harsh. but damn aint that the truth
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