Why do women love to cuddle after sex?

I swear some of you sound like meatheads or oblivious as $+$*... Why is this even a question?

Some of you guys sound like lames too with how you guys talk...
Originally Posted by DoItAllPaul

the girl didn't feel the same way with me. one time we got into an arguement and she dropped "you always go on niketalk after we have sex"
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Because they want to know that you care about them and that you didn't just get done using them for sex.

Odds are you did just get done using them for sex, so therein lies the ongoing dilemma.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Because they want to know that you care about them and that you didn't just get done using them for sex.

Odds are you did just get done using them for sex, so therein lies the ongoing dilemma.


with wifee i dont mind at all
Originally Posted by blaxoid

Depends who you do it with. With the girlfriend I don't mind, as I'm just laying there spent anyway, may aswell put the arm around her

With a J/O thats a no go thou
I remember the one time I hopped in the shower after sex & cuddling, came out and she was making me breakfast, naked...and this was all before I went toclass.

why'd I break up with her
Originally Posted by blaxoid

Depends who you do it with. With the girlfriend I don't mind, as I'm just laying there spent anyway, may aswell put the arm around her

With a J/O thats a no go thou
When i lost my virginity i wanted to cuddle afterwards but shorty was just like
I was 13 and she was 16.
I spent like 7 good minutes vigorously thrusting, thinking im putting in WORK.
Shorty told me i had to step my pipe game up if i ever wanted to get anymore (()) from her

So i know how it feels to get denied the cuddle.
My mains always get a little post nut love.
I just bust out the laptop or play some N64
After some advanced love making i be too tired to do %%!% else anyway
I always go on NT after im done having sex. I retain information such as release dates better and i seem to be able to find steals more. Lol.
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