Why do you believe that there is a god?

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by RetroSan

Originally Posted by sillyputty

You have NO idea man...this irks me to no end...
I'm almost tempted to talk about this exclusively. 

Try finding a sista' to date that doesn't subscribe to this religious BS... 

Being an atheist and dating is worthy of trying to find a support group 
but i think "belief" is what made the slaves want freedom 

Belief is a part of what kept them in check for hundred of years
to be honest "belief" was the one of the reasons black people felt the need to strive more up to about the late 1960s
I think its funny that alot of you dudes dont believe in God and then turn around and say you believe in aliens.

There is no "real evidence" of extraterrestial existence(If there is "prove it")

And Im not talking about some lights in the sky, or an unidentified flying object. Those could all be secret gov't programs that we dont know about.

Im talking about actually seeing an alien., with your own eyes.

None of you have any evidence of that but it does not stop you from believing.

How is that logic any different from those that believe in God?
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

^^^Love how dude brings up Abrahamic religions, completely ignoring other religious traditions from other cultures (Asian, West African, South American) many of which were polytheistic religious traditions and had nothing to do with Muhammad and Abraham.

Let me expand on this since God as one and monotheism was mentioned in the post to which you replied.
The Judeo-Christian religions were greatly influenced by the religious faiths and cults of the Egyptian and Greek civilizations, as well as other Pagan Babylonic religions. 

An interesting point is that the Jewish tribes used to pray to many gods. A lot of them were also under Roman rule and used to revere to Roman gods. A lot of Jewish intellectuals and academic "scholars" and philosophers in ancient biblical times were also greatly influenced by Greek philosophers and incorporated a lot of those philosophies and stories into the Torah. Let's remember that the Greeks were highly influenced by the Egyptians. 

For example, the Bible also says that God told Moses "Thou shall have no other Gods before me." The origin of Judaism is that the Jewish people were polytheists. In the Judeo-Christian and Islamic historical faiths, the end of polytheism IS monotheism. Then after a certan point, due to the historical times and the political climate in the region at that time, the Babylonian Gods the Jews prayed to then somehow transformed to a ONE monotheistic God. As it indicates in the Bible, when Yahweh tells Moses, you cannot pray to no other god before me, it did not mean that there is only one God to pray or worship. At that time, the Jews believed in different Gods. Yahweh was the strongest God and the warrior god, but he is also a very jealous God. That is why the Jews are called the "Chosen People". It is because they made a covenant with Yahweh for him to be their God and for them to only follow him and not pray to the other Gods which other tribes/people prayed to or worshipped at that time. Other Gods DID exist as they did believe that,but Yahweh (being the jealous God that he is) was their God. Then it turned/changed into completely just monotheism for the Torah. 

So yeah...If you study and look into the actual origins, the three monotheistic faiths - Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, were all originally influence by different pagan and polytheistic religions of that region. In the case of these religions, the end of polytheism IS monotheism. Also, these monotheistic faiths did originate from the Pagan Babylonic religions. Judaism was influenced by Pagan Babylonic religions of that time in that region, as well as Greek, Roman, and Egyptian religions. Christianity was influenced by pagan religions of that region as well that it greatly expanded on Judaism. Christianity was also influenced by religions such as Zoroastrianism (they took the concept of the devil from that ancient Persian religion which still exists today). As for Islam, it expands on Judaism and Christianity, but was also influenced by pagan Arab rituals and traditions, as well as from other pagan religions in that region. 

If you read between the lines in the Bible and the Torah, you will see the mentioning of the worship of different Gods and pagan like references. There are so many stories in the Bible/Torah that were greatly influenced and expanded from Pagan Babylonic origins. There are many stories in the Bible that have remarkable similarities with stories from other religions, legends, and myths. How about the story of Noah's Flood and its similarities to the Gilgamesh Epic? As for the story of Adam and Eve, the fall of mankind from the heavens, and the temptation of the serpent (devil), do you not realize how it has some similarities to the Greek legend/story of Pandora's Box?
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Ah ok...so we're playing the imperialist white pigs game. How un-bigoted of you. 

If you want to make this a political commentary on a group of people who could not control the actions of their ancestors, let me know because as far as I'm concerned, nothing you're saying has anything to do with the topic. 

How un-bigoted of me? The state of humanity is directly connected to the actions of your culture and race, and thus the driving force of your being and why you are expressing Atheism.

So are you in a position to refer to me as a bigot? I have no problem being referred to as a bigot by the likes of you. It has everything to do with the topic because everything is interrelated..thats how the universe works. 

Of course you'll continue to dodge the narrative of history and continue your atheist crusade...Western civilization's legacy is nothing but a path of destruction..justified by material accomplishment and social relationships..thats why I don't have to argue or reason because it would be counter-intuitive...the dialect speaks for itself. 

Anton, I have an appreciation for Oriental culture/spirituality as well,  seeing how my grandmother is Dutch-Indonesian. Polytheism can be found in the Hindu religion, but I feel polytheism is really like the 99 names of God in Islam, meaning polytheism is an expression used to describe different qualities of the same Supreme God. Polytheistic beliefs have a hierarchy of gods am I right?

In reality I don't belong to any organized religion. I belong to God. Orthodox religion is filled with corruption so I can understand skeptics, but your faith shouldn't be in people in the first place. 

I won't hesitate to hurl rhetorical venom at you if you express atheist beliefs...that doesn't mean I'm a bad person..Do you believe in right & wrong? 


My parents are both black jamaicans...not light skinned...not lighter than usual...BLACK LMAO!!!

Hell u said you were mixed...i'm technically blacker than YOU are.  

Why are you so mad dude? Did a white take your seat on the bus fam? 

I know about imperialism homie. 

I'm just smart enough to not mean mug every snow bunny and her dude that passes by because of some things their ancestors did. I know my history but all we can change is the here and now and hope for the best in the future.

I know more about US involvement outside this country than most people. Don't get your feelings hurt when I start calling you out on your misinformation either. I been there and done that...but this is about the existence of a god

Miss me with this white guilt tip. 

Atheism has NOTHING to do with imperialism. LMAO...so because i'm black i'm supposed to believe in god? You already have said that you dont have to prove it so why are you arguing?

Just admit that you don't have any proof or evidence for your claims and be done with it. 

You need to lay off the guilty cocoa puffs man. 

BTW, polytheists believe in DIFFERENT gods. You can't change the defintion to fit your conclusions. You can't say, they just mean different forms of the same god... NO THEY DONT

What does me believing in right and wrong have to do with if a god exists. No deity or god or religion says whats right or wrong. What are you talking about dude?! 
My issue when it comes to faiths is not the belief in God or not. It is in the belief of the religion as the truth. I guess it is because I know and I am convinced they are human made religions, but they are believed to be as to be the ultimate truth and are institutionalized.
Originally Posted by RetroSan

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by RetroSan

but i think "belief" is what made the slaves want freedom 

Belief is a part of what kept them in check for hundred of years
to be honest "belief" was the one of the reasons black people felt the need to strive more up to about the late 1960s
Again, not accurate
Much of the civil rights movement started with a secular basis and many original supporters and black academics of the movement were secular ideologists. 

However, to reach vast numbers of people churches had to get involved...add in a little bit of "liberation theology" and boom. Religion takes over the civil rights movement. 
as a Christian turned weak agnostic, I must say that I believe that God MIGHT exist, but that is unknowable, so your guess is as good as mine.

but as a former Christian, I will say that majority of christians are not believers because it guides them through a good life; it merely provides them "death insurance".

if more believers were CHRISTLIKE, rather than CHRISTIAN, it would inspire others to follow christ. however, that's not what christianity is used for in 2011. it's more of a buzzword of ignorance. you can put the phrase "it's a matter of faith" in the buzzwords of ignorance category, as well.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by FlyJr22

I'm not going to get into the whole "is there a god or isnt there" but i will ask this. How much would you care about an idea such as god if death didnt exist? Honestly tell me how big of a deal would god be if we were immortal, the fact that we are subject to death makes us mentally weak when it comes to the idea of god. I asked people who were deeply into their faiths if there is a god (which im not doubting there is) how did this god create itself? The only answer i could come up with myself is that the Universe/Multiverses became conscious of itself. An organism is not necessary for consciousness. Also if beings as measely as ourselves exist, with all the great power of the cosmos why can it not be possible for a supreme being greater than us to exist in some form.....

Food for thought
I was reading to see what you meant.
Up the bolded part you ask an interesting question. If it wasn't for death, why would a god matter to most people. This is true. Death preoccupies many peoples infatuation with "god"

However the bolded part makes an assertion that you don't support. 

How did the universe become conscious of itself and how do you signify that?

How is an organism not needed for "consciousness" and what do you mean by that?

If we exist, how does that equate to the existence of a god?

This doesn't make any sense. You say because you exist then theres a higher power? How do youreasonablymake that jump in logic???
this is to answer your question in Red and yellow. Essentially consciousness = God Mind/Infinite Intelligence. You don't need something physical or made of matter (an organism) to have consciousness. There is a whole world or dimension of metaphysics where certain things can exist like certain geometric figures we can imagine but are impossible to exist in our reality i.e. Tesseract (4-D cube). For the green question, there is a unified consciousness because everything is connected in the universe etherally, therefore I believe there is one responsible for this unified consciousness.
The Egg By andy Weir

I'm going to answer your green question in more detail in my next post because I have more references I want to use
Originally Posted by JaysRcrak

I think its funny that alot of you dudes dont believe in God and then turn around and say you believe in aliens.

There is no "real evidence" of extraterrestial existence(If there is "prove it")

And Im not talking about some lights in the sky, or an unidentified flying object. Those could all be secret gov't programs that we dont know about.

Im talking about actually seeing an alien., with your own eyes.

None of you have any evidence of that but it does not stop you from believing.

How is that logic any different from those that believe in God?
I think there MIGHT be aliens but I can't prove it.
I think it would be less likely if we didn't know

A. how big our universe actually is...and how much bigger it gets every time we look

B. how many other different planets there are

C. how small our time limit of actually look for aliens actually is. I mean what if an entire race of aliens existed and died off before we started looking but elsewhere? how would we really know. Plus we've only been looking for the past 100 years barely and 100 years is a drop in the bucket compared to the span of time we've estimated for the universe to have existed. *shrug*

Honestly, I don't know. I will assert that. I won't say there is proof either but things like the finding of ice and water on other planets as well as the fact that we've found amino acids on meteorites and other space junk shows that there might be the material for life out there somewhere...but yes, I will admit the evidence doesn't directly point somewhere.

My big thing against aliens is how the media portrays it...in our movies all aliens look far to anthropomorphic. Why do they look like humans? Head, two eyes, two nostrils, two arms, two legs, fingers toes, etc...too human like...lol

I would at least respect a movie like the Blob because it looks NOTHING like we've ever seen before. 
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Ah ok...so we're playing the imperialist white pigs game. How un-bigoted of you. 

If you want to make this a political commentary on a group of people who could not control the actions of their ancestors, let me know because as far as I'm concerned, nothing you're saying has anything to do with the topic. 

How un-bigoted of me? The state of humanity is directly connected to the actions of your culture and race, and thus the driving force of your being and why you are expressing Atheism.

So are you in a position to refer to me as a bigot? I have no problem being referred to as a bigot by the likes of you. It has everything to do with the topic because everything is interrelated..thats how the universe works. 

Of course you'll continue to dodge the narrative of history and continue your atheist crusade...Western civilization's legacy is nothing but a path of destruction..justified by material accomplishment and social relationships..thats why I don't have to argue or reason because it would be counter-intuitive...the dialect speaks for itself. 

Anton, I have an appreciation for Oriental culture/spirituality as well,  seeing how my grandmother is Dutch-Indonesian. Polytheism can be found in the Hindu religion, but I feel polytheism is really like the 99 names of God in Islam, meaning polytheism is an expression used to describe different qualities of the same Supreme God. Polytheistic beliefs have a hierarchy of gods am I right?

In reality I don't belong to any organized religion. I belong to God. Orthodox religion is filled with corruption so I can understand skeptics, but your faith shouldn't be in people in the first place. 

I won't hesitate to hurl rhetorical venom at you if you express atheist beliefs...that doesn't mean I'm a bad person..Do you believe in right & wrong? 

Many people would disagree, what makes your explanation any more valid than anyone else's? People who worshipped many Gods with many unique qualities, some of whom during their time had no idea who Abraham, or Yahweh is would disagree with you? What makes you characterization of God, religion and spirituality any more valid than their's

LOL @ you thinking arguing against atheists is what I think makes you a horrible human being
Um why wouldn't I believe in right and wrong, because religious people have a monopoly on morality?
history and reality tells us otherwise
Originally Posted by StuntHard

as a Christian turned weak agnostic, I must say that I believe that God MIGHT exist, but that is unknowable, so your guess is as good as mine.

but as a former Christian, I will say that majority of christians are not believers because it guides them through a good life; it merely provides them "death insurance".

if more believers were CHRISTLIKE, rather than CHRISTIAN, it would inspire others to follow christ. however, that's not what christianity is used for in 2011. it's more of a buzzword of ignorance. you can put the phrase "it's a matter of faith" in the buzzwords of ignorance category, as well.

Funny you call out people on just using catch phrases in religion without knowing the history of it and not realizing that its not even biblical...
CNN had an article on this.

You'll enjoy it. 

Article and video: http://religion.blogs.cnn.../do-you-speak-christian/
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

My issue when it comes to faiths is not the belief in God or not. It is in the belief of the religion as the truth. I guess it is because I know and I am convinced they are human made religions, but they are believed to be as to be the ultimate truth and are institutionalized.

Yep. Get enough people around themselves without any outside influence and they'll believe anything THEY come up with without validating it against alternative conclusions. It just becomes a circlejerk of ideology and people think what they believe just ends up being true without confirming it. 
Originally Posted by oidreez

wow 33 pages.. um I'm a Christian so I believe because I have faith in His existence and I believe that there are some tribulations that I have endured throughout my life that I couldn't have gotten through by myself
No offense but...
This is all I hear when people say that god changed their life:

Originally Posted by JaysRcrak

I think its funny that alot of you dudes dont believe in God and then turn around and say you believe in aliens.

There is no "real evidence" of extraterrestial existence(If there is "prove it")

And Im not talking about some lights in the sky, or an unidentified flying object. Those could all be secret gov't programs that we dont know about.

Im talking about actually seeing an alien., with your own eyes.

None of you have any evidence of that but it does not stop you from believing

How is that logic any different from those that believe in God?
The difference logically is that while there isn't any proof that aliens exist it is far more plausible to think that there might be other forms of life in the universe.

When you think about just how vast the universe is and how there are billions of galaxies with billions of stars and planets that revolve around those stars it is simply a matter of probability.
So therefore the probability that there might be life somewhere else in the universe is quite high. You can't tell me there can't be one planet out there that couldn't possibly harbor life; the odds are in the favor of other life forms existing. If you think we are somehow special and nothing else is out there then that sort of thinking is very egotistical and narrow-minded.

Furthermore, when you think about the basic ingredients for life; carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen  These elements are the most abundant in the universe. If the basic ingredients for life
are at the top of list of the most abundant elements in the universe, isn't plausible to think that there could be life somewhere else? Doesn't it logically make sense? How exactly is this a stretch or a leap of faith?
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Ah ok...so we're playing the imperialist white pigs game. How un-bigoted of you. 

If you want to make this a political commentary on a group of people who could not control the actions of their ancestors, let me know because as far as I'm concerned, nothing you're saying has anything to do with the topic. 

How un-bigoted of me? The state of humanity is directly connected to the actions of your culture and race, and thus the driving force of your being and why you are expressing Atheism.

So are you in a position to refer to me as a bigot? I have no problem being referred to as a bigot by the likes of you. It has everything to do with the topic because everything is interrelated..thats how the universe works. 

Of course you'll continue to dodge the narrative of history and continue your atheist crusade...Western civilization's legacy is nothing but a path of destruction..justified by material accomplishment and social relationships..thats why I don't have to argue or reason because it would be counter-intuitive...the dialect speaks for itself. 

Anton, I have an appreciation for Oriental culture/spirituality as well,  seeing how my grandmother is Dutch-Indonesian. Polytheism can be found in the Hindu religion, but I feel polytheism is really like the 99 names of God in Islam, meaning polytheism is an expression used to describe different qualities of the same Supreme God. Polytheistic beliefs have a hierarchy of gods am I right?

In reality I don't belong to any organized religion. I belong to God. Orthodox religion is filled with corruption so I can understand skeptics, but your faith shouldn't be in people in the first place. 

I won't hesitate to hurl rhetorical venom at you if you express atheist beliefs...that doesn't mean I'm a bad person..Do you believe in right & wrong? 

Many people would disagree, what makes your explanation any more valid than anyone else's? People who worshipped many Gods with many unique qualities, some of whom during their time had no idea who Abraham, or Yahweh is would disagree with you? What makes you characterization of God, religion and spirituality any more valid than their's

LOL @ you thinking arguing against atheists is what I think makes you a horrible human being
Um why wouldn't I believe in right and wrong, because religious people have a monopoly on morality-history and reality tells us otherwise

Nobody said my explanation was more valid than anybody else....what makes anything more valid than anything?...whatever survives in the competition between species is what is valid. 
You don't know me...I'm not my screen name....refer to me as horrible human being all you want brother....I'm good....my actions (and non-action) speak for me.  

BTW, polytheists believe in DIFFERENT gods. You can't change the defintion to fit your conclusions. You can't say, they just mean different forms of the same god... NO THEY DONT

I haven't changed a definition.  I only differ in my interpretation of polytheist expression. Polytheism believes in multiple deities...but as I said they always have a hierarchy correct? Demigods in polytheistic beliefs always fall under the conceptual hierarchy of the GODHEAD. 

I had a feeling you were black, you're probably the same cat with the Darwin av,  but I wasn't sure since most people I've come across who go through the trouble to declare themselves Atheist are white. Its a form of belief...I think your in denial. 

What does me believing in right and wrong have to do with if a god exists. No deity or god or religion says whats right or wrong. What are you talking about dude?! 

oh really? they don't? I guess that makes sense coming from you. 

Just admit that you don't have any proof or evidence for your claims and be done with it. 

Do you have proof for yours? My proof is tradition, my proof is existence. My proof is myself. My proof is creativity. My proof is abstract thought.  My proof is art. My proof is social life and commerce. How can we fully communicate and express what we have to say through a foreign language anyway? 

You can't teach everything sonny. You should know that through common sense....Just like you can't percieve everything with your senses...does that mean its not there? 

Sufism>>arguing with you about things we probably agree on for the most part 

Atheism has NOTHING to do with imperialism. LMAO...so because i'm black i'm supposed to believe in god? You already have said that you dont have to prove it so why are you arguing?

So you don't believe the actions of the white race have any larger implications to our spiritual reality? And your Jamaican? Your fam probably got ran off the islands like Antons fam got ran out of Nigeria by Boko Haram. My family didn't chose to be in America...I feel like people from the West Indies are more established in their selfhood compared to mainland descendants.  
 Its bigger than imperialism....where is your vision? 

Ethiopiaaaaaa baby. You $@%++! can call me Solomon.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

How un-bigoted of me? The state of humanity is directly connected to the actions of your culture and race, and thus the driving force of your being and why you are expressing Atheism.

So are you in a position to refer to me as a bigot? I have no problem being referred to as a bigot by the likes of you. It has everything to do with the topic because everything is interrelated..thats how the universe works. 

Of course you'll continue to dodge the narrative of history and continue your atheist crusade...Western civilization's legacy is nothing but a path of destruction..justified by material accomplishment and social relationships..thats why I don't have to argue or reason because it would be counter-intuitive...the dialect speaks for itself. 

Anton, I have an appreciation for Oriental culture/spirituality as well,  seeing how my grandmother is Dutch-Indonesian. Polytheism can be found in the Hindu religion, but I feel polytheism is really like the 99 names of God in Islam, meaning polytheism is an expression used to describe different qualities of the same Supreme God. Polytheistic beliefs have a hierarchy of gods am I right?

In reality I don't belong to any organized religion. I belong to God. Orthodox religion is filled with corruption so I can understand skeptics, but your faith shouldn't be in people in the first place. 

I won't hesitate to hurl rhetorical venom at you if you express atheist beliefs...that doesn't mean I'm a bad person..Do you believe in right & wrong? 

Many people would disagree, what makes your explanation any more valid than anyone else's? People who worshipped many Gods with many unique qualities, some of whom during their time had no idea who Abraham, or Yahweh is would disagree with you? What makes you characterization of God, religion and spirituality any more valid than their's

LOL @ you thinking arguing against atheists is what I think makes you a horrible human being
Um why wouldn't I believe in right and wrong, because religious people have a monopoly on morality-history and reality tells us otherwise
Nobody said my explanation was more valid than anybody else....what makes anything more valid than anything?...whatever survives in the competition between species is what is valid. 
You don't know me...I'm not my screen name....refer to me as horrible human being all you want brother....I'm good....my actions (and non-action) speak for me.  

BTW, polytheists believe in DIFFERENT gods. You can't change the defintion to fit your conclusions. You can't say, they just mean different forms of the same god... NO THEY DONT

I haven't changed a definition.  I only differ in my interpretation of polytheist expression. Polytheism believes in multiple deities...but as I said they always have a hierarchy correct? Demigods in polytheistic beliefs always fall under the conceptual hierarchy of the GODHEAD. 

I had a feeling you were black, you're probably the same cat with the Darwin av,  but I wasn't sure since most people I've come across who go through the trouble to declare themselves Atheist are white. Its a form of belief...I think your in denial. 

What does me believing in right and wrong have to do with if a god exists. No deity or god or religion says whats right or wrong. What are you talking about dude?! 

oh really? they don't? I guess that makes sense coming from you. 

Just admit that you don't have any proof or evidence for your claims and be done with it. 

Do you have proof for yours? My proof is tradition, my proof is existence. My proof is myself. My proof is creativity. My proof is abstract thought.  My proof is art. My proof is social life and commerce. How can we fully communicate and express what we have to say through a foreign language anyway? 

You can't teach everything sonny. You should know that through common sense....Just like you can't percieve everything with your senses...does that mean its not there? 

Sufism>>arguing with you about things we probably agree on for the most part 

Atheism has NOTHING to do with imperialism. LMAO...so because i'm black i'm supposed to believe in god? You already have said that you dont have to prove it so why are you arguing?

So you don't believe the actions of the white race have any larger implications to our spiritual reality? And your Jamaican? Your fam probably got ran off the islands like Antons fam got ran out of Nigeria by Boko Haram.

Ethiopiaaaaaa baby. You +%@%@* can call me Solomon.

What? I come from a HUUUUUGE family in Nigeria especially on my dad's side-90 percent of my family still lives in Nigeria-I love how you insist on bringing up people's nationalities in arguments about religion
What the hell does this even mean?

Yea, you're a decent decent human being
When your religious arguments fail, make ignorant comments about people's nationalities, sexual orientation and race

I already gave you a long list of "abstract beliefs" and theories that I have-the difference between you and I is I don't try to pass it off as fact.  A flying sphaghetti monster that time travels and plays human beings like an RPG is abstract as hell, you don't see me trying to pass it off as fact

The burden of proof is not on me, sillyputty already schooled you on that very important fact multiple times-It's not up to me to provide proof of God's nonexistence, it's up to the person making ridiculous claims. If I told you there's a unicorn chilling in my apartment with 7 heads, you're gonna ask for pics.  Even religious people ask for proof, until it comes to their own fictional beliefs

Yo tell me more about this driven out of Nigeria thing? I'm entertained-My mom is visiting Nigeria for a huge bday party for my grandma and the whole family is gonna be there-At what point did we get driven out of Nigeria?
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Ah ok...so we're playing the imperialist white pigs game. How un-bigoted of you. 

If you want to make this a political commentary on a group of people who could not control the actions of their ancestors, let me know because as far as I'm concerned, nothing you're saying has anything to do with the topic. 

How un-bigoted of me? The state of humanity is directly connected to the actions of your culture and race, and thus the driving force of your being and why you are expressing Atheism.

So are you in a position to refer to me as a bigot? I have no problem being referred to as a bigot by the likes of you. It has everything to do with the topic because everything is interrelated..thats how the universe works. 

Of course you'll continue to dodge the narrative of history and continue your atheist crusade...Western civilization's legacy is nothing but a path of destruction..justified by material accomplishment and social relationships..thats why I don't have to argue or reason because it would be counter-intuitive...the dialect speaks for itself. 

Anton, I have an appreciation for Oriental culture/spirituality as well,  seeing how my grandmother is Dutch-Indonesian. Polytheism can be found in the Hindu religion, but I feel polytheism is really like the 99 names of God in Islam, meaning polytheism is an expression used to describe different qualities of the same Supreme God. Polytheistic beliefs have a hierarchy of gods am I right?

In reality I don't belong to any organized religion. I belong to God. Orthodox religion is filled with corruption so I can understand skeptics, but your faith shouldn't be in people in the first place. 

I won't hesitate to hurl rhetorical venom at you if you express atheist beliefs...that doesn't mean I'm a bad person..Do you believe in right & wrong? 


My parents are both black jamaicans...not light skinned...not lighter than usual...BLACK LMAO!!!

Hell u said you were mixed...i'm technically blacker than YOU are.  

Why are you so mad dude? Did a white take your seat on the bus fam? 

I know about imperialism homie. 

I'm just smart enough to not mean mug every snow bunny and her dude that passes by because of some things their ancestors did. I know my history but all we can change is the here and now and hope for the best in the future.

I know more about US involvement outside this country than most people. Don't get your feelings hurt when I start calling you out on your misinformation either. I been there and done that...but this is about the existence of a god

Miss me with this white guilt tip. 

Atheism has NOTHING to do with imperialism. LMAO...so because i'm black i'm supposed to believe in god? You already have said that you dont have to prove it so why are you arguing?

Just admit that you don't have any proof or evidence for your claims and be done with it. 

You need to lay off the guilty cocoa puffs man. 

BTW, polytheists believe in DIFFERENT gods. You can't change the defintion to fit your conclusions. You can't say, they just mean different forms of the same god... NO THEY DONT

What does me believing in right and wrong have to do with if a god exists. No deity or god or religion says whats right or wrong. What are you talking about dude?! 

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Many people would disagree, what makes your explanation any more valid than anyone else's? People who worshipped many Gods with many unique qualities, some of whom during their time had no idea who Abraham, or Yahweh is would disagree with you? What makes you characterization of God, religion and spirituality any more valid than their's

LOL @ you thinking arguing against atheists is what I think makes you a horrible human being
Um why wouldn't I believe in right and wrong, because religious people have a monopoly on morality-history and reality tells us otherwise
Nobody said my explanation was more valid than anybody else....what makes anything more valid than anything?...whatever survives in the competition between species is what is valid. 
You don't know me...I'm not my screen name....refer to me as horrible human being all you want brother....I'm good....my actions (and non-action) speak for me.  

BTW, polytheists believe in DIFFERENT gods. You can't change the defintion to fit your conclusions. You can't say, they just mean different forms of the same god... NO THEY DONT

I haven't changed a definition.  I only differ in my interpretation of polytheist expression. Polytheism believes in multiple deities...but as I said they always have a hierarchy correct? Demigods in polytheistic beliefs always fall under the conceptual hierarchy of the GODHEAD. 

I had a feeling you were black, you're probably the same cat with the Darwin av,  but I wasn't sure since most people I've come across who go through the trouble to declare themselves Atheist are white. Its a form of belief...I think your in denial. 

What does me believing in right and wrong have to do with if a god exists. No deity or god or religion says whats right or wrong. What are you talking about dude?! 

oh really? they don't? I guess that makes sense coming from you. 

Just admit that you don't have any proof or evidence for your claims and be done with it. 

Do you have proof for yours? My proof is tradition, my proof is existence. My proof is myself. My proof is creativity. My proof is abstract thought.  My proof is art. My proof is social life and commerce. How can we fully communicate and express what we have to say through a foreign language anyway? 

You can't teach everything sonny. You should know that through common sense....Just like you can't percieve everything with your senses...does that mean its not there? 

Sufism>>arguing with you about things we probably agree on for the most part 

Atheism has NOTHING to do with imperialism. LMAO...so because i'm black i'm supposed to believe in god? You already have said that you dont have to prove it so why are you arguing?

So you don't believe the actions of the white race have any larger implications to our spiritual reality? And your Jamaican? Your fam probably got ran off the islands like Antons fam got ran out of Nigeria by Boko Haram.

Ethiopiaaaaaa baby. You +%@%@* can call me Solomon.

What? I come from a HUUUUUGE family in Nigeria especially on my dad's side-90 percent of my family still lives in Nigeria-I love how you insist on bringing up people's nationalities in arguments about religion
What the hell does this even mean?

Yea, you're a decent decent human being
When your religious arguments fail, make ignorant comments about people's nationalities, sexual orientation and race

I already gave you a long list of "abstract beliefs" and theories that I have-the difference between you and I is I don't try to pass it off as fact.  A flying sphaghetti monster that time travels and plays human beings like an RPG is abstract as hell, you don't see me trying to pass it off as fact

The burden of proof is not on me, sillyputty already schooled you on that very important fact multiple times-It's not up to me to provide proof of God's nonexistence, it's up to the person making ridiculous claims. If I told you there's a unicorn chilling in my apartment with 7 heads, you're gonna ask for pics.  Even religious people ask for proof, until it comes to their own fictional beliefs

Yo tell me more about this driven out of Nigeria thing? I'm entertained-My mom is visiting Nigeria for a huge bday party for my grandma and the whole family is gonna be there-At what point did we get driven out of Nigeria?

Making my text big...my favorite 

I'm just trying to make connections and talking +*%% man..if you wanna talk about God I wanna talk about Nigeria. Are the two separate? Hardly. I'm just personalizing our argument by framing it within the historical narrative. 
 You talk more about God than you talk about economic hardship in Africa. You talk about God more than you talk about politically enfranchising our brothers....if you really are an atheist you must have a sort of desire to believe. 
Karl Marx was an atheist, did he publish any papers about God? No. Vladmir Lenin was an atheist, did he spend his time arguing Gods existence? No. 

So my point is if your a true atheist why can't you provide us with more material arguments that have significance to material reality right now? 

 Obviously if you guys migrated to America you must be here for a reason right? I think nationality, sexual orientation and race all have significance to ones beliefs...not to say that is concrete.  

Pompous Mother#&$%@*! Look At What Them Jewels Made Me... 

correction: Jews not jewels.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Nobody said my explanation was more valid than anybody else....what makes anything more valid than anything?...whatever survives in the competition between species is what is valid. 
You don't know me...I'm not my screen name....refer to me as horrible human being all you want brother....I'm good....my actions (and non-action) speak for me.  

I haven't changed a definition.  I only differ in my interpretation of polytheist expression. Polytheism believes in multiple deities...but as I said they always have a hierarchy correct? Demigods in polytheistic beliefs always fall under the conceptual hierarchy of the GODHEAD. 

I had a feeling you were black, you're probably the same cat with the Darwin av,  but I wasn't sure since most people I've come across who go through the trouble to declare themselves Atheist are white. Its a form of belief...I think your in denial. 



oh really? they don't? I guess that makes sense coming from you. 

Do you have proof for yours? My proof is tradition, my proof is existence. My proof is myself. My proof is creativity. My proof is abstract thought.  My proof is art. My proof is social life and commerce. How can we fully communicate and express what we have to say through a foreign language anyway? 

You can't teach everything sonny. You should know that through common sense....Just like you can't percieve everything with your senses...does that mean its not there? 

Sufism>>arguing with you about things we probably agree on for the most part 

So you don't believe the actions of the white race have any larger implications to our spiritual reality? And your Jamaican? Your fam probably got ran off the islands like Antons fam got ran out of Nigeria by Boko Haram.

Ethiopiaaaaaa baby. You +%@%@* can call me Solomon.

What? I come from a HUUUUUGE family in Nigeria especially on my dad's side-90 percent of my family still lives in Nigeria-I love how you insist on bringing up people's nationalities in arguments about religion
What the hell does this even mean?

Yea, you're a decent decent human being
When your religious arguments fail, make ignorant comments about people's nationalities, sexual orientation and race

I already gave you a long list of "abstract beliefs" and theories that I have-the difference between you and I is I don't try to pass it off as fact.  A flying sphaghetti monster that time travels and plays human beings like an RPG is abstract as hell, you don't see me trying to pass it off as fact

The burden of proof is not on me, sillyputty already schooled you on that very important fact multiple times-It's not up to me to provide proof of God's nonexistence, it's up to the person making ridiculous claims. If I told you there's a unicorn chilling in my apartment with 7 heads, you're gonna ask for pics.  Even religious people ask for proof, until it comes to their own fictional beliefs

Yo tell me more about this driven out of Nigeria thing? I'm entertained-My mom is visiting Nigeria for a huge bday party for my grandma and the whole family is gonna be there-At what point did we get driven out of Nigeria?

Making my text big...my favorite 

I'm just trying to make connections and talking *+$# man..if you wanna talk about God I wanna talk about Nigeria. Are the two separate? Hardly. I'm just personalizing our argument by framing it within the historical narrative. 
 You talk more about God than you talk about economic hardship in Africa. You talk about God more than you talk about politically enfranchising our brothers....if you really are an atheist you must have a sort of desire to believe. 
Karl Marx was an atheist, did he publish any papers about God? No. Vladmir Lenin was an atheist, did he spend his time arguing Gods existence? No. 

So my point is if your a true atheist why can't you provide us with more material arguments that have significance to material reality right now? 

 Obviously if you guys migrated to America you must be here for a reason right? I think nationality, sexual orientation and race all have significance to ones  beliefs...
I highlighted that one comment to emphasize how absurd a statement it is

You're trying to make connections by reaching and making assumptions? What the hell does any of this discussion have to do with me being "run-out" of Nigeria? And if my "atheism" or agnosticism ran me out of Nigeria, how the hell do you explain my family being very religious? Many people have immigrated to this country for various reasons, are you going to get on their case about it as well? Hell most of this damn country is made up of immigrants and descendants of immigrants and slaves, what does this have to do with this discussion?

I'm also not an "atheist", is your memory that bad? What the hell is a "true atheist"?

Ah you don't believe in God, you must be Asian-I can tell by your font---that's why you got driven out of your country.  Listen to yourself talk
You didn't deny you was Asian tho, I can tell

Sillyputty that's why your parents got sent off the Island
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

How un-bigoted of me? The state of humanity is directly connected to the actions of your culture and race, and thus the driving force of your being and why you are expressing Atheism.

So are you in a position to refer to me as a bigot? I have no problem being referred to as a bigot by the likes of you. It has everything to do with the topic because everything is interrelated..thats how the universe works. 

Of course you'll continue to dodge the narrative of history and continue your atheist crusade...Western civilization's legacy is nothing but a path of destruction..justified by material accomplishment and social relationships..thats why I don't have to argue or reason because it would be counter-intuitive...the dialect speaks for itself. 

Anton, I have an appreciation for Oriental culture/spirituality as well,  seeing how my grandmother is Dutch-Indonesian. Polytheism can be found in the Hindu religion, but I feel polytheism is really like the 99 names of God in Islam, meaning polytheism is an expression used to describe different qualities of the same Supreme God. Polytheistic beliefs have a hierarchy of gods am I right?

In reality I don't belong to any organized religion. I belong to God. Orthodox religion is filled with corruption so I can understand skeptics, but your faith shouldn't be in people in the first place. 

I won't hesitate to hurl rhetorical venom at you if you express atheist beliefs...that doesn't mean I'm a bad person..Do you believe in right & wrong? 

Many people would disagree, what makes your explanation any more valid than anyone else's? People who worshipped many Gods with many unique qualities, some of whom during their time had no idea who Abraham, or Yahweh is would disagree with you? What makes you characterization of God, religion and spirituality any more valid than their's

LOL @ you thinking arguing against atheists is what I think makes you a horrible human being
Um why wouldn't I believe in right and wrong, because religious people have a monopoly on morality-history and reality tells us otherwise
Nobody said my explanation was more valid than anybody else....what makes anything more valid than anything?...whatever survives in the competition between species is what is valid. 

You don't know me...I'm not my screen name....refer to me as horrible human being all you want brother....I'm good....my actions (and non-action) speak for me.  

BTW, polytheists believe in DIFFERENT gods. You can't change the defintion to fit your conclusions. You can't say, they just mean different forms of the same god... NO THEY DONT

I haven't changed a definition.  I only differ in my interpretation of polytheist expression. Polytheism believes in multiple deities...but as I said they always have a hierarchy correct? Demigods in polytheistic beliefs always fall under the conceptual hierarchy of the GODHEAD. 

I had a feeling you were black, you're probably the same cat with the Darwin av,  but I wasn't sure since most people I've come across who go through the trouble to declare themselves Atheist are white. Its a form of belief...I think your in denial. 

What does me believing in right and wrong have to do with if a god exists. No deity or god or religion says whats right or wrong. What are you talking about dude?! 

oh really? they don't? I guess that makes sense coming from you. 

Just admit that you don't have any proof or evidence for your claims and be done with it. 

Do you have proof for yours? My proof is tradition, my proof is existence. My proof is myself. My proof is creativity. My proof is abstract thought.  My proof is art. My proof is social life and commerce. How can we fully communicate and express what we have to say through a foreign language anyway? 

You can't teach everything sonny. You should know that through common sense....Just like you can't percieve everything with your senses...does that mean its not there? 

Sufism>>arguing with you about things we probably agree on for the most part 

Atheism has NOTHING to do with imperialism. LMAO...so because i'm black i'm supposed to believe in god? You already have said that you dont have to prove it so why are you arguing?

So you don't believe the actions of the white race have any larger implications to our spiritual reality? And your Jamaican? Your fam probably got ran off the islands like Antons fam got ran out of Nigeria by Boko Haram. My family didn't chose to be in America...I feel like people from the West Indies are more established in their selfhood compared to mainland descendants.  
 Its bigger than imperialism....where is your vision? 

Ethiopiaaaaaa baby. You $@%++! can call me Solomon.


Seriously...what the hell is your deal man?

I'm trying to handle you with kid gloves and you're making me reconsider. 

what makes anything more anything than anything? 

Are you serious?

I'm going to refrain from the names I want to call you now but you're really not being smart...to say the least.

You said you didn't "change the definition of a word" but you JUST ADMITTED TO CHANGING THE INTERPRETATION OF THE WORD. 

Once again, atheism is NOT a belief. it is the LACK of belief.

What do you call people who don't collect stamps of different types and sizes? Astampists? Bruh when it comes to religion or belief in a god I DO NOT BELIEVE IN IT.

Its that that i believe there is no god. I don't believe in a god. 

There is no evidence for me to believe in a god.


Religion doesn't not have the absolute understanding of morality. There are different religions and faiths in different gods so your argument is invalid. Morality and thoughts of right and wrong are defined by communities of people living and working together to define what is right and wrong.




What do white people have to do with whether or not there is a god?! What. The Hell are you TALKING about?! 

My parents left jamaica to WORK...

Why are you speaking in code about Ethiopia? Is that where you think Jah is? Eden? 

Stop chilling with Selassie and come back to the real world dude.



I love it
y'all need to start Team Atheist/Agnostic asap. 

This isn't going anywhere. At the end of the day theres more believers than non believers. 

Do you agree with the state of the world? That when belief plays a role...if you cant see that than keep it moving bruh....righteous! 

Son is typing in all caps...and I'm the one who is mad?  

Who said Santa Claus didn't exist at one point?
Santa Claus is probably a fictionalized character based on the story of real person/persons. 

Your fam came here to work? For some white folks. Where is your families concept of nationality or ownership?  
LOL @ dude attempting to trivialize  this discussion beyond recognition. Imagine if I announced today that Santa Claus does in fact does exist, and tried to convince people that it was fact without proof of him traveling the world on xmas and giving every single good child a gift and in the process going off on tangents about homosexuality, people's ethnicity/country of origin, and imperialism. WTH is wrong with dude?

You must have gotten kicked out of Namibia, I can tell you Namibian-You don't believe Santa Claus exists
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I love it
y'all need to start Team Atheist/Agnostic asap. 

This isn't going anywhere. At the end of the day theres more believers than non believers. 

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