Why do you believe that there is a god?

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I'm glad your entertained 'bro'. I'm not Alaskan. 
..I'm AMERICAN. Not a EUROPEAN immigrant, y'all are sneaky, devious people. How are y'all gonna steal native land, call yourselves Americans because you were ran out of your home country, and enslave an entire race of people along the way and continue to act innocent?
I'm embarrassed for you.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

thats called a false ego^ yeah Im so 'confused' by your cleverness Anton. 

good job ignoring my last post

Astral traveling>>>arguing with Anton and sillypitty 
Yet you continue to argue

Now we're talking about Astral traveling? Elaborate? Are you a medium?
Do you dabble in witchcraft and shamanism? That I could sorta get down with, but you're gonna have to provide me with some proof of your astral travel capabilities (and no smoking weed doesn't count)
Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I'm glad your entertained 'bro'. I'm not Alaskan. 
..I'm AMERICAN. Not a EUROPEAN immigrant, y'all are sneaky, devious people. How are y'all gonna steal native land, call yourselves Americans because you were ran out of your home country, and enslave an entire race of people along the way and continue to act innocent?
I'm embarrassed for you.
 I'm a true American...I'm entitled to express my nationality. 

yo I've never astral traveled from smoking weed....weed is proven to be psychoactive yet it's criminalized by a bunch of drunkards...thats the type of %+%% Im talking about. Its about whats right. Legalizing weed would lower the price of all other commodites...and it would effect the culture significantly..I want other self exploration tools legalized as well. 
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I'm glad your entertained 'bro'. I'm not Alaskan. 
..I'm AMERICAN. Not a EUROPEAN immigrant, y'all are sneaky, devious people. How are y'all gonna steal native land, call yourselves Americans because you were ran out of your home country, and enslave an entire race of people along the way and continue to act innocent?
I'm embarrassed for you.
 I'm a true American...I'm entitled to express my nationality. 

yo I've never astral traveled from smoking weed....weed is proven to be psychoactive yet it's criminalized by a bunch of drunkards...thats the type of %+%% Im talking about. Its about whats right. Legalizing weed would lower the price of all other commodites...and it would effect the culture significantly..I want other self exploration tools legalized as well. 
Are you one of these? 

If not, then sit your sorry ___ down. 

Otherwise you are no different than the white imperialists who you claim to be the reason you can't rule the world...or whatever you're willing to blame your misfortune on. 

Seriously. Grow the hell up already. This isn't about history. Its about your claims for the supernatural which you have REFUSED to support.

I'm about done with you. Straight up.

This thread is about the existence of a god.

If you assert that there is a god, please provide proof for your arguments. 

Now that I have addressed each and every point you've made you have switched the discussion to drug legalization and imperialism. 

None of which claims that there is a god that exists or the god that YOU claim exists.

You are a liar and a cheat. You are unwilling to address your claims fairly.

The fact that you want to use drugs to achieve another "experience" basically proves my point. Its all in your damn head. If I can describe how those drugs affect certain receptors in your brain chemistry then I have shown that you really aren't achieving the supernatural...rather than your brain is being twisted in such unnatural ways that you're reporting your delusions as representations of reality. 

Neuroscience and psychology explain your habitual drug use, legal or not, more than your claims for the supernatural.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I'm glad your entertained 'bro'. I'm not Alaskan. 
..I'm AMERICAN. Not a EUROPEAN immigrant, y'all are sneaky, devious people. How are y'all gonna steal native land, call yourselves Americans because you were ran out of your home country, and enslave an entire race of people along the way and continue to act innocent?
I'm embarrassed for you.
 I'm a true American...I'm entitled to express my nationality. 

yo I've never astral traveled from smoking weed....weed is proven to be psychoactive yet it's criminalized by a bunch of drunkards...thats the type of %+%% Im talking about. Its about whats right. Legalizing weed would lower the price of all other commodites...and it would effect the culture significantly..I want other self exploration tools legalized as well. 

Hey, I'm not here to judge you, what you smoke in the privacy of your own home is none of my business-I just wanna know how you astral project without using mind altering substances

Do you have any special capabilities I need to know about and do you have proof of said capabilities? If I told you I can move objects with my mind you're gonna want to see me do it, no? You're also going to want a detailed explanation as to how I achieved such a feat

If I told you I can read minds and can project my own thoughts onto others you would have a long list of questions to ask me-
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by JaysRcrak

Originally Posted by blackxme

Originally Posted by JaysRcrak

I think its funny that alot of you dudes dont believe in God and then turn around and say you believe in aliens.
There is no "real evidence" of extraterrestial existence(If there is "prove it")
And Im not talking about some lights in the sky, or an unidentified flying object. Those could all be secret gov't programs that we dont know about.
Im talking about actually seeing an alien., with your own eyes.

None of you have any evidence of that but it does not stop you from believing
How is that logic any different from those that believe in God?
The difference logically is that while there isn't any proof that aliens exist it is far more plausible to think that there might be other forms of life in the universe.

When you think about just how vast the universe is and how there are billions of galaxies with billions of stars and planets that revolve around those stars it is simply a matter of probability.
So therefore the probability that there might be life somewhere else in the universe is quite high. You can't tell me there can't be one planet out there that couldn't possibly harbor life; the odds are in the favor of other life forms existing. If you think we are somehow special and nothing else is out there then that sort of thinking is very egotistical and narrow-minded.

Furthermore, when you think about the basic ingredients for life; carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen  These elements are the most abundant in the universe. If the basic ingredients for life
are at the top of list of the most abundant elements in the universe, isn't plausible to think that there could be life somewhere else? Doesn't it logically make sense? How exactly is this a stretch or a leap of faith?

Sure. It is probable. But the problem is that people acknowledge probability, only when it supports their POV.
For example:
If you took all of the loose parts, that it takes to construct an airplane, and you threw them in a tornado. And you let the tornado whirl around with the parts inside of it.

It is not very probable that when the tornado dissipates, that the result will be perfectly working airplane. Wouldn't you agree?
But yet, when it comes to the creation of the universe, this is what many people believe.(Big Bang)
That all of the elements and conditions were "just right," and all of the sudden the universe was born. To me, that seems improbable.
That the perfection of our universe, our Earth, and even our own bodies are the result of random events coming together.
The difference is that our "probable" belief comes from the fact that WE are here. It isn't out of thin air LOL. We are alive and on this planet and we have evolved from nothing, but atoms. So the probability of aliens being on another planet can be likely. So what so funny about that? The existence of God on the other hand is a belief made out of thin air. If for example we were arguing the existence of a Christian God (aliens), when a Hindu God (humans) did exist and was proven, then your statement of there "probably" being a Christian God (aliens) would be more valid. make sense? And, honestly scientists do say they believe that there are aliens considering our existence, but none of them would try to prove that statement. They would acknowledge anyone arguing with them, like you, that there is no proof and we can't know as of yet. But, our existence does validate their opinion.

Also, the Big Bang Theory to create the universe is a random event as well as our and all other species evolution. It seems improbable because it is. Although it might seem planned out since everything has been evolving into something better, but in the end it is all random mutations that drive evolution. It wasn't planned or something, like you seem to be implying. Like planned by a magical person in the sky (at least we can't prove that). Basically, to correct your last few statements, what your looking to say is "the perfection of our universe, our Earth, and even our own bodies are the result of random events coming together, all of the elements and conditions were "just right," and all of the sudden, evolution."

No, actually I said what I was trying to say. You just misinterpreted it, and you completely missed the point I was making.
The point was this. What is probable to one person will seem improbable to the next, depending on their POV.

The difference is that our "probable" belief comes from the fact that WE are here. It isn't out of thin air LOL. We are alive and on this planet and we have evolved from nothing, but atoms.

According to your POV. But to someone who believes in God, it was He who made the universe, and that is the reason WE are here, alive on this planet.
The point is anything an athiest can say can be reversed by a believer in God and vice versa
People worshipping science now-a-days and its sad how they fail to realize how closely they fit the descriptions of religious fanatics.

Im just throwing thoughts out there. I worship science too, but not as a means to disprove anybodies beliefs but as a means to build on capabilities.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

I'm embarrassed for you.
 I'm a true American...I'm entitled to express my nationality. 

yo I've never astral traveled from smoking weed....weed is proven to be psychoactive yet it's criminalized by a bunch of drunkards...thats the type of %+%% Im talking about. Its about whats right. Legalizing weed would lower the price of all other commodites...and it would effect the culture significantly..I want other self exploration tools legalized as well. 
Are you one of these? 

If not, then sit your sorry ___ down. 

Otherwise you are no different than the white imperialists who you claim to be the reason you can't rule the world...or whatever you're willing to blame your misfortune on. 

Seriously. Grow the hell up already. This isn't about history. Its about your claims for the supernatural which you have REFUSED to support.

I'm about done with you. Straight up.

This thread is about the existence of a god.

If you assert that there is a god, please provide proof for your arguments. 

Now that I have addressed each and every point you've made you have switched the discussion to drug legalization and imperialism. 

None of which claims that there is a god that exists or the god that YOU claim exists.

You are a liar and a cheat. You are unwilling to address your claims fairly.

The fact that you want to use drugs to achieve another "experience" basically proves my point. Its all in your damn head. If I can describe how those drugs affect certain receptors in your brain chemistry then I have shown that you really aren't achieving the supernatural...rather than your brain is being twisted in such unnatural ways that you're reporting your delusions as representations of reality. 

Neuroscience and psychology explain your habitual drug use, legal or not, more than your claims for the supernatural.

I actually do have Florida seminole in my ancestry as well...the African slave trade defines America..this is our country...we worked it without just compensation. 
You aren't doing anything but explaining a chemical process and reaction...it doesn't take away from the reality of  higher experience at all...regardless of the scientific explanation...it doesn't disprove what it is...our existence is full of illusions and unseen realities....think of how limited your waking consciousness is....it isnt make believe...
what does science say about meditation? 

Fact is astral traveling is real people have been doing it for thousands of years....you can do it without mind altering drugs...but in the nature of our modern western world..it's virtually impossible to be on the meditative level of Eastern spiritual masters. Not everybody does it soberly either...DMT  is a naturally occuring substance that is stored in your pineal gland. Guess what another fact is? Everybody doesn't have the capacity to do it 

Its ok to be intoxicated on alcohol and ruin lives though. 

where do we go for opportunity now that millions are unemployed in the US sillpitty?
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

 I'm a true American...I'm entitled to express my nationality. 

yo I've never astral traveled from smoking weed....weed is proven to be psychoactive yet it's criminalized by a bunch of drunkards...thats the type of %+%% Im talking about. Its about whats right. Legalizing weed would lower the price of all other commodites...and it would effect the culture significantly..I want other self exploration tools legalized as well. 
Are you one of these? 

If not, then sit your sorry ___ down. 

Otherwise you are no different than the white imperialists who you claim to be the reason you can't rule the world...or whatever you're willing to blame your misfortune on. 

Seriously. Grow the hell up already. This isn't about history. Its about your claims for the supernatural which you have REFUSED to support.

I'm about done with you. Straight up.

This thread is about the existence of a god.

If you assert that there is a god, please provide proof for your arguments. 

Now that I have addressed each and every point you've made you have switched the discussion to drug legalization and imperialism. 

None of which claims that there is a god that exists or the god that YOU claim exists.

You are a liar and a cheat. You are unwilling to address your claims fairly.

The fact that you want to use drugs to achieve another "experience" basically proves my point. Its all in your damn head. If I can describe how those drugs affect certain receptors in your brain chemistry then I have shown that you really aren't achieving the supernatural...rather than your brain is being twisted in such unnatural ways that you're reporting your delusions as representations of reality. 

Neuroscience and psychology explain your habitual drug use, legal or not, more than your claims for the supernatural.

I actually do have Florida seminole in my ancestry as well...the African slave trade defines America..this is our country...we worked it without just compensation. 
You aren't doing anything but explaining a chemical process and reaction...it doesn't take away from the reality of  higher experience at all...regardless of the scientific explanation...it doesn't disprove what it is...our existence is full of illusions and unseen realities....think of how limited your waking consciousness is....it isnt make believe...
what does science say about meditation? 

Fact is astral traveling is real people have been doing it for thousands of years....you can do it without mind altering drugs...but in the nature of our modern western world..it's virtually impossible to be on the meditative level of Eastern spiritual masters. Not everybody does it soberly either...DMT  is a naturally occuring substance that is stored in your pineal gland. Guess what another fact is? Everybody doesn't have the capacity to do it 

Its ok to be intoxicated on alcohol and ruin lives though. 
What exactly does Astral traveling accomplish?

I meditate to relieve stress-what does this have to do with God? 

How is meditative level measured/quantified and how do you know we aren't capable of that achieving those "levels" today? Why doesn't everybody have the capability to do it? How is the capacity to achieve these states of meditation measured and quantified, what observations have you made that differentiates those who have the capacity from those who don't?  Give me more BSmooth, that's the difference between the scientific community and people who talk out of their $*+es I'm gonna need more than that from you if you're going to push these claims as "Fact"-

Like I was saying, if I made similar claims about an unknown force that allows me to move rocks with my mind and that most people don't have these capabilities, and I can only do it when I'm on LSD you would be asking similar questions
I'm not an authority on it man...I consider myself a beginner...but I'm aspiring towards this...I believe it has value for us....I'm not a habitual drug user....except bud, I consider marijuana a herb anyway.
 But periodic out of body experiences are rewarding to ones spirit...I believe developing higher senses are apart of our evolution as men. I'm not an expert but there are plenty of people who have information on the topic...do your own research. 
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I'm not an authority on it man...I consider myself a beginner...but I'm aspiring towards this...I believe it has value for us....I'm not a habitual drug user....except bud, I consider marijuana a herb anyway.
 But periodic out of body experiences are rewarding to ones spirit...I believe developing higher senses are apart of our evolution as men. I'm not an expert but there are plenty of people who have information on the topic...do your own research. 

ok man, see if I make claims on a topic you know nothing about I can speak about it intelligently, and I can offer you tons to peer reviewed research on said topic.

You can't talk out of your *** about things you admittedly know nothing about an expect people to buy into it.

Anyhow on that note gtg bed, its gonna be a long week-I might flirt with an out of body experience tonite by the method of erotic asphyxiation
Hopefully, I don't kill too many brain cells in the process of achieving "higher senses"
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by FlyJr22

Originally Posted by sillyputty

I was reading to see what you meant.
Up the bolded part you ask an interesting question. If it wasn't for death, why would a god matter to most people. This is true. Death preoccupies many peoples infatuation with "god"

However the bolded part makes an assertion that you don't support.�

How did the universe become conscious of itself and how do you signify that?

How is an organism not needed for "consciousness" and what do you mean by that?

If we exist, how does that equate to the existence of a god?�

This doesn't make any sense. You say because you exist then theres a higher power? How do you�reasonably�make that jump in logic???
� this is to answer your question in Red and yellow. Essentially consciousness = God Mind/Infinite Intelligence. You don't need something physical or made of matter (an organism) to have consciousness. There is a whole world or dimension of metaphysics where certain things can exist like certain geometric figures we can imagine but are impossible to exist in our reality i.e. Tesseract (4-D cube).� For the green question, there is a unified consciousness because everything is connected in the universe etherally, therefore I believe there is one responsible for this unified consciousness.
The Egg By andy Weir

I'm going to answer your green question in more detail in my next post because I have more references I want to use
As much as I kind of do like philosophy and all the tripping on acid or high on some chronic pondering the world type stuff, sometime I just hate it when philosophers start to discuss metaphysics as if it is a branch of actual physics, as if theories can be tested or proven with actual evidence.

I understand a lot of metaphysics touches on quantum physics, which is a whole crazy subject in itself, but don't mix the two. Actual experiments have been conducted to understand quantum physics, and can partially verify quantum physics theories. Don't discuss metaphysical hypotheses as if they are theories or fact, when they can't be tested or proven. May be one day we will be able to, but not for now.

Metaphysical hypotheses are just that, hypotheses, or questions that try to make understanding of something in the world. But, it's pure discussion. No testing is actually done.

In the end metaphysics is just opinion.

what do you think this whole God thing is about??? you can substitute God in every sentence you used metaphysics in. It is a FACT there are dimensions beyond ours, how do we know? Because mathematics tells us. Mathematics is one of the few solid things you can bank on that is consistent in the universe. It is pretty much the secret language God speaks to us

if you can connect the dots between God, math, DNA, philosophy, physics, metaphysics and science as a whole you can better understand how all of it works. Some of you guys really need to try DMT (Dimethyltriptamine) because the some of things that are being debated are the least important
Originally Posted by JaysRcrak

Originally Posted by blackxme

Originally Posted by JaysRcrak

I think its funny that alot of you dudes dont believe in God and then turn around and say you believe in aliens.
There is no "real evidence" of extraterrestial existence(If there is "prove it")
And Im not talking about some lights in the sky, or an unidentified flying object. Those could all be secret gov't programs that we dont know about.
Im talking about actually seeing an alien., with your own eyes.

None of you have any evidence of that but it does not stop you from believing

How is that logic any different from those that believe in God?
The difference logically is that while there isn't any proof that aliens exist it is far more plausible to think that there might be other forms of life in the universe.

When you think about just how vast the universe is and how there are billions of galaxies with billions of stars and planets that revolve around those stars it is simply a matter of probability.
So therefore the probability that there might be life somewhere else in the universe is quite high. You can't tell me there can't be one planet out there that couldn't possibly harbor life; the odds are in the favor of other life forms existing. If you think we are somehow special and nothing else is out there then that sort of thinking is very egotistical and narrow-minded.

Furthermore, when you think about the basic ingredients for life; carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen  These elements are the most abundant in the universe. If the basic ingredients for life
are at the top of list of the most abundant elements in the universe, isn't plausible to think that there could be life somewhere else? Doesn't it logically make sense? How exactly is this a stretch or a leap of faith?

Sure. It is probable. But the problem is that people acknowledge probability, only when it supports their POV.
For example:
If you took all of the loose parts, that it takes to construct an airplane, and you threw them in a tornado. And you let the tornado whirl around with the parts inside of it.
It is not very probable that when the tornado dissipates, that the result will be perfectly working airplane. Wouldn't you agree?
But yet, when it comes to the creation of the universe, this is what many people believe.(Big Bang)
That all of the elements and conditions were "just right," and all of the sudden the universe was born. To me, that seems improbable.
That the perfection of our universe, our Earth, and even our own bodies are the result of random events coming together.

Well let's take probability out of the equation. Given what I've told you about the elements for life being abundant, wouldn't it be fair to say that other life forms existing isn't that far-fetched?
Given the vastness of the universe and the mind-numbing number of stars and planets out there, couldn't we at least assume that there are aliens? Given these facts you have a much more logical basis for believing in aliens than believing in God. One day we might just have telescopes powerful enough to some how discover a planet with the right conditions for life to exist. What chance do we have of ever truly discovering God, I think you'd agree that we will never discover this God, expect in the minds of believers. After all this is the essence of faith.

Of course I would agree, but your example is trying to greatly simplify a theory that delves much deeper into the explanation of the universe's berth than your trying to make it out to be.
The 'fine tuning argument' is quite flawed, yes the universe would seem to be tailor-made for life to exist( maybe pointing to a creator) but you can't simply point to a creator simply because it fills gaps of knowledge and seems convenient . I would also add that our universe isn't perfect, our earth isn't perfect, and we certainly aren't perfect.
The universe as we know it is currently filled with stars, stars that light up our universe and give off energy. Energy which is essential for life, like our Sun. Yet the Sun isn't infinite, and neither is any other star. Eventually every star will die and the ability for life to exist will go with them. Our earth is constantly bombarded by natural events that kill many humans and other species. Hurricanes. earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, etc. are all events that pose great danger to life. And yet this planet is perfect, correct?
As far as our bodies are concerned, I'd like to take a look at these pictures which clearly do away with the notion of a 'perfect body.

Originally Posted by JaysRcrak

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by JaysRcrak

Sure. It is probable. But the problem is that people acknowledge probability, only when it supports their POV.
For example:
If you took all of the loose parts, that it takes to construct an airplane, and you threw them in a tornado. And you let the tornado whirl around with the parts inside of it.

It is not very probable that when the tornado dissipates, that the result will be perfectly working airplane. Wouldn't you agree?
But yet, when it comes to the creation of the universe, this is what many people believe.(Big Bang)
That all of the elements and conditions were "just right," and all of the sudden the universe was born. To me, that seems improbable.
That the perfection of our universe, our Earth, and even our own bodies are the result of random events coming together.
The difference is that our "probable" belief comes from the fact that WE are here. It isn't out of thin air LOL. We are alive and on this planet and we have evolved from nothing, but atoms. So the probability of aliens being on another planet can be likely. So what so funny about that? The existence of God on the other hand is a belief made out of thin air. If for example we were arguing the existence of a Christian God (aliens), when a Hindu God (humans) did exist and was proven, then your statement of there "probably" being a Christian God (aliens) would be more valid. make sense? And, honestly scientists do say they believe that there are aliens considering our existence, but none of them would try to prove that statement. They would acknowledge anyone arguing with them, like you, that there is no proof and we can't know as of yet. But, our existence does validate their opinion.

Also, the Big Bang Theory to create the universe is a random event as well as our and all other species evolution. It seems improbable because it is. Although it might seem planned out since everything has been evolving into something better, but in the end it is all random mutations that drive evolution. It wasn't planned or something, like you seem to be implying. Like planned by a magical person in the sky (at least we can't prove that). Basically, to correct your last few statements, what your looking to say is "the perfection of our universe, our Earth, and even our own bodies are the result of random events coming together, all of the elements and conditions were "just right," and all of the sudden, evolution."

No, actually I said what I was trying to say. You just misinterpreted it, and you completely missed the point I was making.
The point was this. What is probable to one person will seem improbable to the next, depending on their POV.

The difference is that our "probable" belief comes from the fact that WE are here. It isn't out of thin air LOL. We are alive and on this planet and we have evolved from nothing, but atoms.

According to your POV. But to someone who believes in God, it was He who made the universe, and that is the reason WE are here, alive on this planet.
The point is anything an athiest can say can be reversed by a believer in God and vice versa

I don't know what the reason was for crossing out all my text, but oh well.

I understand you meant to say what you said, or why would you say it. I was merely correcting you because what you were saying seemed to be two statement that you thought contradicted and they don't. But, I read the statements again, and you're right I did misinterpret them. You are completely saying the randomness and the big bang theory are wrong in your eyes, or at least "improbable".

Also, I get your point, and I am saying I disagree because it's not just a POV. We have reason to believe aliens existing. Unlike religious individuals who have no reason to believe God existing.

I am not stating their point of view as wrong, but merely the fact that whether or not one's POV follows a more scientific route doesn't negate the fact that theoretical evidence is there for the existence of aliens. Again, there is none for God whether or not your POV is atheist or theist. That is the difference and why the two shouldn't be thought of as equal.

You can't compare science to religion. It is not the same following.
Again with this topic? Do we have to go through this every week? If you believe in God, great, but don't try to force other people to believe there is one. If you don't believe in God, thats fine too. Don't try to convince believers that there isn't one. Leave each other the F alone. End of story
Some of you should read Ecclesiastes...

...it's easily one of (if not the) most emo and philosophical books the in The Bible - which is apparently right up the majority of your alleys.

All that ''there's nuthin' new under the sun/life is meaningless/what's the point of being good if I'm going to die anyways?/I just blew millions of dollars on women and entertainment for the hell of it and I'm still not happy/when I die everything I worked to earn is just gonna go in the hands of my idiot offspring/my dad was never around to mold me so I got happiness thru possessions/maybe I would've been better off as a stillborn child''-type stuff.

But this is NT, so a lot of you will read about The Bible - but you won't actually read The Bible...

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I'm glad your entertained 'bro'. I'm not Alaskan. 
..I'm AMERICAN. Not a EUROPEAN immigrant, y'all are sneaky, devious people. How are y'all gonna steal native land, call yourselves Americans because you were ran out of your home country, and enslave an entire race of people along the way and continue to act innocent?
I'm embarrassed for you.
 I'm a true American...I'm entitled to express my nationality. 

yo I've never astral traveled from smoking weed....weed is proven to be psychoactive yet it's criminalized by a bunch of drunkards...thats the type of %+%% Im talking about. Its about whats right. Legalizing weed would lower the price of all other commodites...and it would effect the culture significantly..I want other self exploration tools legalized as well. 
Expressing your nationality involves generalizing an entire group of people while lumping someone alive today with people that lived hundreds of years ago?
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Some of you should read Ecclesiastes...

...it's easily one of (if not the) most emo and philosophical books the in The Bible - which is apparently right up the majority of your alleys.

All that ''there's nuthin' new under the sun/life is meaningless/what's the point of being good if I'm going to die anyways?/I just blew millions of dollars on women and entertainment for the hell of it and I'm still not happy/when I die everything I worked to earn is just gonna go in the hands of my idiot offspring/my dad was never around to mold me so I got happiness thru possessions/maybe I would've been better off as a stillborn child''-type stuff.

But this is NT, so a lot of you will read about The Bible - but you won't actually read The Bible...


/thread /life
Originally Posted by FlyJr22

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by FlyJr22

� this is to answer your question in Red and yellow. Essentially consciousness = God Mind/Infinite Intelligence. You don't need something physical or made of matter (an organism) to have consciousness. There is a whole world or dimension of metaphysics where certain things can exist like certain geometric figures we can imagine but are impossible to exist in our reality i.e. Tesseract (4-D cube).� For the green question, there is a unified consciousness because everything is connected in the universe etherally, therefore I believe there is one responsible for this unified consciousness.
The Egg By andy Weir

I'm going to answer your green question in more detail in my next post because I have more references I want to use
As much as I kind of do like philosophy and all the tripping on acid or high on some chronic pondering the world type stuff, sometime I just hate it when philosophers start to discuss metaphysics as if it is a branch of actual physics, as if theories can be tested or proven with actual evidence.

I understand a lot of metaphysics touches on quantum physics, which is a whole crazy subject in itself, but don't mix the two. Actual experiments have been conducted to understand quantum physics, and can partially verify quantum physics theories. Don't discuss metaphysical hypotheses as if they are theories or fact, when they can't be tested or proven. May be one day we will be able to, but not for now.

Metaphysical hypotheses are just that, hypotheses, or questions that try to make understanding of something in the world. But, it's pure discussion. No testing is actually done.

In the end metaphysics is just opinion.

what do you think this whole God thing is about??? you can substitute God in every sentence you used metaphysics in. It is a FACT there are dimensions beyond ours, how do we know? Because mathematics tells us. Mathematics is one of the few solid things you can bank on that is consistent in the universe. It is pretty much the secret language God speaks to us

if you can connect the dots between God, math, DNA, philosophy, physics, metaphysics and science as a whole you can better understand how all of it works. Some of you guys really need to try DMT (Dimethyltriptamine) because the some of things that are being debated are the least important

Sigh, im responding just so you know I read your post. But seriously dude there is no use in having a discussion with you. You will spout out misinformation, just like I said philosophers into metaphysics do, and think that you are stating facts. You think youre dropping knowledge, but really you have no idea or understanding of the information you type. Your studies only barely scratch the surface of these topics. And because you hear about a small part of them while discussing your hypothetical models you think youre an expert, when in actuality you have no validity in speaking of such topics.I dont mean to be mean but as stated before I hate when philosophers think they can speak on science topics and make statements that they consider should be taken as facts. Keep it real and say its an opinion or hypothesis.
I don't really mind that there are Christians, I just don't like that they're the majority. It definitely hinders progress on a lot of government issues like abortion, gay marriage, stem cell research, etc. It's sad that you HAVE to be a Christian to be president. Like Fox News playing the whole Muslim Obama thing up to appeal to dumb Christian voters.
With a name like [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]PleasurePhd[/color] I hope you're actually living up to it. The only thing I said were facts was the math. Everything else I believe in IS opinion and hypothesis. I'm just a student man I'll be the first to say that. But I will say one thing I understand the world we live in a lot better than a lot ot the people on this board, there's a few people that know what they're talking about and I learn from them, everybody else is talking out of their *** and just saying what they've been taught to say. If I ever post something in a post that possesses intellectual conversation it's because I've examined it to make sense and have at least done some research on the topic. So please miss me with that you have no idea or understanding stuff sir. I'm not even tryina get at you just don't undermine me, I am confident I can hold a debate on any topic anyone brings up on this board. I respect your views even though you really didn't share any you just tried to attenuate what I've said
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

I don't really mind that there are Christians, I just don't like that they're the majority. It definitely hinders progress on a lot of government issues like abortion, gay marriage, stem cell research, etc. It's sad that you HAVE to be a Christian to be president. Like Fox News playing the whole Muslim Obama thing up to appeal to dumb Christian voters.

The religion influence on government is what bothers me the most about the subject. I'm sure that some day in our lifetime we'll see the day that religion doesnt weigh on someone's chances to be president.
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

I don't really mind that there are Christians, I just don't like that they're the majority. It definitely hinders progress on a lot of government issues like abortion, gay marriage, stem cell research, etc. It's sad that you HAVE to be a Christian to be president. Like Fox News playing the whole Muslim Obama thing up to appeal to dumb Christian voters.

The religion influence on government is what bothers me the most about the subject. I'm sure that some day in our lifetime we'll see the day that religion doesnt weigh on someone's chances to be president.
I'll be waiting for the day when people realize the president really doesn't have a say in anything, won't hold my breath though
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