Why do you believe that there is a god?

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Yes, you are right to an EXTENT. 

I will give you credit for that. In each community, even in science there are certain defining characteristics and methods of interaction that prevail over others.

Boom, stop there. Thats point of debate #1. Science has a culture.
If you want to call it a culture, fine do so.

I will. Anyone else who wishes to be on the side of scholarship and truth should do the same.

Granted, the scientific community that investigates claims tries to be as impartial as possible so as to determine whether or not claims can be verified. You may assert that objectivity and the pursuit of it is a "culture" but you have to see that this same community changes its rules all the time. It tries to get BETTER. It is scientific about being scientific. Thats the thing. It is critical of even the practices that IT uses. Thats why research institutions have review boards and other certification entities meet constantly to develop new and more refined ways of allowing data to be analyzed.
ALL COMMUNITIES CHANGE THEIR RULES OVER TIME. It seems that the basic understanding of human society is lost on too many left brained Western Scientific zealots.

But how does that invalidate the claims suggested as a whole at their forefront. If you disagree, propose an alternative method through which we can validate claims. If your suggestion works better and there is more evidence to support it, then TRUST ME, everyone will adopt your method.
People want to progress and use the best possible tool through which they can understand the world. As it stands, this is the best way to do so...its not the ABSOLUTE way to do so. Until another way comes along, and it may, then this is the best tool we currently have. Not the ONLY tool. 

Do you see what i'm saying? 

I haven't shot down any scientific theories of the system itself, that would be foolish. What is equally foolish is disregarding the esoteric "right-brained" analysis of life, which is essential for an optimal and holistic understanding of existence.

I honestly don't even know why you are arguing with this man sillyputty.

Science as a "culture" does not equate to religion as a belief system and faith.

His initial argument was science is a religion that is FOLLOWED like any other religion (which is not true), NOT a culture, and when you crushed that argument he changed it to culture.

Difference is that science culture doesn't blindly have faith in something untested and unproven. I have no idea how you can mix it or equate it to religious individuals having blind faith.

Sure both come with a set of rules, but rules made in science are placed there so that no one can make up a bunch of mumbo jumbo and call it science or fact. Rules in religion, although kind of having validity amongst moral value, have been created to support nothing, but a blind belief and faith. They have no ulterior motive, only a set of rules for believers to follow. Something to do besides just believing in a God. This is why their rules are always changing to fit what the preacher thinks should be right and how the followers should act during that time and in that place.

In the end we are not arguing about the "culture" or rules in religion. We are arguing about the fact that there is no proof of a divine God.  So speaking of science as a culture is pointless and inane.

Lastly, you DO NOT have to FOLLOW or have a belief in science for it to be valid. Being alive is proof enough that the culture has some validity. But, more so one that has no knowledge of science and its "culture" or rules still contributes to its findings and proves its functionality and gives it purpose. The purpose to know. Science = scientia in latin = knowledge.

1. The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I'm just trying to make connections and talking +*%% man..if you wanna talk about God I wanna talk about Nigeria. Are the two separate? Hardly. I'm just personalizing our argument by framing it within the historical narrative. 

 You talk more about God than you talk about economic hardship in Africa. You talk about God more than you talk about politically enfranchising our brothers....if you really are an atheist you must have a sort of desire to believe. 

Karl Marx was an atheist, did he publish any papers about God? No. Vladmir Lenin was an atheist, did he spend his time arguing Gods existence? No. 

So my point is if your a true atheist why can't you provide us with more material arguments that have significance to material reality right now? 

 Obviously if you guys migrated to America you must be here for a reason right? I think nationality, sexual orientation and race all have significance to ones beliefs...not to say that is concrete.  

[color= rgb(255, 0, 153)]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 153)]Pompous Mother#&$%@*! Look At What Them Jewels Made Me... 
[color= rgb(255, 0, 153)]

correction: Jews not jewels.

The existence of a god doesn't relate to the political nature of Nigeria. If thats the case then are the price of milk and the thread-count on my bedsheets related?!
THE TOPIC IS ABOUT IF GOD EXISTS. You have NOT even said why you believe or what your evidence is that a god exists. Seriously what is your problem? If we want to talk about political empowerment that is another discussion. How can you come into this thread and attempt to change the topic to fit what YOU want to talk about. 

Go make another thread. 

Marx didn't write about religion? Oh yeah. You probably haven't even read the communist manifesto did you? Then you'd know Marx was actually a deist and his popular quote was actually out of context...however NONE OF THAT PROVES A GOD EXISTS!

Atheists are not proposing arguments. If someone wants to make conjecture about something they will do so and provide evidence to that degree. 

Being an atheist doesn't mean you have a particular stance on anything else. Its like saying baseball players are supporters of tort reform. They aren't even related. 

Atheist = Doesn't believe in god(s). 


Why are you being so damn dense?

Maybe to find a job? My parents came here 20 years ago. No political exile. No escaping of war. They came to work. What does that have to do with the existence of god. 

Chill with the antisemitism. ...which again, none of which does not prove any god exists!
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I love it
y'all need to start Team Atheist/Agnostic asap. 

This isn't going anywhere. At the end of the day theres more believers than non believers. 

Do you agree with the state of the world? That when belief plays a role...if you cant see that than keep it moving bruh....righteous! 

Son is typing in all caps...and I'm the one who is mad?  

Who said Santa Claus didn't exist at one point?
Santa Claus is probably a fictionalized character based on the story of real person/persons. 

Your fam came here to work? For some white folks. Where is your families concept of nationality or ownership?  

Lets highlight any aspect of this comment that has to do with the existence of a god or provides proof for that.





BTW, smart guy, you just showed that santa doesn't exist and negated your point. You said its probably a fictionalized personification based on real people...but if its BASED on them then its NOT THEM!

You talk about everything like its separated from God....you guys are only arguing with yourselves...I try to add other dimensions into the discussion so you can see the importance of believing but y'all are on some dumb deaf and blind @*%. Sealed off.

You don't take a stance on anything else and thats exactly was the problem is...you take a stand against God out of all things....thats why Marx and a lot of his followers ultimately failed to achieve what they wanted to....and people who believe often accomplish what they want to.
My dude is typing in all caps....how many times have y'all called me mad and salty...and you @+$$#@ is over here magnifying my words...

Out of curiosity...what is the purpose of expressing atheism? You never explained that. 
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I love it
y'all need to start Team Atheist/Agnostic asap. 

This isn't going anywhere. At the end of the day theres more believers than non believers. 

LOL if we're basing right and wrong on how many people share those beliefs might wanna add slavery, racism, homophobia, war and hundreds of other negative human traits to that list-

LOL @ dude acting like "believers" is a unifying term, like said believers aren't arguing and killing each other over which of their beliefs is the correct one and how they are the "chosen people".
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

You talk about everything like its separated from God....you guys are only arguing with yourselves...I try to add other dimensions into the discussion so you can see the importance of believing but y'all are on some dumb deaf and blind @*%. Sealed off.

You don't take a stance on anything else and thats exactly was the problem is...you take a stand against God out of all things....thats why Marx and a lot of his followers ultimately failed to achieve what they wanted to....and people who believe often accomplish what they want to.
My dude is typing in all caps....how many times have y'all called me mad and salty...and you @+$$#@ is over here magnifying my words...

Out of curiosity...what is the purpose of expressing atheism? You never explained that. 

If you're going to add other dimensions make it relevant, what does being an immigrant have to do with the existence or non-existence of God? Sillyputty and I are waiting for an answer
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

You talk about everything like its separated from God....you guys are only arguing with yourselves...I try to add other dimensions into the discussion so you can see the importance of believing but y'all are on some dumb deaf and blind @*%. Sealed off.

You don't take a stance on anything else and thats exactly was the problem is...you take a stand against God out of all things....thats why Marx and a lot of his followers ultimately failed to achieve what they wanted to....and people who believe often accomplish what they want to.
My dude is typing in all caps....how many times have y'all called me mad and salty...and you @+$$#@ is over here magnifying my words...

Out of curiosity...what is the purpose of expressing atheism? You never explained that. 

If you're going to add other dimensions make it relevant, what does being an immigrant have to do with the existence or non-existence of God? Sillyputty and I are waiting for an answer

I feel like immigrating to America is equal to trying to escape what you really are. I'm not saying thats a universal truth. or a FACT...I just feel like you trade your authentic nationality for the shallow consumerist society of America which is still dominated by a European patriarchy which the rest of the world works and slaves away for. 
Its all good....

I never got an answer to this question despite asking it numerous times in this thread....I don't even share my beliefs with most people because I don't like stirring things up more than they already are. 

Out of curiosity...what is the purpose of expressing atheism? You never explained that. 
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

You talk about everything like its separated from God....you guys are only arguing with yourselves...I try to add other dimensions into the discussion so you can see the importance of believing but y'all are on some dumb deaf and blind @*%. Sealed off.

You don't take a stance on anything else and thats exactly was the problem is...you take a stand against God out of all things....thats why Marx and a lot of his followers ultimately failed to achieve what they wanted to....and people who believe often accomplish what they want to.

My dude is typing in all caps....how many times have y'all called me mad and salty...and you @+$$#@ is over here magnifying my words...

Out of curiosity...what is the purpose of expressing atheism? You never explained that. 
Again. What are you talking about? It is not even universally accepted or proved that things are CONNECTED to this entity called "god" especially when there are different variations and types of gods that exist. 

Since you want me to see the importance of "believing" tell me what is the "importance of belief" as clearly as you can. I'm waiting to read it. 

No smart guy, I do have a stance on things. This topic is only about the EXISTENCE OF A GOD(S). If theres a thread on the best bb player of all time or if apple is better than android then i'll take a stance on such topics. When it comes to god, I have already explained that if you make a claim you must support it.


Typing in call caps is to draw emphasis to certain words. It doesn't invalidate the message or the content of what i'm saying. You're worrying about the context. 

The "purpose" of atheism? Atheism isn't a movement. I simply do not believe in a god because there no evidence proving that there is a god to believe in. Especially in YOUR god. 

I'm still waiting for you to prove your god exists and why I should "believe" in it. 

Why do I say i'm an atheist? Because i do not have a reason or good evidence to tell me to accept the claim a god exists. I actually care if what I think or know is true or valid or not. Thats why I say this. As of yet, there is no proof that a god exists or has existed. You believe this claim. PLEASE SHARE YOUR INFO. 

You're not even trying to educate people you disagree with. Thats the problem. Don't tell me i'm wrong then dont address what it is you want to share. EDUCATE ME. SHOW ME WHERE IM WRONG! I want to know where I can understand things. If you're not going to help me then go sit somewhere. 
Originally Posted by blackxme

Originally Posted by JaysRcrak

I think its funny that alot of you dudes dont believe in God and then turn around and say you believe in aliens.
There is no "real evidence" of extraterrestial existence(If there is "prove it")
And Im not talking about some lights in the sky, or an unidentified flying object. Those could all be secret gov't programs that we dont know about.
Im talking about actually seeing an alien., with your own eyes.

None of you have any evidence of that but it does not stop you from believing

How is that logic any different from those that believe in God?
The difference logically is that while there isn't any proof that aliens exist it is far more plausible to think that there might be other forms of life in the universe.

When you think about just how vast the universe is and how there are billions of galaxies with billions of stars and planets that revolve around those stars it is simply a matter of probability.
So therefore the probability that there might be life somewhere else in the universe is quite high. You can't tell me there can't be one planet out there that couldn't possibly harbor life; the odds are in the favor of other life forms existing. If you think we are somehow special and nothing else is out there then that sort of thinking is very egotistical and narrow-minded.

Furthermore, when you think about the basic ingredients for life; carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen  These elements are the most abundant in the universe. If the basic ingredients for life
are at the top of list of the most abundant elements in the universe, isn't plausible to think that there could be life somewhere else? Doesn't it logically make sense? How exactly is this a stretch or a leap of faith?

Sure. It is probable. But the problem is that people acknowledge probability, only when it supports their POV.
For example:
If you took all of the loose parts, that it takes to construct an airplane, and you threw them in a tornado. And you let the tornado whirl around with the parts inside of it.
It is not very probable that when the tornado dissipates, that the result will be perfectly working airplane. Wouldn't you agree?
But yet, when it comes to the creation of the universe, this is what many people believe.(Big Bang)
That all of the elements and conditions were "just right," and all of the sudden the universe was born. To me, that seems improbable.
That the perfection of our universe, our Earth, and even our own bodies are the result of random events coming together.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

You talk about everything like its separated from God....you guys are only arguing with yourselves...I try to add other dimensions into the discussion so you can see the importance of believing but y'all are on some dumb deaf and blind @*%. Sealed off.

You don't take a stance on anything else and thats exactly was the problem is...you take a stand against God out of all things....thats why Marx and a lot of his followers ultimately failed to achieve what they wanted to....and people who believe often accomplish what they want to.
My dude is typing in all caps....how many times have y'all called me mad and salty...and you @+$$#@ is over here magnifying my words...

Out of curiosity...what is the purpose of expressing atheism? You never explained that. 

If you're going to add other dimensions make it relevant, what does being an immigrant have to do with the existence or non-existence of God? Sillyputty and I are waiting for an answer

I feel like immigrating to America is equal to trying to escape what you really are. I'm not saying thats a universal truth. or a FACT...I just feel like you trade your authentic nationality for the shallow consumerist society of America which is still dominated by a European patriarchy which the rest of the world works and slaves away for. 
Its all good....

I never got an answer to this question despite asking it numerous times in this thread....I don't even share my beliefs with most people because I don't like stirring things up more than they already are. 

Out of curiosity...what is the purpose of expressing atheism? You never explained that. 
Oh shut up. 
Did you have an influence on where you were born?



End of argument. 

People migrate for opportunity. Do you expect tyrone to have more opportunities in the hood or to go off to college so he can try to change the system from there?

You're too much of a divisionist. 


Opportunity for what? To indulge in this consumer-capitalist culture? Is that the opportunity the peoples of the world are looking for? I don't know everything yo...I've been confined to FL my whole life so my point of view is limited by my environment and genetic makeup which is very diverse
this is why I question the mentality of people who favor western standards...what influences your mentality that opportunity is to be found here?  Why not move to the east and adopt an ascetic life style? Thats what Im feeling. 
Originally Posted by FlyJr22

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by FlyJr22

I'm not going to get into the whole "is there a god or isnt there" but i will ask this. How much would you care about an idea such as god if death didnt exist? Honestly tell me how big of a deal would god be if we were immortal, the fact that we are subject to death makes us mentally weak when it comes to the idea of god. I asked people who were deeply into their faiths if there is a god (which im not doubting there is) how did this god create itself? The only answer i could come up with myself is that the Universe/Multiverses became conscious of itself. An organism is not necessary for consciousness. Also if beings as measely as ourselves exist, with all the great power of the cosmos why can it not be possible for a supreme being greater than us to exist in some form.....

Food for thought
I was reading to see what you meant.
Up the bolded part you ask an interesting question. If it wasn't for death, why would a god matter to most people. This is true. Death preoccupies many peoples infatuation with "god"

However the bolded part makes an assertion that you don't support.�

How did the universe become conscious of itself and how do you signify that?

How is an organism not needed for "consciousness" and what do you mean by that?

If we exist, how does that equate to the existence of a god?�

This doesn't make any sense. You say because you exist then theres a higher power? How do you�reasonably�make that jump in logic???
� this is to answer your question in Red and yellow. Essentially consciousness = God Mind/Infinite Intelligence. You don't need something physical or made of matter (an organism) to have consciousness. There is a whole world or dimension of metaphysics where certain things can exist like certain geometric figures we can imagine but are impossible to exist in our reality i.e. Tesseract (4-D cube).� For the green question, there is a unified consciousness because everything is connected in the universe etherally, therefore I believe there is one responsible for this unified consciousness.
The Egg By andy Weir

I'm going to answer your green question in more detail in my next post because I have more references I want to use
As much as I kind of do like philosophy and all the tripping on acid or high on some chronic pondering the world type stuff, sometime I just hate it when philosophers start to discuss metaphysics as if it is a branch of actual physics, as if theories can be tested or proven with actual evidence.

I understand a lot of metaphysics touches on quantum physics, which is a whole crazy subject in itself, but don't mix the two. Actual experiments have been conducted to understand quantum physics, and can partially verify quantum physics theories. Don't discuss metaphysical hypotheses as if they are theories or fact, when they can't be tested or proven. May be one day we will be able to, but not for now.

Metaphysical hypotheses are just that, hypotheses, or questions that try to make understanding of something in the world. But, it's pure discussion. No testing is actually done.

In the end metaphysics is just opinion.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

You talk about everything like its separated from God....you guys are only arguing with yourselves...I try to add other dimensions into the discussion so you can see the importance of believing but y'all are on some dumb deaf and blind @*%. Sealed off.

You don't take a stance on anything else and thats exactly was the problem is...you take a stand against God out of all things....thats why Marx and a lot of his followers ultimately failed to achieve what they wanted to....and people who believe often accomplish what they want to.
My dude is typing in all caps....how many times have y'all called me mad and salty...and you @+$$#@ is over here magnifying my words...

Out of curiosity...what is the purpose of expressing atheism? You never explained that. 

If you're going to add other dimensions make it relevant, what does being an immigrant have to do with the existence or non-existence of God? Sillyputty and I are waiting for an answer

I feel like immigrating to America is equal to trying to escape what you really are
. I'm not saying thats a universal truth. or a FACT...I just feel like you trade your authentic nationality for the shallow consumerist society of America which is still dominated by a European patriarchy which the rest of the world works and slaves away for. 
Its all good....

I never got an answer to this question despite asking it numerous times in this thread....I don't even share my beliefs with most people because I don't like stirring things up more than they already are. 

Out of curiosity...what is the purpose of expressing atheism? You never explained that. 

LOL so the millions upon millons of people who come to America for different reasons are tryna escape who they really are?
My little brother was born in this country, should he go to live in Nigeria just to prove to BSmooth he isn't tryna hide who he really is? I came to this country with my mother at a young age, lived here all my life so should I drop out of school today and buy a plane ticket to go start afresh in Nigeria just to prove to BSmooth I'm not tryna hide who I really am?

Is it at all possible to hold on to parts of your heritage and live in another country? The billions of people who have immigrated for one reason or another can't all possibly be tryna hide who they are BSmooth.

What's stopping you from going to live in Ethiopia or wherever it is you identify with?

You're on an internet site about shoes, how aren't you part of this American Consumerist society? And LOL @ you assuming Nigeria isn't a consumerist society

Again I ask, what the hell does any of this have to do with God?

BSmooth is comedy
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

If you're going to add other dimensions make it relevant, what does being an immigrant have to do with the existence or non-existence of God? Sillyputty and I are waiting for an answer

I feel like immigrating to America is equal to trying to escape what you really are
. I'm not saying thats a universal truth. or a FACT...I just feel like you trade your authentic nationality for the shallow consumerist society of America which is still dominated by a European patriarchy which the rest of the world works and slaves away for. 
Its all good....

I never got an answer to this question despite asking it numerous times in this thread....I don't even share my beliefs with most people because I don't like stirring things up more than they already are. 

Out of curiosity...what is the purpose of expressing atheism? You never explained that. 

LOL so the millions upon millons of people who come to America for different reasons are tryna escape who they really are?
My little brother was born in this country, should he go to live in Nigeria just to prove to BSmooth he isn't tryna hide who he really is? I came to this country with my mother at a young age, lived here all my life so should I drop out of school today and buy a plane ticket to go start afresh in Nigeria just to prove to BSmooth I'm not tryna hide who I really am?

Is it at all possible to hold on to parts of your heritage and live in another country? The billions of people who have immigrated for one reason or another can't all possibly be tryna hide who they are BSmooth.

What's stopping you from going to live in Ethiopia or wherever it is you identify with?

You're on an internet site about shoes, how aren't you part of this American Consumerist society? And LOL @ you assuming Nigeria isn't a consumerist society

Again I ask, what the hell does any of this have to do with God?

BSmooth is comedy

wow my g...you really are a broken record. Look at what I said after the magnified part! Of course people come here for the right reasons as well. 
When did I say I wasn't apart of this consumer society? And thats exactly it.I've been here longer than you bruh! The difference between us is my family didn't consciously chose to come here like yours...and thats what you can't acknowledge because you only acknowledge your point of view. As an interracial person I have to cope with multiple point of views and incorporate them into 1. Thats my jihad...
Is it at all possible to hold on to parts of your heritage and live in another country? 

Why are you asking me? I should be asking the Nigerian native that question...I don't know what my African heritage is..I wish I did. 

Obviously I can't revert back to Africa....thats just not practical...thats more of a fantasy...but I can and WILL question the Western values that your family embraced enough to leave your nationality behind to become American.  

.if you wanna post 50 smilies at me for that...you prove me right. 

It has to do with God because you value material gain more than righteousness...and it shows in action. 

Do you agree with the state of the world? 

Of course Nigera is a consumer society after it was raped and pillaged by foreigners...you think its by choice? Why do you think the distribution of wealth is soooooo off balance in countries where Europeans introduced 'civilization'?

No idea if BSmot is an aspiring troll or just downright delusional.

How do you stir up the discussion and bring nothing but irrelevant opinions to it and then, when called out on it, you keep switching the subject again to suit your own views.

how edgy bro.
Nice back up screen name doggie.

Aldous Huxley:
the metaphysic that recognizes a divine Reality substantial to the world of things and lives and minds; the psychology that finds in the soul something similar to, or even identical with, divine Reality; the ethic that places man's final end in the knowledge of theimmanent and transcendent Ground of all being; the thing is immemorial and universal. Rudiments of the perennial philosophy may be found among the traditional lore of primitive peoples in every region of the world, and in its fully developed forms it has a place in every one of the higher religions
Originally Posted by JaysRcrak

Originally Posted by blackxme

Originally Posted by JaysRcrak

I think its funny that alot of you dudes dont believe in God and then turn around and say you believe in aliens.
There is no "real evidence" of extraterrestial existence(If there is "prove it")
And Im not talking about some lights in the sky, or an unidentified flying object. Those could all be secret gov't programs that we dont know about.
Im talking about actually seeing an alien., with your own eyes.

None of you have any evidence of that but it does not stop you from believing

How is that logic any different from those that believe in God?
The difference logically is that while there isn't any proof that aliens exist it is far more plausible to think that there might be other forms of life in the universe.

When you think about just how vast the universe is and how there are billions of galaxies with billions of stars and planets that revolve around those stars it is simply a matter of probability.
So therefore the probability that there might be life somewhere else in the universe is quite high. You can't tell me there can't be one planet out there that couldn't possibly harbor life; the odds are in the favor of other life forms existing. If you think we are somehow special and nothing else is out there then that sort of thinking is very egotistical and narrow-minded.

Furthermore, when you think about the basic ingredients for life; carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen  These elements are the most abundant in the universe. If the basic ingredients for life
are at the top of list of the most abundant elements in the universe, isn't plausible to think that there could be life somewhere else? Doesn't it logically make sense? How exactly is this a stretch or a leap of faith?

Sure. It is probable. But the problem is that people acknowledge probability, only when it supports their POV.
For example:
If you took all of the loose parts, that it takes to construct an airplane, and you threw them in a tornado. And you let the tornado whirl around with the parts inside of it.
It is not very probable that when the tornado dissipates, that the result will be perfectly working airplane. Wouldn't you agree?
But yet, when it comes to the creation of the universe, this is what many people believe.(Big Bang)
That all of the elements and conditions were "just right," and all of the sudden the universe was born. To me, that seems improbable.
That the perfection of our universe, our Earth, and even our own bodies are the result of random events coming together.
The difference is that our "probable" belief comes from the fact that WE are here. It isn't out of thin air LOL. We are alive and on this planet and we have evolved from nothing, but atoms. So the probability of aliens being on another planet can be likely. So what's so funny about that?

The existence of God on the other hand is a belief made out of thin air. If for example we were arguing the existence of a Christian God (aliens), when a Hindu God (humans) did exist and was proven, then your statement of there "probably" being a Christian God (aliens) would be more valid. Make sense?

And, honestly scientists do say they believe that there are aliens considering our existence, but none of them would try to prove that statement. They would acknowledge anyone arguing with them, like you, that there is no proof and we can't know as of yet. But, our existence does validate their opinion.

Also, the Big Bang Theory on create the universe is a random event as well as our and all other species evolution. It seems improbable because it is. Although it might seem planned out since everything has been evolving into something better, but in the end it is all random mutations that drive evolution. It wasn't planned or something, like you seem to be implying. Like planned by a magical person in the sky (at least we can't prove that).

Basically, to correct your last few statements, what you're looking to say is "the perfection of our universe, our Earth, and even our own bodies are the result of random events coming together, all of the elements and conditions were "just right," and all of a sudden, evolution."
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by NobleKane

anton lavey r u a satanist?


How does this make you feel?

hows it supposed to make me feel?
 i probably indulge in more sin than you do
Meh I'm not a "Theistic Satanist", I only label myself as such because it confuses people like BSmooth

My NT SN is mostly meant to be satirical and ironic. I don't believe in the existence of the "devil" and I actually in some instances view the fictional devil as being more benevolent than "God".  The God I read about in Judeo-christian scriptures honestly just seems like the "devil" in disguise-If we're basing evil on how many innocent people have suffered as a result of your actions God is pure evil. Satanism represents the idea that morality isn't as black and white as we view it.  A lot of these so called virtuous, religious folks are rotten to the core and I want no parts
thats called a false ego^ yeah Im so 'confused' by your cleverness Anton. 

good job ignoring my last post

Astral traveling>>>arguing with Anton and sillypitty 

shouts out to Darwin! evolution ftw. 
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