Why do you believe that there is a god?


Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by FIREPOWER23

Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

If you are quick to answer then how come there has not been any massive evolution of species as that seen of humans. Sharks pre date humans and their genetic features have not given them feet to walk on the earth. Or lungs to breathe outside of water. And I am not even saying why haven't they become humans or why did the apes stop evolving, but why has there been no "EVOLVING" of a new species with likeness to that of humans. Where they have free thought?

It's clear that you do not truly understand the definition of evolution, you seem to think that evolution is aiming towards something, that it is somehow striving to become more like humans. Evolution is just natural selection by a process of surviving -There is no will or thought process involved

 -ALL species currently surviving on this planet are just as evolved as we are. A shark is just as perfectly evolved as a human being.

Apes & sharks are still evolving this very second as we type -Every single species on this earth are constantly evolving right now. They have been and will continue to evolve for millions of years.

You complain that people aren't answering your questions -it's not beacause they can't, it's beacause your "questions" are nonsensical and you can't seem to grasp the most basic of scientific phenomena.
QFE, I honestly think there needs to be a separate thread breaking down into layman's terms simple scientific concepts-Some of these questions are

Evolution doesn't happen overnight, if you put aside the erroneous claim that the earth is 3000 years old or whatever the bible says it is you can put this into perspective

To answer that question you also need to understand the PURPOSE of evolution, all living things aren't convergently evolving to become more like humans. Living things evolve GRADUALLY to better adapt to their environment

Bacteria are excellent organisms to study evolution in because their reproductive cycle is rapid
. We are in a constant evolutionary arm race with microbes, we make drugs/vaccines or develop defenses to diseases and the bacteria ADAPT to this by changing their genetic make up to counteract our defenses. It's called the "red queen effect" and it's a perfect example of evolution on a smaller scale.

SMH someone give him the survival of the fittest lecture, i'm tired
Bro.. I am from Egypt. My own country's civilization is older than 7000 years old,  i never said the earth was 3000 years old. I never said things need to evolve to become like humans, I asked specifically what specie has evolved to an entirely different specie and has produced genders with in that specie where their reproductive organs are different, yet their physical appereance is identical. I asked the same damn question 4  times now and really you guys telling me that evolution happens because of these circumstances does not answer that q.

So evolution happens to maintain the survival of a certain specie over millions of years. Thats cool. I got that, please do not answer my question with that response.

BTW this is how i feel when sillyputty keeps asking me to prove it.
Originally Posted by sillyputty


And i find this so funny considering science should have been able to determine the quake and its effects, yet they did not do anything to prevent it. And I do not see scientology "temples" rushing with milllion dollar aid for these countries. 
I know they push a certain political agenda with their spreading of religion at the same time yet they are still attempting to better mankind. Which is far from this individual self centred view that you guys hold.
Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

Originally Posted by sillyputty


And i find this so funny considering science should have been able to determine the quake and its effects, yet they did not do anything to prevent it. And I do not see scientology "temples" rushing with milllion dollar aid for these countries. 
I know they push a certain political agenda with their spreading of religion at the same time yet they are still attempting to better mankind. Which is far from this individual self centred view that you guys hold.
I support humanitarian efforts with all my heart (the metaphorical one... 
I love the fact that these groups are going out there to aid others...but I disagree with the proselytizing to the umpteenth degree.

You don't have to believe in a higher power to do good or to contribute money for a better cause. 

I have friends in med/dental school that go on mission trips to less fortunate places and help communities and many of them are as secular as can be. 

This was a critique on merely how loaded these sorts of missions can be. 
Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by FIREPOWER23

It's clear that you do not truly understand the definition of evolution, you seem to think that evolution is aiming towards something, that it is somehow striving to become more like humans. Evolution is just natural selection by a process of surviving -There is no will or thought process involved

 -ALL species currently surviving on this planet are just as evolved as we are. A shark is just as perfectly evolved as a human being.

Apes & sharks are still evolving this very second as we type -Every single species on this earth are constantly evolving right now. They have been and will continue to evolve for millions of years.

You complain that people aren't answering your questions -it's not beacause they can't, it's beacause your "questions" are nonsensical and you can't seem to grasp the most basic of scientific phenomena.
QFE, I honestly think there needs to be a separate thread breaking down into layman's terms simple scientific concepts-Some of these questions are

Evolution doesn't happen overnight, if you put aside the erroneous claim that the earth is 3000 years old or whatever the bible says it is you can put this into perspective

To answer that question you also need to understand the PURPOSE of evolution, all living things aren't convergently evolving to become more like humans. Living things evolve GRADUALLY to better adapt to their environment

Bacteria are excellent organisms to study evolution in because their reproductive cycle is rapid
. We are in a constant evolutionary arm race with microbes, we make drugs/vaccines or develop defenses to diseases and the bacteria ADAPT to this by changing their genetic make up to counteract our defenses. It's called the "red queen effect" and it's a perfect example of evolution on a smaller scale.

SMH someone give him the survival of the fittest lecture, i'm tired
Bro.. I am from Egypt. My own country's civilization is older than 7000 years old,  i never said the earth was 3000 years old. I never said things need to evolve to become like humans, I asked specifically what specie has evolved to an entirely different specie and has produced genders with in that specie where their reproductive organs are different, yet their physical appereance is identical. I asked the same damn question 4  times now and really you guys telling me that evolution happens because of these circumstances does not answer that q.

So evolution happens to maintain the survival of a certain specie over millions of years. Thats cool. I got that, please do not answer my question with that response.

BTW this is how i feel when sillyputty keeps asking me to prove it.
I'm not even trolling, but I really and truly do NOT understand what you're asking me here. 

I don't even know if thats possible. Not saying its impossible...but I don't know if that has even been witnessed to assert how it happens in the first place. 
Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

And i find this so funny considering science should have been able to determine the quake and its effects, yet they did not do anything to prevent it.

Should science be able to predict the weather in two weeks? There are things we still don't understand, but we are TRYING. What's the biblical explanation for natural disasters? God did it.

Hears millions of peoples' prayers for Japan...
... causes another earthquake.

lulz @ you having no idea how poor Haiti is/was and why it couldn't afford to seismically retrofit its buildings. If/ when the Bay gets hit by the big one, it will cause no where near that amount of damage because of SCIENCE.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

And i find this so funny considering science should have been able to determine the quake and its effects, yet they did not do anything to prevent it. And I do not see scientology "temples" rushing with milllion dollar aid for these countries. 

Should science be able to predict the weather in two weeks? There are things we still don't understand, but we are still TRYING. What's the biblical explanation for natural disasters? God did it.

Hears millions of peoples' prayers for Japan...
... causes another earthquake.

lulz @ you having no idea how poor Haiti is/was and why it couldn't afford to seismically retrofit its buildings. If/ when the Bay gets hit by the big one, it will cause no where near that amount of damage because of SCIENCE.

I can't believe I missed this 

This dude is RIDICULOUS

In Japan the people had a 30 second warning on TV/Radio/Cell Phone due to systems that didn't exist 100 years ago. 

Thats much better than nothing and its getting better. 
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

And i find this so funny considering science should have been able to determine the quake and its effects, yet they did not do anything to prevent it.

Should science be able to predict the weather in two weeks? There are things we still don't understand, but we are TRYING. What's the biblical explanation for natural disasters? God did it.

Hears millions of peoples' prayers for Japan...
... causes another earthquake.

lulz @ you having no idea how poor Haiti is/was and why it couldn't afford to seismically retrofit its buildings. If/ when the Bay gets hit by the big one, it will cause no where near that amount of damage because of SCIENCE.
lmao wow man, did you not see the original pic that i quoted to say that? Anyway though i think its about time i retire out of here because its apparent ya'll can't stop with undertones of you guys being smarter. I cant take that bs.
Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

And i find this so funny considering science should have been able to determine the quake and its effects, yet they did not do anything to prevent it.

Should science be able to predict the weather in two weeks? There are things we still don't understand, but we are TRYING. What's the biblical explanation for natural disasters? God did it.

Hears millions of peoples' prayers for Japan...
... causes another earthquake.

lulz @ you having no idea how poor Haiti is/was and why it couldn't afford to seismically retrofit its buildings. If/ when the Bay gets hit by the big one, it will cause no where near that amount of damage because of SCIENCE.
lmao wow man, did you not see the original pic that i quoted to say that? Anyway though i think its about time i retire out of here because its apparent ya'll can't stop with undertones of you guys being smarter. I cant take that bs.
Well goodbye.
I can't expect to have a convo with someone who says we can't prevent earthquakes when all we've been able to do is to install methods of predicting them and give people warnings.

Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

Originally Posted by sillyputty


And i find this so funny considering science should have been able to determine the quake and its effects, yet they did not do anything to prevent it. And I do not see scientology "temples" rushing with milllion dollar aid for these countries. 
I know they push a certain political agenda with their spreading of religion at the same time yet they are still attempting to better mankind. Which is far from this individual self centred view that you guys hold.
I want to add to what I said above as well...
how can i support something like this?


[h2]See Pictures of our last evangelism seminar in Cameroon April 2010 where Holy Bibles were distributed to those who accepted the good news.[/h2]
Imagine living in a world without Bibles … How would you learn about Jesus? How would your faith grow? How would you give Bible studies and share the gospel truth with seekers? 

Sounds impossible, doesn’t it? Yet that’s what millions of poor Christians in Central Africa are forced to do. Thirsting for His Word, they don’t have enough Bibles to go around! In fact, many will sacrifice three days of food just to save enough money for a single Bible!

Africa is starving for the Word of God. Because of that starvation, they are turning to ancestor worshipping or any other form of idolatry.

Jesus is coming soon and we are our brothers' keeper. So Godinvites us to participate in sending his words to our starvingbrethren in Africa“How shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? (Romans 10: 14).

That’s why Bantu Hope Ministries is partnering with Remnant Publication (a non-profit press sharing Christ through the printed word for more than 21 years) to ship a container of French Bibles to Central Africa where there is a famine for this Holy Book. Only together can we make it happen.

In Africa, God’s people go days without food just for a Bible. What would you sacrifice? A week’s worth of gourmet coffee would mean 12 or more Bibles in the hands of God’s people!

Our Motto: One Donation – One Bible. Are you willing to give up a little so our African brethren can have so much? We’re asking every Christian to send a donation of $15 or more to help arm our African Brethren with the tool they need to win soul for Jesus: The Holy Bible.

Remember, your gift this year of $15 means 5 Bibles will reach the hands of spiritually thirsty souls! Please send your tax-deductible love gift online or mail it to:

Bibles 4 Africa
4636 Lebanon Pike #373
Hermitage, TN 37076


Or maybe theyre just THIRSTY. 
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

And i find this so funny considering science should have been able to determine the quake and its effects, yet they did not do anything to prevent it. And I do not see scientology "temples" rushing with milllion dollar aid for these countries. 

Should science be able to predict the weather in two weeks? There are things we still don't understand, but we are still TRYING. What's the biblical explanation for natural disasters? God did it.

Hears millions of peoples' prayers for Japan...
... causes another earthquake.

lulz @ you having no idea how poor Haiti is/was and why it couldn't afford to seismically retrofit its buildings. If/ when the Bay gets hit by the big one, it will cause no where near that amount of damage because of SCIENCE.

I can't believe I missed this 

This dude is RIDICULOUS

In Japan the people had a 30 second warning on TV/Radio/Cell Phone due to systems that didn't exist 100 years ago. 

Thats much better than nothing and its getting better. 
lol is this Onthenephs dude serious?

There was a huge storm on the east coat last week, and we had the technology to predict and warn people so they take measures to protect themselves and their family-centuries ago it would have just killed a lot of people and people like Onthenephs would have sacrificed a few first borns to God so it doesn't happen again

For someone sitting behind a computer screen, sending messages back and forth dude won't give science any credit

Did this dude just ask if we can use science to control the earth so an earthquake doesn't happen?
We haven't gotten to that point yet, that's the beauty of science the possibilities are literally endless

And funny that he should bring up scientology and AID, why do you think scientology/Xenu is less valid than whatever fictional diety you worship Onthenephs? You bring up Egyptian civilization there are theories that the Egyptian God were actually extraterrestrials, that sounds awfully similar to what scientology is based on no?

Speaking of humanitarianism, many countries with high atheists populations actually give the most aid and engage in the most humanitarian endeavors

Most charitable nations in the world

[h2]Official Development Assistance by country as a percentage of Gross National Income in 2009 (April 2010)[/h2]
To provide an alternative perspective, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development also lists countries by the amount of money they give as a percentage of their gross national income. The list includes international giving through official channels that qualify as Official Development Assistance, and national charitable giving. This list is as follows:[sup][1][/sup]
  1. 22px-Flag_of_Sweden.svg.png
     Sweden – 1.12%
  2. 22px-Flag_of_Norway.svg.png
     Norway – 1.06%
  3. 22px-Flag_of_Luxembourg.svg.png
     Luxembourg – 1.04%
  4. 22px-Flag_of_Denmark.svg.png
     Denmark – 0.88%
  5. 22px-Flag_of_the_Netherlands.svg.png
     Netherlands – 0.82%
  6. 22px-Flag_of_Belgium_%28civil%29.svg.png
     Belgium – 0.55%
  7. 22px-Flag_of_Finland.svg.png
     Finland – 0.54%
  8. 22px-Flag_of_Ireland.svg.png
     Ireland – 0.54%
  9. 22px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg.png
     United Kingdom – 0.52%
  10. 22px-Flag_of_France.svg.png
     France- 0.47%
  11. 22px-Flag_of_Spain.svg.png
     Spain – 0.46%
  12. 20px-Flag_of_Switzerland.svg.png
     Switzerland – 0.45%
  13. 22px-Flag_of_Germany.svg.png
     Germany – 0.35%
  14. 22px-Flag_of_Canada.svg.png
     Canada – 0.30%
  15. 22px-Flag_of_Austria.svg.png
     Austria – 0.30%
  16. 22px-Flag_of_Australia.svg.png
     Australia – 0.29%
  17. 22px-Flag_of_New_Zealand.svg.png
     New Zealand – 0.28%
  18. 22px-Flag_of_Portugal.svg.png
     Portugal – 0.23%
  19. 22px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png
     United States – 0.21%
  20. 22px-Flag_of_Greece.svg.png
     Greece – 0.19%
  21. 22px-Flag_of_Japan.svg.png
     Japan – 0.18%
  22. 22px-Flag_of_Italy.svg.png
     Italy – 0.16%
  23. 22px-Flag_of_South_Korea.svg.png
     South Korea – 0.10%
Yo i give science all the credit in the world man, look at the advancements humans have made in fields of technology,communication, medicine, optics, physics, chemistry all that is wicked man and has benefited man in countless ways.

Contrary to what you may think, I believe science and religion go hand in hand. I never discredited science at the same time i wont discredit faith. They are two completely different things. Now if you guys want to be so narrow minded as to accept one over the other go ahead. But do not put me in that same class.

Islam has given major major scientific advances and I am proud of that. History proves that.

What i do discredit is science as an answer for our purpose.
What do you hope to achieve by denouncing religion? you think it would make the world a better place?
Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

Yo i give science all the credit in the world man, look at the advancements humans have made in fields of technology,communication, medicine, optics, physics, chemistry all that is wicked man and has benefited man in countless ways.

Contrary to what you may think, I believe science and religion go hand in hand. I never discredited science at the same time i wont discredit faith. They are two completely different things. Now if you guys want to be so narrow minded as to accept one over the other go ahead. But do not put me in that same class.

Islam has given major major scientific advances and I am proud of that. History proves that.

What i do discredit is science as an answer for our purpose.

What do you hope to achieve by denouncing religion? you think it would make the world a better place?

wicked? huh?

Yeah...there is a difference though. Science has evidence that supports its claims followed by more evidence that either backs it up or leads to a better understanding.

Faith is just whatever you think with no evidence or reasoning behind it. 


Islam didn't make those advances. People who were muslim made those advances. Its like saying christians invented physics...no NEWTON made physics. Not christians.

I appreciate the advances that many islamic cultures made though...it doesn't make their "god" any more real or valid.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson makes an excellent point about this here:

Science doesn't assert there is a purpose unless there is evidence to support that. YOU make that claim and don't back it up.

It would at least give people a chance to stop believing things for no reason when A. many things they believe in are disproven or debunked and B. it would make them stop saying "god did it" to everything. according to you, god was responsible for the earthquakes
You're right Islam certainly did not advance science it was the people.
But how can science explain good and bad? I mean personally there have been numerous times where i wanted to chop that ki, fast money quick money. I wont lie reason i didn't is because i know my wealth is pre determined and i would rather get it in a good way then bad. But that concept exists in my mind due to my religious understanding. With out it whats to stop me from husslin? You think Jail is a punishment worthy of devastating effects on humanity? That wont stop people.. that still doesnt stop people from killing hustling whatever. I relate all my thoughts to my personal experiences so bear with me if you plan on giving me some stats. 
Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

Yo i give science all the credit in the world man, look at the advancements humans have made in fields of technology,communication, medicine, optics, physics, chemistry all that is wicked man and has benefited man in countless ways.

Contrary to what you may think, I believe science and religion go hand in hand. I never discredited science at the same time i wont discredit faith. They are two completely different things. Now if you guys want to be so narrow minded as to accept one over the other go ahead. But do not put me in that same class.

Islam has given major major scientific advances and I am proud of that. History proves that.

What i do discredit is science as an answer for our purpose.

What do you hope to achieve by denouncing religion? you think it would make the world a better place?

People having the RIGHT to OPENLY denounce religion would make the world a better place

Many scientists are religious, however their religion is not what makes their science work-Dunno if that makes sense. That's like saying my ethnicity and my science go hand in hand.

Worshipping Allah didn't create those scientific advancement, MAN made those scientific/technological advancements. Faith isn't what keeps bridges from collapsing under pressure. Blind faith isn't what's going to send this message I'm bout to type over the internet.
The bigger picture thought the ills of society would cease to exist if religion was present. And the ills of society i mean things that harm society, prostitution, killing,drugs, all that stuff. This is ofcourse a perfect utopia of a religion that is understood and followed. These bad things are not bad just because God said they are bad, realistically speaking they bring mad negative energy and consequences on humanity.
Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

You're right Islam certainly did not advance science it was the people.
But how can science explain good and bad? I mean personally there have been numerous times where i wanted to chop that ki, fast money quick money. I wont lie reason i didn't is because i know my wealth is pre determined and i would rather get it in a good way then bad. But that concept exists in my mind due to my religious understanding. With out it whats to stop me from husslin? You think Jail is a punishment worthy of devastating effects on humanity? That wont stop people.. that still doesnt stop people from killing hustling whatever. I relate all my thoughts to my personal experiences so bear with me if you plan on giving me some stats. 

Religion itself can't explain what's good or bad, religious people aren't any more or less moral than their atheist counterparts

Refer to where I said countries with a high percentage of atheists have low crime rates, higher levels of education, and are more charitable-The idea that society would delve into chaos and immorality is a common misconception of the religious delusion. There is nothing moral about crusades, war, human sacrifices, racism, slavery, misogyny and hatred-all of which have been justified by various religious texts

QUIT WHILE YOU'RE AHEAD-Don't make me start posting scripture

1-Simply because it is wrong
2-Wouldn't want people to murder me or my family
3-Jail, legal consequences

Nothing to do with God
Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

You're right Islam certainly did not advance science it was the people.

But how can science explain good and bad? I mean personally there have been numerous times where i wanted to chop that ki, fast money quick money. I wont lie reason i didn't is because i know my wealth is pre determined and i would rather get it in a good way then bad. But that concept exists in my mind due to my religious understanding. With out it whats to stop me from husslin? You think Jail is a punishment worthy of devastating effects on humanity? That wont stop people.. that still doesnt stop people from killing hustling whatever. I relate all my thoughts to my personal experiences so bear with me if you plan on giving me some stats. 

It doesn't.

Morality is defined in absence of religion. Most social animals exhibit a form of morality to incredible degrees.

Its people who worth together in communities to develop laws that define how they want to interact and customize interactions.  

Morality has developed as we have over time moved into more populated areas and stopped being nomads. We realize that other people appreciate certain actions deemed good over ones deemed bad that infringe on others. By knowing that we also have to constantly be in touch with ese people then it becomes necessary to set some rules for people to follow to make sure that we are acting in favorable circumstances. Morality isn't really as objective as you think it is. Religion makes it easy for people because if you tell them about some infinite entity with superpowers, they learn to not think beyond that and make rules themselves. Most religions sound like theyre made up by sexless misogynistic losers in the desert rather than equal rights granting, wise, and judicious individuals. 

BTW...how is wealth predetermined? So every person that got rich didn't have to work for it? If thats the case I should stop studying right now and just wait for my income. What the hell? 

Because you know the consequences that await you. Whatever your reason for not doing bad or taking advantage of drug users, you chose not to do it.

Guess what, YOURE NOT A ****. You actually care about other people and how those actions would affect those around you. 

Religion wouldn't stop or encourage you to do that...only who you are as a person and the amount of respect you have would allow for that. 

Whats to stop you? Jail? Prison? Bedtime rape? Long years? Being killed over something stupid? Overdosing? Getting caught up with all sorts of nonsense. The cons speak for themselves. 

Whether it be the consequences or the notion that you just think its a bad idea, I congratulate you for NOT doing it...but the point remains, your faith in a god didn't allow you to do that...YOU DID. 

Even if you take the stories in your religion to be allegorical and thus only metaphors without literal historicity, then you have to accept that they are just guidelines and not absolutes so you STILL made the decision on your own. 

If jail doesn't stop people do you think the notion of eternal damnation would? I mean 95%+ of all incarcerated people identify as religious...it could be to gain a favorable light or that they actually are... in any case, the fact that even a small percentage are not religious should indicate that being religious or not doesn't make you a good or bad person...

bad people do bad things. Good people do good things. 

Thats it man. Would you rather we just kill people for minor drug offenses? I mean the judicial system in this country is corrupted by corporate money already so it is not an entirely pure concept and I understand why are jaded but still, to assert that religion stops people from killing others isn't true. 

people will do it regardless. religion just tends to motivate a lot of people.

Lets say an atheist comes a long and starts killing people. Does that mean people should adopt religion? Nope not at all. It just means taht the person was a **** who deserves to be punished under the law. 

You can't associate actions with the larger context of things. People do bad things regardless. Punish the action, not the environment. 

if god told you to kill your kid, would you do it? If not, then congratulations YOU HAVE COMMON SENSE MORALITY. You know its unnecessary to cause harm to another being just because. Plus if a god existed and told me to do it, i'd tell him to go ____ himself. 
Originally Posted by sillyputty

I appreciate the advances that many islamic cultures made though...it doesn't make their "god" any more real or valid.�

Neil DeGrasse Tyson makes an excellent point about this here:
Well, to be fair, Genghis Khan and his horde ransacking the region, especially Baghdad, and burning books made more of an impact in the region.
Carry on.
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Originally Posted by sillyputty

I appreciate the advances that many islamic cultures made though...it doesn't make their "god" any more real or valid.�

Neil DeGrasse Tyson makes an excellent point about this here:
Well, to be fair, Genghis Khan and his horde ransacking the region, especially Baghdad, and burning books made more of an impact in the region.
Carry on.
Very true.
Thats what i'm essentially saying though...it doesn't make a god more or less likely...it simply says that good people did good things and bad people did bad things. 
Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

Wow man. I really thought all this wisdom you guys claim to have could answer my simple question of male and woman and yet you guys couldnt. 
All you did was give me info regarding reproduction and gene pools and all types of things. All you did was avoid my question and jump to the immediate next stage of life, reproduction and so on.

So from evolution and genetic make up and mutations SOMEHOW a woman was made? Come on homie, woman and man's build up is identical yet different. It is hard for me to understand that Man evolved from a single celled organism, and a woman evolved as well.

You want to say man evolved from ape there fore in that kingdom there are male and female, thats cool. But we are taking about origins of creation and there must have been 2 sexes for the human race to evolve.

Whatever, i know sillyputty will come in here and say where is your proof, anton will be on some this is stupid thinking, and the new dude who posted up first lecture in grade 12 biology will say some stuff.

Not to put you guys down, but this is how i feel you come off. Wisepharo said it best, i will choose to continue to live life thinking im much more complex and with a soul then just some bones and flesh wrapped around.

LOL. This is why we could be doomed. A man like this can: carry a gun, drink, vote, and reproduce.

How did I not answer your question?

Jump to the next stage, reproduction? WTH you talking about? Reproduction was happening before male and female sexes. Asexual reproduction. Reproduction is what life is about on the most simplest level and what has driven our evolution from single celled asexual reproducing organisms into multicellular sexual reproducing organisms.

Let me break it down into baby steps since your mind is so simple.

1. Lets just start at single celled organisms. Asexual reproduction only happening.

2. Through mutations evolved the ability to conjugate, and pass DNA. Allowing for better survival and to out compete those that couldn't. NOT sexual reproduction. Look up E. coli.

3. Multicellular organisms form because mutations in a few single celled ones made them realize they can work and survive better together. Look up fungi.

4. Certain cells in a group of all the same cells (multicellular) start to attain mutations that allow them to specialize into different cell types. (beginning stages of organogenesis, will lead to development of each cell in your body: heart, eye, hair, sex cells, etc...)

5. multicellular organism realizes, well if I can specialize certain cells into only performing one function then they will work much more efficient at that one thing, but we will all survive better since we can all work together, and perform all our individual functions more efficient, yet still all supporting each other.

6. Multicellular organisms still have the ability to conjugate and exchange DNA. (But, there must be a more efficient way. It's too slow.)

7. Multicellular organism has increased mutations and certain cells specialize into only transferring DNA. (pre-penis)

8. Multicellular organism has a different mutation and certain cells specialize into only accepting DNA. (pre-vagina)

9. Multicellular organism now has both "male" and "female" parts. Look at plants.

10. (no specific order) multicellular organism gains mutations that allow for: DNA crossover and DNA condensation allowing for increased evolutionary speed.

11. Beginning of sexual reproduction development: multicellular organism has the ability to grow its "offspring" inside it and or inside an "egg" Still asexual reproduction.

12. Mutations allow for one group of organisms to better carry the "offspring" (pre-female)

13. and at the same time another group of them had mutations that allowed them to better give the DNA. (pre-male)

14. These groups evolved and specialized more and more allowing for successive generations to better fit the part of "male" and "female"

15. Finally, the organisms develop a way to encapsulate exactly 1/2 of their genome into a very special cell. (sex cell) This allows for super fast evolution since exactly 1/2 of their DNA will be mixed and matched with another different 1/2 and then passed to the "off spring"

16. More mutations allows the pre-male to develop a sex cell that can transfer better (sperm) and the pre-female develops a sex cell that can better accept. (egg)

17. Boom the birth of sexual reproduction.

18. These pre-females and pre-males still look exactly the same except for their sex cells. Think of most species of insects, fish, reptiles, even monkeys. Both male and female look exactly identical.

19. More generations of random mutations and natural selection allows for specialization into finally, MALE AND FEMALE.

20. Mutations allowing for better child bearing are given to the female (female sex organs, uterus, more fat, mammary glands, etc) Mutations allowing for better sperm donation and hunting and gathering are given to the male (penis, larger, more muscle, etc)

But, essentially you have still the same exact looking organisms with a few defining features.

And, that's how you get males and females who look almost identical yet are so specialized for what they contribute to the species.



FYI: all the while this is happening organisms are evolving from single celled, all the way into modern plants and animals, becoming more and more specialized. Look at step 4.

Also, I keep putting mutations because these are random events and natural selection selects for these better and more efficient organisms with mutations.

Dude reminds me of this video. Force had posted it a while back.
it's funny how the most foundational scientists didn't spend their days bashing religion. they followed their passion.

alot of u guys are like armchair scientists. fake med students. college students who wanna be doctors. cats who hit google or wiki to provide articles for their own lack of opinion. religious extremists are as equally annoying as unintelligent people who play professor.
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