Why do you believe that there is a god?

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by So Slickening

Idk. I just feel like the universe was made and worked out so perfectly that something had to be behind it other than an explosion that put everything perfectly in place. I believe God created science, too.
So perfectly?
So the fact that a blood clot from a vein that too small means its perfect?

Congential birth defects?

natural disasters?

You know, the world wasn't made with YOU in mind. 

Additionally, you BELIEVE science created god. You can't prove it though, so why say it? Why would god create a means to learn about the world when that same god could save millions of people from dying by revealing scientific advancements to them?
Perfectly as in the universe was created, matter, a habitable planet, planets in general... just THINGS. Things with so many components that would only work in that one combination of components.

I didn't say science created God. Lol.

But uh, yeah. Arguments like these aren't gonna produce a winner. You believe what you believe, and a post on a message board isn't gonna change anyone's mind.
It is so annoying to read ppl championing the prove a negative argument. As if that's where they've cornered the atheists when it comes to the existence of GOD. Lack of belief is not the same as believing.

You think you've made some point using the standards of logic and reason but you do not even comprehend why proving a negative is an erroneous argument to begin with.
So throughout human history there have been many different deities that could be considered  "Gods".  The Greek "Gods", the Hindu "Gods, the Roman "Gods, as well as other countless amounts "Gods" from more primitive cultures ie the Gods of Egypt, Babylonia etc  of the past.  To the ones that believe in a "God," what makes yours the right one?
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

...you are officially an infidel...don't forget that.    


They don't believe in my religion, let us label and mistreat them-it's what God would want
Originally Posted by 8H2i9Frs

God exist.

lock this up.


I wish more religious people would take this approach and stop beating around the bush with their futile attempts to make logical arguments
Originally Posted by Eyrkel

Originally Posted by 8H2i9Frs

God exist.

lock this up.

These types of threads usually end up in the ditch with atheist thinking they've accomplished something by debunking a few unanswerable questions aanyways.



Na, all that these threads usually do is turn my optimism about the US into grief.

It makes me feel melancholy and scared about the technologically advanced future that I long to see.
People really are that daft though. I can't believe the guy on the last page tried to say a LACK of belief is the same as having a belief. How does that even compute
The English language, and all of it's quirks, strikes again
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey


Now that you have exposed me as not having a Bachelors, Masters degree, not following my passion and being in med school- I should say it doesn't take much intelligence and credentials to make arguments against religion

Atheists are pretty annoying, but unlike religious extremists they don't blow up market places because "God" told them to

Challenge any wiki articles that were posted and Im certain we could show you other sources

People are plenty !@++$! up without religion, Hitler killed millions. 

I swear you don't know anything.

Good people do good things

Bad people do bad things.

Oh yeah, here is what you forgot HITLER WAS A CHRISTIAN.

Have you even READ Mein Kampf? No. Exactly. Sit your sorry, jumping to conclusions ___ down. 

Here is a belt from a Nazi Uniform

Inscribed GOD IS WITH US.

Any other stupid statements
 I am convinced you just love to see yourself talk.
LOL your assertion was that Hitler's rise to power had nothing to do with religion, even the link you posted contradicts that assertion

In public, Hitler often praised Christian heritage, German Christian culture, and professed a belief in an "Aryan" Jesus Christ, a Jesus who fought against the Jews.[sup][265][/sup] In his speeches and publications, Hitler spoke of his interpretation of Christianity as a central motivation for his antisemitism,
Originally Posted by tune205

Do computer chips believe in Bill Gates? Or do they just do what they were programmed and use the science it was given?
What would you call the computer chips who were aware of Bill Gates? 

Probably will go over your heads 

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

LOL your assertion was that Hitler's rise to power had nothing to do with religion, even the link you posted contradict that assertion

In public, Hitler often praised Christian heritage, German Christian culture, and professed a belief in an "Aryan" Jesus Christ, a Jesus who fought against the Jews.[sup][265][/sup] In his speeches and publications, Hitler spoke of his interpretation of Christianity as a central motivation for his antisemitism,

At first he be like:

Then he like:

Originally Posted by tune205

Originally Posted by tune205

Do computer chips believe in Bill Gates? Or do they just do what they were programmed and use the science it was given?
What would you call the computer chips who were aware of Bill Gates? 

Probably will go over your heads 



Probably will go over your head.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

it's funny how the most foundational scientists didn't spend their days bashing religion. they followed their passion.

alot of u guys are like armchair scientists. fake med students. college students who wanna be doctors. cats who hit google or wiki to provide articles for their own lack of opinion. religious extremists are as equally annoying as unintelligent people who play professor.

Fake scientists?
I should slap you.

... I need to claim down. 

I've taken classes that made me research this stuff. I have an undergrad degree if a hard science.

I dare you to tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. 

YOu don't need a degree to learn scientific fact. 
lmao u mad honey?
slap me?

you don't know what your'e talking about.

but you are mad.

aint nobody said %+# too u but i guess hey if the shoe fits.

yea u mad

u mad?
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

it's funny how the most foundational scientists didn't spend their days bashing religion. they followed their passion.

alot of u guys are like armchair scientists. fake med students. college students who wanna be doctors. cats who hit google or wiki to provide articles for their own lack of opinion. religious extremists are as equally annoying as unintelligent people who play professor.

Youre a little too quick to judge and assume without having added any science information to benefit the discussion.
That's all i've been seeing in this thread though man.  me i'm indifferent. and i guess a few of the posters in this thread got sassy and butthurt after seeing my post
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

it's funny how the most foundational scientists didn't spend their days bashing religion. they followed their passion.

alot of u guys are like armchair scientists. fake med students. college students who wanna be doctors. cats who hit google or wiki to provide articles for their own lack of opinion. religious extremists are as equally annoying as unintelligent people who play professor.


Now that you have exposed me as not having a Bachelors, Masters degree, not following my passion and being in med school- I should say it doesn't take much intelligence and credentials to make arguments against religion

Atheists are pretty annoying, but unlike religious extremists they don't blow up market places because "God" told them to

Challenge any wiki articles that were posted and Im certain we could show you other sources
Calm down Dr. Trenchcoat. I was making a generalized observation and you obviously baited yourself.
oh and wiki articles?  come one anton really???????? i am disappoint
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

it's funny how the most foundational scientists didn't spend their days bashing religion. they followed their passion.

alot of u guys are like armchair scientists. fake med students. college students who wanna be doctors. cats who hit google or wiki to provide articles for their own lack of opinion. religious extremists are as equally annoying as unintelligent people who play professor.


Now that you have exposed me as not having a Bachelors, Masters degree, not following my passion and being in med school- I should say it doesn't take much intelligence and credentials to make arguments against religion

Atheists are pretty annoying, but unlike religious extremists they don't blow up market places because "God" told them to

Challenge any wiki articles that were posted and Im certain we could show you other sources
Calm down Dr. Trenchcoat. I was making a generalized observation and you obviously baited yourself.
oh and wiki articles?  come one anton really???????? i am disappoint

LOL Wikipedia is actually fairly accurate in certain topics, all I asked you to do is find any inaccuracies in the information that has been provided in any of the wiki articles posted and provide better evidence-That's how it works Rufio, you make a claim and you provide evidence that supports it. Pinpoint all the information from wikipedia posted in this thread, and systematically dissect all of the information for inaccuracies and then provide accurate information from other sources you have deemed credible.

I've used wikipedia to study for and ace hard science exams, clearly not all the information is inaccurate, stop acting like people are posting information from yahoo answers

And I do like trenchcoats a lot
Trench coat weather is coming back

Not really sure what baiting myself means, you questioned people's credentials and passion for science, many of whom in this thread clearly have those credentials and passion. But its whatevs, you sound kinda salty
You don't want a wikipedia article that succinctly sums up Hitler's religious views?

Therefore, I believe today that I am acting in the sense
of the Almighty Creator: By warding off the Jews I am
fighting for the Lord's work.

Straight from Mein Kampf.   Here is Mein Kampf in its entirety.  I doubt you'll even spend 5 minutes reading it.  Go ahead and and continue pretending like you even care what the source is.

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey


Now that you have exposed me as not having a Bachelors, Masters degree, not following my passion and being in med school- I should say it doesn't take much intelligence and credentials to make arguments against religion

Atheists are pretty annoying, but unlike religious extremists they don't blow up market places because "God" told them to

Challenge any wiki articles that were posted and Im certain we could show you other sources
Calm down Dr. Trenchcoat. I was making a generalized observation and you obviously baited yourself.
oh and wiki articles?  come one anton really???????? i am disappoint
 Trench coat weather is coming back

you sound kinda salty

I have no qualms about passion.  but i do question much of everyone's credentials, not due to their own faults, but due to the anonymity of the internet.
again no offense if wiki works for you cool.  I guess i'm old school in regards to my standards of research.

trenchcoats for the win.

you baited yourself.  i didnt fire shots at u in my original post but you jumped in assumed something.  

salty. never that famb.  i'm actually amused by threads like this, its good to know i can laugh at both sides. sorta like political threads

its all healthy debate man.  
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