Why do you believe that there is a god?

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

That's all i've been seeing in this thread though man.  me i'm indifferent. and i guess a few of the posters in this thread got sassy and butthurt after seeing my post

Well yes they did because even though you didn't single anyone out, everyone who has been reading the thread knows who has been posting the most science related comments, and so those individuals became defensive.

You're right about the anonymity of the internet, but then you didn't address the rest of my post where I said you don't even have to have a MD or PhD to have attained knowledge in science. I expressed that I think everyone without a doctoral degree should seek to properly educate themselves in the field.

So your comments are not only pointless, but also unwarranted since the largest contributors to the science discussion all have proven in their posts their knowledge of the science field. Which, in turn has inadvertently shown that they probably hold advanced degrees.
I agree you don't need to hold an MD or PhD to attain knowledge in science. so?  the idea is that people shouldn't parade around like they're experts in the field.  
and i guarantee you that the rants and the citations or internet articles does nothing to convince me that people hold advanced degrees in this thread.  

^^ says the person who just posted that he is in grad school with full tuition paid for (like that's special) ^^

Everyone in here that is "parading around" and discussing science knowledge has stated that they are not experts. Including me. Read the thread you ......................
awww sorry i forgot your in the Lab cookin up science. u go boy. change the world find a cure!!!!!!

im not special. you are. you're a scientist!
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

completely wrong. and i bet any money you're not a doctor, but hey keep citing wiki. cool pic bro

Find one post where I have ever cited wiki.

LOL you're not even a doctor.
Told you you were too quick to judge LOL. Let me remind you what you originally posted:

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

it's funny how the most foundational scientists didn't spend their days bashing religion. they followed their passion.

alot of u guys are like armchair scientists. fake med students. college students who wanna be doctors. cats who hit google or wiki to provide articles for their own lack of opinion. religious extremists are as equally annoying as unintelligent people who play professor.

^^Ya, that's you buddy LOL. ^^

Yes, you're right. I am in grad school I already addressed this jack ***. I never claimed to be a doctor.

says the dude who i was in liberal arts.
who said i was special?

sorry famb you fall under this un my og post:

"armchair scientists. fake med students." 

but keep trying beaver. the privilege of the blanco reeks high in u
I assumed cause you said you getting your "full tuition paid" like it's something special in the sciences. It's NOT. It would be for a liberal arts student. So my assumption had warrant.

You coming in here like you special, trying to talk !%! about students when you are a student. Like you got a MD, PhD already.

LOL ya right. Keep thinking that my friend. And, enjoy your "fully paid tuition"

I'll keep enjoying my research stipend, scholarships,and grants that pay for my tuition, rent, and put extra money in my pocket every month.
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Find one post where I have ever cited wiki.

LOL you're not even a doctor.
Told you you were too quick to judge LOL. Let me remind you what you originally posted:

^^Ya, that's you buddy LOL. ^^

Yes, you're right. I am in grad school I already addressed this jack ***. I never claimed to be a doctor.

says the dude who i was in liberal arts.
who said i was special?

sorry famb you fall under this un my og post:

"armchair scientists. fake med students." 

but keep trying beaver. the privilege of the blanco reeks high in u
I assumed cause you said you getting your "full tuition paid" like it's something special in the sciences. It's NOT. It would be for a liberal arts student. So my assumption had warrant.

You coming in here like you special, trying to talk !%! about students when you are a student. Like you got a MD, PhD already.

LOL ya right. Keep thinking that my friend. And, enjoy your "fully paid tuition"

I'll keep enjoying my research stipend, scholarships,and grants that pay for my tuition, rent, and put extra money in my pocket every month.

ok jimmy neutron you keep sciencing you ole scientist you
yup white privilege i knew it


Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

says the dude who i was in liberal arts.
who said i was special?

sorry famb you fall under this un my og post:

"armchair scientists. fake med students." 

but keep trying beaver. the privilege of the blanco reeks high in u
I assumed cause you said you getting your "full tuition paid" like it's something special in the sciences. It's NOT. It would be for a liberal arts student. So my assumption had warrant.

You coming in here like you special, trying to talk !%! about students when you are a student. Like you got a MD, PhD already.

LOL ya right. Keep thinking that my friend. And, enjoy your "fully paid tuition"

I'll keep enjoying my research stipend, scholarships,and grants that pay for my tuition, rent, and put extra money in my pocket every month.

ok jimmy neutron you keep sciencing you ole scientist you
yup white privilege i knew it


Was that necessary?
PleasurePhD' resume will partially look like this


enjoying my research stipend, scholarships,and grants that pay for my tuition, rent, and put extra money in my pocket every month.
Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

I assumed cause you said you getting your "full tuition paid" like it's something special in the sciences. It's NOT. It would be for a liberal arts student. So my assumption had warrant.

You coming in here like you special, trying to talk !%! about students when you are a student. Like you got a MD, PhD already.

LOL ya right. Keep thinking that my friend. And, enjoy your "fully paid tuition"

I'll keep enjoying my research stipend, scholarships,and grants that pay for my tuition, rent, and put extra money in my pocket every month.

ok jimmy neutron you keep sciencing you ole scientist you
yup white privilege i knew it


Was that necessary?
What's funny is that I am not even white LOL.

Mostly all of my funding is from research and academic grants, scholarships, and fellowships, but I even have a diversity scholarship LOL. 

There he goes making unwarranted assumptions, pulling ### out of his *** and trying to put people down when he hasn't even proven his credentials at all.
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

PleasurePhD' resume will partially look like this


enjoying my research stipend, scholarships,and grants that pay for my tuition, rent, and put extra money in my pocket every month.
Throughout my college career (undergrad and grad) I have worked for the Dept. of Health and CIRM.

What experience do you have?
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

ok jimmy neutron you keep sciencing you ole scientist you
yup white privilege i knew it


Was that necessary?
What's funny is that I am not even white LOL.

Mostly all of my funding is from research and academic grants, scholarships, and fellowships, but I even have a diversity scholarship LOL. 

There he goes making unwarranted assumptions, pulling ### out of his *** and trying to put people down when he hasn't even proven his credentials at all.

I love when people make assumptions about race over the internet, I'm beginning to think Rufio is BSmooth's backup SN with a different persona

Made an assumption about race
Tried to make Nigerian jokes
all that is left is an antisemitic or homophobic comment

Anyhow keep doing your thing PhD
I'm off to bed
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

ok jimmy neutron you keep sciencing you ole scientist you
yup white privilege i knew it


Was that necessary?
What's funny is that I am not even white LOL.

Mostly all of my funding is from research and academic grants, scholarships, and fellowships, but I even have a diversity scholarship LOL. 

There he goes making unwarranted assumptions, pulling ### out of his *** and trying to put people down when he hasn't even proven his credentials at all.
It seems that several posters in this topic have the power to infer race based on a forum post.
Im done too. effin ridiculous!

It's one thing to argue about science info cause I am wanting to help people understand truth from misinformation, but another thing to just argue about race, and what credentials an individual has.

Last thing I'll say is, for a scientist and future PhD I don't understand why you would even try an discredit someone who is just trying to spread their love of science. Someone who feels the civil duty to help people find truth. Trying to correct false information and spread truth because he is passionate about science.

Why would you not support that? It's supporting your career field and hopefully, passion.

As a fellow scientist, I am disappointed.
Its funny you guys just brought up this race issue, i have to adress it now because you know elephant in the room type situation. Darwin was funded heavily by the royal society, who in turn advocate elite race ideologies. If i recall the origins of species full title includes something regarding that. 
This is just the path for scientific manipulation of the human in terms to benefit society and make humans "advanced"
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

lol and your name has PhD in it. a degree you dont have. problem?
I already addressed that in this thread as well.

I'm done. If you really are in the sciences... then you disgust me.
Buried in the riducule and unfortunate insults we threw, i told you i agreed with your sentiments.

I have no issues with spreading love of science but beware the way you spread your message.

it is not duty to help people find truth for people. we are scientists not preachers.

i apologize for the personal jabs and i draw my sword down.

in all honesty, i bid you good luck and am happy that you defended your passion tonight.

defend your passion more on this board rather than insult those who may disagree.

the funny thing about the way you and anton came at me, you would never think we all come from similar fields.

good night.
Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

Its funny you guys just brought up this race issue, i have to adress it now because you know elephant in the room type situation. Darwin was funded heavily by the royal society, who in turn advocate elite race ideologies. If i recall the origins of species full title includes something regarding that. 
This is just the path for scientific manipulation of the human in terms to benefit society and make humans "advanced"
I'm not sure what the point of addressing this is. Regardless of who Darwin was funded by, it doesn't change the fact that his observations gave way to an incredible theory.

Scientific manipulation of humans to make humans more advanced? If anything, we're doing harm to ourselves from an evolutionary perspective.

Perhaps you could elaborate more? I honestly don't really know what you're getting at.
Originally Posted by tune205

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by tune205


Probably will go over your head.

Independent thought is dead. 

Most atheists are the product of other peoples ideas anyway just like most believers. This thread is full of straw man arguments and unquoted positions.

The constant bickering and thread creation about a case that has been opened for millenniums shows how tom & jerry the usual suspects are. 

As yall were tho

So people who don't collect stamps "haven't seen the light" ??? 

what is so hard to understand about people not believe in your god. There are billions who follow othe religions yet i'm the one who is misguided. 
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