Why do you hate Duke/Coach K?????

Apr 24, 2005
Stolen from Rivals....

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When his team tanked a few years ago he feigned back problems and sat out the rest of the season, so as not to be blamed for a losing record.

He looks like he's constantly constipated.

He has an unfair recruiting advantage with his numerous advertisements, namely the American Express commercial where he touts how great he thinks he is.

He coaches Duke, home to the overly excited small white nerds who lack every bit of talent but endear themselves to their fan base by slapping the floor, pumping their fists, hugging and crying with each other, all the while thinking they are the greatest gift to basketball, and subsequently end up on K's coaching staff.

He has spawned Christian Laetner, Quinn Snyder, Jay Bilas, Danny Ferry, Wojoojcheiszkkiei, Jeff Capel, Tristan Langdon, Cherokee Parks, among other annoying basketball personalities.

He cleverly avoided the Corey Maggette matter, when there were allegations that he was paid and/or received improper benefits.

Cameron Crazies like him, thus causing me to hate him, as I hate them.

He holds Bob Knight in the highest regards.

If I think of anything else, I will let you know. BTW, I don't like Pearl either. K may look like a rat, but Pearl is one.



This ought to be interesting.....
He coaches Duke, home to the overly excited small white nerds who lack every bit of talent but endear themselves to their fan base by slapping the floor, pumping their fists, hugging and crying with each other, all the while thinking they are the greatest gift to basketball, and subsequently end up on K's coaching staff.

It's not so much coach K that people hate. I just think it's the whole Duke atmosphere. Those CCrazies irritate the %$** out of me too.
I agree on Pearl, also...

However, (and correct me if I'm wrong)

Duke has won ONE title post Laettner....ONE.....you think it would be about 5 or 6.


Coach K is a great coach, an all time great....and they produce some good talent, despite what people say.


The program is made to be squeaky clean....like said, no talk about Maggete....wasn't it Duhon or boozers parents moving in the area and suddenly earningan income WELL above what they had before.

Basically, I don't like them because they're made out to be more or greater than what they are. Coach K is also a %+*! when it comes toofficiating...god forbid a call goes the other way.

then little things irk me...

like wearing black sneakers and socks...that's the Fab Five...they hated you, with a passion.

Oddly enough,

My hate for them this season has been surpassed by UNC.

In fact they are much more hateable....Hansbrough is impossible to like, Danny Green's dance, the fact that the group hasn't been pass the Elite 8, andRoy Williams is considered an all time great, with one title with someone else's players.
Well known Boston Globe columnist Bob Ryan had a few things tosay about this too:
According to the Times-Picayune's Josh Peter, in the summer of 2000 Vivian Harper, mother of Duke incoming freshman point guard Chris Duhon, moved from her home in Slidell, La., to a two-bedroom apartment in Durham, N.C. She was given a job at a firm called NCM Capital Management Company, a billion-dollar money management firm owned by a man named Maceo Sloan, among whose possessions is an autographed basketball signed by the 1991 Duke championship team, Coach K's first title squad. Workers at the firm say the job was never posted. They also allege that Harper was given a substantial raise within four months.

There's more. Peters also reports that Carlos Boozer Sr., the then-unemployed father of former Duke star Carlos Boozer, was given a job at GlaxoSmithKline, a pharmaceutical company owned by Robert Ingram, who is a close friend of Coach K's. In order to take the job, the elder Boozer relocated from Alaska.

Coach K? Say it isn't so!


that's what I was lookin for...not saying they are doing things others aren't...but when things are written like this, you think media outlets *ESPN*...would mention it, and not praise them for being such a model program

Originally Posted by allen3xis

Duke has won ONE title post Laettner....ONE.....you think it would be about 5 or 6
Hansbrough is impossible to like

Wow they've only won 1?!!? My hate for them is based on them winning all the time.

And I absolutely agree with the Hansbrough thing. He has like no facial expressions and he's just some white dude you know won't do really anythingin the NBA.
hes ugly and he finds the only balling white boys on the planet .. i hate fundamental white bball players, shane battier included
And I absolutely agree with the Hansbrough thing. He has like no facial expressions and he's just some white dude you know won't do really anything in the NBA.

Word, the BSPN hype over hansbrough is
we can throw around reasons but the bottom line is they win more than most teams do so.....
�i don't have enough time to post in here right now, i'll beback later...

but real quick:

what a pussbag.
Originally Posted by acidicality

And I absolutely agree with the Hansbrough thing. He has like no facial expressions and he's just some white dude you know won't do really anything in the NBA.

Word, the BSPN hype over hansbrough is

�I saw Hansbrough play in person last night and he's worse than he is on tv. Dude is gonna stay in college for 4 years cause he knows he'll just endup playin for the Idaho Stampede of the NBDL

As for duke, I just hate them for the overall douchebaggery. Mainly this guy
Originally Posted by allen3xis

The program is made to be squeaky clean....like said, no talk about Maggete....wasn't it Duhon or boozers parents moving in the area and suddenly earning an income WELL above what they had before.
Duhon's mom.

And I love Duke. Wish I didn't get waitlisted in HS
YO! ^ Definitely Duhon. Scrubs little brother was damn near made out to be an auxillary mascot at home games.

It's not so much coach K that people hate. I just think it's the whole Duke atmosphere


And allen... chill. Your boys won the game. It's over.

Far as Psyho T, I can understand why people dislike. Honestly, if he played for any other team I doubt I'd care for him all that much. But truth of thematter is - dude plays the game in a manner that produces given his abilities. Can't fault the guy for that.

Back to Dook. It's more so their "fans." They're usually the least knowledgable about their program's history (from my encounters) andoverall just irritate the hell out of me. DF!!!
Nah, Ant it's not about that... the history of UNC's program is incredible, I like Roy Williams..he's class all the way...

Respect both a great deal.

I just don't like this current group (has nothin to do with last year either)
YO! ^ Why dislike this group? I don't think they've done anything to warrant disdain (save for Reyshawn's under performance last season). Mostpeople don't believe this group has "what it takes" anyway (And I may be among those who agree). I don't know. Just don't thinkthey're all that hate-able. Now that '01-02 team - I hate that one with a passion. If it wasn't for Kris Lang, Orlando Melendez, and maybe BrianMorrison I'd completely erase my recollection of those bums. DF!!!
Back to Dook Duke. It's more so their "fans." They're usually the least knowledgable about their program's history (from my encounters) and overall just irritate the hell out of me. DF!!!

Supposed duke fan @ the barbershop tried to tell me the Chris Carrawell played w/ Chritian Laettner...


I see the regulars are in the building tonight....

Y'all bring up some valid points though....I respect that

Some people just hate Duke for no reason.....Just because everyone else does....

Kris Lang,
Hunter Huss

They got the mean helmets in football....
I almost forgot this %+%@# Dre likes Duke. I like Coach K, but I think he got away with murder by having that AMEX commercial, straight preferentialtreatment

his players however get far too many calls, but for the most part I like them dudes as collegiate basketball players
He has spawned Christian Laetner, Quinn Snyder, Jay Bilas, Danny Ferry, Wojoojcheiszkkiei, Jeff Capel, Tristan Langdon, Cherokee Parks, among other annoying basketball personalities.


And yes, I do wonder how Hansborough will survive in the NBA even though I am a UNC fan.
Why dislike this group?
Just one of those things...

I do like Lawson and Ellington, and Thompson...but as a whole, idk...

Usually UNC is a team I pull for to do well, but can't seem to like this group.


It's hate, but it's a hateful respect.

but yeah, some people it's just blind hate, and can't give credit where it's due.

Coach K would still be on my short list for COY this season
i don't really hate the program or Coach K, just certain Duke players. (Battier, Dunleavy, Duhon, McRoberts, Paulus, etc.)

i've met Coach K before and got his autograph and he was actually a really nice guy. i love the atmosphere of college basketball games, so i reallydon't have anything against their students/fans either (except the fact that 99% of their female student body is busted
i don't really buy into the whole rivalry thing. i'll definitely hate some of their players, but others i'll respect their game (Jay Williams forexample)

got a quick joke though: i was drinking with some of my boys on franklin street one night and somehow the movie Harold & Kumar came up and homeboy said"If I wanted to see an Indian and an Asian dude eat cheeseburgers, I would've went to Duke"
YO! ^ James Worthy and Sleepy Floyd ARE Huss. Gas House will never produce 2 better ball players.

Supposed duke fan @ the barbershop tried to tell me the Chris Carrawell played w/ Chritian Laettner...
That's my biggest issue. I'll respect the hell out of a DOOK fan older than 40. But these cats wholatched on to that Laettner/Hurley bunch
. Dudes wouldn't be able to point out Quinn Snyder in a room full of black guys.
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

YO! ^ James Worthy and Sleepy Floyd ARE Huss. Gas House will never produce 2 better ball players.

Supposed duke fan @ the barbershop tried to tell me the Chris Carrawell played w/ Chritian Laettner...
That's my biggest issue. I'll respect the hell out of a DOOK fan older than 40. But these cats who latched on to that Laettner/Hurley bunch
. Dudes wouldn't be able to point out Quinn Snyder in a room full of black guys.

I mean....I understand where you are going....

But, you can't fault someone for the time period they were born in.....

Quinn Snyder is DIRTY

He had my dude Ricky Clemons playing b-ball w/ assault charges on him and *$*+.....

got a quick joke though: i was drinking with some of my boys on franklin street one night and somehow the movie Harold & Kumar came up and homeboy said "If I wanted to see an Indian and an Asian dude eat cheeseburgers, I would've went to Duke"

except the fact that 99% of their female student body is busted

Ehh....Duke got some chick on the low....From the parties that I have attended and the people I know that gothere... Not like UNC (Y'all got the snowflake game on lock)....

nah, i'm from MD/DC, but i've lived right outside Chapel Hill for the last 2 years.

Me too....
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